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Topics - blade5x

Recently I've taken up an interested on this subject. It's been a while since I have been into any of this. Recently after a few failures, I finally had some kind of experience this morning. My experience began with me realizing that my body had fallen asleep (no vibrations). I began to move around in darkness, ready to begin my adventure. What for a brief seconds started out in my present room shifted very quickly to my old house. Because all of my previous experiences happened there, I convinced myself I was possibly having an ethereal projection. But I wanted to get to the astral - a place I feel I have not yet reached consciously, despite having numerous ethereal projections years ago. At first I tried summoning portals, but I was unable to. My environment seemed as if it didn't want to respond to my commands. Shortly after I found a dream character, and asked it how I could reach the astral, and after some brief instructions I did just that. I won't go in detail because the process sounds absurd, but maybe it symbolized something... I felt my dream fading, and knew I had to hurry it up. By the end of the process I was almost out of the dream, but once I finished, the environment felt much more stable.

Anyway... once I created my portal I placed it on the ground, took a few steps back, ran back up to it, and jumped in. As soon as I jumped in, I noticed I was in a red tunnel, with objects that actually flew by (parts of my drumset - I actually opened one eye slightly and physical was merging with dream). I experienced a sensation of intense free fall. I fell through the tunnel into a black void... but at the same time, I noticed I was viewing my physical room. One of eyes was still slightly open! Everything in my room had a wavy look to it. If you have ever seen heat outside on a hot day where it kind of causes a rippling in the air, that's what I seeing everywhere in my room. I was also being bombarded by heavy vibrations. They got so intense I couldn't take them, and forced myself out of it (which was actually very difficult suggesting I was in a state of deep sleep paralysis).

So I don't really know what to make of this. The first part was quite dream-like (I feel like it was a dream now recalling it), but at the end it seemed like I was on the border of a real projection (not astral, but an ethereal one). I saw my physical as it was, blending in with the non-physical.

Well... still trying to get there!
Sometimes when I'm in SP, I kind of "rush" the exit. At times I find great difficulty exiting, so I keep trying, and trying, until finally something gives. But when this happens I just seem to float in a black void, or just overall have a very low level experience. But sometimes I find if I stay in SP I get overwhelmed, hence my rush to exit. Sometimes the vibrations gets way to intense which translates into my heart rate going up causing me to wake up. Other times I'll get overwhelmed with a tickle... it's hard to describe but it's something that starts out light. It feels like something is poking into me, and it's gets stronger... and stronger until it's just unbearable.

Anyone got any advice?


So, I'm having this weird dream, and I come out of it. I notice I'm Sleep Paralysis but I don't really care because I'm being bombarded with heavy HI, and on the verge of falling back into a dream. In the background of all of this HI, I hear a voice that says "you will now have a full blown out of body experience through egg waves" or something along those lines.

I feel myself fall through my bed, except this isn't like the normal. I feel intensely buzzed as I'm laying on there on the floor. My hearing is super amplified. I have a this "sense of feeling" as if I could feel my own aura, or some kind of force field that extended around me in all directions - which made me feel incredibly vulnerable. I then freaked out, because I hadn't felt this since my first few attempts which I experienced 9 months ago. It was almost a new feeling to me all over again.

I'm now almost convinced that many times I thought I was having an obe, was just a dream.
I've looked up website, about how to see and auras, and what aura color each color gives off. And there is one thing flawed - the aura colors are the inverse color of the object you look at.

So I mean, is seeing auras all about just noticing the image burn you recieve from staring at an object for a long time?

If I stare at a red circle, after a minute or so, I will start to see a cyan halo around the circle. Supposidly the websites claim this is the aura. If I shift my eyes, I still see the cyan color, but this time I see the entire circle because I am no longer looking at the red circle anymore. Same goes with looking at a cyan circle. I will see a red halo, then shifting my eyes I will see an entire red circle.

Someone explain to me how this is an aura, because as far as I am concerned, this is just image burn - I don't know the exact process of how it occurs, but it has something to do with the brain balancing and it still seeing the inverse color after starting at a color for a long time.
I pulled off a WILD this morning, and I was back at my house when it began (at college right now). Anyway, I sat there thinking what to do, and I remembered - "oh yeah, I want to go through a mirror". I remembered in an older LD, when I went through a mirror, there was a big square one ontop of my neighbor's roof (silly subconscience), and I went through that one and ended up in a white void. So I went through my window, went across the street, and managed to get myself up on the roof by floating up in swimming-like moition. Well there it was again, so I floated up above and went through it. Going through it felt really weird, and as soon as I did I felt my speed accelerate and everything went black. I was moving fast in a tunnel, that had black walls, with various colored circles on them. And I was I moving, I just freaked! I guess I was afraid of what was the end of the tunnel but I freaked and ended it! I woke up bummed because this was going to be SOLID & LONG experience. I could tell right from the start how into the WILD I was initially, and then my fear got the better of me. So what do you all usually find at the end of the tunnel? (For those who have gone all the way through).

