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Messages - Tracerammo

Quote from: apop
Quote from: Tracerammo

The one observing is the consciousness.  It's the true you.  You have life right now.  You are aware.  
and I would say not everyone has a consciousness!  :wink:

If you look into a chain linked fence, you'll 'see' diamond shapes between each folded metal wire.  Those diamonds aren't there on there own, but a result of the wires.

Consciousness is not there on it's own, but a result of a soul.  All things that are alive have souls.  Not all things that are alive have a consciousness, but are still alive.

The soul is the part of you that you can't think about.  When you think about it, you're only hinting at what you think it is with words (which are themselves the by-product of communication, not actually what the words are labeling.)  A soul is life, and life just is. Maybe...
Thanks, guys!
Well, what I've come to accept is the fact that 'you are not your mind' and 'you are not your body' but the witnessing agent of those and everything else.

The one observing is the soul.  It's the true you.  You have life right now.  You are thinking about your soul.  You are aware.  The 'eye of the eye', the reason we "are" is our soul.  Everyone has a soul, even the murdering madman.  He has a soul, but the mind aspect of the trinity is really out of alignment...

Conclusion:  We (all of the life that exsists) exist because we have a soul.  The soul is the intrinsic foundation of life.  They're the same thing.
Hey all!

Well, when I'm reading along on these posts and some internet sites that I go to I have to wonder what those little words I'm seeing all the time mean.   Phasing?  Focus?  I still think of 'focus' and a microscope pops into mind.

Can anyone explain to me what Phasing is and how to achieve 'Focus 10-12'?

Thanks, everyone!
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / ...the ego?
November 20, 2005, 14:32:23
Hey, everyone,
Thanks, all, for all of the responses.  I've been keeping my 'awareness' on my 'perception'.  When a 'thought' comes into my awareness, I notice it and shut it down.

At first it seemed that I was still thinking, but after a bit, when the thoughts were less frequent, I suppose, it became clear that I was observing the thoughts.  (That's something I've 'known about', but never actually experienced.)

What I'm getting from all of this is:

We have a habit (inertia) of thinking and labeling and commenting... blah blah blah.  By putting the focus of awareness on 'being' instead of all this other stuff, the momentum slows down and 'satori' can be achieved.  If that state becomes your permanent state, then you've achieved enlightenment.

That's as simple as it is, now I've just got to 'do' it, right? ...or be it.

Thanks again!
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / ...the ego?
November 18, 2005, 13:39:48
So, I've been working on 'knowing myself' and trying to 'eliminate' my ego.  I've been reading and researching and learning and doing all this stuff that I thought was very important to my 'growth'.

Then I read "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle.  He does a fantastic job of explaining the ego.  He does such a good job that I can't help but notice, in myself and others, when we are acting because of our higher selves, or when we are associated with our egos.

I've been observing this... a lot.  I don't know what to 'do' anymore.  If I'm doing anything, it's likely an ego motivated thing to do.  Like this post, for example...  I am complete right now.  I am perfect, my Atman.  But I THINK (that's my ego) that I need to know something else.

My dilemma is (as far as I can figure) that I've trained my ego to act a lot like my higher self.  When I'm trying to clear my mind, I have a thought telling me, "Be present... clear your thoughts... be here now..."  I'm not clearing my thoughts, but thinking thoughts about clearing my thoughts!!!  I feel as though I've painted myself into a corner...

Any help, anyone?

Thanks, everyone.
Well crap!  This is exactly what I've been looking for.  I've wanted a technique to explore myself deeper, and I know this is it.

The funny thing is that I've used this technique before... on other people.  In Craniosacral Therapy (John Upledger) the facilitator enters a quite state and begins to 'assess' the client.  What Dr. John recommends is gently requesting a conversation with the clients 'inner physician'.  This is an aspect of the client that knows all about their emotional and physical health.  The facilitator then requests that the clients physician leads him to 'problem', which is usually suck emotional energy or some such thing.

I never thought about applying it to MYSELF.  What a great idea!  Thank you SO much for opening my eyes to this.  I know it's worked for others, so I know I can do it for myself!  Thanks again.

