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Messages - MrBurgo

Welcome to Metaphysics! / Urania and Milton
February 23, 2005, 05:13:23
ooh very tempting!!! :wink:
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Urania and Milton
February 22, 2005, 23:04:43
Spanking!!! lol :wink:
I looked into it but not fully understood...Please Explain :)
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Destruction of Vatican
February 18, 2005, 21:34:07
Don't you get it.
Mohamed is not responsible for the Koran.
It was written by a group of Jews as they refused to accept Jesus as The Messiah.
Mohamed acknowledges Jesus, Muslims reject him & so do Jews.
I personally don't like Islam but because i have met & known some beautiful people who are Muslims you have to look past that.
The Koran Like the Bible depends on how it is translated.
The Holy Bible talks of God sending people to kill others so in reality both are as bad as each other.
The Christian Faith isn't the true faith either because its basis is MAN MADE RELIGION.
I have my beliefs on the God of the old testament but as not to offend anyone I wont say.
The best way is look at the god of the old testament & the God of the new testament and you would swear they where different beings.
God of old testament is constantly breaking his own commandments, God of the new testament is God that dwells in every living thing, He doesn't just live in man he lives in all his creation.
How is it known that it wasn't taught???

Perhaps you where there in a past life??? lol

Love & Light

No the Catholic Church was Kicked out of England..St Abbeys Ruins are a example of this....I was Born in England & have visited these places.
You are right about the divoprce part but a huge part was Money.

Its back there now but look at england & Ireland!!
Technically not protestant...Well we ain't Catholic.
The Church of England is totally separate to the Catholic Church.

Aaaaghh i have had enough of religion...who cares its all a load of crap & not one religion on this earth has the truth otherwise there wouldn't be so much crap in the world!

Love & Light
Look the fact we all accept is That God Unconditionally Loves us All???OK

We are sent to Earth to learn lessons that can only be taught here on Earth???OK

Now if there is no reincarnation then all those people who take their own life's or those that commit horrible crimes or those that are innocent & given death penalty's etc or who are murdered possibly have not learned all lessons required to ascend.

Bearing in mind that A lot of these lessons can only be taught here on Earth wouldn't it seem more feasible to give these people a second chance than just stay at the level they are at for eternity??

There are documented cases of reincarnation...Children knowing things or that say no my name is????
A movie was made on one such case but I would have to ring my mum to find out.

People undergoing regression therapy etc...I myself have experienced this & what I saw was not made up because to many things fit into place for me.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Destruction of Vatican
February 18, 2005, 19:43:11
I am a Christian by name & Faith.

Read The Koran, being pretty sure isn't sure??


Isn't that what your doing as well???

Love & Light

It is a Church of england Bible....

It is a falsehood that reincarnation was not in the Bible...

"They will wander to & Fro" is still in todays New Testament.

If eternal Hell is a lie how much of the Catholic bible can you believe???

Lie once & you will lie again....

Jesus destroyed the Temple(Church) 3 days later he restored it in Man...(The Body is The Temple or church if you like) 470+ yrs later the Catholic Church was Born.

They Call the Pope The Holy Father!!! lol

Holy Father as I understand means God, well thats who I talk to when I pray.

Where you aware that in 1998 in America they appointed a new pope???
Pope Pius Xiii because they reckon the Holy see has been vacant for over 40 yrs...Check it out on Google!!

The Catholic Church blames Luther for protestants but in actuality it was Henry viii who started protestants by kicking the Catholic Church out of England mainly because the Catholic church took to much money out of England back to Rome.

I know my history & The Lord knows the rest between us.

I personally don't care for reincarnation because I'm going home when I leave here but what about all the Earth Bound Spirits???
To many people have experienced these so called non existent things for religion to say its false.
I will however keep an open mind but for religion...NO THANKYOU..Been there .. Done That.

Love & Light To all mankind

Welcome to Metaphysics! / Destruction of Vatican
February 18, 2005, 18:39:44
Mohamed was a prophet of God & now ascended Master.
A lot of people still believe he is totally responsible for the Koran etc...He is not.

The idea of telling Muslims about Jesus Christ is a good one but it is inherently WRONG for man to shove this down peoples throat.
It was Bible bashers & Urantia Book Bashers that turned me off Religion full stop.

I love Jesus Christ but to many Christians focus on his Death & Sacrifice rather than the true reason he came & that was to bring love & forgiveness from the father to mankind directly.

It was Mankind that Killed & Tortured Jesus not his father & once Mankind realizes this we can ALL move on.

A lot of SO CALLED revelations are coming out at the moment bringing forth with it pain & suffering when they don't happen.

The Truth is we have what we need right now but to much bitching ALL OVER THE WORLD & POWER MONGERING ON THE PART OF THE USA Government is stopping it.



I served with pride in the Royal Australian Navy but left after my 4 yrs due mainly to the fact I could not justifiably kill someone & because I lost my faith.

YOU try loving someone who rescues you from a tyrant but then ACCIDENTALLY KILLS YOUR FRIENDS & CHILDREN then says it was an accident.

There is a lot more to Iraq than Freedom & oil & those in the know can see this.

Its Still about Control in the guise of freedom.

Beware they will come as Wolves in sheep's clothing.

The enemy has many tricks & he can raise his energy levels very easy.

I'm not saying GW Bush is the enemy because lets face it if you listen to some of the statements that come from his mouth you would have to say hes a clown.

God Creates....Satan Imitates

The Problem isn't Muslims or Islam or non Christians... The problem is the WHOLE of Mankind.

