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Messages - absinthian

Welcome to Magic! / Skeptic
January 05, 2006, 12:37:24
Thanks. I'm gonna check it out.
Welcome to Magic! / Skeptic
January 04, 2006, 17:01:18
Slowing down lightspeed, until a total stop. I have to read that article!! Could you tell me where you've read it?
Being good or evil may very well be a part of your Live Lessons in this life. I believe that one should try to feel just as much compassion for the criminal as for your loved ones, because you me be the criminal in your next or former live. There's a difference between trying and doing though, meaning that we are not perfect. So I don't agree that we are our true self when we are a child, I do believe that a child is very close to his true self because children do not judge. That begins when we are about 12, or so.
Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / Possession
April 13, 2005, 14:05:39
A neg as a relative, yes, I recently read something like that. They're part of our evolution in this time, as close as your legs or arms. I've read that we could not evolute further without them.  And I see how they can connect to us so easy. I don't know anyone who hasn't some fear, pride, greed etc. to work out, but I find it difficult to feel respect, compassion for something that's trying hard to put me down. Looks like feeling compassion for the shark that's eating my leg. A hard lesson to learn indeed.
Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / Possession
April 12, 2005, 14:31:24
Why are there so many psychic attacks by dark forces nowadays, it almost looks like a virus to me. Is it because the times are changing, a desperate last effort from the darker forces to keep us away from the coming light, or are we feeding them when we  talk about them. It seems to easy to lock on to them these days, that scares me a bit. My defences are still in place but have been checked by some little dark pest. A warning?
I can put it down real simple. Nothing means NO LAWS OF PHYSICS. Without laws predicting something, anything can happen. When something happens, and it will for no reason, laws of physics get started.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Name definitions
March 05, 2005, 13:48:14
I only found my first name, Antonio meaning worthy of praise and flourishing. I changed my first name in the past from antonie to antonio, but it means the same.
Welcome to Members Introductions! / absinthian
March 04, 2005, 08:23:06
Good luck Gandalf. 70 percent is pretty heavy stuff. By the way, I heard you need to consume it with some sugar. The plant (artemissia absinthium) is said to induce visions, and same plant is used in an insence which causes apperetions to appear in the physical.
My first experiance was an accident. When I was 6 years old I was playing with an electricitycable. (220 volt, 2 ampere). The moment I touched it I felt a vibration running through my body, ever increasing. I remember my heart beating like hell. Then I saw myself from a viewpoint above my body, I thought;I need to go back to do something, before I kill myself. I was back in an instant, let the cable go, and rested. Since then I was able to project, raise my vibr. level etc.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Pleasure
March 04, 2005, 03:09:10
I love to see my cats playing with something and knowing that they're ok. It gives me a good feeling.
Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / Possession
March 04, 2005, 03:01:31
Yes !! Congrats, I knew this would happen.
Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / Possession
March 03, 2005, 09:37:45
Well, I see that you've been offered some great advice, and you did ask for help. In the meanwhile I've been doing a bit of homework. A Dutch psychotherapist wrote 2 books on demonic possession. (I don't think they're translated in English but here are the ISBN numbers. Uninfited guest nr. 9075568053 and Voices from the shadow nr. 9075568061.) He states that demons feed on negativity. Negative thoughts like (I wasted my time ) or (I'm gonne lose). You're feeding them wether you're aware of it or not. Be possitive, always. You also talk about a gaping hole in your defense. Of course there is a hole. You had doubts (losing faith) while dealing with occult matters (looking up info on goeatic daimoons), that's like dropping all firewalls on your computer and posting a sign with "the door is open". Close the door, please. I mean, don't have any doubts in all that you do, esspecially when dealing with the occult. There's nothing wrong with fighting this thing but maybe you could fight in a different way. You could try to feel compassion for it, have mercy for it, pray that the Lord may give it His Blessing for as much as it can muster. Give it possitive vibes. That's how the Dutch therapist handled these cases. Well I pray that you get the help you need and my thoughts and prayers are with you.
Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / Possession
March 02, 2005, 02:54:30
It might actually a be good idea to join that monestry, being in a different, maybe more holy, place might weaken its grasp it has on you. Don't hessitate to ask help, maybe through that link that cocademon gave you. There must be a reason that it can connect with you so easily, I was thinking about the place you live in now, or something from a past live, but I can't help you there but I know there are pro's who can. Do everything you can to keep at bay don't give up. It might also be an idea to stop reading and practicing occult things, it seems to increase in strength when you do that. My prayers and thoughts are with you.
Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / Possession
March 01, 2005, 14:36:07
Wow, that's a problem you have there PissedoffMystic. (I like the name). Have you tried to perform a type of Middle Pillar exercise right after bannishing. I think it should help you when you keep doing that for a few months, on a daily basis. I have another question. Are you sure that the first possession was'nt something that was in your system allready. Just something small that got bigger when you exalted in your prayer. Keep the faith, my thoughts are with you .
Welcome to Members Introductions! / absinthian
March 01, 2005, 14:04:09
Thank you all for the warm welcom, I've been browsing through the topics and I see a lot that has my interest. I'm sure that I'm gonne enjoy this forum. Hear from me soon, Absinthian. (that stuff is legal now in Holland, Absinthe, haven't tried it yet.)
Welcome to Members Introductions! / absinthian
February 27, 2005, 07:15:02
Hello I'm Absinthian from Holland. Since I can read and write I've been reading everything I could find about;magic, astronomy,UFO,occult things,and so on. I've had a few UFO sitings when I was a child, and got a few obe's. Just recently I picked up this study again because of a powerful obe experience. I hope to learn a lot more on this forum, and I hope that you can understand my English.