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Messages - Windameir

Please share your meditation techniques and any Led meditations that are good that could be downloaded I would love to have a good list accumulate here to choose from

Much Love
Happy Travels
Hi to All! [:D] I have been away for quite awhile (about 6 months) and thought I would stop in and say Hello. I see lots of old friends are still here and lots of new ones have arrived while I was away. Hope all is going Well for everyone and you are all making progress. Let me in on anything really good I might have missed [:D]
Love to All
I seem to recall more dreams around the time of and especially the night of the full moon does anyone else have this same experience?

I would also like to hear if you have other hightened experiences related to Astral Projection and the Full moon.

Happy Travels
Yee Haaa!
Quite a while ago it was suggested that we ask our Local Librarys if they would be able to get a copy of Roberts Latest Book it would help boost sales and people who couldn't afford to buy it would have access to a copy, Well I made a request shortly after it went to print to the Butte County, Oroville Branch Library in (USA) and asked if they could get a copy of PPSD well  they are a pretty small Library and they said they would try but they would probably might have to borrow one from another branch Library. Well quite a bit of time had passed and I had just about given up hope when I finally got the letter in the Mail yesterday and when I went to check it out they had received the book as a gift from the Oroville Friends of the Library.

Well thats one down" border=0> anyone else had any luck getting it into their Library?It can't hirt to ask, lets see if we can boost Roberts book sales a bit." border=0>

Happy Travels
This morning I finally succeeded, at least partially.... During two seperate dreams this morning I became aware I was dreaming but I was only able to watch,  I couldn't control or affect the dream in anyway. Im thinking this is a step in the right direction at least I became aware that I was dreaming while I was dreaming if ya know what I mean" border=0> Yee Haaa!  but I would really like to hear any advice that you experienced Lucid dreamers might have to offer that might help me take control durring my dreams.

Happy Travels
I have been following the advice in Roberts book but Im not feeling any sensations with my primary energy centers. I felt plenty of sensations when I began work on my secondary system. I would be gratefull for any helpfull advice you might have to offer.
Thanks in advance

Happy Travels

To make the best better
Howdy All" border=0>

I was laying down meditating last night and I started feeling this weird sensation Ill try to describe it... this might sound kinda weird..but here goes....It felt like....If my body was a Cake pan (grin) you know the flat rectangular kind about 2 inches deep and you filled it with about a quarter inch or so of water and began slideing the pan back and forth slowly on the counter so that the water sloshed from one end of the pan to the other. My body felt like it was the water in the pan.  I was thinking that this might be the begining to full body vibrations but I couldn't get the sloshing/vibrations to go faster..
Any Ideas ??

Happy Travels

To make the best better
I have been working with NEW everyday for about a month now. When I first started I experienced quite strong energy sensations while doing stirring, brushing and wrapping actions, after about the third week the sensations, particularly of stirring especially began to get more difficult  to sense. The brushing action when used across my feet (from little to big toe and back) still produce a fairly strong response. And the wrapping action is still effective although not as noticeable as when I first began NEW.

Is this a fairly normal progression for Energy development?

I understand that blockages and energy resistance can cause strong sensations but I am also under the impression that you should become more aware of energy movement as you progress.

Happy Travels

To make the best better
Many thanks Michael_E for all the links to check out, and to shamam for the great discriptions. I will certanly see if I can pick up a copy of Meditation for dummies [:D] But your fine discriptions have given me much to [:)] Meditate upon [:)]

Thanks to All
Much Love
Happy Travels
Thanks The AlphaOmega

Thats the most simple and straigh forward aproach I have heard although I need a modified position (IE my back is a Disaster)Meaning I can't sit in the classical position. My Recliner will prob do nicely tho.

Thank you for your response

Much Love
Happy Travels
Hi Jilola,
I think you might have missed a very important point You said

"But when you think about love earned there's always the notion of obligation. "I did this and that and now you gotta love me."
I don't think there is a way to force someone to love you.  

And the thought of obligation has no place in Love it is freely Given and Received and should carry no thought of any kind of reward or payment. But I think you can earn Love by kindness, careing, going out of your way to make someone feel loved or just feel comfortable, make them laugh, make them a special suprise dinner, ever make a bath with candles and bubbles for your special person?(Man or Woman) You might try something like it after they have put in a hard day, but remember expect noting in in return ...... you might be suprised by what you receive.

Much Love
Happy Travels
Welcome to Astral Pulse Island! / Astral Locale
January 24, 2004, 15:13:25
Great story [:D]
Its quite possable that a helper, permanant resident of the Non Physical environment, or Part of your higherself what I would call a guide was trying to help you get out of your body. Have you been thinking about visiting the Island a lot?. Its sounds like you were so close but just got a little excited.

