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Messages - omass

Indeed, Mr. Flip... When I lived back in UK, I remember a genuine lack of interest of everything except when the new "Call of Duty" comes out, who got the most kills on MW2 and who's had the most girld. Anyone who didn't do just about that, were classed either as saddos and low-lifes, or maybe in a few rare occasions as harmless cute people...Just had to play along with that.
As for magick being too very powerful and sacred-too many people just want to find "a kvik hex 4 rvenge". I can find plenty of those questions on yahoo answers. I used to hear people say "I wish wizards of the Waverly place was real." Many people totally mistinterpret magick and all the fake magicians who claim to do real magick aren't helping the matter!

Steel Hawk...except the pschokinesis conducted by Nina Kulagina. They were never proved to be fakes and yet modern science quickly writes it off since they don't know what it is...besides, many never post their videos. Mostly only those who can't do it but want views/show off and further discredit the cause.

Beedeekin, what has a wand got to do with magick? I look at magick in the wider view of it ,meaning I attribute Reiki, Telekinesis e.t.c to the general category. BTW, why summon Vassago to rotate a piece of wood? Besides, I'd rather not do it at all-but at some point I will, for the sake of knowledge.

Dreamshards. I shall proceed to bombard you with smileys!
:-) ;-) :-P =-O :-* :O B-) :-$ :-! O:-) :-X :-D <3 XD

Welcome to Magic! / Re: Goetic-namely, Vassago.
January 28, 2013, 15:39:29
Impossible? A very interasting observation. The only problem with that is, that nothing is impossible. Now, since this isn't really my speciality, I can't really talk about this as boldly as I would like but there are many ways this is possible:
1)Let him write with your hand-automatic writing.
3)"Hearing" an inner voice.
And perahaps the hardest:
4)An *audiable* sound.
Then there are many other ways the Grimoires suggest. Untill I had a Paranormal encounter, which someone else witnesded, I too though much was impossible. Now I think it's just a question of time-which is limited, since we tend to die off within 60-100 years, more or less. But a sceptic remains a sceptic unless something big happens. We live in an interasting time...
BTW I'm pretty sure the start of the age of Aquarius is 2150...That is why some said "Dawning" of the age of Aquarius...
I recon that we will all be dead in 600 years when the muslims have their 21st december 2012...
Welcome to Magic! / Re: Goetic-namely, Vassago.
January 27, 2013, 15:55:07
He wants to do this in the physical...not astral. BTW how much magick experience have you had?
I was just answering a question about summoning Vassago and something occured to me-limits of magick. I came to the conclusion there are none. Have you ever heard about that Soviet wiman who used Telekinesis to move wooden and metal objects? That was studied in controlled conditions, but why do the modern scientists write it off so quickly?  Perahaps some may remember my post about Paranormal experiences where I over exaggerated to say ghost-busters were illegal...anyway they are non-existent but I watched a police show, Degpunkta, and it turns out our police occasionally uses psychics in Police investigations and have been for years. To find evidance. I have read books on magick since I was 8! I cast a spell in the beggining of this year. Instead of temperatures rising and snow melting, like predicted, we had blizzards and colds, like I wanted. Anyway, all of this begs the question-what do you think are the limits of magick?
Welcome to Magic! / Re: Goetic-namely, Vassago.
January 27, 2013, 12:08:45
By the wsy I do not reccommend all of those books-just a small list.
Welcome to Magic! / Re: Goetic-namely, Vassago.
January 27, 2013, 12:06:22
Have you read the Goetia? Anyhow, I would recommend a Grimoire. I have NOT done this and I'm still studing the works of other authors on other types of magick. Out of Grimoires, you could use the Lesser Key of Solomon, Grimoire of Pope Honorius e.t.c but do not use the Necronomicon. If you have not done much magic, I dare say your success rates will be somewhat limited. Alot of people tend to think that there is a "limit" to which magick can be done but I would disagree on that. Have you never heard of Buddhist monk levitation? Or perahaps telekinesis, which was studied by Soviet scientists who found no fault, and could not explain their findings. The very first spell I cast this year brought a huge snowstorm...anyway I'm going stringly off-topic here. So then, here is a list of some if the Grimoires: * The Key of Solomon
  * The Lemegeton (or Lesser Key of Solomon) also know as the Goetia

  * The Goetia or Theurgia the same as above... the Lemegeton

  * Grimorium Verum (based on The Key of Solomon)
  * Grimoire of Honorius or also called the Grimoire of Pope Honious

