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Topics - Bynx

Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Was this real?
December 03, 2005, 14:03:57
Do you think this was an OBE or a dream?

Last night before I went to sleep, I told myself that since it was my birthday tomorrow (which is now today) I should have an OBE for a birthday present to myself. Then I fell asleep.
Sometime in the night, I woke up. Since I remembered reading that a good time to try to have an OBE was in the night when you wake up, I tried. I had the idea to start "rocking" back and forth like I was on a viking ship ride at an amusement park. After about 30 seconds of that, I started shaking all over and then suddenly I felt like I was floating and weightless. Thinking it worked, but thinking that was too easy, I rolled over, falling out of bed. Wondering if it worked, I sat up and looked at my bed. I was in it, sleeping! Excited, I tried to go to my sister's room. I started trying to walk through the wall to my sister's room, when I suddenly "woke up".
The only problem was that when I woke up, I was dreaming that I woke up. (of course, I didn't know that until I REALLY woke up) In my dream, I was REALLY excited, and I wrote it all down and then went on here and told you all about it. Then I woke up for real, and now I'm wondering if it was all a dream.
There are 2 possibilities, I think. One is that I really did have an OBE (It did FEEL real, not that I know what it feels like) and then I fell asleep and dreamed, or that it was all a dream.
Tell me what you think. Is this something that usually happens?
It's a good thing I can always remember my dreams, or I would have forgotten this all anyway. ^_^
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Just an idea...
November 25, 2005, 00:46:18
Ok. I've read a lot on psychokinesis and lucid dreaming and stuff like that. So I know that while you're dreaming, you are unconscious. When you're having a lucid dream, you're conscious and unconscious at the same time, and your brain is working harder on whatever you're doing than it does when you're awake. It is true that if you have a lucid dream and you are doing something like... playing the piano, you will seem to really be playing it, and it will actually help you learn. Something to do with the connections in your brain weakening while you sleep, so that you learn faster or something like that. So, going back to being conscious and unconscious at the same time... Psychokinesis has something to do with the unconscious, lucid dreaming connects those two. So, could practicing psychokinesis while having a lucid dream possibly help make the connection between your conscious mind and your unconscious so that you could do psychokinesis while you're awake?
Hopefully that made some sense...  :oops: Please don't laugh at me, I know that probably sounded stupid... Tell me what you think.
Welcome to Dreams! / Problem with lucid dreaming...
November 25, 2005, 00:25:20
Ok, this is my problem. I'm not really sure if I know I'm dreaming or not when I'm dreaming. I can usually do whatever I want, like if I feel like it, I can jump up and fly or whatever. But my dreams are ALWAYS strange, like every single place in my dreams is a mixed-up representation of the real one. Like there will be a place that is "my room" but it will be completely different from my real room.
But my problem is this -- I don't FEEL like it's different. In my dreams, I have different memories and a different life. Everyone says to try to notice the little differences in your dreams to help you know you're dreaming, but how do you notice the HUGE differences when they feel like they're supposed to be that way because they've always been that way?
Hopefully I didn't just confuse everybody... I don't know if anyone will be able to understand my problem, but if you can, please help. Thanks.  :grin:

By the way, I remember my dreams almost perfectly every morning, so I have no problem with that. And that "reality check" thing doesn't work very good either. I'll do it in my dream, but I'll just think "Oh, I'm floating. That's completely normal, I've always been able to do that."
PLEASE help!