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Topics - MJ-12

Let them eat seal.
Interesting article. I'd like to know more about the physics behind it, i.e. how long the levers were and how he used the fulcrums, etc.

The theory that aliens built Stone Henge is a little far-fetched for me to believe. I think people underestimate the potential of the human race.

      Internal Martail arts and Internal strength

   All i know of this subject is tht when percieved it can be dangerous and harmful. the techniques that are out there for healling work as well. Fa-Jing is a common name for one of these skills and is only kown to a few martial artists.**insert from my article on jing**

jing can either be internal or external. hard or soft.a really good article on this would be
the article is where i got the basis of my article so if it seems like i copied {which i didn't} then im sorry ahead of the time.
whats the significance of 106:06 mj-12 ?
This "interview" is a big hoax. If 100+ soldiers were wounded, wouldnt you think the news media would cover it for like two days?!

And what kind of stupid reporter would ask "Did you see a lot of your buddies get killed? How did it affect you?" ?! Thats just dumb and retarded![:(!]

Scumbags love making up shi* about our servicemen in Iraq. I would kick there butt if I ever could!

One thing though, if this was true, the interview, this officer would be a 2LT-Col in ranks most likley. A platoon CO has a LOT of men under his command, a Company CO has even more, etc...

---EDIT--- Sorry for my remarks. Thats just how I feel.


Hello!  Yes, I know it appears that Narrowpath has a monopoly on this section.  But I assure you -- this section of the board is dedicated to exactly that--non-christian religions.  Each section has a description and that is what should be discussed in those sections.  I have just now moved into moderator status, so it may take me a few days, but I will get things back on track soon!

So, all of those who wish to discuss all non-christian religions, you are more than welcome to!

Welcome to Astral Chat! / The desert
August 20, 2003, 06:41:48
Maybe the Earth will be a better place once humans kill themselves off.
I live in Massachussets, and I was unaffected by the outages. I stayed up late(ish) in the night watching News. I had this kind of morbid fascination...watching entire cities become dark. But I had relatives in Toronto, so I was kind of worried about them, as well.

No, surely not. And I thought it was all to do with carrots. How wrong can a person be.


Yes, its also supposedly set to coincide with an ice age, an asteroid bombardment of Earth, a dimensional shift and an invasion from an alien military force.
Hey man that sounds like a Sylph (a water elemental), they are blue, and im pretty sure they can fly cos they are also called faeries and it would certainly fit with that pot of water.

that was a great read
Hope I helped :)
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Planet X on the way?
February 25, 2003, 07:17:37
I think it's supposed to pass by us in June of this year.  There are many different prophecies regarding this object.  I've unintentionally been reading a lot about this object lately and most reports/stories/whatever say it's a planet (Planet X) I forget what the "real" name for it is.  Some say it will cause death and destruction (Man's favorite prophecy...) and some say it will bring peace and restore order to the Earth.  Kinda hard to believe either, so I just say let's wait and see what happens.  Hehe. [;)]
You could have had an obe and your subconcious  created the scene of your bed being as if you awoke- sort of dreaming while obe- I think I have experienced them.

BLM: Hi MJ-12. what a cool sounding experience you've had here! smile it sounds like you were able to rapidly enter into another state of awareness. since you were able to see so much so quickly, maybe you were projecting your inner mind's eye. sort of like remote viewing on X-Men where the professor put on his special and dangerous helmet remote viewing thingy. he was able to see instant and quick flashes of images of places, people and other various things. i just thought that maybe i'd include that thought here. maybe there should be another term for this. i believe that Robert said he was interested in this sort of thing. let's maybe call it 'remote astral sight projection'.

BLM: now, did you see yourself or your astral body projecting before you whenever you were seeing these places, or did you just see these images rapidly without seeing your other body? i feel that if one says they just saw images, then they were possibly remote viewing or using their astral sight in that kind of case. for some reason, in my experience with this sort of thing, i have not seen my astral body but was able to see an environment of sorts somewhere outside. i also forced to find out where i was and managed to force my mind's eye to pass by a road sign. it had the shape of Ohio on it and specifically said that the area i was in was called, "Waterburg." does anyone on the forum know if this place is real? is this the real name of a city that's somewhere in Ohio? please let me know if you know!

MJ-12: I woke up and, it being Sunday, I relaxed in bed for a while with my hands crossed over my chest. I started daydreaming and before long, my daydreams took on more and more solidity and I lost awareness of myself in bed. It was sort of like those car commercials where the camera spends the whole thing pulling out and the scene radically changes every 2-3 seconds.

MJ-12: I would walk into a building, open a door and I'm in a forest, look up and see a mountain full of glaciers and then be on the beach with a glass full of ice, etc. My power to alter things grew and after a while I thought about astral projection and I was still dimly aware of myself lying in bed, so I tried some of that.

MJ-12: I became aware of the back of my eyelids and focused on that and far off in my vision, I saw two thin circles, one inner, one outer, of rainbows. In the inner circle was a murky blackness. Well, after some hesitation, I focused mightily on going through and succeeded somewhat I think. Immediately, like I'm talking a switch being thrown here, I get heavy vibrations and throbbing in my head that builds steadily into what I "knew" would be an OBE, or possibly something more. Unfortunately, I got nervous and pulled back a bit (awwwww), but I recovered and went with it as long as I could, but I guess I lost my momentum and ended up with sleep paralysis. I fiddled around with that for a while and faded into dream.

Any thoughts on what this may have been?

BLM: i have seen colored circles before as well. i really don't know what they might be though. maybe these are some kind of elemental? well, that's just one of my guesses.....maybe they're some kind of "tunnel of light" as Robert has mentioned in his book (on page 385). he said that, "Many projectors report shooting at high speed through a tunnel of light when they project, then end up somewhere inside the astral planes." (p. 385 Astral Dynamics). do read about what he said, i'm sure you may find that it could relate to you seeing this as your rapid means of traveling!

BLM: and, the vibrations and throbbing that you were feeling must've been some kind of energy adjustment you were going through to project out of your body. so, you feel that you lost in doing your projection? no, it sounds like you did project somewhat in the first paragraph you wrote! maybe you remembered them out of order. maybe you saw the tunnel of light first and is what you had traveled through then saw the images whizing by you afterward. maybe your projection ended whenever you came back too close to your body and felt nervous. but, maybe your dream wasn't just a dream and was a continuation of your know this answer inside.... smile

Blue Light blessings
from Blue Mystic

Just a quick one -- yes, it sounds like you did it with classic symptoms. The hands thing is similar to Robert's ROPE technique where you pull yourself out on an imaginary rope. Whatever works works, so go for it, mate! LOL


'"Dreams are true while they last, and do we not live in dreams?" In answer to Tennyson, I pose this question: truth lasts while there are dreams, and do we not dream in truth? '
Welcome to Dreams! / Deja Vu in dreams?
February 21, 2002, 18:10:28
Yes! All the time, I realize in the dream that I'm dreaming (but I'm still not lucid), *and* I remember having had the same or a similar dream before. Or that other stuff has happened in that particular "dream-space." Can't remember any specifics, of course. :)
