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Messages - piyal_14

Hi everyone!
This time I experienced very different things...all at once!!
I felt the usual sleep paralysis and immediately I wanted to have an OBE...So as usual I tried rolling out...I did but instead something very interesting happened! I just floated couple of inches above my body and looked at the ceiling, but instead of reaching there instantly, like it always happens, I stayed where I was...I tried focussing real hard at the ceiling but I still stayed where I was before...I turned back and looked at my sleeping self...It looked like my actual body's hand was clasping my astral body...and then everything really slowed down all at once! It was funny because normally things seem very fast while in the RTZ! I was like time had stopped! I assumed that this was some sort of a void and that I could now travel to any unknown place I wanted!! So I just thought about this chat friend of mine who is situated far away and whom I have never visited...And then I felt a jolt as if I was back in my body...and then everything turned pitch black and there was a swirling sensation in my if I was being transported someplace else! And BAM!!! I was standing in a bedroom that I remember very clearly! The bed looked like someone had been sleeping there earlier...the balcony doors were open and wind coming in...curtains flying...clothes drying on a line outside...and then there were 2 cats who could sense my presence btw!! They were solid! They came near me, but instead passed halfway through my knees...And I woke up with a tickling sensation on my knees !!!
can anyone try and explain what I faced? Did I successfully come out of RTZ into the astral?
Hello everyone!
Need to tell you about this extraordinary experience I had few days back!  8-)
As usual, I projected sometime at the break of dawn. This time after I rolled out, I noticed that I was travelling faster than usual. I went out to the balcony and started flying.
Then I just thought..."why should I fly to the usual places? I should probably explore a bit more!"
And...BAM...I was there in a huge school playground, that reminded me of another place I know already. There were many small kids playing there.
I noticed two very small girls discussing things very animatedly and decided to move close to them...As I was going closer, I noticed that they seemed quite solid and I could see them down to their feet as well. The did not seem like astral beings...rather real!  :-o
Funny thing was that they seemed to have noticed me and they had shocked expressions on their faces and started pointing...I realised that I had to go and waved them goodbye as I flew away from them!
Is it possible that they were actually real people that I came across and oddly enough they could see me?  :-o 
Hi Lionheart!

Thank you very much for providing the link!  :-)
The concept of the "void" seems very interesting.
I do remember times when I wanted to get out of a dream, though I don't seem to remember myself getting into the void state at all!
Is it possible that the void state was achieved but i am not aware of it? If so then how do I achieve it the next time?
Is there any significance of this state? Is it possible that I switch to any desired dream I wish to after I achieve it?

Thanks again,

Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / 3D blackness
December 11, 2013, 01:21:27

Has anyone achieved the state of 3D blackness ? If so, then I would love to know about your experience !!
Also, how exactly can it be achieved ? I would definitely like to try !

Hi Whitewisps,
Quote from: whitewisps on December 06, 2013, 22:09:52
So after that I wasn't sure how to get out so I just kind of visualized for a whole other hour and repeatedly told myself I was coming out of my body, and trying to move my astral body. I just ended up moving my legs and arms though and it felt tingly, then numb.   

The most perfect projections come about when you tend to put your mind completely at rest. You sound like you were really anxious to get out. Let go of the anxiety!
Soon after the vibrations, you get a tingling throughout your body and that is when your mind needs to be completely calm. I think you might have attempted to move your arms and legs a little too soon!
If you are calm, soon you will get the floating sensation, and you will seem to know just when you should open your astral eyes and start moving your arms and legs!

I would say, do not get discouraged at all and keep trying! Good luck !! Cheers!!!  :-)

There was a time when I projected...there was this amazing wind outside!! I really loved the feeling of it on my face!!! Funny part was when I woke up and got to know that it had actually been raining rather heavily outside all the while!!  :-D
Yes Indeed!! Astral noises can be interesting!! Though sometimes it can get a bit scary too!
In one horrific incident I remember very clearly, I was just past the vibrational stage, somewhere in between the vibrations and floating out, when I heard this very deep male voice cursing very loudly!! The voice was almost like when you record your own voice and lower the tempo electronically!!!
After this happened I knew I was out completely, maybe floating few inches above my physical body...then I opened my eyes expecting to see something scary...but instead I started drawing beautiful golden patterns in the air with my eyes...the source of the noise was nowhere!!!  :-D
Hi Szaxx,

Thanks a lot for explaining the 3D blackness, though, I definitely want to know more about it from other people's experiences!
I shall try to achieve it soon! And hope I get my answers after that!

Quote from: Xanth on November 16, 2013, 10:51:16

My theory is that what we're "seeing" when we see through our eyelids IS NOT actually physical reality at all... you're seeing non-physically, and it's mixed very highly with what you believe is around you at the time.