Thanks a lot, man!  That's good to know, coming from someone that knows.  It's a lot easier not to want to smoke when I know I'm going to be a lot happier about it, in the long run.  I'll keep up the no smokin' deal.  And I know what you mean about being higher.  I have a lot more physical energy, and I'm not dead tired all the time.  Anyways, thanks again!
So I've been a pot head for years now.  I've decided to stop, now, because I'm trying to develop my energy body and clairvoyant sight.  While I smoked gonja, I never really had dreams, accept on rare occasion, and now I'm having dreams all the time.  I know that dream journals to help remember dreams are suggested and I've always associated that with astral vision.  If this is the case, then smoking was clouding my vision.  I WAS A STONER FOR A LONG TIME.  I'm wondering now if anyone knows about the negitive effects of gonja on the energy body?  AND! if does anyone know how I can repair any damage I may have done?  Thanks, guys!
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / DNA activation
September 05, 2005, 15:03:51
DNA Activation?

Well, I went and got myself one about a year ago.  Nothing has changed.  I've noticed a difference in my psychic abilities, true:  but that's because of the energy work I've been doing.

It's a good assumption, if someone is interested in DNA activation, they'll be doing energy work, too.  So the person offering the activation gets credit for your hard work.

You already have everything that you need.  You were born with EVERYTHING.  Your DNA will be "activated" when you've removed your own self imposed blocks.  You were born perfect.  You still are.

Summery:  Spend the time doing meditations, not activations!!!!
Hey everyone,

I've read that sometimes people have a hard time 'seeing' clairvoyantly because of some experiance they had as a child, something that is so slight it would be nearly impossible to remember.

I've also read about children and their 'innocent knowledge'; IE Nobody ever told the child fairys 'aren't real', so the child is able to see them.

Now if a person that the child loves and respects corrects them about what they are seeing (or, "imagining") the clairvoyant abilites get 'shut off' because the child dosen't believe his own eyes. (Any of the three...)

So to get to the point, I'm wondering if anyone's aware of any sort of memory regression meditation that might be helpful for this kind of thing.  I have a memory of my mother reminding my that my 'imaginary friend' was infact, imaginary.  I have NO recollection of my imaginary friend, at all.  But, seeing that memory is based on a sujective perspective, it's easy to 'earse' things from recall (because it was all an 'illusion' anyway).

Any ideas?

Thanks, everyone.
Selfish?  Whaddaya mean, selfish?

My friend, there is more than enough healing energy (love) to go around.  That what this whole mess is made out of.  There is more than enough for every single person out there to have far more than they need, including you.

You are composed of this loving energy, in touch with all of the rest of it in the whole world (galaxy, univers... forever).  You are loved far more than you know and you are never, ever alone.

Pedro, you've got my attention and intention.  I know you'll feel better soon.

Love and Light
Welcome to Book Reviews! / A new one!
August 29, 2005, 14:45:08
Good 'ol Dr. Hawkins has done it again!

Truth VS Falsehood:  How to tell the difference.

Another mind blowing(expanding) read.  I thougth that the first three were awsome.  This one is more of a practical application guide to the test and how we can use it to evolve as a species.  

Very highly recommended.

Love and Light
Welcome to Healing discussions! / Heal a wart?
August 28, 2005, 16:50:02
Some research done by Dr. John Diamond revealed that affirmations are 'more effective' when said in the third person (IE; John is loving, John is wart-free.)
Anger and Haterd, huh?

Well, the main thing that you have to do to help your friend, first and foremost, is to begin to affrim in YOURSELF, that your friend has no need to be angery and no hateful.  Realize inside this person is a being of pure love and light.  Anger and Hatered do not exist in the Radical Now.  The anger and hate that your friend feels is because of some perception that he is a victim.

Now, apply the law of attraction to that.  The frequency of anger is far, far lower than that of love, right?  So how can he feel love and attract love if he is vibrating at a frequency of hate and anger?  Love isn't even within his 'range' of vibration right now.

If you consider emotions as vibrating (which they are) then they can easily be placed on a gradiation scale (Joy and Love (Source Energy) at the top and Fear, Grief, Depression, Dispair at the bottom).

Your friend seems to be in a Hatred, Revenge, Anger area, correct?

Anger is the current emotion and love is the goal.  What is between love and anger, closer to love, but still in anger's vibrational range?  Discouragement, Blame, or Worry.  These emotions are still 'negitive', but relative to the hate and anger are improvements.  Once these emotions are achieved, he can progress to feelings of Disappointment, or "Overwhelmment" or Frustration/Impatients.  Again, not 'good' emotions, but better than blame and worry.

From there your friend can work up the scale:

Positive Expectation/Belief

From frustration to Joy and Love.

Hope that helps him out.

