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Topics - Bob251

Welcome to Metaphysics! / Good Books to read?
January 09, 2004, 08:50:14
Hello Bob251
I recommend that you look into this link :
Mayatnik's Book Recommendations
They are books that are recommended by Mayatniks guide Karek and so should be the very best and accurate. The material in those books was channeled by Mayatnik before he had read them or even known about them, but the books confirmed his channelings was absolutely correct. So that should indicate a certain accuracy [;)].
I know this because of the working relationship I have with him on the Reptilian Communications Thread

Light and Compassion
[}:)]There are a multiple amount of weapons I'd use, my personal favorite would probably be a samurai assassin's sword and something to throw, like throwing stars, a metal fan, throwing knives, darts.

I dont know what to say. I think all you can do for your friends is talk to them and find out if theres anything bothering them, let them know you love them.

I hope everything works out.


The first time I learned about out of body experiences was when I saw a scientific show about the subject.  I think it was on the Discovery Channel.  The show got me interested, so I looked up out of body experiences on the internet and learned a lot about them and other metaphysical things.

Wow, that was SOME GREAT help there!  [note sarcasm]

come on, even telling me to move to a Dream forum is advice.  Not giving any advice is kind of rude.

"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy, and taste good with ketchup."
"It matters not what your destiny is.  What matters is what you do to stop it."