I have read so many accounts that have this same type of experience described. Sounds like your doing great! good luck and remember there is nothing to be afraid of, If for some reason you get scared just project the feeling of love at whatever is scaring you and that should take care of it.
Hi All, Happy New Year Soon to all which it applys too..On the subject of songs stuck in the head I seem to remember Robert Bruce giving some good advice for this in Astral Dynamics does  that sound right? ..
If someone remembers it better they could expand on it for Squeek Ill see if I can find it.
Frank Gosh I just gotta say I envy you, you seem to have the nack now to focus on the nonphysical using just about anything "grin" I have been busy reading Bruce Moen's books he's got me really fastinated now

Happy Travels
I just read Bruce Moens first book and its hard to jot down in short terms but ill try,a disk is from my understanding a gathering of many individual distinct human personalities feeling emotions IE everthing that makes up a person without a body If I understood correctly there are many disks each connected by something like a silver cord or filiment connected to many more disks ect. Inside each large disk are maybe thousands of small disks each an individual past or future self of the original. If you really want to understand Get Voyages into the Unknown by Bruce Moen or find him on a chat he has one every third thursday of the month I think. Hope that helps
Happy Holidays or go see one for yourself" border=0>

Happy Travels
Hi all
I just finished reading Voyages into the Unknown by Bruce Moen (great book btw)  he spent quite some time at the Monroe Institute, Gateway Voyage and Lifeline Programs where he learned or began to learn at least to phase to the different levels. If I remember it right he had a great amount of trouble in the begining and couldn't "see" anything but felt or could sence impressions, he  was first taught to comumicate with symbols or combinations of thought seens (hope Im getting this across right I should quote the book but don't have the time right now) In his book he said that Bob Monroe came to him from the Astral to incourage him to write about his experiences how cool is that ?" border=0>

Moens 3d blackness is a state which you can use as a kind of starting point his instructions were to look for slight differences in the blackness and move into them they are like tunnels or the Window that Frank once discribed using to enter the astral.

Bruce Moen has Astral experiences that span at least the past so I believe your right we are only subject to the constraints of linear time on the physical plane the astral transends this barrier no mater how we enter it.
Happy Holidays to all.

Happy Travels
Well its too bad ya didn't take the time to chat with this morphing human alien camel entity or whatever it might have been but I have to say you faced up to what ever it was with what seems to be great courage in facing it weather you destroyed it or not especially with it being attached to you like that. Well hopefully you can ask a few questions next time first but sometimes don't ya wonder if our higher self doesn't know whats goin on anyway? Happy Holidays!

Happy Travels
Hi and Welcome Bruce,
Glad to see you here and I hope you will return to continue to provide advice for all of us the "Gang" at Astral Pulse" border=0>
Happy Holidays!

Happy Travels
Tracy unless someone can tell me why its impossable I think ill continue to beleive its possable to fly with friends.

Long Live Aragorn! Long Live the King" border=0>

Happy Travels
I think Donna is on the right track when she mentioned vibrational rate Monroe stated that everthing is made of (energy) in different vibrational states, to be able to control your own physical vibrational state would be an incredible feat.

Happy Travels
Tracy Don't ya just love the Hobbit and all of JRR Tolkens Stories I sure Do
Gee Would someone come on by and get me on the way to stonehenge Still workin on gettin out an don't want to get left out" border=0>
and Hey Frank  will ya find out what Helen wants She Keeps SCREAMIN on the board thanks Happy Holidays To All !!!

Happy Travels
Happy Birthday!  General-Army gonna have a new driver on the road huh? Ok ill look out for ya" border=0>

Happy Travels
Try the Main Robert Bruce Intreviews Archive look under vesselinpeev she has a website with most of roberts interviews Archived sorry but I didn't have time to look up the exact link hope ya find it good luck

Happy Travels
Hey Alpha
Im thinkin this thing was just lookin to hitch a ride ya could of been a nice bloke an asked where he wanted to go instead of tryin to blast him with lightning" border=0> so what if he was a little down and out an only had some skin and half a body ...... but then again, ya never know with hitchhikers" border=0>

Happy Travels
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Dream Log
November 25, 2002, 10:19:03
Itay Shahar
Yes a dream journal is a great Idea but you don't have to go into great detail in the middle of the night just write down short phrases to help you recall the rest of the dream and fill in the gaps in the morning. Another suggestion might be not to tell yourself to wake up to write your dreams down but tell yourself to become more awake "in" your dream as in a lucid dream or try focusing on a single object in the dream as this usually brings about more clarity. Its even possable to project out of body from the dream state" border=0>

Happy Travels
Nice Link with lots of good info thank you

Happy Travels