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Topics - Porkchoppiglet

Hey ya,

My names Simon, I'm from south Africa (cape town). I'm 18 years of age, and close to AP, i know I am.

I joined on the 10Th Jan 2006 but only saw this forum today:)LOL oops, sorry.
Anyway, thats me i guess. I seem to see CFT traveler alot, so CDT traveler HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I also know quite a fair amount about OOBE and LD and AP etc, done my homework on it;)

Cheers, Simon
Hey ya'll

I was wondering, if I posted a certain scene that you could all download, would it be possible if we could meet there. I am studying graphics design, and can render a scene in a day, and its pretty realistic, but at the same time its also dreamlike. Here is an example below of a scene I have rendered. its ONLY an example, and I was thinking that maybe I could post a scene every 2 months and use it as a meeting place??

PS-on average, how often do you project a month or two months??

He ya'll

I am new to projecting, but at the same time I must say that I have given it 200% from the start and now (only 10 days later) im feeling the effects.

I have been remembering many dreams and also having lucid dreams, which before was very uncommon for me. Anyway to cut to the chase, I was lying in bed this morning at 2am, and I chucked on my headphones, clicked play and listened to my binaural beats. As usual, I went into a trance and began my noticing exercises. I soon felt a buzzing energy running through my body, but I could physically HEAR the energy as it went, almost like those electric fences, it was going TICK...TICK..TICK etc.

When I put my feet together (dont know why I did) I felt the energy traveling from one foot to the other?? Does ANYONE have ANY idea what this might be at all? I actually really wanted to attempt to AP but It scared me to hell and back.

To put the cherry on the cake and make things even worse, when I opened my eyes (because of the fear) my vision was not normal at all, it was wavey, and when I didnt blink, my vision started going a misty, hazy white, until my field of vision was totally white??

Any ides   :question:

Thanx, Simon
Hey all

I had the most obscure thought recently.
As I am flying back to south Africa soon, I was wondering if it would be at all possible to project whilest 2000ft above the earths surface??

I wouldnt see why not, but do u reckon there could be any dangers involved in any way, or not??

Thanx 2 all
Hi travellers

I have a question for you all, and please send as much feedback as you possibly can.

I have been listening to a few soundtracks on CD's, Bineural Beats, and I get to the point of trance state, but always end up dreaming, or just sleeping. If i try to concentrate my mind becomes too busy, and so Im stuck in the middle:(

I have only just started doing reality checks, and hopefully this will induce lucid dreaming, and eventually an OBE. What I would like to know is if there are any suggestions to check if ur OBE'ing or not. Ive heard of the paper method, checking ur hands and so on, but would checking a finger ring do the trick?? I would imagine it would, but at the same time, your mind becomes acustomed to seeing that ring in daily activities, so would this not affect the reality checks??

Please drop a line if you have ANY comments regarding this, and even methods you use to induce these states leading up to an OBE.
All comments are welcome and would be of GREAT appretiation!

Thanks all, and safe travels!
Hi all

I have only been practicing AP for a week, and I am currently using BWGEN to help me relax. Sometimes I slip into a deep trance, other times i don't. However the problem is that when i DO fall into a deep state of trance, I end up dreaming of something, and sometimes even falling asleep! ! ! I will then have a series of vibrations, some slight, some a little more intense. I try my utmost best to just go with the flow, but the vibrations distract me and I then just blow the whole thing.

Any suggestions? ANY methods will do, please.

Thanx allot
Hi all ya

This is my first post eva in astral, so hopefully I get SOME response;)
anyway, i recently downloaded a programme that allows the user to download soundtracks from the web, some successful, some a scam.
I have however obtained a soundtrack worth $20, that claims to induce INSTANT AP or your money back, providing you put in the will power to succeed as well:)

My question to you is this: Should we use these soundtracks to assist us beginners or not? I myself have not AP yet, however I do believe I have come close!!! Anyway, some input or feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Thanx once again, Happy and safe AP to you all