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Messages - StellarCat

Thank you, Meneleus.  That's very interesting.  Definitely food for thought.   :D
I am having some difficulty with the noticing.  When I lay with my eyes closed and try to get past seeing blackness, all I get is white flashes which turns to gray fuzz.  Like when the cable is out, I just see snow.  I have yet to see anything in that snow.  After a while of seeing this, I get the uncontrollable urge to rub my eyes.  It's so over powering that I cannot fight it.  Is there anything I can do about this?  Am I on the right track?  Does everyone see the fuzz?

Any insight would be great.

I've met people while traveling before, but never had a romantic encounter.  I've encountered lecherous types, but never someone that I liked and wanted to hang out with.  I haven't projected since that night, but I want to meet this guy again.

What I really want to know is if he's projecting like I was and if he really exists in the physical plane.  I guess I'll just have to wait and see.
I had a very odd experience last night while projecting.  At first I thought I was having a lucid dream, but I had clearly exited.  I met this very handsome man while floating around an office building (don't ask me why I chose to go there).  No one else in the building could see me, but he grabbed my hand and kissed me with intense passion.  :oops:  He kept telling me that he was the man I would marry and that even though we hadn't yet met in the physical world, we would soon, and that when we did it would be magical.  We kept floating around, just talking and we had so much fun.  I then came back to my body and woke up abruptly.  It seemed so real, the physical and emotional aspects, that I actually felt guilty when I thought about my boyfriend.

Well the whole experience left a lasting impression, but I decided to go to sleep and worry about it in the morning.  As soon as I drifted off again, I projected for the second time.  I went to this beautiful field of wild flowers and when I looked up, he was there again.  He said "I knew you'd be back soon." We spent some more time together and just had the greatest time.  Finally I came back to my body after frolicking for a while, and recorded the experience.

Has anything like this ever happened to anyone else?  What exactly does it mean.  Is he real person that I will meet or just someone made up in my mind?
Well now we're making him sound like some horrible person, which he isn't.  He just has really unbalanced energy.  He is an awesome person, and I love him dearly.  I'm sorry if  gave you the impression that this is HIS energy that is bad.  It's more like he's got this energy "stuck" on him if you know what I mean.  I think the atmosphere in his home is detrimental to keeping balanced energy too.  

However, I will try sending the reiki.  Thanks, Tom.
I have gone to visit my boyfriend a few times now, but I can't get too close because he has such dirty chakras.  He's completely unwilling to let me help him.  Now, when I am in RTZ and go to his bedroom, I can't even get close to him.  There's too much energy muck to wade through.  Has this ever happened to anyone before?  What can I do to fix this since he won't let me do any Reiki or anything?
Thank you so much, Tom.  Definitely helpful.  I usually decide where I want to go then figure out how to do it after separtation.  I guess from now on I will figure it out before.  That should help.
I think I'm actually talking about RTZ.  How do I go to a place that I don't know how to get to?  Should I just "know" how to get there?  I mean, I know the general direction of where I want to go, but I end up just zooming around searching.

Any suggestions?
The only way I am able to project is when I am on my stomach.  I find that separating is fairly simple for me when I leave through my back.  Only once have I ever projected any other way, and that was on my left side.

This is probably because I am able to relax very deeply while on my belly, not so on my back.  Being on my back is awkward and uncomfortable for me.  I think that it doesn't really matter what position you're in, as long as you're comfortable.
Thank you very much Frank.  I truly appreciate your insight.  Now I understand what happened much better.  

I will try to get more details from him about his experience.
Thank you, Frank.  I understand now.  I had another similar experience the other night, it was largely the same.  However this time, I was with my boyfriend and we were flying around together, talking about how funny everyone we saw was.  I'm not sure why they were so funny, but they were hilarious at the time.  But, it was the same place.

Anyway, he called me shortly after and told me about this crazy "dream" he had that we were flying around.  Does this happen often that two people can have the same experience while projecting?  I know he has no experience with projecting so he interpreted it simply as a dream.

On a side note, he apologized for breaking up with me and we are back together (Just in case anyone cares, which they probably don't).
Thanks, Gandalf.  I would never go looking around in his stuff or watch if he wasn't "alone" (if you know what I mean) or naked or anything like that.  I don't know, it was just kind of interesting to have him aware of my presence.  It's also nice to be able to go see people I haven't seen in a long time.  Like this person, I haven't seen him in over a year.  

But I totally get what you're saying.
I was wondering, if you are in RTZ, and you want to find someone or something, but you don't know where they are, how do you find them?

I had a projection not long ago where I projected and traveled to my friend's room.  I didn't do this on purpose, I just ended up there.  Anyway, I saw my friend sleeping and hung out looking around for a bit then left and returned to my body.

The next day, I spoke to him and he asked me if I was in his room the night before, because he clearly remembered me being there but he was not fully awake.  Mind you, I didn't touch him or disturb him in any way, I just looked.  I tried to explain that I had a "dream" of sorts and was in his room then told him what I saw him wearing to bed.  Of course this is actually what he wearing.  It was strange.  

What exactly was this and is it bad to visit people in the physical plane while projecting? Or can I do this again?  It was kind of fun. :oops:
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Libras Rock!!
June 08, 2005, 17:50:45
Libra (10/10)

Chinese year of the dragon

My cat Swami is a Cancer and Karma is a Gemini
Hi Everybody,

I'm hear to learn how I can better control my projections.  I've been spontaneously projecting since I was a child, but never realized what it was until about 6 years ago when I was 21.  I got involved in Wicca (and I still am) and it kept coming up in the books I was reading.  I still have very little control over this, but I hope to learn and develop that ability here, as there are so many knowledgeable people here.  Every time I do project, I get so excited and want to do it again right away, but I'm limited to about 1-2 times a month.  So frustrating :evil:

I've had a few successful projections before, but only when I'm not trying.  A few days ago I woke up early and decided to try AP, I lay on my stomach, because that's the only position I've ever been able to project from.

Anyway, I felt the vibrations and left my body and my room, but then it seemed way to dream-like to be a projection.  The next thing I knew, I was in this huge open metropolis, with people everywhere.  To the left was this roiling mass of darkness and lava, and to my right was this bright, beautiful city that closely resembled the Emerald City in The Wizard of Oz.  I was looking for my boyfriend who just broke up with me the other day  :cry: and I actually found him with this Mexican woman on a train.  It was very strange.  I was floating and everyone else was walking and I kept intentionally scaring people by making ugly faces at them.  I did this to see if they could see me and every time I realized they could, I was surprised.  

Does anyone know what this was?  Any insight would help.