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Messages - undeadrat

Hey all,

 I was at a book store a few weeks ago, and I decided to ask the dude at the counter about astral travel. As it turned out, he actually teaches a class on the subject and he recommended I check out Robert Bruce's book. So, I took it home (after buying it javascript:emoticon('8)')
Cool) and started reading it that night. I then meditated trying to project, but nothing happened other than I felt energy waves running up my spine.

  When I woke in the morning I laid in bed and dozed for a bit. I was then able to project out of my body, although I don't remember what "method" I used. I didn't feel vibrations; I just went out. I knew I was standing relatively close to my body behind a wall, so I decided to move away from it so I wouldn't be pulled back in.

  I then found myself in a city; actually in a warehouse district of old converted warehouses (we have a couple of these districts here in Minneapolis / Saint Paul). I noticed that there were these two diagonal streets that converged into a "Y" shape, and that there were buildings in the area -- businesses and such. So, being rather silly (I get that way when I project... rather fey-like really) I decided to sit in the street and let the cars drive through me. It was cool and somewhat amusing... But then I noticed something happening on the sidewalk.

  The bank was being robbed, and a couple armed men were leaving, firing their weapons (one had an Uzi). There were people on the street, and a woman was killed by the gunfire. I watched her leave her body, and she was simply a globe of white energy. So, leaving the street behind, I walked over to her to try to comfort her. She was very confused, and couldn't form into a recognizable body; she wasn't comfortable with the sphere shape. She asked me if I were dead, and I told her I wasn't; I was just visiting. And the person she had been with, perhaps her Mother (or a close friend) was grieving for her. So, we moved over to her, and she felt our presence. She actually hugged me, thinking is was the person who had just died. I let her, as I thought it didn't really matter it was me and not her friend; the important thing was for her to feel her friend was safe (she was actually floating jest next to me so was hugged as well).

  Shortly after that, she was able to find her human shape and so became human. At that point she understood that she had died, and was calm and actually rather happy and peaceful. I told her that she could go into the light, and then I went back to my body and opened my physical eyes. It was really a good thing, and I was happy I was able to help someone who had just passed beyond the veil.

  I haven't had a conscience OBE since then, but I really hope to soon.

  Namaste 8)
For me, astral travel is about many things. I agree with the people who said they AP out of curiosity and to know what else is happening in other dimensions. I also project to find Wisdom and spirit guides, to learn more about myself, to just simply play, and to help in spiritual healing. One of the ideas I've really liked is the idea of the Shaman standing between this world and the Otherworld and journeying to heal others.  One time I astral projected and I scooped this black junk from my abdomen; around the lower left-hand side. I'm not sure what is there besides intestines, but I'm quite certain I scooped out something that could have been quite bad. So, I think the thing that drives me most is the healing aspects and the desire to get closer to Spirit. I only wish I could do it more.

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Astral Projection in Music
February 13, 2005, 03:04:00
Here's an obvious one: "Thinking is the Best Way to Travel" by the Moody Blues. It even has some astral "beep" noises in it.
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Greetings
February 12, 2005, 13:24:45
Hi Major Tom,
  Thanks for your response! I'm don't think of myself as that expereinced or knowledgeable as of yet because OBE isn't something I can do at will. Most of th etimes I've been out its been a spontaneous thing, which is fine. I'm just trying to learn to do it at will, and then learn how to go to where I want to go. Typically, I play in the clouds or do something that seems pointless (whether it is or not I really don't know). The last time I projected I was able to help a woman who had just been killed during a bank robbery. I was lucid, and able to see and speak. And I wasn't in an overly "silly state," although I was just before I saw her leave her body. So, I'd like to be able to do more of that sort of thing; help people, find higher Wisdom for myself, and have fun as well.  So, really, in my mind I have a ways to go and quite a lot to learn. But hey - its all good!
  Thanks also for the book recommendations. I've read Monroe's first book - it was actually the first book on astral travel I read (that was like 15 years ago at least). Its a very good book for describing the excursions, but I didn't get any technical help from it. Although, I have discovered just reading about it can do a lot to help you along your way.

  Thanks again, I look forward to exploring this board more!
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Greetings
February 12, 2005, 12:59:19
Greetings! I found this website and board after buying Robert Bruce's book at a local Occult bookstore. I've actually had several OBEs, but not for quite some time, and so I inquired at the store about classes and books. The person I talked with just happened to be the one who teaches these classes, and recommended the book, so I bought it and started reading it that night. The next morning I had an OBE, which was really quite cool as I wasn't sure if I'd ever get out of my body again. So, now I'm working on meditation each night and trying to learn how to "build a bridge" between the astral and conscience levels. I'm confidant I'll be successful, but like many people I want it all *now* <g>!
  Currently, I can get to the point where I feel myself become very light and I see flashy lights and I hear an occasional sound. But that's usually as far as I go with it; I'd like to learn how to achieve the next step which I assume is an astral projection. I also want to learn how to travel to higher Realms than the astral, and experience more of what's out there. Because of prior OBEs I do know there's Truth to this, so at least I don't have to fight any doubts. But getting to that next level would be most excellent. If anyone here has any suggestions I'd be quite happy to hear from you.

 Thanks! And merry meet!