  * The Book of Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin the Mage
  * The Book of Black Magic and of Pacts
  * True Black Magic (or The Secrets of Secrets, draws on The Key of Solomon)
  * Grand Grimoire (or Red Dragon)
  * The Magus by Francis Barrett
  * The Black Pullet (or Treasure of the Old Man of the Pyramids or Black Screech Owl)
  * Verus Jesuitarum Libellus (or True Magical Works of the Jesuits)Supposed Fake 

  * Three Books of Occult Philosophy
  * Mysteria Magica
Along with those I would suggest the books by Cornelius Agrippa.
What do you think will happen? I can see it all coming together now...
Oh and by the way I mean the Muslim one since they started counting years 600 years after we did.
Thanks in advance.
Just ordered it and I'm wondering, is it good? What's in in? Thanks in advance!
Curses are for real. I have an apparently "incurable" disease that's getting worse every year! I never thought I was cursed until I found a really god "witch doctor" in Russia so I went to him. He said I'm apparently cursed and he can't help me. That disease started out of the blue when times were good 3 years ago. Maybe it's a curse?
I don't believe in incurability of diseases but having been to doctors from London to Riga who all say it will get worse and it's incurable... :S
Gotta livewithit.
Quote from: Xanth on October 13, 2012, 02:20:46
I find that *VERY* hard to believe.

I'm really starting to get the feeling here that you're not being completely honest with us.
Your posts are very suspicious.

Well their not ILLEGAL but their non-existant. Alot of laws are tougher here.... Im guessing they dont post that much stuff on the news about here... When all 60's and 70's openness events were taking place in the western world in the eastern world the police would quietly come to a school take all boys with long hair (suspected of being hippy and all those who were suspected with being a part of the movement taken to a nice Soviet Concentration camp and quietly silenced (not that they died peacefully)... Only now that we're in the EU are laws actually becoming fair... I remember a particulary story that my parents told me where Year 10 students were "suspected" of drawing pro-hippy graffiti criticising the government so the police came into class and took everybody away never to be seen...(That was in the Soviet Union) Although actually legal they are non-existant ... that's why I thought they were illegal. If you live in UK it's hard to understand but if a ghost appears EVERYONE(except those "witches that live in some of the countries regions in little caves but I dont want to go to them) goes to church and gets some holy water to sprinkle around their house. Anyway I basically stopped being afraid and told it to gtfo...Its gone.
Ok guys...It just stopped. I stopped being afraid and told it to get the bonk out...
Thank you all for your kind advice :D This kinda got me more into magic...
Where I lice there are no ghost hunters, illegal under law.
Everyone is heaviliy religious.
Lion  for some reason I think you dont believe me.

Thats what I was doing before it started...For 2 months of no magic in my life...and since I didnt come to magic it decided to pay me a visit...
Xanth, that is what I have been doing for the past 2 months... I have just been ignoring that •Magical•part of life. But it didnt forget me... And I havent really annoyed anyone.

I never was afraid of anything like this...well I asked my grandmother and well...she said these things run in the family and happen from time to time(my greatgrandmother who is now so old she is becoming blind because of it also says so)... I wish I could record it but when it happens its not that easy to dash throught the room, come back and film b Iut I will try.
Since I logged, thanks for the replys. Some weird stuff is happening to me now so I won't elaborate...
Thanks dude,

Well although I am so scared because of the stuff that is happeneing to me(Read The Post) I am still trying to AP.
Since School Started in September I failed...I just sort of fall asleep. Any ideas? And please reply to that other post
because I'm so extremely freaked out. I was thinking maybe deal with the astral but since I can't project it
sort of fails. Now I'm getting mysterious calls from mysterious that don't answer...
I know I've not been replying to messages and stuff or logging on since School started...I'm sorry but there's simply no time.
Now the importand bit. Some time in middle of summer I just walked along in my 2nd grandmothers farm (their all alive and well)
and I looked at some boxes and they fell. Now I didn't think much of this but grandfather blamed me and made me clean-up
the mess...Now later on around the end of the summer I had lost track of that incident. But something else was happening-my dog would walk around the apartament-
then stop and stare at something... AT SOMETHING I couldn't see. It didn't bark. And then my doggy run away and tried to get under the blanked and as close to me as possible. I was busy and didn't think of it much. Now as soon as school started it got a little more...interasting. When I'm in my room I hear sounds from the kitchen and the corridor. No matter where I am they NEVER EVER come from my room. I have some little guardian angel things there (toy doggies and voodoo dolls(haha(but they really have souls))). Then I started seeing...shadows arround corners sometimes. I got a little worried by then and decided to investigate. Well on the internet I found that I needed to beg forgiveness to god which I of course did not do since I do not follow any mainstream religion anymore. Now recently (this month) other things started happening. The dog often stares at things outside my room from my room and always comes to my room after long staring sessions. I did not think TOO much until something happened. I saw my dog staring through an open doorway and then when I looked I just saw doors opening and closing and things flying off the table. WTF.
I tell any of my friends or family...noone believes me. I was afraid. Only 1 friend has shared 1 experience with me. I was at school and me and my friend were late out. Some papers on the teachers table flew everywhere! But the thing is, that when I was 4 something similar happened. I remember it distinctly. At the age of 4 it all started but calmed down straight away. Now its back and ever as strong! Now today...aaah today....this is a rather a minor event but Ill say anyway. My phone just went mad. It kept trying to call a random numer or send an SmS to it... GUYS PLEASE HELP I AM NOT EVEN JOCKING!

