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Yep you guessed it  , another one from the former forums of Jonas ridgeway....
Dunno what I should put here but if you've got any questions feel free to ask  =)

Maybe I should put some info on myself , I'm 18 just graduating high school , I'm trying to learn AP , I 'vie had one spontaneous experience  where I woke up half way out of my body which is what got me into OBE , Ive always been into magick and the paranormal such as ghost etc.
I like to make useless gadgets , some include but are not limited too ... A potato cannon , a nitrous system for my friends car ( maybe out of parts from a kegerator =P ) ,  a Still , a battle bot ( I competed way back when before the show was canceled ) ,  a harpoon gun , a paintball bazooka ,homemade flamethrower ( btw BAD idea........ wont go into details I'll leave you wondering ) custom under glow for my friends car , and custom interior lighting for it ; ) ... there more but thats all that pops in my head
I'm vegetarian , like to read  hmmm my brains dead atm so it ends here for now lol
