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Topics - LifeShadow

Here is the file guys.  It will be there for 7 days or 100 downloads...  Should be listened to in a quiet room on headphones only... Don't put it on your car stereo for your journey to work!

Just a quick one...  Nearly all of my lucid dreams involve me meeting dead members of my family.  What does this mean? Is this normal?
Since the demise of the Ridgeway forum I have been at a loss for general help in the areas of Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming. I found a number of forums and I have been running them in parralel (three to be precise). I made the same post on all three forums a few days ago in an attempt to find "home". I am pleased to say that Astral Pulse (and more importantly the people who populate it) came out way on top in terms of engagingness, responsiveness etc. One of the other forums purported to be a home for people with such interests  but a moderator quickly moved my post to another sub forum in which the last post was some three weeks ago. The other I posted on did come back with some feedback but there only seem to be two or maybe three active members.

I would like to thank those of you who responded to my post.  New members (particularly sensitive ones) can feel very unwanted if they make a post for the first time and get no feedback from the rest of the membership.  This happened to me here just after the Jonas forum vanished into the Anal Plane and I, as I suspect many others who join forums, didn't come back for a considerable time. A single response to a Newbie post makes all the difference even if the response just says Hi.

Hi chaps,

I eventually recovered the bin-aural hour long episode that Dustin put together a year ago from an old PC. Last night I listened to it in bed before going to sleep and left it running a lot longer than normal. Normally I get about half way through and turn it off because I am too tired to listen right through (a lifestyle issue).

Anyway, I haven't had any lucid dreams (that I have remembered) for some four months now. Obviously listening a bit deeper into the Dustin sounds did the job this time. I had a trail of lucid dreams and they were phenomenal. Those of you who have experienced lucidity in dreams will know what I mean.

Toward the end of my final lucid dream I decided to observe the transition between lucid dream consciousness and waking consciousness. I found myself truly astounded at how tiny the gap seemed to be between the two. This made me ponder why it seems so difficult to go back the other way. I would be interested to hear your views on this. I have yet to astrally project and seem to completely forget to try this in my lucid dreams (I have tried many other approaches to projecting but have yet to succeed). I did try once to project from a lucid dream but it did not work and I quickly found myself awake.

I am making some serious headway with the dreaming. If anyone has some pointers at this point it would be appreciated.

Since the beginning of this year (when I discovered that my late father had regularly practised OBE's) I have been trying to Astral Project. I joined the Jonas Ridgeway forum and then bought a book by Robert Bruce. I tried and tried. Nothing. Every time I went to sleep I would think about projecting. I would think about it during the day too. I downloaded some binaural sounds and tried these aswell. Still nothing. My working life then got somewhat busier and my attempts became fewer.

Three weeks ago I was having a lay in one Saturday morning (a long lay in!). Suddenly, for the first time in my life (as far as I can remember), I became fully conscious in a dream. I was as conscious as I am now. It was incredible. I was able to fly and interact with the environment. I ran up to people and animals in my dream and danced around waiving and talking to them; asking them if they could see me. It was incredible and fantastic. Then I remembered that I had read in Robert Bruce's book that it was possible to project from a lucid dream (I assumed that I was in such a dream). Anyway, I tried. I closed my eyes and thought "Project". I tried this a few times. All that happened was a "blinking" of consciousness. A quick blank then back to the dream. Eventually my dream ended (after a projection attempt) and I was awake in bed in total astonishment.

I thought this was a one off event. It happened again a couple of weeks later during another Saturday morning sleeping marathon. This time I had listened to the binaural music whilst going off to sleep earlier in the morning.

I don't know why this is suddenly starting to happen to me. I don't know what is triggering it. I could really do with advice as to what may have caused my breakthrough and how I may be able to gain more control over it.

I hope that I have posted this in the right place.

I just wanted to say hi to everyone here. I just found the forum having been a regular attendee of the recently deceased Jonas Ridgeway site. I hope to contribute on a regular basis and to become part of this community.