Any help appreciated,



EDIT2: Oh excrement...Now I'm getting called by a mysterious caller that doesnt show up in the logs and whenever I say anything it
doesn't doesn't show the number and DOESN'T SHOW UP IN THE LOGS.
I know I've not been replying to messages and stuff or logging on since School started...I'm sorry but there's simply no time.
Now the importand bit. Some time in middle of summer I just walked along in my 2nd grandmothers farm (their all alive and well)
and I looked at some boxes and they fell. Now I didn't think much of this but grandfather blamed me and made me clean-up
the mess...Now later on around the end of the summer I had lost track of that incident. But something else was happening-my dog would walk around the apartament-
then stop and stare at something... AT SOMETHING I couldn't see. It didn't bark. And then my doggy run away and tried to get under the blanked and as close to me as possible. I was busy and didn't think of it much. Now as soon as school started it got a little more...interasting. When I'm in my room I hear sounds from the kitchen and the corridor. No matter where I am they NEVER EVER come from my room. I have some little guardian angel things there (toy doggies and voodoo dolls(haha(but they really have souls))). Then I started seeing...shadows arround corners sometimes. I got a little worried by then and decided to investigate. Well on the internet I found that I needed to beg forgiveness to god which I of course did not do since I do not follow any mainstream religion anymore. Now recently (this month) other things started happening. The dog often stares at things outside my room from my room and always comes to my room after long staring sessions. I did not think TOO much until something happened. I saw my dog staring through an open doorway and then when I looked I just saw doors opening and closing and things flying off the table. WTF.
I tell any of my friends or family...noone believes me. I was afraid. Only 1 friend has shared 1 experience with me. I was at school and me and my friend were late out. Some papers on the teachers table flew everywhere! But the thing is, that when I was 4 something similar happened. I remember it distinctly. At the age of 4 it all started but calmed down straight away. Now its back and ever as strong! Now today...aaah today....this is a rather a minor event but Ill say anyway. My phone just went mad. It kept trying to call a random numer or send an SmS to it... GUYS PLEASE HELP I AM NOT EVEN JOCKING!

Any help appreciated,

OH CRAP! Sorry I didn't mean create in "literraly and physically"! I ment like more in form of wandering energy...
Hey maybe it would be better if I just pmed you ChaosMage but I want to see what other people make of this. On one of your posts you said you created a Beast...
Could you just explain that a little? That post is dead and bringing back the dead doesn't seem a good thing to do. Besides you probably wouldn't have looked at it.
Oh and how did you do it? I have heard of Summoning Demons but never about creating things.
Quote from: Stookie_ on August 27, 2012, 15:01:27
Fearing judgement is bound to throw you into a belief-systems afterlife. A person should do things because they are the right things to do, not because they feel they're being watched. Like a christian whose principals are based on not wanting to go to hell. That's no way to live.

The idea of multiple incarnations based on past actions & needed qualities for the whole (karma) makes much more sense.

That's right. I don't fear judgement... And I think that noone should fear anything. I dont feel like Im being watched... Here I just put together my findings comparing all religions and faiths... Perahaps you are right that judgement is only there to controll us-But then I don't believe in Hell, there is no hell. Besides you just yourself-or Rather the Universal Oness judges you. But you are a part of the Universal Oness. My idea of a judgement day is not like any of the religions. Besides if you fail you can always try again at Sorry it's just so hard to explain everything on text...Besides my english is good but I don't know all the "clever" words alot of people like to use...

Volgerle yes that's right. Didn't I say that someone else judges you...I said once you die you go to heaven where you are judged but I also said that in Heaven everyone becomes one making everyone god (or universal oness is a better word)... So you are judged by Universal Oness. This is some pretty complex stuff and in this post I gave a general outline of what I believe. I could write a book about my belief of how precisely you are judged: If i could find the right words that is. You see my point? If you are a part of one big blob that is how it

Szaxxx you are right. Using the term Universal Oness is much better.

Well Killa I'm feeling sleepy. I shall read your post when I have a rest...and then answer.