Thoughts?  Comments?

Hi Xanth!
It's very true that what we see through the eyelids is not actually physical reality! many a times when I have projected, I have seen different patterns on the room curtains or the table which is actually located on the right,standing on the left! But few times I did see things intact too!
I do agree on what you say about seeing things that you believe to be there at that time!
Wow! That explains a lot! Thanks a lot Gemeni76 and Szaxx!  :-)  
It is very interesting to know that our mind is capable of such things! Though I gotta admit that in this case I was kinda hoping to hear this!  :-D

And Szaxx, could you please elaborate a bit on the 3D blackness you mentioned in your reply?

Since the time I've had that projection I kinda hoped I will be able to meet this person again soon! Is it possible that if I ask to be shown this person, I will be able to interact a bit more with him? I would really like to know!
And if it's the same guy that i met recently (I do have a strong feeling) , do you suppose he would know about that encounter too?
Hi all!

Just wanted to share an experience about my astral projection that happened a year back which i think had a hidden message for the future!

One night, sometime in August last year, I projected. I went down the stairs at home and out the balcony, where I found two other tall guy and a shorter one! I got freaked that there were other people there and started back inside and up the stairs...but they seemed to follow me. Finally, deciding to face them, I turned towards them. I looked at the taller person who had distinct intense eyes  and somehow we seemed to connect instantly. The feeling that followed was very nice and I felt perfectly comfortable communicating with this person. I also noticed that the shorter person was a faded blur. Then I seemed to come back to my physical body and it was morning!

I never understood this incident, though I knew there was some sort of a hidden message there! Nevertheless, I never seemed to forget those intense eyes!

After this happened, a series of incidents took place over the months, which included a breaking of a 7 years old relationship and meeting someone new. When I met this new guy, there was an instant connection and some kind of recognition in between us. Then I noticed that he seemed familiar because of his eyes...the same distinct intense eyes that I had seen in that projection that had taken place 7 months back! Also, he is much taller than the guy from my previous serious relationship!
Anyway, now that I am dating this guy, things seem very smooth (unlike the previous relationship) and he seems like a mirror image of me!

Previously, I have never believed in the concept of a soulmate, but this certainly seems like that! I get the feeling that I have deciphered some sort of a message that I had got months before any of these real life incidents took place!
Can anyone relate to such an experience? Is it possible to meet someone during projection, whom you are about to meet in the future?
Welcome to Dreams! / Continuing on a previous dream
February 26, 2013, 09:29:11
Hi Everyone!
Though this may not occur as anything new to many of you, I just wanted to share my experience!
Let me first tell you that I have had debates with a friend about continuing on a previous dream at will. My friend said that whenever he woke up while seeing a dream, he could continue on it almost everytime he fell asleep again. I could not do the same and so I used to wonder if I would ever be able to do that too!
Last night however, I was seeing a dream and in the middle of it I seemed to shift consciousness and realize that I was APing. I planned on experimenting then! I wanted to go back to my body and come back to the same place again. And BAM I was back. And BAM I was back in the dream again in the same place! I got so excited that I continued doing this many times!
I have seen dreams before that I would so like to continue! Hope I am finally on the right path!  :wink:

Hi everyone!
I haven't been very active on this forum lately because I did not project (consciously) for about 3 months. However, yesterday morning I projected after a long long time and it felt really good! However, the projection was for a very short time.
When I got out of body, I glided off outside my house successfully, but I came to this balcony where there were these transparent glass barriers. Funny thing happened when I leaned on them though. I could feel the cool glass completely! It almost felt as if this was my physical self! And then I bent a little and caught a reflection of my face. It was not different from my physical self at all!!
Then I realized that i was actually leaning against the glass and was surprised because I had always thought that when we are in our astral form, we can glide right through any barrier, whether that be a wall or glass!  :?
Since I could not cross the barrier, I went back to my body.
Has anyone else faced any such situations? If so then I would like to know.

Hi everyone!

I don't know if this is a common occurance for everyone, but many times during my AP I have been really confused whether i am my real self or my astral self.
For an instance, sometimes i would project and get out of my bed, but then i would feel the cool floor touch my feet and think that maybe i am sleep walking( I normally never sleep walk), then i would look back and not find myself in bed and think that i should probably get back, but when i do get back i get the typical sensation of getting back into my body, the sensation of the blanket wrapped around me etc... This means that everytime I do AP but I get confused as to which state i'm in...
Is this a common incident? Has this ever happened to you?
Hi everyone!!

Have you ever seen a lucid dream and in between realized that you are APing?
This happened to me last night...I had a lucid dream and suddenly my consciousness level seemed to change in the midst of it and then i realized that i was APing! It was pretty interesting!
Another interesting thing that i noticed was that after i woke up i didnt seem to remember much about the lucid dream, but i do remember each and everything that happened after i realized i was APing!
I found this very interesting because this was the first time that this happened to me...before this i had always projected in the RTZ...but this time i was not aware when i actually get out of the body...A lucid dream and then...BAM...there i was!!  :-D

Quote from: Stookie_ on October 15, 2012, 12:15:10
During my OBE I was in my living room and I saw that one of blinds had a broken spot on it. I looked closely at it and made a note to be sure to check it afterwards. So after I physically got up, I was sure I would see it, but it wasn't there.

A couple months later I was chasing a fly and snapped a dishcloth at it and broke the blinds exactly where it was broken in the OBE. I realized it the second it broke. I have since bought a real flyswatter.
That is very interesting! I hope someday i will experience something like that! Have to increase my concentration a bit i guess!!
Quote from: Simo on October 15, 2012, 08:25:54
Thanks!It just popped out moments after I read the post :D too much Harry Potter books I guess :D
That's hilarious! But it's actually interesting how we can relate so many things from the Harry Potter books when in our astral world...Not the dementor part so much...but pretty much everything else!!  :wink:
Quote from: Lionheart on October 11, 2012, 15:18:10
The only thing I see that makes sense here is that his friend has created an unhealthy "obsession" with his new "toy". If he has an addictive personality, than I say this could definitely happen.
I have to agree with Lionheart here...Your friend is possibly a little obsessed over the OBEs that he's had! If that's the case then he should be back on track soon! This could also happen if your friend is a bit schizophrenic...ask him to consult some psychiatrist anyway!

Quote from: Simo on October 11, 2012, 09:52:33
Maybe a Dementor sucked out his soul?
Simo I think this is exceptionally funny!!  :-D
Quote from: KarmicBeats on October 12, 2012, 17:21:33
But that is cool seeing something that was not there YET!
I have to agree with KarmicBeats on that! It would be very interesting indeed!!

Quote from: Chaos Mage on October 12, 2012, 17:26:52
I have read somewhere that a single point has thirty two dimensions.
Chaos Mage: I think a singe point having 32 dimensions could be very confusing in the astral! I wonder if that's the reason i saw the railway station located in the opposite direction! Maybe i was just confused!
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Re: Troubled
October 10, 2012, 14:54:28
Thats very interesting! You are close! Focus more on that tunnel and keep us all updated on what you find there!!
Good luck travelling!!
Wow! You mean to say that you actually woke up twice, once inside your lucid dream and once in reality!! That sounds amazing! But i'm very sure that your first "awakening" must have also felt very real!
This has happened to me sometimes too...something like a dream within another dream! The first awakening feels amazingly real!  :-)   
Quote from: Stookie_ on October 08, 2012, 11:52:08
I've seen some weird stuff in my house (including one thing that actually happened later).
Hi Stookie! It's very interesting to know that you can actually see things in advance! Would you mind sharing that instance with us if you don't mind?
Quote from: Chaos Mage on October 08, 2012, 16:50:46
So would that make our physical or bodily awareness the intensity that we focus the thirty two dimensions?  But that our mental is more like the release of that intensity and flowing in the expansion of thirty two dimensions?
Hi Chaos Mage! Can you please explain the part about the 32 dimension thing that you have mentioned?

Hi everyone!
Just wanted to share an observation which should not be new to all you astral travelers but I found it very interesting nevertheless.
Every time I am out of body, I have noticed that there are minute changes in my surroundings...For example, everytime the room would look the same, the only change would be the patterns on the curtains or the bedsheet or my blanket. Once I even saw myself sleeping in different night clothes.
I even remember the instance when i flew out of my balcony to find an amazingly windy weather, but actually it had been raining at the time...and that same day i discovered the railway station somewhere in the west, which is actually supposed to be located to the east  :wink:
It is just wonderful how you can observe such changes from a parallel universe, isn't it?  :-)

Hi all!
My last two OOBEs have been very weird. Both times i got the floating sensation, but i got too scared to leave my body so i wanted to be back...During the getting back phase however, i heard or saw scary astral beings that i managed to ward away.
What was weird both the times was, after warding away these beings i would open my eyes wide and would be able to draw these amazing golden patterns with my eyes in the dark. The first time i had drawn beautiful patterns that included a beautiful colourful fish in the centre...Last night i drew the cockpit of an airplane that i wish someone could have was just beautiful!
Soon after that i would get the sensation of drifting back into my body...
Has anyone experienced any such thing before or is there any possible explanation to these incidents??  
Why would you need drugs to induce an OBE when it is evident that a little concentration can induce it?? Moreover, drugs would induce nothing but hallucinations and you would not be able to experience the real beauty of an AP!!