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Messages - LoLmart

Hey, fellow projecters  . I haven't been active on grasscity in the last few years due to my health condition (can't sit and write too much). I recently started an Indiegogo campaign to raise funds for my treatment. I have a pituitary tumor, chronic fatigue syndrome, hypothyroidism, fibromyalgia and other issues.

I have a few perks/rewards and a contest to offer in return.

This is the link to my campaign:

The perks are discounts for my family's Etsy shops:

The campaign ends in  a day or two.

I will be very thankful if any of you donates to my campaign.   :)
Quote from: Xanth on August 13, 2014, 12:17:35
Always remember that while you're projecting, WHAT you experience is objective... but HOW you experience it is subjective.

give me an example of what you mean. It sounds good but it doesn't make sense to me. You can creat a flying turtle with your mind that another projector alongside you might not be able to perceive so the turtle (the 'what') is subjective to you only, rather than objective.
Quote from: Loosh on April 27, 2014, 15:49:19
I listen to Tom, a lot. Right off the bat I can remember him saying that if you meet your Uncle Fred in the obe state, every bit of data belonging to Uncle Fred will be there. He can tell you family secrets, etc. But ...ask him the same question a hundred times and he will give you the same answer. Ask anyone with free will the same question a hundred times and you will get slight variations in the answer.
So the 'experience packet' data of Uncle Fred is all still there, but his higher self free will consciousness has moved on or already incarnated somewhere else.
He likes to say that Uncle Fred isn't just waiting around for you to come visit. The data is there should you ever visit the realm, but it's only the experience packet of that lifetime.
Also, in case you have never heard it, he says that if you see Uncle Fred, it may or may not be another being cloaked in Uncle Fred, only to make you comfortable upon death or for a learning experience, etc.
I believe this answer is in one of the q and a sessions.

yes, I have heard him saying this. But my issue is a little different. Regardless of what he has said, what do you, pulsers, think - do u go and remain as an ICU in the afterlife or do u just become part of the whole Global Consciousness System and once you are incarnated you become an ICU again? Tom is not God, tell me what you think and why?
Quote from: Xanth on April 27, 2014, 13:52:52
I've never heard him say there is no free will in the after life.

I can remember 2 or 3 instances from his youtube vids. I am sure of it because I paid very close attention and even rewinded to be sure of what he said.
Quote from: Szaxx on April 27, 2014, 13:50:28
You're thinking too physical world orientated.
Once you have a few experiences where you become one with all, you'll understand what Tom is saying.
Have you ever had an imprint within an experience? That's where an entity downloads a massive amount of information to you telepathically.
If so imagine being tied to this datastream continuously. There's no way a human mind can as standard can comprehend this. A split second is.all it takes to have the entire history of a city from a thousand years of existance. Then our minds have to decode this through an interpreter so we can understand the contents within. This alone takes hours to do and massive amounts of data supplied gets forgotten too. It gives you a headache trying to absorb it all.
Tom knows this through experiences and our individuality ceases to be eventually. We become one.

I am not thinking too physical world oriented.

Having experiences when I become one with all isn't an argument for or against whether there is free will in the Afterlife or not. You and Tom have had this experience from the OBE state and you came there as an ICU and even if temporarily were part of the whole without free will, you are now an ICU with free will again. In a similar way, you can die and go in the Afterlife with free will as an ICU and choose to experience being part of the whole temporarily (if you know how). So this example does not serve as an argument of there being no free will in the Afterlife. It can be a temporary experience. I am talking about Tom's statement "there is no free will in the Afterlife" and " when you die you lose your free will" which implies that he considers it a permanent 'no free will' state in the Afterlife after you die.
I've heard Tom say in more than a few lectures and interviews that once we die and move to the afterlife we lose our free will and become 'just data'. The way I interprete these words is that Tom thinks that only once we incarnate from the afterlife to a specific physical reality like ours on planet Earth do we become an ICU - individuated consciousness unit. In the afterlife we are not an ICU. That's how I understand his words and I definitely don't agree with this.