With love and hope,

Sciatic pain is caused by a nerve impingment.  (A pinched nerve).  If the pain you were feeling at the bottom of your spine was sciatica, then you'd feel it radiate all the way down your leg to either your knee (L4 impingement) or your big (L5) or your little toe (S1).  It doesn't sound like nerve pain, the way you've described it, but if it does radiate, then you should see a massage therapist.  They'll tell you what the problem is, weather you should see a doctor about it, AND you'll get a massage out of the deal.  How much?  I'd only charge you $65.  I'm not sure how much it'll cost in your area, but it's more than likley worth it.

Disclaimer:  I don't know any of the massage therapist in your area, and I'm not recomending one over the other.  Ask around, because I'd feel bad if you went to some quack following my advice.

Okay, now I'm done.
Quote from: SerapisI recently began to have problems with my legs. I have spider veins around my ankles, and I guess I'm starting to have Varicose Veins. I haven't been to a doctor, because I can't afford it.

Let me tell you a bit about your cardiovascular system.  

Your legs are below your heart, right?  So in order for the blood to return to your heart, it has to go up against gravity.  Thats a whole lot of blood to be pushing through little veins strait upward.  

Nature, being the badass that it is, has tried to help us out a little bit.

In our veins (not in our arteris) we have these little one way valves, like they have on a nice raft, so that when you put the air in, it can't come back out.

Direction of blood flow ---->

Sort of like that (if you can understand that strange little diagram LOL).

Anyway, what can happen to people is that those little one way doors can break down.  They don't do their part in holding the blood in its place, so it sinks back down to the last one way door.  

That makes a little pool of blood.  Compare that pool to a room with a one way door going in and one going out.  Once the room gets crowded enough, some of the bloods gonna step out the back door.  It's not gonna kill you, basicaly.  But it's not comfortable either.

Blood flows away from your heart on the inside of your body, and back towards the heart on the outside of your body like the veins you see in your arms after a workout and in your forehead when you rage ;).

I'm a massage thearpist in the US.  One of the coolest things that I can do for a person is mechanicaly lower the blood pressure nearly instanly... if you think an hour is instant (some books say that the effects can't be reproduced outside of massage, but don't hold me to that.)

How?  How can we massage therapist do that?  Same way you can.  It's so easy.  I do it every time a take a shower.

As you wash your arms, wash from the fingers in and as you wash your legs wash from the toes up.  Focus on long strokes up toward your heart.  Then as you step out of the shower and dry off, apply "firm" pressure to your legs and drag the towl up toward your heart.  Don't smash your legs when you do this, just a firm stroke.  If your skin turns red, you're doing it too hard.

That easy.  It's called assisting veinous flow.

Another thing you can do:  if you've been standing in one place all day or sitting all day, the blood will tend to pool up.  Just flex the muscles in your legs.  Start from your toes.  Flex 'em.  Then flex your feet (push the ball of your foot into the ground).  Then your calves and ankles.  Then your quads and hamstrings.  Then your bum.  The whole exersise, from toes to bum is one "stroke."  Do five or six strokes whenever you remeber to do them.  Usualy you'll remeber when your legs start to hurt, so it's pretty fool proof.

By flexing the muscles, you force the blood out one "room" into the next by making the room a little smaller.

The final suggestion that I have would be after work when you are at home relaxing, lay on your back and elevate your feet ABOVE your heart.  While you lay there, wiggle your toes.  This will also help with the veinous return.  It also feels good, because it puts a slight stretch on your lower back.

When I find myself feeling worn out I'll lay on the floor with my feet on the edge of my bed and listen to some music.  Vericose veins or not, it still feels great.

Hope that helps you out some,
Quote from: Tyciol
Quote from: TracerammoPeople have a different balance of fast/slow-twitch fibres in the muscles, and are naturally stronger or weaker, longer or shorter, in the different muscles, but I would think lacking a muscle or having an additional muscle than the norm would be an abnormal mutation, one I have not heard of. Where do you get this from?

Some people have an extra muscle in their leg.  I don't remember off hand right now, and I'm too lazy to drive to my house and get the book, but there is a muscle in the leg that only a few people have, and in the arm, too if I'm not mistaken.  Check it out, man.  There are all sorts of crazy things that go on.  Some people have tumors with freakin' teeth.  Don't doubt anything.
How are you meditating on it?
Just as some people have muscles that others don't, all people's bodies aren't exactaly the same.

The seven chakra's corolate with ganglia of nerves in the body.  There are way more than 7 of them, too.

