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Topics - Pineapple man

Welcome to Magic! / basic principle of magic
September 04, 2006, 18:35:24
ok, im pretty new to the idea of magic, and what i want to know is, is there one basic principle that all acts of magic are based upon? would i be right to assume its the manipulation of bioenergys, chi etc?

rather like clay is just clay, but it can be made into many different shaped objects with many uses according to the skill, experience, intentions of the potter?

am i barking up the right tree here?

ps. also, any suggested reading for a beginner at magic?
Welcome to Dreams! / Reality checks
August 06, 2006, 18:10:58
hello dreamers,

i am looking for the best way to instigate reality checking within the dreamstate in order to become lucid. 

i am currently trying to make my reality checks habitual by RCing everytime i have a cigarette, however i am wondering that maybee i am not likely to be smoking in a dream therefore not likely to perform a RC.

Does anyone have any cunning suggestions as to how RCs can become habitual, therefore very likely to occur in a dream.

Also, on a more general note, if anyones reading this who has regular lucid dreams, what is your secret?

this is something i really want to get into.

Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / AP Mantra
January 06, 2006, 17:25:06
i found this on jonas ridgeway's forum, just thought id share...

Assuming your intention is to AP, it is best if you enter a trance state before reciting the mantra, dont just go straight into it. Ive found it to be an effective alternative to the rope or to any other final separation technique as opposed to a way of entering initial trance.


Once in trance, take a breath in, on the exhale say (in your head)

"Gurrrrrrr" (as in fur, but with a 'g') but role the 'r' like you do with the tongue, remeber not to actually say anything.

Breathe in, exhale and say "Tiiiiiiiiii" (as in tea)

Breath in, exhale and say "Toooooooock" (as in rock but with a 't')
And repeat.

It really works, many people have projected on the very first attempt, or at least felt strong vibrations.

Hope you find this helpful  :grin:

I have no problem entering deep trance as Ive practiced meditation for many months now.

I can induce the vibrations no problem.

On pretty much every projection attempt i reach a point where i am very deep in trance, vibrations, things are defiantly very spacey at this point; a certain amount of separation is taking place, often ill be using some of my astral senses egg getting glimpses of my room with my astral eyes, i have also experienced a very notable swaying effect.

I just need a decent active separation technique to force the separation.

Oh yeah, apart from ROPE, i keep on pulling the rope down as opposed to me climbing up it  :roll:
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Science and AP
November 23, 2005, 14:51:19
Ive read many articles on AP that say science is starting to take notice and tests are being caried out in an attempt to prove/disprove AP.

does this mean therefore that if/when AP is proven by science,
(which seems perfectly resonable to me as the astral plain/ astral body is all to do with different vibrations and frequencies, things that are already common scientific knowledge)

life after death will be proven by science too, (as death will be just a permanent separation of the astral from the physical)

Then, maybee the theory of life after death (permanent separation of the physical from the astral) will beome as accepted as any other scientific thoery such as gravity or photosynthasis.

I realise ive jumped the gun tremendously, and its all just theoretical, but the futures going to happen some time and i do think that, just like the first discovery of the earth being round instead of flat and other such revelations, is Astral projection or even the accepted norm of life after death going to be the next?

And what then will be the impact on a world wide sociological and religious scale?

Just a few thoughts,
What do people think?
Hello people, (first post, its good to be here amongst u guys :grin: )
im having a few problems with the "final push" maybee someone knows what im doing wrong or not doing quite right.

i enter the trance, induce the vibrations, when it feels right i then imagine my consciousness rocketing out of the top of my head and im suddenly on a completely different level (this SHOULD be it according to everything ive read), but, everything seems spacious and the vibrations are very different to that of a normal state of mind, more intense. I certainly feel some separation going on, almost as if my astral self has "shifted" like 3 or 4 inches up down, left or right of my physical, Im on the very brink i can tell! ...... but when i try to move its clear that its only going to be my physical for the time being.

Comments and suggestions needed!