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Topics - OATH_

Welcome to Healing discussions! / Infestation
December 02, 2005, 01:38:36
I get sick when I come here. There is too much negativity here and it is why I will go periods of time without coming here. Heal this forum
Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 8:50 am    Post subject: Enlightenment by/through Realization    


So far, as my understandings and experiences show me, a big part of enlightenment is realization. You must Realize the simply IS ARE WAS WILL BE aspects of thought.

Example: I once got into an argument with an angel named synthy. She left me and told me to do something. Later on I went to find her by way of phasing in order to try and resolve our differences in which she then proceeded to get what I call "high and mighty" as If hey, im the angel im always right your wrong etc... Immediately I heard a voice that is apparently god and that the voice was very angry and yelled at the angel for doing this. The voice then proceeded to say that synthy had no right and that I was heir. Heir to what I dont know.

The realization here is that I am heir. It has occured through my actions, I may say heir of what? Because I dont know what it is in reference too, but the realization is still there, I simply AM. I am still experiment but it seems as if this is something undeniable in the sense of feeling it. You must not really use logic or anything of that sort, it must resonate from within and hold steady for it to be true. Experiment, I dont think you have to be enlightened to do this but if you are interested in this state, it would make sense that practicing realization would get you there faster, if not make you a better person/soul; help you on your way to perfection.
Welcome to Quantum Physics! / Time
December 02, 2005, 01:08:20
Hi, sorry for posting this here if it causes a problem, but I am not an 'inner sanctum member' so cannot post in the private member forums. I posted this on my own forum, what does everyone think? I tried to make it so it would make sense to anyone but I guess ill see what everyone else says, thnx.

If we go back 500 years ago, and talk to people and tell them what we have done today, If we tell them we went to the moon, they would think we lie and probably kill us. They would wonder and not see how one could possibly do this.

The closer you get to the speed of light, the more and more energy is transferred and changed into matter.

If you are an astral projector, you know that the body you use is made of energy, and you also know that you can zoom across the universe with just a thought in less than a second.


Note: this is my theory, I didnt not go and find it somewhere else besides my own mind as I laid down for sleep not 20 minutes ago.

Steven Hawking says time is not a straight line. He says time is quite possible more like loops and twist occasionally bumping into each other. He says its jumbled.

So what is time? I heard somewhere that time is simply motion. Einstein says each individual has his or her own time, and the faster we move towards the speed of light the slower we move through time.

What if time is more like a ripple in a pond. Time could, quite simply, be motion. The reigning theory for a great many years now is the big bang as to how the universe was created. A mass explosion from an infinitely dense point, a singularity not unlike a black hole. Before this there was nothing, the universe exploded there were object and there was as a result motion which is time. Even if an object is seemingly still for quite some time, we know thnx to quantum physics, that the atoms inside are still moving around and bumbing into each other quite fast. So we have this point, this singularity, and it explodes in all directions. Not only that the objects that emerged from the point are bumping into each other, causing heat and explosions, merging and making new elements like carbon. So if time is also motion and motion is expanding in all directions time goes with it as a property of motion. And the explosions we see are something like a choice except you might call it random choice and not conscious (or was it? ). As matter is a property of time these explosins are time and having an effect on time, which would afftect future choices as a consequences of the choices. So it therefore seems accurate to imagine time as rippeling water. The ripples are parts of the whole but which are separate and somewhat isolated and bound within themselves at the same time as still being part of the whole. Each ripple affect other ripples etc.. And it echoes along, forward and backwards in time.

As and individual, as a human being, you know that your choices now, in the present affect the ones in the future. You also know that your past choices and actions affect where you are and what you are doing at this current moment. By looking at past choices and by simple logic we can predict the future. We can even predict weather by looking at patterns.........

I feel I can write more and study this
later, but I must think more on it first.

edit: lol I just noticed that

More more more, how do you like me how do you like me.

(lol actually I saw a biography on tv once about the girl who wrote that song and its about sex with a stripper or something I think, really bad what she was describing :cry: )[/u]

I dont do drugs btw lol
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Ahoy there!
October 12, 2005, 08:33:18
Hello, I have already made a few post but here I am, oath :)

I am a member of Astral Dynamics forums, Gates of mysticism, and the new forum divining your life (mystic mysfits  :P). A while back I attempted to join this site but was having complications with signing in, and so just read the articles occasionally as a guest. I have recently decided to make another account and engage in discussions here. I am interested in spirituality, demonology, ism's (beliefs), sometimes schism's, occult (secret) historie, energy work, enlightenment, and exploration.