I'm not a big believer on OBEs, but what I do believe is possible is that dreams are another plane existance, and there are various levels of them, and this A-Plane that you all seem to talk about (not EP, like all my WILDs would be EP), is just a higher level.

Was I close to having my first ever what many you of you would call an AP?
Ok, well after having a LD, I saw this big spider on my roommates bed. I got really scared for a second, but I knew it wasn't real so I just closed my eyes. I opened them again, there it was again, just sitting there. I started at it for maybe 10-15 seconds, saw it dart across the bed, and then I got myself out of SP.

However, when I was physically awake, I blinked, and I saw a purple outline of the spider! Image burn! You know when you look at something for a long time, and than you can sort of see the object's outline (image burn)...

How did this happen with a fake spider!! :-o

And I was awake because I did a RC and couldn't breathe through my nose closed.
I think I may have dreamt about projecting, but either way, it was a cool experience. I suddenly became lucid at some point, it was actually a FA that believe I somehow caught onto. I was at my house (I'm in college), so I decided to fly out the window. Vision was so clear, it was pretty amazing. I flew up about 300 feet over my neighborhood, and went back down to my street, when I suddenly remembered I always wanted to go through a mirror to see if I could make it into the Astral Plane.

I see a faint light on from the tv across the street at my neighbors house, and decide to go look for a mirror there since I don't really have any big mirror at my place. They ended up having a nice square mirror on the roof (which isn't there in real-life), so I charged at it flying fast and I missed it! I fell through the roof into their home. There was some lady there and another person who didn't notice me, so I look up, see the mirror attached to the ceiling (I guess it was a thick mirror which was both part of the ceiling/roof). I get worried thinking my LD may end so I quickly fly back outside through the roof, and charge again at the mirror. This time - a direct hit! And I go right through... and this was my experience going through it - I got the "OBE" feeling -  well it was more intesne, similar to some sensations I get in SP - and I just saw random colors. It was like I flew into that "3D Blackness void" except it was a "3D White Void" with different tone of red and green that looked like "kaleidoscope vision" vision coming towards me, all around me, and way off in the distance. Everything was sort of... warped, and it looked like there was no limit to the distance around me and that it just went on in forever.

I turn around and can't find the mirror, everything was very confusing, and I got worried thinking "what if I get stuck here" - so I start to abort, and can actually feel myself in SP move very slightly when I attempted to, so I felt confident that I would be ok, and decided to let it continue - except in doing that, I brought myself out of that "Colorful White Void" and was laying some bed (not my own at college or home), and some lady was in another bed across watching me I think. Then it pretty much ended on it's own and I woke up.

Well there it is, my first mirror experience, it was pretty cool, looking forward to more in the future :-) My little bro is going to be jealous :P He started having some OBEs himself recently, and he told me he was going to find a mirror before me since I kept forgetting to everytime I went lucid - guess not!
Does anyone get like this intense tickle feeling sometimes when in altered states. That's the best I can describe it.

I used to get it when exitting a nightmare when I was younger all the time, and it's not a pleasant feeling at all. I still get it sometimes, actually very rarely now, it only happens if I freak myself out during a WILD (which isn't often anymore), but it always ends up with me getting this agressive intense tickle feeling while I'm aborting this state and coming back to waking to reality - and it only happens while I'm very scared. I can abort a ld or projection no problem at all when I'm not scared, but when I am very scared, the transition from dream to waking reality always has me feeling this somewhere on my body, most commonly at my shoulders by the neck, or down at my hips sides.

Anyone know what exactly this is?

It doesn't affect me in any way during the day, but it's just unpleasant while it's happening, and the more I fight it, the worse it gets. If I actually settle down, I can get it to go away and stay in the altered state.
Today I induced Sleep Paralysis, and heard someone right next to me saying "Boo!" and that scared me, almost made me leave SP, I was borderline enter/exit, but I decided to go back deeply into that state again. This time there were no freaky noises. I wait a little bit, and I think I got ejected without consent as I felt myself float out through my feet and float up into the air, and slowly float down like the peice of paper and touch down by my door.

I lost it here. I STARTED TALKING TO PORKY PIG! WHY? I have no idea, and I guess I wasn't lucid enough to realize how messed up everything was. My room was way off, and see him sitting on my couch, so I'm just like "hey, what's up" and I get into this brief conversation with him, most of which I can't remember at this point anymore. I leave my room, and I see my brother open his door and walk out to me. I grab him by the arms, and tell "Hey, this an OBE, or a dream" and he gets this shocked looked on his face and looks at me all funky and starts slowly walking away from me, goes back into his room and shuts the door (he's still not awake, I'll ask him if he remembers anything, I hope one day I can achieve a shared dream). After that I just woke up.