First chakra is the base, located in the coxys at the end of the spine.
The second is the navel, located behind the navel.
The third is the solar plexus, loacated at the bottom of the sternum.
The forth is the heart, located about 2/3rds of the way up the mediastium.
The fifth is the throat, located at the adams apple.
The sixth is the 3rd eye, located at the center of the brow.
The seventh is the crow, located on the top of the head.

Those are the 7 major chakras.  Each bundle of nerves is about the size of the palm of you hand, exept in the solar plexus and the brain.  Those area are actualy larger (Solar Plexus and Crown Chakras).

There is a way to know were your personal chakra are: feel them.  It sounds either very hard to do, or way too easy, huh?  It's not.

It may sound odd, but lick the back of your hand.  Do it now.  Now close your eyes and feel the moisture on the back of your hand.  Can you feel where the cool evaporation is taking place?  Can you feel the air on your skin?  Don't think about it.  There's nothing to think about.  Just feel.  You may only be able to focus ont he feeling for a moment, but you'll know you've got it.  If you even suspect you've got it, and second guess yourself, then you've probalbly got it.  Practice that feeling.  Then do it to the areas that your chakras are in.

Understand that Attention and Intention move energy in your body.  Make it your intention of activate the chakras and put your attention to the area.  Combine that with focus.  It's that simple.

The area below your knee that you may be talking about could be the 36th tsubo (energy vortex or 2ndary chakra) on the stomach meridian in oriental medicine.  That's a good point for balanceing overall energy flow and for giving yourself an "energy boost" during the day.

Hope that helps some.
LOL.  I think it's funny, all the talk of loving plants and then you with "Bush" would die.  Bwa ha ha!  Oh!  Uh... please forgive the horible pun.

I know of some studies done on plants.  I can't remeber all the types of plants specificaly, but they do change with human interaction.

Some plants change, geneticaly over time, to become more appealing to humans (so the theory states).  An example of this is the internode.  I've personaly seen two examples of this:

A friend of mine (the fellow that introduced the concept to me) has been doing his own research on the area of tri-foilate or tri-caudalidan (SPELLING CHECK) plants.

His idea is that a plant strain that is nurtured by loving humans will change to be better for the humans.  (I'm not isolating this phenomena to human interaction, but that's the only variable he's tested so far....)  At the internode of a plant (where the branches leave the trunk) a bifoliate plant only has two branches, one on either side.  My friend has two strains now that he's gotten trifoliate plants from.  The only conditon that is any different is that fact that he proigated them with love.

Could that be a conscience in a plant doing that?

Another idea:  Life is energy.  We all know that.  Anyone that puts enough thought into the idea will see it's true.  Nobody needs to convice anyone else, because everyone CAN figure it out for themselves.

If everything is made of the same excrement (atoms and such), what makes one thing more alive than anything else.  What makes the carbon and calcium of a human more capable of thought than a bug?  Nerves?  A brain?  Electricity and chemicals don't mean life.  Life is awarness.
I don't know where to get a diagram, but you can find the info in "The Ancient Secrets of the Flower of Life" a book or a video (they're both out there) by a fellow  named Drunvolo Melkeizadek (Or some such spelling).
Has anyone any information on the 13 Chakra system?  I've read a little bit and done some thinking on it.  Of what I read the 2nd Chakra of the common chakra system and the Navel Chakra of the 13 Chakra system don't line up.  Some testes have been done, though (using electro-field-viewer-thingys) to determine the area of energy activity at the Chakra site during stimulation.  These tests have appearently shown the 2nd Chakra at the navel (where the 13 Chakra system puts it).

The main question:  could the subnavel storage center be confused as the 2nd Chakra and the actual location of the Chakra is the navel?

Any other information on the 13 Chakra system would be nice.  I'm still planning on comparing the system to the Govening and Conseption Vessels in eastern medicine.  If anyones done that already, it'd save some time and effort if you'd tell me what you learned.

Thanks, everyone.
I think that everything that an aura because everything is alive (alive as in an energy body, not as in running about, metabolizing stuff, collecting things, not like that).  At that atomic level, everythings moving (electrons) and movement is energy.  Maybe that aura is the glow of that intrinsic energy that everything has?
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Crystal Programs
February 24, 2005, 14:21:08
So I've heard a little bit here and there about crystals and the idea of programing them.  It's been said that a crystal can hold as many programs as it has faces.  Well, if a crystal can hold programs (eg. Protection, Healing or any other program one chooses) then I can see why people use them.  It puts them from just a pretty rock to a useful, pretty rock.  All of this is facinating to me, I just have no idea how to program the crystals (or the faces of the crystals).

So the thesesis statement:

How do I program crystals and their different faces?