I have not heard of his arguments on the subject. He just states it from time to time and I always wonder why he holds this opinion. To me, the afterlife is just another reality frame full of ICUs that are individuated from each other by a certain type of 'body' (astral body) that is resonating at a much higher vibrational rate this is the vehicle for our consciousness by which we operate in the Afterlife. And from the Afterlife we incarnate into other realities that are not as freeform and are one layer away from the global consciousness system. To me, Tom thinks that the afterlife is just one global data bank without any ICUs (Afterlife=Global Consciousness System according to Tom) and to me, this GCS is one step away from the Afterlife. In my mind it goes like this if we start from the GCS and disregard its inception:

Global Consciousness System--->The Afterlife--->Physical Realities (like ours or more or less dense. "Physical" is just a label...). The Afterlife is the first layer to have ICUs. Before that, there is only one whole global consciousness system and the Afterlife is just one part of it. I am not saying that I am sure 100% that this is the case but I don't understand why Tom doesn't entertain the possibility that there is free will in the Afterlife. I have never heard of any argumentation of his "no free will in the Afterlife" statement. Any thoughts?
Quote from: Xanth on April 24, 2014, 20:52:39

That's because you have this belief that it is different from this physical reality.  There's no difference between moving here and moving there.   None whatsoever. 

Intent is the power that moves you here... Intent is the power that moves you there.

yes, I know. But it's easier said than done as with many things in life :).
Quote from: Xanth on April 24, 2014, 19:44:22
You form an Intent every second of every minute of your life.  You're a master of forming Intent. 

The problem with the nonphysical is that people allow their intellect to get in the way of the instant, natural process.

You, like everyone else (this includes me too!), overthinks this.

yea, it's very hard spend long periods of time in the phase so mastering it is reaaally difficult and we need to do stuff here in the physical :(. If I have a kid one day, I would teach him to project from a very early age - younger than 6 or 7 - before he is loaded with prejudices and presumptions. I am sure advanced civilizations around the Universe teach their kids from a very early age too and then they all fly around in their little astral pampers lol
Well, yeah, I know that intent is everything but sometimes forming a perfect intent ain't so easy. I find that flying in incredible speeds isn't that easy. Many times Ijust float calmly and it takes some time to form a very good intent to fly fast. It's all about creating the right intent. If it's about a movement or feeling we are used to having in our everyday lives - it's very easy. If not - not always that easy. The same goes for exiting techniques - we try to create the energy movement needed for exit and we can just use our intent but it's surely much easier to recreate a well known feeling or movement like rolling or falling and thus create the needed energy movement. So, I am curious about the different techniques people use while phasing to navigate easier.

I am also experimenting with zooming reality towards me, like i pull a certain location that I see towards me rather than try to fly to there or just walk or float towards it. I would also want to be able to "teleport" to locations I see. Like, sometimes I see, let's say, a car 100m away from me and I try to just recreate the feeling of being right in front of it and seeing it up close which should create the intent of being there resulting in actually being in front of that car. Most of the times I just fail so I guess I should try forming a stronger intent and sustain it longer.

There was one time where I tried to crete a yellow Lamborghini while being in some kind of a subway. What I created was a small sports car made out of bananas lol. I wish it was a bit easier hehe :).

So, yeah, again, how do you trick/make your mind create the perfect intent while in the astral? I guess language is limited and explaining intent creation can't be explained in many ways but try your best. :)
I am experimenting lately with two different ways of moving during phasing. One is to move your 'astral body' like it is a physical body. Of course, we all have the tendency to feel a body cause we are so used to it and sometimes in the astral I find myself trying to fly and due to not being used to flying in the physical I can't always form a very accurate intention in order to fly. It may take a while sometimes and I may have to hop or pretend to be an airplane or whatever, other times - it comes very easy without all of that cr*p.

At times I catch myself just navigating like a point of consciousness without really putting that much awareness to a 'astral body'. My idea is this - logically, if I consciously or subconsciously create the feeling of a body while phasing that would make me consciously or subconsciously create physical laws like gravity and whatnot so it would make it more difficult to travel around and fly.

If, however, I try to lessen or eliminate the sensation of a body while phasing (by creating a feeling of blending with the environment and becoming one and just remain like a point of consciousness), then wouldn't it be much easier to navigate and fly around and 'teleport'. It would eliminate much of my mind's obssession to feel and move a body and just concentrate on my awareness.