My OBEs used to be so real, now they are no better than a dream (FAs are more realistic now to me).

I think it's because in my first few OBEs, I was hyper-aware. Now my awareness seems to be sub-par to that of waking reality. I'll need to fix this. Either that I must be losing conciousness while in Sleep-Paralysis and having dreams begin with me in Sleep-Paralysis.
Today, I fell into very mild Sleep-Paralysis at around 7:00AM.

The vibrations began, and the noise I heard sounded alien-like (thanks to all crickets and other things making high pitched noises outside). They came in waves, so I decided to sit there, and wait, because last time I excited, I think I did it to quickly, and I had a blind OBE. So I'm waiting, enjoying the wierd things Sleep-Paralysis has to offer. I saw a small hole - I began seeing through my wall. Then through that hole, I saw my downstairs dining room, and I saw it from a few different angles (Remote Viewing? Though I can't say everything looked perfect). Then the hole became 3D, like a hole was poked through my wall, and either it floated up 2 feet, or floated down 2 feet, so I couldn't see through it anymore. I decided it was time. I started feeling that creepy up-and-down my spine energy feeling, so I rolled off. I had pretty crappy, almost colorless vision when I was falling off the bed, and then I hit the floor and started sliding toward my couch, and ended up going completely under it banging into a few things. As soon as I go towards my door, the last thing I can see if my bed/myself off toward the right, with me opening the door, and then my vision is gone. I yell out, and also think "I need my vision back, I neec clear vision", and after about 10-15 seconds of nothing, I give up and return. This is becoming a problem for me. Are there ways I can prevent this?
This morning, I came out of a LD, and just laid there. So, I was just watching colors behind my eyelids, when I noticed one particular green/purple blob that kept repeating its movement of appearing and disappearing. So I focused in on it, and it changed to what looked like a shiny blue disco ball, and the edges looked like it was illuminated (think of a solar eclipse). This then changed to what looked like a red/yellow kaleidoscope (what it looks like to look through one), and this went on for about 20 seconds. The whole time I was awake, and completely aware of myself. Then it just went away.

If I did open it, should I close it? How do I close it?

If not, what are the benfits of opening one (been interesting in trying lately), and what do you see when you open it?
Well, I finally projected from a LD (well not exactly finally, because I don't attempt it often, only tried twice before during a LD, note I've had 26 LDs since joining this site, and about 10 projections)

The LD was simmply amazing in terms of realism... but enough about the LD :D. I thought "I will be in the room, by my body", and nothing happened. Then I remember, how someone mentioned, to think about the "vibrations" and that should cause a projection. So I did that, and it worked! I was in the dream, and began to feel needles hitting me all over my upper body (I've never felt vibrations like this before), and as soon as they were over my entire body, the dream sort of warped in front of me, went dark for a few moments, and I felt myself kind of go out of control upward and found myself floating up my wall and out of my window. It only lasted a few seconds because I got to excited/freak out.

I did lose a lot of awareness transition though. I went from an incredibly realistic LD (where I had 20/20 vision, could feel the weather, and even the physics were close to real life), to floating around with really bad vision and I lost the other real feelings. I also missed out on the actual exit, because I think I was still ni the dream while I exited before everything warped and went dark.

Was an intersting experience.
This morning, I decided to WILD, and was succesful, but once SP hit, I decided that I wouldn't "roll-out" and just waited to see where my mind would take me. Well, soon I was standing on the street infront of my house. My vision was crystal clear sharp, pobably the most clear vision I've ever had. I started running, the first 15-20 seconds felt very "OBE-like", like how my body felt, my movements, and I also saw the leaves and other objects having a type of illuminance which looked really nice as others have described what the Astral Plane looks like. But after about that 20 seconds, things started to become more dream-like, until it was fully like a dream.

I don't understand how one can go OBE and than have it turn into a dream... that would mean the Astral Plane and the dream scape are the same place!?
Is it ok?

I'm going on a 10 hour+ plane ride tomorrow... so I'm going to stay up (in total I'll be up for about 36 hours straight) so I can just sleep it out - I'd rather be awake for the 10 hours at my house than on a boring plane ride.

I was thinking though, if I try to AP on the plane, and succesfully did, since my physical body is changing location due to the plane flying, will I be able to get myself back?

I know... it's a stupid question... but I just want to be sure..
Two days ago, I was in Sleep-Paralysis feeling very powerful vibrations. Had I gone out, that one would have been real for sure.

This morning, I don't know if I caught myself in Sleep-Paralysis or if I was dreaming. The vibrations were minimal. When I left my body, I was blind as usual, but when I gained sight, it wasn't even my physical body in bed, it was someone elses. I went downstairs, and my mom could see me, but it really wasn't here. This is the third time in a row I've had someone in real life created and able to interact with me. I went downstairs and decided to go outside, and it wasn't what it looks like in real life. It was a lot more open, houses were further apart, and everything seemed shiny. Shorlty after, I didn't get pulled back, I just woke up, like as if I was waking up out of a dream (though I think most my projections were like this).

I don't know if I'm just dreaming these now or if I'm actually leaving. All I can say is the quality of realism has dropped alot since my first few.

Everytime I try to project in the middle of the day...

It starts out like this. I'll lay down, and I'll sowly drift off. The moment I reach 3D blackness, well atleast shortly after, some sort of image will form, weather it be seeing through my eyelids, or seeing a random image, like 2-3 seconds after I see it, I feel recharged, and to awake to go on any further.

My body feels the same, like pretty tired, but it's like I just became "super-awake" and have to get up because it's start affecting physically slowly, in the sense that I can't keep laying there.

So I think I'm accidently power-napping while trying?

How do you people who do these mid day go about it?
Just wondering, because we are not always concious (sleep), does anyone know if the cycle of concious/unconcious follows you after death? (has anyone asked an entity about this). I find it hard to believe that we will be forever concious after we die.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / The "Quiet Noise"
July 04, 2006, 18:30:40
Does anyone know what the noise that you hear when it's dead quiet is? It's not actually a noise, it almost sounds like it's coming from inside your ears. On rare occasions, when I go to sleep, if it's dead quiet, this noise from inside my ears disturbs me, because it can get really loud. It also kind of comes in waves... where its moderate-low-LOUD-moderate-LOUD... and if I focus on it, I can keep it a really loud point.

I don't get this often, but when I do, it has to be absolutely quiet, or I won't even notice it.

Does anyone what this is?
This morning, around 10AM, I did a nice WILD, and had a good lucid dream, and when the dream ended, knowing I easily re-induce and prelong sleep-paralysis, I decided not to move or open my eyes at all, and within seconds I was re-paralyzed. So instead of waiting for the lucid dream, I decided and roll-out, and I get that static-like feeling I usually get when going Oob, but I'm blind. I constantly ask for vision, I try really hard to see, and nothing. I go back in to my body, try again, yet again I'm blind. So after trying for like a minute to get my vision, I can't, so I just give up, and with that I came back into a full waking state, and decided it was time to get up, besides if I let myself fall back into the SP state, it would have been pretty short anyway.

Why is this happening to me? :cry:

Is it possible that I had a projection as the WILD? But it started out with me running down a road pretty quickly. I met another DC in there, and this person became lucid as well (would be cool if it was real person). But we both went into space. And I turn around, and saw a silver cord (but, I know that was mind created, because I kept thinking of what it could look like), and it also didn't feel like a projection...
I induced Sleep-Paralysis this morning. It was actually wierd because I was trying something new, something called "FILD" technique, and it worked to get me into that state the first time. But it felt like I was being thrown around, like up and down, in and out, all over the place, etc. And it also felt like I was barely in SP, like I could easily move my body (though maybe it was not my physical body).

But it all went wrong after that. Tried to spin out, and I was spinning in one place. Shortly after that, my mind deicded to pick up and give me a fake OBE, which I was still lucid in, and I knew I was dreaming. So... I don't know how to go into an OBE from a lucid dream, how do I do that?
Two nights ago when I was falling asleep, I must have fallen asleep for like 15 minutes, and then I woke up to what felt like strong tingling in the front area of my neck, like as if someone wrapped their hand around my neck and pressed down (but understand I do not mean this in the physical sense).

I sort still felt the feeling lingering while I was laying there, and as I began to fall asleep, the feeling began to pick up and get stronger again, which prevented me from falling asleep. So I had to get up for like 5 minutes until the feeling wore off before I could fall asleep without any problems.

I've felt something similar to this in Sleep-Paralysis (actually when I was younger and was being attacked by the hag), but never on the onset of deep sleep :confused:

Anyone know what that was?
My last WILD/AP, my vibes and noise came after it was finished :confused:

I induced sleep paralysis, and all was silent so I just rolled out, and it began. It wasn't until I finished, when back in body, still in a state of SP, that I began to hear a buzzing-humming like noise, and felt mild vibrations.

That's the first time that happened for me. Anyway, I didn't project again, because somewhere along my lower-back back felt very very uncomfortable, like  extra amounts of the vibrations energy were being forced into there.
Not sure if this was a dream or not, but it felt OBE-like.

I woke up from a dream, but decided not to open my eyes or move, so I very quickly induced Sleep-Paralysis. So, right after, without much thought, I just rolled-out. I felt myself float out as usual, and touch down onto the floor on my stomach.

Part One: The Attack

I'm laying on the floor, and all of a sudden I feel a shock in my back, like something pierced into it and released electricity. It didn't feel bad, but then a second one followed, a much stronger one. I thought about aborting, but I didn't. I wasn't freaking out or anything so I just laid there... and nothing was going on, so I stood up, or floated up. My vision was really crappy. I kept asking for clear vision, no luck. So, it was very dream-like vision. But I saw a clear thing, kind of like something from the movie Predator, and it was by my bed, and I got angry at it for attacking me, so I started punching it, and I was actually winning. The battle went on over my bed, I had move my body to the side because it was getting in the way, but soon it backed off.

Part Two: Failed Verification

The grown-ups were chatting so loud downstairs (they were in real-life), so I decided to go down there and see what was going on. The moment I left my room, my vision became very clear. I saw all four of them. I decided to look at something on the table, and remember it, and check when I woke up to see if it was there. Too bad I could not remember what it was when I woke up, because what happened next was a first for me!

Part Three: Outer Space!

I ran back upstairs. I was standing outside of my room, and remembered I wanted to go to the stars. So I jumped up and went through my ceiling, and my vision went black. All I could feel was myself being accelerated upward at incredible speeds. It felt like I was on a rollercoaster, I was moving very fast. My stomach felt like it was down by my feet. Anyway, eventually I stopped moving, and all was still. Vision slowly began to form, and I saw little white dots everywhere in front of me - stars! There was a sea of them against the blackness. However, I did not get up close to one. Fearing that I'd get lost up there, stupid me, I know... I began to fall back down at incredible speeds, losing my vision along the way, and soon I was back in my room. That stupid clear thing was there, but I was back in my body.

Part Four: Wierd, but ok...

I was looking through my physical eyes at this point. I'm looking toward the wall, and I see a clear claw like hand slowly going into my field of vision. I think, "sigh... do I have to get up and kick your butt again?" and with that I actually got up physically. My eyes were still open, but all was gone, I was back to reality.

FUN TRIP this morning (no, I don't use drugs)

I guess it was an AP, it may have been a LD, I don't know, I don't care, either way it was a nice experience.

Sorry for the longness of this post!
I woke up in a weird state this morning. I wasn't in Sleep-Paralysis, but I was barely concious, actually, I don't think I was even concious. But I remember seeing the wall in front of my face, and it was sort of in black and white (second time this has happened), and for a moment I realized what was going on, and just focused in on this. I then opened me eyes physically, and saw that even though my face was turned toward the fall, everything was kind of off. The angle was slightly off, covers were not in same position, and it was in color obviously

So was I "seeing through my eyelids" or was this just HI?

This is also one of those nights where I can't remember my dreams... I was pretty depressed when Edmonton (NHL) lost last night :sad:
Let me just say, last night was a wierd one between the two of us. I had uncontrollable SP which lead to like 5 lucid dreams, and he may have "accidently" had his first concious OBE.

So here is his description of the OBE:

The time of day was perfect in the OBE. It was early morning. He woke up and he had his eye open up and then it just crashed down. All of a sudden he was on the floor and he heard loud static noises. His room looked alot bigger when he had vision. The vision he described as was really crappy and blurred. He then ran on a 30 degree angle as he describes (Picture a T-Rex running, his body was almost in the same position as that) and then fell over. He described it as a sudden reaction to fear. Then he started saying "bod, bod, bod, bod" and there was a slight delay, and then he was laying back in bed, but he could still hear the static sounds, even while opening his eye, he could not move (sleep-paralysis), and then he finally snapped out of it.

So do you guys think it was a OBE or just vivid HH?

- He did not go through any separation process, it just happened
- He did not have a sense of touch (I don't think that matters, but I almost always do)
- His experience was very OBE like

I'd say yes, but a very crappy first one, not a real defining one, as he skipped the feeling of separation (My first one, the feeling of separation... I'm not even going to go into it)
If we have this so called "Etheric Body" which is made up energy, why is so hard to prove something like an OBE when all you would have to do is detect energy levels dropping in the human body during an OBE, or actually detecting energy leave the body?

I think they are real, but I am beginning to question myself on how exactly these work.
Every OBE I've had, I was hyper-aware. For some reason, it's like the exact opposite for me Lucid Dreams. I have below-average awareness. I'm missing a lot of good opportunities to lucid dream because I lose lucidity shortly after I gain it in a dream.

Any suggestions?
EDIT: Wrong from, sorry, if a moderator can move it to "Astral Experiences" I'd appreciate but I don't mind either way.

I failed an attempt around 6:00AM, failed another attempt around 7:30AM, finally induced SP at 9:30AM, and out I rolled (I actually did I induce at the 7:30 time, but for some reason I though I wasn't in it yet, so I sat there for like a minute and then waking up out of it I realized I missed an opportunity).

Anyway, I rolled out, and it started out dark again, and I could feel myself floating. So I try to see, I try hard, and I start to see the floor and some light, so ok, I think "I can see the floor, and make out a few objects in the darkness which beams of light (it looked cool because if you've ever seen a cloud with beams of light going through it this is what I was seeing at this point). I say "clarity now" twice, and like an image being sharpened each time, my vision got very clear. My room, it looked... perfect. The light coming through the window lit up the room perfectly. It felt really good. I saw a small robot looking thing I guess an entity on the floor, and I flew over it above my saying "hey what's up." I then realized my mistake of flying over the bed and quickly floated off it toward my door which was wide open. My bed didn't have me laying there, but it had an imprint of as if I was there but invisible. At the door I could feel myself being pulled back, but grabbing onto the floor with my hands, and I pulled myself out of the room. My little brother's door was wide open, and I was wondering if he was in there. And then I saw him. I started yelling out to him his name and if he could see me, and since I wasn't expecting him to, he was just looking around like nothing was going on. I start turn and the experience is over I'm back in my body. I just remember how everything looked so clear and perfect, so I'm ready to go again.

Now for the bad experience. Before I roll out, I think about the possibility of encountering a negative entity. (this was out of curiosity than fear at this point). So I roll out, and as usual I can't see at first. And as my vision forms, I see a face above me, kind of human like, but slightly disoriented, with long black hair, and it made a really scary noise, which scared the crap out of me so I'm back in my body. I'm beginning to roll out, and all of a sudden I think "F*ck You!!!!!!!" toward the entity, and it only made it worse lol. I hear the noise again, and I feel it jump onto my shoulders, and I got a really odd feeling. It wasn't bad, it was like a tickle-shock lingering feeling on my shoulders (hard to describe). With that I'm back in my body. All of sudden the SP is starting to come on again uncontrollably like its trying to pull me back. With that I fight it, get out, and my morning experience is done.

About the bad experience, after waking up, I realize it wasn't scary at all. It was more a nuisance. Will it stop me from having OBEs? I think it encouraged me because I finally faced a fear and it wasn't bad at all :smile:

Thank you for the reading.
I had another OBE this morning, actually two of them, both were very short, maybe only 10-15 seconds each, but I saw another entity (or maybe another APer, I wasn't able to ask).

Very Short OBEs. Two of them one after another, each maybe lasted about 10 seconds. The first one I could not see, I could just feel myself floating around. I tried very hard to see, and actually started getting a vision of a floor, like a sand colored stone floor and then the OBE ended. Back in SP I rolled out again, this time to good vision. There was someone standing by my bed, when I got to the other side of my room, I saw it was a lady, who looked in her mid twenties, dark hair, light skin, she kind of looked like Jackie from That 70s' Show. She was just watching me. She was in a gray dress suit (with skirt not pants). I floated up over her, and saw my body below me, I also had a gray suit on, and with that I started falling toward it, and my legs went in first, soon to be followed by a slamming feeling which woke me up.

Just asking because I don't know if it was an EP or AP, and I like to keep a log :smile:
I can have OBEs in the morning... but I also would like to have them when taking short naps as well.

I tried to OBE today while taking a nap for an hour, and I don't know, I just don't really know what I'm doing.

I get to the point where I'm seeing colors moving around everywhere, and today I even reached a point where I was feeling "shivers" throughout my body, I felt two of them to be exact (they are not the vibrations I feel during SP). It seems that the furthest I can get on my own. At one point my mind also went off on its own, began creating random images, and I went deeper into sleep, but the moment I become conscious of that, it brought me right back up to the stage where I was just seeing colors, and feeling the occasional shiver, which is probably the furthest I've gotten in the middle of the day.

It also seems that when attempting to get beyond the stage of seeing colors (the name of has slipped my mind, started with H), my eyes seems to tense up, and that kind of start a chain reaction and other muscles in my body begin to become tense as well. Then when I relax my eyes it's almost like I get brought up way out of the trance, only to be brought back seconds later to the stage where I'm seeing colors.

I'm stuck.

Anyone who can have OBEs at will during daily short naps, any tips?
Ok, I was getting really frustrated because this morning I had trouble inducing Sleep-Paralysis. After being in for 10 hours, I somehow managed to induce it FINALLY. Anyway, I knew I was getting ready to separate, but I forgot which side I was laying on, left or right (I have to lay right to be able to do roll-over technique into my room). So I know I'm wasting valueable time trying to think about this. But then I see something really cool, I saw the bed, and wall infront of me, but it was purple-blue, and it looked like a 3D grid. So hey, I'm laying on my left side, but the wall in the way! So I try backward rolling, and that doesn't work. Floating won't work. I keep feeling mild vibrations, and I start to hear"oooo...oooooooo" like someone was there watching me all interested, and the voice was also very low pitched and slightly raspy, which scared me for a second, but all I could think was "shutup" because I really wanted to project. Funny thing, the "ooooo" noise actually stopped when I thought that. Anyway, so I say what the hell, and start to roll-over technique which would have sent me toward the wall. But all of a sudden when I have vision I realize I'm not in my house.

I start rolling off some bed, and toward the ground, someone was standing there, I saw just their bottom, they were wearing some kind of red robe, it also had black on it, some kind of gold buttons I think (it looked fancy). And I landed by it, so I kind of crawl away from it, and it doesn't follow me. I'm having LOADS of trouble moving and even seeing, this was alot like my first Ethereal Projection. After about 10-15 seconds I realized I wasn't getting anywhere, and this was pretty pointless because it was really fading fast (well I had 10 hours of sleep already, I didn't expect any sleep cycles to be long).

So, what was this? Not at my house, someone elses house, but definently a projection. Was it an Astral Projection maybe? By the way this had to be the first entity/being I've seen in my 3 (including this one) known projections I've had so far.
Something really surprised me last night. I woke up at 3:30, and had to stay awake until 4:30 to wake my mom up. I knew if I feel asleep, I would not wake up. So laying there in bed, Around 4 I feel asleep, luckily at 4:04 I woke, but I woke up Sleep-Paralysis. I felt the vibes, and heard the air rushing. I was to OBE uncontrollably, but I got myself out of it because I wasn't sure what time it was.

Anyway, at like 4:30, I woke my little brother as well. He wanted to try to OBE, hopefully he did. But, it took me about half an hour to induce to Sleep-Paralysis, and when I finally did, I began inducing OBEs.

My first one, resulted in me just hitting the floor and then returning to my body almost immediately because my side felt really funny (really ticklish) when I touched down. Remembering my previous post about inducing multiple OBEs, I went right into another one. (There was a bag of chips by the side of my bed, maybe that did it?)

My second one, I managed to stand up in my room, and then I woke up... grr... This etheric projection stuff is really hard, so I decided to try and Astral Project my next attempt.

My third attempt, started out pretty much the same, except I kind of skipped the landing on the floor being blinded part. I pretty much knew I was still in the etheric plane, and I wanted into the Astral, I just wanted. So I closed my eyes and tried to increases my frequency (just thought about it, I don't know if it worked or not). So I'm standing in room, and I wanted to go outside. So I decided to go through the window. It felt so weird to feel to go through it. I could feel myself flow through. Now, I was outside, the first thing I noticed was that I was freezing cold!? I knew it was chilly outside, but I was not at all expecting to be able to feel the temperature of my surroundings. Despite me being cold, I floated up and began to fly around. Was easy as cake. It was still pretty dark out, since it was early morning, so I began to look for entities, especially the negative ones, because my little brother is pretty afraid about them, and I'm also uneasy about them. I even to darker spots I could find, and did not find one thankfully :smile: Anyway, I was out flying around my street for a while, was a fun experience. My vision wasn't as sharp I hoped, but it was sharp enough. Anything I looked at was clear.

But my main question is, do you feel temperature in your EP/APs?

Another weird thing, when starting getting up the last time, it looked like my covers fell off and hit the ground, but then I was laying down and the covers were on me.

My Improvements: easily moved around Astral Plane, and Flying (which has always plagued me, even in Lucid Dreams)
Has anyone ever set up a video camera to record themselves before the intention of projecting? If anyone has, are there any noticeable movements of the physical body. Also... since cameras can sometimes capture orbs, maybe there's a chance that it could capture you will you project (as long as you project into the etheral plane). If I ever get a video camera, I might try something like this, but has anyone else tried?
Me and my little brother will be attempting to project at the same time and meet in the projection. The method we will use on saturday/sunday morning is induced sleep-paralysis (We both have a history of sleep-paralysis, actually occuring to us both quite often when we were very young). I have already learned how to induce it in the morning, he has yet to attempt. But when he does, and we both happen to have an OBE at the same time, I have a few questions. Since I have already projected into to etheral plane (that is our goal for now), and I know what its like, and future will projections will undoubtably make me a better a projector in the etheral atleast.

