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Topics - Czm33x

Welcome to Metaphysics! / Famous Spirit
December 28, 2002, 13:52:39
I have/had a spirit guide who I knew as Gus. Years later I've run across drawings of St Germaine who has a strong resemblence to Gus. Makes me wonder.

Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / World Leaders
December 11, 2002, 14:43:30
This reminds me of Douglas Adams' take on the whole leadership thing  - people who have the skills to be a good president generally don't have the personality needed to run for this position, whereas those who have the personality should in no way be trusted with the job.

It seems to me that world leaders have gotten to their positions because of their abilities to deal with their country's political processes. These processes by their very nature tend towards corruption. Politics is all the same in this respect, be it national politics or church politics.


Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / White Light
November 10, 2002, 17:42:56
Maybe he's evil!

Autocratic Totalitarian Dictator Supreme Lord Saint Kyle of the Squirrel I
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / AP Sensations
October 29, 2002, 20:50:58
Originally posted by Czm33x:
This city I live in is a boring place. Bars and strip bars are the only places here and movie theatres. I only watch movies if I sense it'll be something really riveting.
I bought Unreal Tournament. One day while I was playing this game I felt my astral body float partially outside my physical body. When this happened, the my player model in the game was jumping off a medium height wall. When my player model in the game landed on the floor of the map he was in, my astral body merged back with my physical body.

Interesting.  I play that game all the time and I never had that happen to me.  I think I bought a defective version!

Keep smiling,

Jeff Mash - Jokes and Humor
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Paralysis
October 29, 2002, 20:19:08
I think I have the same problem but whats the easiest way to put yerself in that projected double that is floating above you when you notice yer in the trance state?

How exactly did the neg attack you?  Just curious.  Did it use any core images?  Have you read practical psychic self-defense?   Personally if I were you I would get some holy water and spray it around the house.  I think it was from fredhedd but he said he's been taking some garlic pills.  To me....that sounds like a good idea.  If you ever get bad vibes again....if I were you I would start banging some pots and pans together.  Negs hate noise.  Hmmm...I can't think of anything else....but yeah if you haven't read Roberts new book....go out and get it.  Its really fascinating...and useful.

I have several questions for you about this if that's okay.  I have much interest in topics like this, more so when experienced by multiple people.  I do have several ideas of what is going on and what could be done.  You could of course just try a banishing retual of some kind.  But if no one is really bothered by this or has been hurt I would first suggest trying to figure out the what's and why's.  After they are known it gives you a few more options as to what could be done.  After all it could be some one in need of assistance, or could even be caused by one of the members in the house.  It all depends on what is going on.

1.  How long have you or your parents lived there?
2.  Are they the original owners?  Or did some one else own it before?
3.  Anything special about the location in general?  IE, What was the land before housing, go back as far as you can.
4.  Are only certain parts of the house like this?  Or is it all over?
5.  Any creepy or bad vibes from certain locations in the house?
6.  Have any of the wet spots shifted places, grown, or changed shape after being noticed?
7.  Is your Mother sure about the voices in the kitchen being you and your Father?  Or does she simply hear voices and assume it is you two because she does not see you at the time?
8.  The voices you hear in the living room, are they male/female?  
9.  Do the voices and the movement happen at the same time? Or seperatly?
10.  Do the voices sound angery, happy, sad?  What is the tone of voice?
11.  Do they sound like they are talking to you, to each other, or just talking?
12.  Can you clearly hear what is being said?
13.  Does what is being said change or is it the same thing all the time?

David Rogalski
I am he who walks in the light but is masked by the shadows.
nope never seen it. you might wanna try banishing them though if you don't like them. (too bad i can't banish family members i don't like, eh? j/k)


Secret of Secrets
Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / Spirit Guides
October 15, 2002, 15:58:06
"Calling upon Angels, however, does not carry the same cautions as does blindly calling upon unknown spirits." ~ Czm33x

I don't know: a fallen angel (demon) could answer the call too. besides you could always just call out for goodly spirits to help.


Secret of Secrets
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Woman's Voice
October 04, 2002, 21:54:58

When you do NEW, you are creating sensations and moving them around in your body with your awareness. You can move unpleasant sensations as well as pleasant ones. You can move them out of your body and bury them deep in the planet. We call it grounding, and then you can draw in fresh energy from the planet. It is a bit like composting. Sometimes I lose my breath, too, and when it happens it feels like nothing can go right. It signals a need for drastic change. It is actually a matter of letting go of effort rather than of doing something new, though. As for the toe, maybe you can look up which of the meridians go through it in the system used for acupressure?