Sometimes, I catch shifting between these two ways of navigating through the astral and my intuition tells me the second way is more effective. I think I will experiment with it a bit more and see what happens. What are your thoughts and experiences
Quote from: Super Sonic on March 29, 2014, 13:03:11
Hello! I've had a lot of problems with my eyes lately because of diabetes. They had to use laser on it and I also had injection. Now there's a bleeding in my right eye and cataracts. Also, I have difficulty seeing in the dark and reading print. Can anyone help me?

go to Dr. Richard Schulze's website. He is an amazing doctor and has an eye formula that many praise. + he knows how to deal with diabetes and other such problems. You can find some good lectures on youtube.
research the relationship between schizophrenia and vitamin and mineral deficiencies. I think vit A or B (at least one of the Bs) was associated with schizo development.
Quote from: Gummage on April 24, 2014, 16:30:44
come on people get real I am sure the intelligence agencies have better things to do than hang around here.

yeah. They hang around in your cellphone. I'm sure it's a bit more fun :P
Hey, guys. Hello, NSA :D . It's public knowledge that Intelligence Agencies spy on citizens and collect data. Moreover, there are declassified documents that prove that CIA was sponsoring Remote Viewing research and we have many testimonies to support these documents and many others who testify to government research into astral projection. And it is also common sense that the Elite would want to have every advantage possible against enemies - foreign and international. So, I am pretty sure they keep an eye on one of the biggest astral projection forums online - astral pulse. Do you agree? I have a theory that there is a good possibility that Frank might have been kidnapped for his abilities and used in covert ops. Thankfully, I am not that good at AP but if I were I will keep it to myself and mostly close friends. I don't think it is too safe to state how incredibly gifted you are in something so lucrative to the power Elite as astral projection. It's just common sense... You shouldn't speak of how valuable your possessions or your talents are publicly especially when these talents can be used for extremely profitable and important spying operations by people with power and money. What are your thoughts?
research indirect techniques of Raduga. Wake up-dont move-out of body in 10-15 seconds. Research it! No effort, hugely effective ;)
Quote from: Lionheart on October 24, 2013, 15:17:29
Both Robert Bruce and Tom Campbell have Forums as well. You could try making a thread on their Forum as well!  :-)

Hmm, good idea. Wasn't this forum Bruce's forum in the past or stg like that? I know there were some changes and splits and whatnot regarding this forum...
I contacted Robert Bruce 24 days ago hinting him on this technology. He replied today saying that he has seen some of David's work but not this exact technology (at least that's what I got from his e-mail) and he thanked me on hinting him about it. He said he would look into it deeper and he finds it very interesting. If anyone has an idea on what to write him back please say so. I mean, I can ask him to come to this forum and share his experience with it if he happens to try it eventually. I also think of contacting others like Tom Campbell. Any ideas on what to write there?
You most probably just created an image of her room and your girlfriend and you interacted with these creations of your mind. When you put an intent "I want to visit my gf" u might go to her but u might also just create a dream character and environment of her and her room. Next time try to say out-loud "I want to visit my gf in the phisical reality in the present moment" and hold that intent strongly for a few seconds. You might also just choose a random card and leave it on a upper shelf to see if you can see it during an OBE and check it out later while awake.
Quote from: Lionheart on September 30, 2013, 17:35:12
So far Medically, it defies a explanation.

The route of my pain comes from inner vibrations, which I can only locate coming from the spine. But numerous tests only found Degenerative Disc Disease. When I get the pain, it comes in the form of muscle spasms, neck pain, headaches.
My nerves start spiking, body tremors follow which cause in turn causes the spasms and other symptoms.

Sometimes I feel like a "beacon" of sorts. That is going to go over many people's heads, but the ones in the "know" will understand!  :wink:

The only one that has been able to give me any kind of answers is Dolores Cannon.  We have communicated via her radio show and emails.


Okay. I would suggest you research the following topics:

Rick Simpson Oil (Cannabis oil) -

People generally have extreme opinions on marijuana and other consciousness-changing plants so if you have a negative opinion I can give you a lot more evidence for the healing powers of Cannabis. I have found 85 medical studies showing anti-cancerous  effects of cannabis and it can treat/cure several hundred illneses. That's why it is illegal - it cannot be patented and Big Pharma can't profit from it. Moreover, they would lose many billions of dollars if it was legal. I have found 12 patents on the usage of individual cannabinoids to prove that the pharma companies know about the healing properties of cannabis. It is ESPECIALLY effective in neuromuscular diseases and spasms and pretty much kills all pain in large doses so I am sure it can help you. If u wanna research it I can give u some more good info.

The other stuff I would suggest you research if u haven't already:

Magic Mushrooms - they are great for spasms and the nervous system, makes u feel like someone has straightened every muscle + the spine too.

