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Messages - baddspellahl4

you do know that there are only three things that separate women from men right?(if you don't know what those three things are, too bad)
I can't help you on that one. I'm passive aggresive, so I'm always angry.
they took it off that site for health reasons, but if anyone has it, I would really like to see it
I nver mess with chronokinesis because I can't control it. my bedtime my be 3 hours early or 5 minutes late
when you say cheeks, i hope you mean your face :shock:
Welcome to Metaphysics! / invisibility
January 18, 2005, 22:11:13
yes, we are now going to talk about invisibility. The nature of invisibility is from "blocking out light and it's many spectrums ", like a cloud blocking out sun light on your world. When light is blocked out things become invisible or unseen. The same way the key to invisibility is the cloud's, but we are going to use your auric cloud. That is this auric or photonic clouds that is around your body or object. Now again, visualization, feeling, and color, come into play.

One: color that is very good for invisibility is black and the other is indigo dark blue, yes, black is a color as well. This vibration can counter act visible light, for black is the "INVISIBLE LIGHT". What we are going to do is pretend again. Just see that you have aura around you and feel its presence heavy or light. Now see your aura change in color from its known whatever natural color it is currently radiating and change that natural color into "BLACK ". Now your aura is black in color, or make it indigo black, that is OK to and feel that in your mind and form that you have done it, see it with your visualization skill.  There is no wrong way, your black aura photonic artificial created clouds can be close to your physical form or twelve feet away from your form. It can be thick or thin, as long it envelopes your entire form with it black/indigo color, remember your aura is still that same color, but this black aura is actually a phantom or photonic generated artificial created aura or energy shield fields that you visually created that is designed to block out light, and harmful matter and energy that you don't desire to experience. So once light is block out, thus you become invisible, peekaboo we don't see you. Now pretend that you can't be seen, that light can't find you, so you have been shielded from the light, so no light is radiating from you either, or the environmental light is now being blocked out by your shield and thus there is no light reflection from the environment to you and you to it, so you become invisible through your artificial created auric phontonic shield. Now you see everything but everything can 't see you, there is no light reflecting from you, it is blocked. It is like a TWO WAY MIRROR, YOU CAN SEE THE OTHER PERSON AND THEIR ENVIRONMENT BUT THEY CAN'T SEE YOU. Now the application of this cloaking technology is many. It goes even further then invisibility, with your newly created invisible auric shield. You can also stop bullet, and bad energy as well. This shield can be use to levitate or shield you or your friend from any harmful reality that normally you or your friend's would end up dead or badly injured in the experience. Yes dear heart the shield can be used to stop bullet from a gun or a rocket from a rocket launcher. Since the shield is made from photonic energy of your thought and auric field it affects matter and energy around it. Guns, computer, electronic gadgetry or electrical based powered technology will not work around you, once you activated your shield, even your car won't start. For example dear heart if someone shoots you, your shield can freeze automatically the bullet in mid air because the photonic cloud affects both energy and matter and will obey your desired wish and thought. As the photonic cloud generated by your visualized thought process, can materialize any object of your desire, even another human beings, angels, food, technology, gold, metal, animals, etc. This is what we call materialization technology. The phontonic cloud is all around you, it is your aura. So you see you are a divine CO-creator of the many infinite universe' s and also it's many infinite wonderful spiritual and physical creations. You have no limit, just like us the guardians force also. So you can direct your artificial photonic auric cloud to cloak a house or a particular environment, even angel or other advance being even with auric vision can't see it only if you want them too. So dearest this cloaking technology has many useful path to enrich your life.
We now give this to you also. Use it well. Also don't forget your cloud is alive and you have to build a relationship with it (talk to it with love, feeling, compassionate energy, and light). For it will become your best partner during situations, so be friendly to it and give it a name and treat it with respect. You are Batman and your cloud is robin, the dynamic duo. Your clouds is very conscious and aware, so see it as equal to you and also it is an angel to you. Also remember it is your family. Love it and respect its existence so that it will support you and your safety, for the cloud will save your life or the life of your loved one in situations that you yourself wouldn't normally get out of. Don't forget your cloud can change shape as well as color, you can illuminate your environment with light that everyone (like a light bulb) can see, by changing your cloud color from black into the visible light spectrum, red, orange, yellow blue, green, white, etc., any color beside black or dark indigo. Dearest that means you can brain wash people that you are from other worlds and that you are angel, as well, make it up as you go along dearest, be creative with your new technology super power skill and gift, again dearest. Remember the golden rule for all light beings throughout out the many infinite universal order that is " DO NO HARM TO YOUR SELF AND DO NO HARM TO OTHERS" . We now take our leave dear heart Selamat Jarin, light being. Be one and be in joy for together we are victorious.
I can look at a wall and see the same thing, but I never really pay attention to it.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Controlling the weather
January 18, 2005, 21:57:02
obviously trying atomokinesis now is a really bad time to start. try to make the weather better though  (betcha can't say that 5 times fast)
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Clairvoyance techniques?
January 18, 2005, 21:52:10
I'm a clairvoyant. The best way is to start with zener cards. I practice alone, but you might want ot practice with a friend. clear your mind and let your thoughts wonder. after a while a shape should pop in your head. it works 90% of the time for me
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Hey
January 18, 2005, 21:45:49
My I'm baddspellah and I'm new here. None o you know me, unless you are from web whiz forums(I'm known as spyrokenesi35 there). I have many things to tell you and before I end up getting in a fight with someone and get banned, I want to tell you that all of the stuff I post is factual. trust me, some of the stuff I post is SERIOUSLY unlikely. I don't know if there is a forum to introduce yourself in, so sorry that I don't know of one(I posted here b/c I'm probably going to be here the most). So, can someone tell me what's currently going on here.