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Topics - SweP

Alright pulsers,
I found an article from 2011 showing the most relaxing song ever made, scientifically proven.
Here it is in HD:


Looking forward to try this out myself,

Edited, (links fixed)
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Telekinesis - First try
August 20, 2013, 06:54:38
This is my experience I decide to share with you from yesterday night.
I decided to try Telekinesis because I had an experience long time ago.

Alright, yesterday around 22:00 PM i decided to go for a mediation session and it went quite well. This session lasted about 20 minutes and after that I decided to try Telekinesis.

First I started out with some energy harvesting with moving mediation and this is when my hand went warm. I could actually feel the force between them. And then....
I cut out three aluminum pieces and placed them on the floor and sat straight in a like meditation position. After 10 minutes without result I decided to change my method and did an setup with an string and a little piece of aluminum at the end of the string, now it's very easy affected by any force.

This started out quite well and I was surprised. The piece moved a bit back and forward when I focused my attention at the piece.
At first.... I thought It need to be my breath that effect it and move it, but no... I decided to try to connect the object with my hand and WOW. I was amazed I felt a force between my hand and the object and my right hand went quite warm and heavy. Keep in mind I did this during relaxed mind and body.

30-40 minuter in the Telekinesis experience I tried to move it either left or right by intention. I did quite well. Like 20-30 % of the tries I succeeded. I found out that it may be easier to try just to move it or not, focused the mind or not. This actually didn't work that well and increased my believe in the breathing case.

So what can I do now? I went for chi projection with no movements and I held my breathing. Just to make "sure". No movement on like 10 seconds and it moved quite intense sometimes.
I just guess I need the accept the fact that Telekinesis works for me cause I could do no movements and breathing and still move the aluminum piece at the end of the string connected to the chair.

Felt very good at the movement because it actually felt like I controlled it movements :)

Cheers my freinds  :lol:
Alright AP's,

I came up with an idea that probably will be welcoming :)
What if we did some type of scheduling on waking up people from dreams. For instance, lets say I want an OOBE. Then people respond with times they are going for an AP themselves.
This would be an awesome path to have an OOBE for people who have never experienced an OOBE before.

Does this sounds like a good idea? If so...
What info do you guys need to wake someone up at an remote location?
Alright, so I am thinking about a program made for Android or Windows lets see what you guys is prior #1. The programming part is not a problem at all.
But I would be glad if some experience people would help me with the "theory" part.

My idea is a program that will make you conscious when you sleep and trigger a lucid dream. And from lucid you can enter astral projection.
Is there any interest in something like this?

Hey AP'ers. I want to know how to find something like a timer you set...
Like a button  you press then it produces sounds like "Awake" "Astral projection" after like an hour or two in headphones, after you went to bed.

I think this might be able to help me a lot to reach my first OOB experience. So far I have tried Binaural beats and just general relaxing music.
This often ends up I get too scared of my body "Vanishing" slowly. This intense feeling increase my heartrate and I can't keep calm or I just lay/sit there very relaxed without vibrations.

Lets say I have a lucid dream, how do I continue to AP?

Hey all pulsers!
I have read an hour about Celebrities whom sould their soul to the devil. What is your view on this why?? I assume this is a good way for the devils to trick more people into satanism.
Why does anybody even choose to do something like this. Yeah maybe you get famous and rich but I mean.. who will continue to "hell" after the physical body die.
I would be glad if we could start a discussion on this topic. So I can start this...

Why and for what benefits and drawbacks does somebody choose to trade the soul for the devil?

Cheers with love
Hello all pulsers,

I have changed my mindset alot since this year began. I also meditate sometimes.
On this I have noticed I almost remember my dreams every day. The dreams entering my mind at about 30 minutes from I woke up.
Before I had my old mindset I almost never remembered my dreams or just 3 times a month but now EVERYDAY.

Is this some sign on any kind of development?
I am much more of a kind and lovely person than before. Also abit more open.

Hello all pulsers,

Lately when I have done my 45 minutes sessions I getting a pressure feeling on my solarplexus but when I a few Min's later end my session its nothing there and feels like normal again.
What could this be?

Evening all Pulsers,
How long did you practice before your first successfully AP? Also had you ever meditated before? And how was your experience?
Hello again, just need to bring up this topic...

Today I was talking with a professional masseur and he went into the topic on how to breath. He told me that "ALWAYS breath with your chest and not your stomach. Your lungs is not in your stomach but in your chest". That's the way he was reason. This confused me a lot because I have always heard and read I should breath "with my stomach".

Finally I took the conclusion, "Do what feels best for you and most relaxing". So what do you think about this?
OT: Do you feel any difference if you lay with the head pointing to north and skip too eat meat?
Hey people, this is my first post here on astralpulse :)

I came over Astral projection for about 5 days ago and I have practice daily 20-40 minutes, time past fast when I practice... I am brand new too both meditation and AP and I will get a idea how well I am doing.
The first three attempts I felt a very strange feeling going through my whole body after ~10 min. As I have read some books on this subject I continue without direct to much attention on this strong feeling in the body (It didn't feel like I was vibrating). Anyways.... Today I did my fifth attempt without success again. But this time I had my head pointing to north, not sure if its make any difference but it did. Now I didn't feel the strong feeling in my body as I did before :O What I have read this should boost the successrate.

Some other feelings I have is I cant almost feel my body at all when I have meditate 10-15 Min's, random jerks in different parts of my body and the time pasts very fast when I doing this. But I am not paralyzed but feels like I am very very physical deep relaxed. I am trying to achieve light trance and deep phys relax then for aim for the rope technique.

Also my heartrate is crazy high sometimes because I am excited feels like 120-130 BPM, trying to ignore it but it's quite hard.
I am trying to keep the strong strange feeling in my body because I assume it is a positive sign of some sort.