We will all find out the truth one day if not here then in Heaven because there is no hell only here on Earth & i have escaped mine by giving up Drugs & Alcohol.

Love & Light

There are some lost Books as my mother has a 100 odd year old bible that is completely different to that of today!!!

Not known to many but reincarnation was in the bible till the catholics decided to lose that bit otherwise they couldn't control people by threatening people with eternal damnation in hell.

Just another way the great catholic church has deceived man & still does but for how long....ummmm

Love & Light

Welcome to Metaphysics! / Destruction of Vatican
February 18, 2005, 15:38:06
The Bible also endorses Murder to...Though shalt not kill??? yet the God of the bible in the old testament is always breaking that commandment...
Thats why I believe in the Inner God that doesn't endorse Murder & seek Truth through Jesus Christ...
Its Christian Man that says Muslims are Wrong etc not God Or Jesus for the Answer to that simply is Love as I have Loved you.
Two Wrongs never did & never will make a right.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Destruction of Vatican
February 18, 2005, 15:28:55
Where have I been???
I have Muslim friends!!
Have you Read the Koran???
With arrogance like what you write no wonder they don't like western society!!
Perhaps its about time People stood up & called for sanctions against the USA until it TO SURRENDERS ITS WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION.
If the USA kept its nose in its own backyard instead of sticking its nose over other peoples yards then just perhaps the world can find peace.
Worry about whats happening in your yard my friend but don't come into my yard because i to would seek revenge.

America Does Not Own God, Lord Jesus Christ perhaps its about time yous realized that.
The radicals have a Jihad you say???
Americans Have more Nuclear weapons, biological weapons etc than any other country on earth....Hate for them to blow up in your backyard...
Welcome to Astral Chat! / number prompts
February 18, 2005, 01:40:15
  I keep seeing the number 666
I had an 11:11 prompt
Was born on 10/10

Does this mean anything or should I just carry on regardless???

Love & Light

Welcome to the Healing place! / Oh my neck
February 18, 2005, 01:32:43
I have a slipped disk in between my shoulder blades & when I wake up I can hardly move without pain.
Would appreciate some help if possible


Love & Light

Each to their own

God never brought in religion Man did

Jesus destroyed the temple then 3 days later restored it...He never restored it in Buildings or Groups but rather in man himself...My Body is my temple(Church).

I to am enlightened & don't need religion(Man Made) I do need the religion of Jesus Christ which is be kind to your fellow man etc love as I have loved you etc...not sectarianism...

God never wants to control man hence free will...He does however want us to come to Them Freely (Father Son Holy Ghost & Mother)  There can be no son without a mother!!! :wink:

Love & Light

Quote from: NeoSaturnhahaha! signing a contract for religion? that IS retarded, but of course when you are as enlightened as me it's not too stupid

Please explain!!
Why would I hurt you Brother Neo???
I agree religion is ALL about control...

God Bless you

Love & Light

If We did get married in the Catholic church & had children we would have to sign a Piece of paper declaring any children we have would be brought up Catholic hence we got married in the Church of England or as it is here the Anglican Church....They gave us both communion(My wife is Catholic) And Received a blessing & no contracts to sign apart from the wedding papers and it was all before God...
Latetr a catholic priest said our marriage was not recognized by God because it didn't take place in the catholic church....You ask me why I hate Catholicism!!!!
The Catholic Church DENIES man what Christ gave freely to ALL men unless your Catholic of course!!!

Love & Light

I went to Church with my wife & was told I could not have Communion.
We got married & wasn't allowed to get married in a catholic church
because I'm Church of England.
Was told by a catholic priest that Only Catholic Who go to the true church go to heaven.
They call the Pope "Holy Father" lol what an insult...God is the Holy Father end of story.
Pope John Paul ii is a great man but just that he is & will never be the Holy Father.
I pray to the Holy Father through Jesus Christ I don't pray to the pope.
Catholics place more emphasis n the Blessed Virgin Mary than they do Jesus hence Hail Marys etc(Jesus is mentioned once).
Catholicism is the problem of all religions in this world...

They have appointed a new pope years Ago (Pope Pius xiii) (Father Robert Lyons)He is in America...check it out on Google!!!!

My wife is Roman Catholic so its not the people I don't like just the Heresies that church commits.

The Artefact's from Egypt and other places the Catholic church has STOLEN.

I could go on & on & they are all True Facts!!!

Love & Light

Well I hope Catholicism is going down....
I bonking h8 that religion
Bring on the personal attacks NumbNuts :D
I have the Facts...
Everybody goes to Heaven...Everybody(AN EXTREMELY Small percentage will face spiritual death)
I got my Facts Directly....Where do you get yours???
From A book???

Catholicism is going Dowwwwn

Religion will NEVER own Lord Jesus Christ EVER
Jesus Said..I am the Truth, The Light...The Way...Never did he say the Catholic Church is those things....Man puts God in buildings, I put god inside me..

Praise the True Church.....The Body is the Temple....Look after it

Love & Light

My Lord!!!! :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:
          I just found this post & excuse my German but what the &^%*?
Catholicism is one of the most false religions on this earth teaching unless you are a catholic you will go to hell.

Hitler a torch bearer for Jesus again what the &*^%,Holy S**t, like too la fong.
Apart from the fact Hitler loved wearing woman's clothes & not to mention he killed & tortured millions says to me that "Guest" is in some serious urgent need of counseling & should stop using mind altering chemicals.

The fact that "Guest" believes this tripe is enough to make me wet myself with laughter.... :lol:

