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Topics - psychonaut

Hey all it's been a while. I thought i'd post this to see if anyone else has xprienced this b4.

so i stayed up more than a full day bcuz i partied and was hit by a pik axe at work, and so when i went to bed i was just tired and went to sleep. i wasn't trying to project but my mind fully awoke to huge vibrations, largest i've ever felt, and i had no feeling of my body.

"here i go again" i thought.

so i found myself observing (more like listening) to my subconsious. i heard myself saying very strange things in my mind, which i cant remember. the visuals were grey and flashed very quickly. i didn't feel out of body but i felt "in my mind", which was insane. anyways here's what i'mm asking about....

when i returned my bed felt like it was moving underneath my torso, like it was a liquid massage feeling, hard to describe. the blanket in front of my face was also moving. i've experienced this multiple times but this was the first time i could see the blanket move. very very wierd. it felt like my bed had a spirit to it and i sort of mantra-ed in my mind, god bless the spirits around me, which was soothing. even if i moved my body i still felt and saw the movements of my bed. this lasted for a few minutes and the whole experience was less than an hour from the time i went to bed.
I slept on the carpet of my living room from 9:00 pm - 12:30 am. I then woke up and ate a meal consisting of ground buffalo, pasta, curry rice, and greens. I went back to bed at 5:30ish am.

As i was falling aleep i heard elf laughter in my head. Then the laughter morphed into a whuw whuw whuw whuw whuw whuw sound, like air whisping by, which lasted throughout the whole experience, at a constant speed, about 150 times a minute. My conscious mind anticipated an out of body experience.

My body was numb and I expected to just float out but I couldn't. Then I thought, I'll just stay still and see what happens. I then started to see very very faint blue/white outlines of what I may have been my bedroom while I had the slight sensation of floating, but it was dark inside my room. I never really felt like I was all the way out though. I was constantly gibbering in my mind about what I was experiencing, what I should do, where I might go etc. And I felt like quieting my mind would help me go further.

I felt like if I moved at all I would come back to the physical entirely, but because my vision was poor, I tried to physically open my eyes, which just brought me back into my head but the whuw sound was still going. I noticed my bed was moving strangely, like it was breathing, which kind of freaked me out so I jumped up out of bed.

I've experienced all this before in my second OBE:;msg203511#msg203511

In fact, the experiences are very similar and completely opposite from my first, in which I had full clarity of vision, hearing, and even touch.

Questions -
How do you guys see when you have an exit of the body? Do you just see without thinking about it? 

Is it better to quiet your mind? How do you keep your mind from going off during the experience?  Should I just observe what is happening without even thinking about it? How do you stay calm and unafraid during the experience?

Do you ever hear strange sounds in your head while exiting or out? Were these "the vibrations"? Should I have done a roll out method or something in order to get out more efficiently? What about the feeling of the bed breathing after I opened my eyes and returned? Was this an entity of some kind?

Am I doing something wrong? Why are my last two OBEs so similar? Was this an etheric projection and not a RTZ?

I'm sure I will learn the answers to my questions in time, but any help and advice would be extremely appreciated here. I'm going to read some permanent topics now.

Thank you,
Ok. this was new astral experience...I'm pushing it by saying I was a guide.

In a dream this morning, I encountered the whitish-blue outline of a body with a transparent area inside the outline floating towards me as I was leaving a friend's house. Feeling happy and excited, I immediately recognized it as someone having an out of body experience, because the outline is what my arms looked like to myself during my first RTZ OBE, as I outsteched them infront of my face.

The aura was strangely holding a normal looking leashed dog. I first greeted/pet the dog and asked him about his companion. With no response, I then talked directly to the "oob" person. We had a series conversations, the exact details I don't remember but I'll summarize it.

It started out with me questioning them.. if they knew they were out of body. They didn't really know what I meant, so I explained my first out of body experience to them.  After some dialogue they questioned if they were out of body and I think they got scared and the aura changed somehow, like it became a normal/physical looking character in the dream, but I was transported away from under the lights of my friend's street to somewhere else. I was still with this person sitting on thier bed.

I tried convincing them that they were out of body and how they snapped out of it because they both thought of their body and got scared at the same time. I said that's when most people get back into their body. They would hear what I said but acted like they didn't hear me at all. It was strange. I felt ignored.

I woke up remembering it all, including the dreams leading up to this and feeling sort of sad for some reason - that I couldn't convince them that what they experienced was real, even though I knew it was all a dream.

I never looked down at my arms so I didn't get any verification that I was OBE. I never had the feeling of this is a lucid dream just felt kind of all normal and mind and vision were normal. but I think it was all just dream.

If this all happened to you what would you think? Would you say you were in dream, then astral, then OBE? Did I just create this entity in my dream?

I'm confused about the difference between dreams and astral projections. I know what an OBE is, because I've experienced an etheric and a mental projection.
So many of my friends are hardcore addicts snorting away their money and brains. How can I help someone who doesn't want to stop their addiction? I mean they do A LOT, like tons. it's unreal. When one of them doesn't have coke they put orajel in their mouth.  :?

I'm just concerned about them because it is an evil drug isn't it? Should I not do anything and let them snort away?
I was just thinking how my OBEs (not AP or dream) only happen after a new experience. (Something that you have never done before, or has never happened to you.)  I mean an experience truly new happens before you go OB. I've been "out" four/five times in my life (of body  :-P), and I'm pretty sure each time something truly unique happened sometime soon before. (don't know about one or two of them...)

Anyways, I was just wondering if anyone has noticed this too? Or has anyone here had an OBE after just a plain ol' normal day of nothing truly new?

Or maybe I'm just curious about what types of experiences people have, as in emotionally,physically, mentally before the have an OBE. Is there a consistency? I've read a few books on APs and OBEs but few seem to talk much at all about this. Maybe a bit personal?

Maybe I should just keep reading about peoples favorite techniques?

     I think it would be  8-) if we shared any miracles you may have experienced.

Mine is a tad bit personal, but if this starts to flow I'll share it for sure.  :-)

It doesn't really have to be something like, "a divine intervention by which the ordinary course and operation of Nature is overruled, suspended, or modified."

It could be "just" a time when you encountered god somehow.

Welcome to Dreams! / Fear of heights.
December 11, 2006, 15:41:35
Does anyone ever feel insane fear of heights in their dreams? I've had a few dreams where I am on top of a VERY VERY tall building or structure and I basically FREAK OUT in the dream cause it's so high.  For example in one dream I am on the top of a tall tall building which has only about 2 1/2 feet to stand on with a sheer drop on all sides.

OTH I've had parachuting dreams which are really fun.

Ps. - after the tall building dream I had my first riding on the back of dolphins dream which was pretty sweet.
Well it was the first time I ever tried to project out of a dream.

The events that took place in the dream lasted for what seemed like 3 days. I wont go into details of the dream but it involved ufos, playing heavy metal guitar in a band, and flying about a lot.

During one of my flying moments I became fully lucid while I appeared to be flying over an ocean or some other flat plane, with the exception of the horizon or curvature of "the earth."

I declared "In with the astral, out with the dream!", and what happened immediately after that was that the ocean turned into what looked like many different colored grids, sort of like farmland when you're flying over it in a plane. I also felt like I sped up at that moment too.

Then I woke up.

Any advice on how to enter the astral from dream? 

I know I should have looked at my hands to remain lucid and in the dream but I forgot about that...when I fly in dreams I usually spread my arms apart and I think that if I drop my arms then I would fall.  :|

Fascinating. Has changed my life. Many subjects discussed. Not religious at all. There are many "with God" books and I would recommend them all to all. The only one I haven't yet read is "Coming Home with God", or death w/ God, but I'm sure it'll be pretty disgusting, I mean awesome to read. It's supposed to be Walsch's last book, but who knows. Really can't wait to read it.
I saw what appeared to be medieval ghosts. I was floating above some "castle feeling" type of place with a lot of rocks on the ground, though I never really saw a castle, just this stone path I was floating directly over. I saw "ghostriders" riders, but both the horses and riders looked like the stereotypical translucent ghost. The horses had cloths on them and there were people going both left and right on the path.
I then noticed some man floating next to me and I asked him..."isn't this awesome?", but he seemed like he didn't know what to think or say.  :|
Finally, I drifted in a tumbling manner, never touching the ground, and woke up in my bed. It happened yesterday, after a projection the day before even! I'm quite sure my first two really were, but does this one sound like an OBE? Did I time-travel?  :-o

Or was it a dream? It had the same feeling of awe and lucidity as an OBE...
Awesome! I projected for the second time today at noon. I slept for 4 hours the night before because I had to work, so by the time I got home I was really tired. Well, before I went to bed I said an "affirmation" and sure's what happened:

Head north, lying on my left side. Easily fell into a relaxed stated due to my tiredness.

I heard a woman speaking to me or a class, though she was the only person I heard, besides my own thoughts. She was teaching something, and I think it was how to prove astral projection exists, but I now remember nothing she said.

I then thought, I making this woman's voice and words up in my head, or am I really listening to someone speak? IMMEDIATELY following this thought...

I heard consistent, LOUD SOUND BEATS, steadily increasing in speed over 10 seconds or so. Kind of like techno...definitely electronic sounding. which. It was always of the same note until it peaked and I saw a light green circle of light. I was then lightly "pushed" out of my body. The sound sounded really cool, and when I woke up, my ears kind of felt like I just heard some loud music or something, but not pain.

I then floated out, never seeing my physical or astral body, so I don't know what form I took this time. I had the same feeling as my first though...floaty, and I was completely stoked to me outside of the body and kept thinking...THIS IS AWESOME! I'M FINALLY DOING IT AGAIN! Where do I want to go now?!

What I saw was foggy or blurry, unlike my first, but I made out what looked like a pentagram, with an S in the center. The S looked like the "Starter" logo. The pentagram was on my basement floor *carpet, but I definitely didn't think/sense it was anything Satanic...I don't believe in that crap sorry abrahamic religious people. I don't know what it was's definitely not on my basement floor in the physical. I guess it must be a portal to hell!  :evil: It might have been an astral hallucination though?

At this point I was either way too excited or had a little bit of fear in me, but I returned to my body, by opening my eyes. I thought, hmm, should I write this down now, or try to go out again?

Then I noticed that something or someone was "breathing!" This was really strange and I've never experienced this before either. It was where my pillow was. My arm was underneath it and my head was on top of it, but it moved up and down in a rhythmic breathing pattern. It was a little freaky but I wasn't terribly freaked out. I let it breath like 5 times then I looked at my pillow and nothing was there, and the breathing stopped.

Maybe that was my astral body refitting itself? Because while it was breathing I didn't move at all, and I've read that sometimes your astral body needs to re-align itself and it may or may not take some time.

Still, even though this OBE was much shorter, it was just as awesome and exciting...but very different. I may have gotten way too excited though, causing a return to the physical.

The sound pulses before I projected sounded really cool though, and when I woke up, my ears kind of felt like I just heard some loud music or something, but not pain.

I think desiring it, not doing any drugs in a while again, and reading about it has helped me a lot.
Oh, plus I was hungry and didn't eat any meat before.

hope you enjoyed reading a newbie's 2nd AP! 
Well, I was laying on my chest trying to go to sleep last night and had trouble to actually do so. Anyways, I started seeing pulses of "light/color" and then felt my mid body and arms, which were at my sides, rock side to side. I enjoyed the sensation but I could stop it whenever I wanted to. The swaying/vibrating side to side was probably 2 or 3 inches. I'm guessing it was my astral body because at the same time I could feel by physical body was completely still except for my breathing. It was a first for me. Has any one experienced this before? Was I going out-of-body?
It happened less than 2 weeks ago

I didn't have the intention to astral project before I slept. Before I did though, I jerked my body and my head to stay awake like a surge of electricity jolted up my back or something...until I finally decided to just close my eyes and fall asleep.

I initially thought I had awaken from sleep and I got up off the couch, but as I got up I really floated up slightly to the left behind where my head would've been. Lying on the couch were a still, 2 colorful pairs of fetus shaped people, may have been one person. I realized that I had to be dreaming, so I tried to do what I normally do when aware of dreaming...have as much fun as possible!

While I was floating I remembered astral projection, and thought that I was already doing it, from what little I had read about it. I moved through my wall with the front door, but for some reason when I got outside my house, I went back inside. I then decided to go out the back door, which is straight across from the front door. While I floated to the back door I did three 360 spins, and after getting to it I went through the crack on the side of the door. My house looked completely normal.

I then decided to fly, which I've done in other dreams, but I couldn't this time...I could only spring up about 20-30 feet before coming back down. When I did this the first time, I dropped to the ground doing weird flips and twists. I landed in someones back yard with an unpainted wooden fence (many fitting the description around here).

I wanted to go somewhere else so I floated/jumped again up to someones 2 story window and saw a little girl (5ish) and her mom, I got the feeling she was about to go to bed and I didn't want to scare them so I quickly floated back down.  Weird. I thought they were real.

Then I remembered reading in a book about God by Walsch that said wherever you think of, you will instantly go there. Well, that didn't work for me, either because I wasn't thinking hard enough, I hadn't mastered AP yet as it was my first time, or I had no idea where I wanted to go and wasn't thinking of anyplace.

I was later instantly transported to a "crime scene feeling" place with police/detectives or whoever and one "middle aged woman" who really wasn't all that good looking, but she looked straight at me and immediately felt my "presence", which I thought was strange as I was invisible. She told the detectives or (FBI whoever) that something or someone was here, which I thought was even more strange, like she was some kind of psychic detective working with the FBI. I zoomed in quickly right up to her and I hugged her for some reason, maybe because I felt aroused down there, when I noticed my arms. Transparent with a bluish/whitish outline formed of many tiny dots. This surprised me. I then looked back up to her face and she seemed frightened.
My last thought while out was "Am I a ghost? I don't want to scare this lady."

The whole time I was OBE my feelings changed but were generally fun, excitement, and a feeling of being special, or experiencing something special i have to admit. but I wasn't afraid at all for some reason

After the OBE

I woke up fully awake and amazed at what happened, with full memory of everything that happened. I went down into my room and turned on the radio expecting to hear a message (I believe God communicates with everyone, all the's just a question of do you want to), and I heard a song I'd heard before, but I never paid much attention to the lyrics. I found out the next day it was System of A Down - Question! Here are the lyrics...

Sweet berries ready for two, ghosts no different then you.
Ghosts are now waiting for you all.
Are you...

Dreaming! Dreaming the night! Dreaming all right!

Do we! Do we know, when we FLY?
Where do, where do we go when we DIE?

Those are all the lyrics in the song!

I'm going to learn more about OBEs and APs and look forward to learning through this site and being a psychonaut in this new branch. I started a dream journal after this experience, even though as i am editing this i know it was an OBE.
Hi you!  
Sweet site here, will enjoy both all of you and it.
Ever since my (first/only) OBE about a week ago, I've been into learning more about them.
about myself...I like conversing with God, playing guitar, snowboarding, mountainbiking, paintballing and wayfaring through all aspects of the spirit and psyche, but not confined with any one particular method. I used to do a lot of different drugs but I haven't done anything for 4+ months except for a 3.2 on easter.
anyways, glad to be here....will post my experience somewhere sometime!

{namaste humans being}