1. If my room is enclosed, I cannot leave it, because I cannot move through objects because my frequency is very close to that of the physical... however. If I use though to try and get into his room, will that work?

2. If I do project into his room and find his etheral body laying on the floor blind barely able to move :lol:  :lol:  :lol: Can I touch him without interrupting his OBE? Like grab his arm and pull him into a stand-up position?

3. If I accidently project into the Astral, will I still be able to see him? I know he wouldn't be able to see me, but is it possible to view lower frequency when at a higher one? Or do you have to lower yourself to that frequency?
Well, I somehow slipped out of SP this morning the wrong way (fell asleep), and had a dream. I remember though, at some point I thought I was still laying in bed (a whole dream already went by pretty much). So I'm back in my body, but it doesn't feel like it, it doesn't feel sleep-paralysis, so I was still dreaming. Then I think I want to project and it happens, it feels nothing like I felt like yesterday. I just land on the floor, my vision is blurry, I keep yelling "Clarity, More Clear!" until I can finally see pretty clearly. I had difficulty moving again. Couldn't even stand up for a while. My room is partially part, but there's a lot wrong with it, atleast a good section of it was how it looked like 5 years ago. Also my room had a pink/yellow hue to it (like the green matrix hue), because it was really early morning in my projection (wasn't in real life). I started talking to an entity who looked a mime and was doing push-ups on my desk... lol... but it was ignoring me, I didn't even notice I was talking to it, thought I was talking to someone else even though I didn't see them...

Eh, this was nothing like the Etheric Projection I had yesterday. Can anyone explain the differences in how each one feels. I was so much more aware that I was projecting while in the etheric projection and it felt real. Today this felt dream-like. Maybe it was just a dream.
Reason I'm asking this is because when I induce SP, usually when I come out of it, if I start going back to sleep, I can feel it coming on again uncontrollably, and the only for me to stop it from re-occuring is to get up, or stay awake for some time. If I could project, wake up, fall into sp, and project again, that'd be great.

Anyone do this?
I'm new at having OBEs, I've had my first concious one yesterday. I think I'd feel a lot better in these planes if I had a "companion." So is it possible for me to create say... a dog I really love, or a person I love, to be there with me while I attempt to get better at projecting? And if I do, will I have to recreate them every single time?

I should also add that since I induce my OBEs, they are probably Etheric Projections, not Astral. My first one was surely one because it had the characteristics of one: It was extrememly difficult to move, my vision was blurry, and sound was pretty distorted.
Ok, well, I haven't tried everyday, but I found a method that works great for me. It invloves WBTB technique for Lucid Dreaming, and it can only be done for me on days I don't have to get up for work. The result? 3 days in a row I succesfully induced Sleep Paralysis in the morning. Day one - I had a Lucid Dream. Day two - I had some cool HH mistaken for an OBE (had hallucinations in Black and White or my bed and wall in front of me, in which everything was moving in a wave-like motion). Day three - OBE!

So here's my experience. I've always had a fear of what it might be like, and that kind of held me back earlier this month when I made a few attempts. I always got to the point where I would feel vibrations and hear some ringing, and I would always back out. My first time of vibes, they were way to intense. Now, they're between mild/moderate. So, I induced sleep-paralysis, I got to the point of vibes where I would usually back out, but I laid there and thought... no way I'm going all the way this time. I tried to feel myself floating, but wasn't getting to far. So then I try the roll-over technique, first try, I feel myself rolling, and all of a sudden I see that I'm a foot above my bed and I'm moving out towards the floor (this is all really blurry), and I can feel myself being ripped away from my body, I even heard like a ripping noise (sounded kind of like a video game though), and soon I can feel myself touch down against the floor. At this point its all black and I can't see anything. I can hear some kind of disturbing high pitched noise, don't know what it is, but I proceed. I think to myself, "I need to stand-up," and I did... sort of. I was standing not straight, but kind of crouched on my knees. And then I started clapping because I was happy (I saw my forearms and hands, they resembled my physical). If any other APer ran into me, they would have though I was some retarded entity or something lol. At this point I felt something near me, I didn't know what it was, and it scared me, so I wanted back into my body... nothing. So then I went over to where my body, and got close to it, still couldn't get in, then about a second later I woke up. I also then realized that the high pitched noise was my computer. My graphics card tends to be high pitched even on idle (can barely hear it), but for some reason my concious just decided to amp it up really loud. Was a good experience overall. And I should mention, it felt nothing like a Lucid Dream. Also, it felt like I was only 2-3 feet tall, but it had to be the really wierd position I was standing in.


Does anyone else feel a tingly/static like feeling? Maybe because it was my first OBE, but this feeling was like I was high or something everywhere around my body.

Thanks for reading.