Also find some yoga expert that is good at fixing specific injuries or problems. I am going to one such for my problems and he is one of the best in the world - the closest student to Swami Dev Murti who passed away a few years ago at 108 years old and now this guy fixes people's problems. So find such a guy and he might help u cause maybe all ur problems come from the spine - it is one of the most important things in the body.

Just giving u some hints. U never know what might help :)
what are pains coming from. I know a lot about alternative healing methods so I can maybe suggest some things for you to research. Unfortunately, most of the things that cure/heal illnesses often relax the muscles which is great in most instances but in mine - I can't move my breathing muscles. What's your problem, Lion?
Quote from: Volgerle on September 30, 2013, 12:09:14
just am through half of his talk he gave in that UFO conference (see the link provided by Lionheart) and I must say it is really really mind-boggling, all those connections he makes

if he's right with all of this he's a good candidate for the title of "Tesla Of The 21. Century", if you ask me

unfortunately his pendants and the wand are much too costly (at the moment) for me to give it a shot

if maybe some people here meditate in groups with friends or go to some yoga/meditation groups, they can try to present the idea to others there and then if more than a few people want the Wand, they can put equal parts of the money and buy it and use it for healing/meditation and so on. I have some serious health problems and I would love to get my hands on this device to boost my energy and make my nerves and muscles work normal.
Quote from: desert-rat on September 29, 2013, 20:33:51
As I am reading this post and drinking a can of beer a thought came to me .  I could go to radio shack tomrow , buy a hand full of parts , wire them in a pair of googles and head phones , tell women it will make one loose weight .  I could make money selling them . Only if the a.m.a. does not lock me in jail .  

U forgot to say "desert-rat" in the end :D

This guy has been on the scene for several decades, has made several top-notch documentaries, is an expert in more than several fields, is well respected and therefore has A LOT to lose. It doesn't mean that all this makes it 100% sure he is saying it as it is but it just means he most probably ain't selling complete BS. U can try ur idea but u most probably won't be put on any show. And if u do, few will buy ur product, u will be sued and locked up in a jail or charged with a big fine for misleading the public. If u look at any product from a distant perspective without knowing anything about it or the guy who makes it, u can always see it as a probable scam. That's why an educated guess requires a bit of research on the topic.
Quote from: Szaxx on September 29, 2013, 18:56:27
The pdf isn't opening here. I'll watch more of the video shortly. The magnets on the plate is childs play. Its easy to make a device to do this.
What else is happening? I'll see if I can get the thing to open. It will give me some insight into it's operations.
I'm curious at the moment.

watch the video that  Lionheart shared in this thread. Many of the slides are in the pdf.
Quote from: LightBeam on September 29, 2013, 16:08:47
Seriozno li se vidia s Todor Kolev? :-) That's awesome! I am from Bulgaria as well and I grew up watching his movies. He is one of the greatest comedians in our country and he passed away not too long ago.
Congrats on your success!

A/S/L(grad) moje li?  :-D :-D
Quote from: Xanth on September 29, 2013, 10:25:51
See now, that's really my beef with technology.
I use it and I love it, for the most part... but it certainly hasn't made life any easier.
Actually, technology has made our lives harder and more miserable.

Technology was always supposed to do the work for us... it was supposed to make our lives easier in that manner.
However, the more technology we have attained, the harder we've had to work.  I for one would love to see the day when we actually begin to live the statement "technology makes our lives easier"... because at this point, it's a myth.

It's made us WEAK.  Our minds... our bodies... everything about us has become weak *BECAUSE* of technology.  We no longer use our minds and our bodies, we simply let our technology run our lives.  This is a huge mistake and will kill us.  If you can do something without a tool, then *NEVER* use one.  You're only looking to weaken yourself.

Anyway, inevitably the choice is yours.  :)  Go nuts.

I think u r generalizing too much. Technology is just a tool. We can use it for positive or negative things. Think about how transportation is helping us travel to different places around the world and explore Earth. At the same time it is damaging the ecosystem. But we can make cars run on electricity, water or whatever eco-friendly fuel... We are thankful that we have cameras to save good memories but we are also monitored through them by Big Brother and hel under control. It is us who decide how to use technology. It is neutral by default. So, if this wand can do what it is said to do - we can only benefit from it. To be sure if it is a great tool or not, we have to try it and share our experiences. Who's first?  :-D