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Topics - loppoppy

Welcome to Dreams! / A New Type Of Dream
April 12, 2013, 09:45:40
Let me set the scenario. The "dream" is a consistent and alternate life, complete with a different set of friends and family that I know and love (but not in this life), places that are familiar and connected to a whole new set of memories (that as far as I know don't exist and have never happened). Nothing overly special about this scenario, technology and architecture are different but not necessarily advanced, it is just different, yet seemlessly consistent from night to night. I've been seeing it for the past week. is it just a dream? If so, what is it supposed to mean? If not, why am I seeing it? Usually answers come to me through meditation, that is not the case this time, possibly because the topic itself is highly distracting.

In the event that this is an alternate reality, I still require some kind of explanation. I am not very well versed in this sort of activity. I know that time is subjective, and "when" is simply the point where our conciousness currently resides. How to shift along or between layers of the "time stream" isn't exactly a skill of mine.

Thanks in advance to anyone with any knowledge on this topic...
It has been years, but I've found my way back to these forums. So first off, hi guys!!! Glad that this site is still around and growing.

I'm probably pretty much unknown here. It has been a very long time, so I'll give a bit of background information.
I've had a relatively positive history on this site, and over the years have developed my ability and knowledge a lot away from this forum. I used to astral project regularly from sleep and every now and then in a rare occurance in a concious awake state.

Recently I made the decision to live a "normal" life and focus on material things, a decision that was not taken lightly. It seems this decision has altered my subconcious and any kind of spiritual experiences have since ceased.

Despite my previous experiences, doubts have yet again risen in my mind of the nature of life in general and what lies beyond, due to a friend of mine recently dying of organ failure after successful lung cancer treatment. Now I no longer have any connection to anything beyond this plane, it feels like his existence has ceased completely and it scares me.
I need to get back into this, another experience will bring me peace of mind that he is OK and although the nature of his journey remains unknown to me, I can at least take heart with the knowledge his journey is moving forward.

This is a little bit deep and serious, not sure how it will be received on a public forum, but this site always was a site of inspiration and motivation for me, I hope it can continue to be such a place. You'll be hearing from me around certain topics.

I can project into the astral from a lucid dream no problem. I lucid dream most nights, so thats not a problem either. The problem is that doing it this way has severe limitations to me, and a high risk of falling back into a dream or waking up. From a lucid dream I maintain complete control for about ten seconds, where i fly as fast and as far away as I can in my attempt at freedom, after those seconds it all changes, i lose control and thats that.

In comparison, the 1 time I have conciously projected, it was completely different. I had all the sensations, the rushing as I exited, I could feel my heart chakra humming away, I was SUPER aware of everything around me, like I could actually feel it in a way I've never felt anything before. at least 2 minutes of full control before returning to my body and recording every single detail.

I'm making no advances in projecting from lucid dreaming, it seems to be a bit of a cheat way, I believe that the only way to progress is to master concious projection, this is where I call out to you guys for HELP! Whatever I did that one time to achieve the perfect projection, I've never grasped it since. Any time that I've gotten close, I can't peg what I'm doing differently. I get to the point where I can feel my astral body moving back and forth ready to pop! and then it stops and I get stuck feeling like I'm in 2 bodies at once, both still connected to's annoying. From what I've described, do you have any clue what I'm missing?

I've recently taken a long break since my last attempt, trying to recharge my energies or something, and every time I think about trying again, I really don't see the point without some fresh info. Thanks in advance
if whoever thought up this idea thought that if people just imagined astral pulse island they would all go to the same place and meet up then thats wrong haha.
Each person would just go to their own seperately created astral pool and would never meet anyone else who tried to visualise it.

if you wanted to create a place where people can meet you would need enough energy to create and sustain the astral pool permanently with it's own energy signature that people can feel out and travel to instead of just going to a place that looks like it that they created.

Ahs well...points for the original thinking i guess
I have astral projected many times, sometimes when i am concious and awake, sometimes when i am asleep. I first stumbled upon astral projection whilst looking up the other planes of existence. Astral projection caught my interest because it sounded like an experience a friend of mine had been through. After talking to my friend about it we decided to start learning how to astral project. At the beginning i always had a little doubt in my mind that it wasn't possible or that the astral did not exist. A few months had passed and my friend told me excitedly that he had done it! i told him my doubts and he reassured me and urged me to continue trying. I doubled my efforts and about a month after the following occured:

After i had failed an attempt to project conciously i went to bed and fell asleep. Next thing i knew i was outside my body and my friend was standing in front of me grinning. He said:
"you've been floating there for ages like you were in a trance or something..."
I replied: "is this a dream?"
he said "does it feel like one to you? it sure doesn't for me!" (trust me when u AP whilst asleep, you know when it's not a dream! u just feel it (=)
My friend then flew up through the roof and in my shock and amazement i returned to my body and woke up. It felt like something had pulled me back. After researching into this i concluded that i was still sensitive to the astral plane and my sudden reaction caused the cord to pull my astral body back into my physical body as an automatic defence which would usually happen if the experience became frightening and risked becoming traumatic to a person who was not ready to project.

The next morning i met up with my friend but did not ask him about what had happened, just in case it was a dream. I wanted him to mention it so that i knew it was real! and he did! the first thing he said to me when i saw him was:
"where did u go last night i thought u would have followed me outside!?"
yet again i was shocked! i explained to him why i returned to my body and he told me it didnt matter anyway he didn't last much longer things started getting blurry and then he didn't remember anything after. We concluded that this was also because he wasn't used to the astral plane and he couldn't maintain the projection for very long in the early stages.

I've read a lot about people struggling for their first proper projection and i thought i would tell this story because it proved to me a lot of amazing things about the astral plane.

when you get there you will understand, and you'll want to keep going back =) it's a whole new world opening up for you and also helps in the ability to lucid dream, and to take control of your dreams making anything possible =).
so if you haven't done it yet, don't give up! it's worth the time and effort! and if anyone wants tips or has any questions or problems i'll do my best to help out!! =)
When I am astral projecting, every now and then i will feel an immense fear and fall into a nightmare of some sort. This was very scary and aggravating but last night i had a breakthrough. As i flew out of my house, happy that i was once again successfully in the astral, that immense fear came over me once again and my mind started playing tricks on me. All of a sudden I felt amazing courage and i said to myself NO! and all the fear and mind tricks faded away. I was so happy i finally threw away this annoying fear and I have no idea why i couldn't do it before.

It's great to share amazing experiences and breakthroughs like this, it makes me feel like i'm on top of the world. Anyone have any thoughts on this which might give me an explanation on how this happened or has anyone had this sort of thing happen to them before?
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / breakup
September 25, 2006, 17:47:36
i recently broke up with someone very very close to me. She was like the only real attachment I had and i felt i could stick with that and live happily ever after. Now things have been all messed up i can't focus anymore. I feel an empty hole inside and I feel totally lost. Usually when i have a problem i meditate and I quickly see things in a better light and sort out my problem, but not this time. I basically meditated all day but it just wouldn't leave me. I feel totalli destroyed an angry at myself. This is the first time spirituality has failed to help me and i just don't know what to do. I don't know if i should post this in this particular section but i just had to type it somewhere. Any suggestions on what i can do???
Thinking of everything that a typical person faces in every day physical life, do you suppose it is possible for an ordinairy person to go beyond these responsibilities and pressures to become enlightened and move on from this plane forever?

In my personal opinion I belive that it is impossible to totally escape physical responsibilities such as work, and attachments. What do you think? Do you even think enlightenment is possible at all? or is it all just another form of control to keep us in order throughout our lives, give us something to look up to so we don't freak out and go crazy.
after projecting, after meditation or even is i'm just relaxed, i move my hands or any part of my body and there is an afterimage of that body part that just floats behind my physical body part. When i'm relaxed it's about half a second behind. afer meditation about 1 second behind my movement and after projecting it's a good 2-3 seconds behind my movements. I believe it to be my empty astral body which has become constantly loose due to me projecting so many times. Does this afterimage effect happen to anyone else?

(when i do this only I can see my afterimage and it happens no matter how fast or slow i move my body part. It's so clear sometimes it's like it's nearly solid but it always has a light white glow around it.)
I went to a church where they held a special service where people discussed their experiences with god. All i heard all evening was stories of how god had reached out to them in television adverts which inspired them to help change our world and how terrible the world is. I asked them if they had ever considered that such terrible acts in the world could help better us as well as other well founded questions but whenever i disagreed or questioned anything to do with their religion they scowled at me and in the end i was thrown out for being the only person not placing blind faith in a book. They were so lodged into their faith that they had totally closed their mind to anyone with different views. It was a sad thing to witness. It was as if religion had removed their individuality and recreated them like zombies. Just a form of control.

I do not doubt that things such as the bible are unholy or that they are without truth. But consider this story:

A long time ago just after Jesus had died, there was controversy between the Romans and the Christians. From what the bible had taught them, the Christians were somewhat rebelling against the Romans and as a result many innocent people were slaughtered for their beliefs. In response to this, one Constantine the great took all of the controversial holy scriptures and burned them, keeping only the scriptures that caused the least conflict and exacted a certain form of control. From that time this new version of the bible was passed down through time accepted as absolute truth, when in-fact it was just a method of control. Nowadays such control is not needed but the same brainwashing remains in effect.

I appeal to anyone here who is deeply religious to not totally shut their minds out to the rest of the world and whatever views they may have. To realize the absolute truth in religion one must be open minded and sometimes question their beliefs. Also just because it is sacred, it does not mean it has not been tampered with through time in order to simmer down controversy. I also hopes this makes sense, it is late and at times like this i can sometimes speak total rubbish.
I'm just curious on peoples thoughts on what separates good from evil. What are their main differences. are they opposites or enemies? things like that.

appreciate any replies in advance thank you.
i read somewhere that if a particular person is totally evil and over hundreds of lifetimes refuses to learn his/her lesson, that the guides and helpers feel that the only salvation of the soul is if it were to regress down the evolutionary path back to the animal stage or maybe even the mineral stage until the soul is prepared for the human mind once again. I also read that when a soul experiences this regression, it is a most tormenting and painful experience.

do animals and minerals have the essence of the soul within them? would such a thing happen as punishment for such a hefty amount of bad karma or is it just an extreme method of helping a soul?