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Topics - Lysear


it's been a while.

Visiting family in England this week, kids up way too early. I go back to bed an hour and a half later, quickly get to the right point, the buzzing in forehead, look up at the ceiling, exit very quickly. Yesterday morning, the exit took longer, and I didnt even realize I was out until it was too late. This morning, the key was that I was laying on my back instead of my side.

I went outside immediately and tried to spin around to center myself, become more focused and avoid slipping into a dream, didnt succeed, but I was happy all in all because it had been a while.

I met someone called Jeff at about 3:15 pm EST on mon dec 15. Anyone remember being there today?

I just experienced another almost projection. This time, instead of trying to exit as soon as i felt vibrations I concentrated on my forehead and on extending and enhancing the vibrations. It was unsuccessful but I wanted to hear some experienced opinions regarding this. Do you just try to exit as soon as you are experiencing them or do you wait for them to grow to a certain point?


So, I would like to recount my most recent experience just because it is new in more than one aspect. I have been sick with a cold, I went to lay down and try and sleep.

I began to see colors behind my closed eyes, I read an article once about focusing on these colors as they can aid in projection.

I soon began to experience sleep paralysis and got the usual exit sensations as I tried to rise from my body. As I have experienced sometimes in the past I had trouble exiting. i tried it twice and got to a kind of "sitting up" position.

I also felt buzzing in my forehead this time around, which is unusual because as far as i remember I only usually experience it in my chest.

so, to sum up, focusing on colors behind eyes was a quick way of reaching paralysis, this was new. Second, buzzing in my forehead instead of just my chest. Have any of you guys had any experience with this before?


So I am going to share my unwanted (probably) but some (I) might say half-decent musings on the world, traveling, some old articles I contributed to my friends ezine. 
I would love for all of you wonderful people at Astral pulse to have a butchers  (butchers hook=look) at the above and tell your friends. I want to see if I can get people interested without whoring myself to google, just via word of mouth and word of post on one or two websites.

   I think googlewhoring might be an original construction, but you guys are welcome to use it as I am powerless to stop you!!!

   Much Love, Lysear. (youngjerk!)

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Nay...
August 21, 2007, 23:45:36

   Just a quick question,

   I dont post here as much as i used to , but didnt you used to be a member. Why do you now post as a guest?   Just curious really, I couldnt message you personally, because you are a guest. 


  I just discovered this technique called reverse blinking, I found it on You keep your eyes closed and then occasionally open them and close them quickly like "reverse blinking!" then after doing this for 15 minutes or so you should hopefully slip into a hypnogogic state.

   This technique was developed for wake induced lucid dreaming apparently, by a person named Sythix, i think that i will check out the rest of this website.   

     Please tell me how you fare.     Joe.

  Last night, I was in the middle of a projection, just exiting my body, tried to get away from body then slipped back in.

  A couple of factors might have contributed, all or one of them .

     (1) I was laying on my side.
     (2) I had taken a strong pain killer before hand.
     (3) Noise from above my room
     (4) Did I open my eyes prematurely?

    I have a gut feeling that it was the painkiller that did the damage. What was interesting though, was the sensation afterwards. I was having trouble sleeping, but as i lay on my back trying to sleep, I felt like I wanted to float out, like I was expanding outward, but that I needed to be in trance before i could exit, either that or more spiritually developed than I am currently. I believe that if I am more spiritually developed in the coming years, I will be able to separate myself at will, without trance. Thats my aim at least.
  Its been a few weeks, but last night I got my reward for sleepless nights and patience, 3 or 4 concious projections.

     What was interesting is that I managed to use the alarm clock technique, woke up at 5, went to the loo, and then got back into bed, started staring into eyelids, then lost conciousness, then I felt reasonably strong vibes, although nothing like I used to . I actually had a bit of a struggle getting out, I couldnt get out to begin with, then I did, but I felt like I needed to get away from my body so I went out the window. Walked around the outside of my house. I think I was closer to the rtz to begin with, as i didnt have any weird visions of stars or anything like I had done before. Eventually I decided I wanted to speak to higher beings and began to activley look for them, but I think I created some characters here, nothing I spoke to seemed particularly real, mostly figments of my imagination. I came back, worried about forgetting the experience if it went on too long. I came into my body, kind of made myself, for a change.
    My next projection was directly afterwards, felt vibes a little the came outside body. I went to my desk and I arranged  spoons on my desk so I would see them in the morning when I woke up! I was trying to prove it to myself but I didnt realize that it would physically exist the next day! then it kind of descended into dreamstate. This is the case with the other one or two as well.

    What did I learn from this? That the alarm clock technique works. Also, I'm pretty sure that I didnt enter trance at all, just exited. I need more disclipline, need to maintain my fully concious mind at all times, and develop specific tasks to perform. I need to learn how to reach the higher planes, akashic records etc.

         Thanks for listening.       Joe.

   The other night, I once again tried to exit through pure conciousness exercises. I imagined myself on the ceiling looking down upon my body, after perhaps ten minutes I began to feel pretty strong exit sensations, not vibrations but quite a dizzy feeling, and a feeling of expanding to the periphery of my physical body, I was pushing out and felt congested.

   I think if i was in trance at this stage I would have easily projected. Which brings me back to my number one problem. I cannot attain trance. Gosh and darn it, I really really need to attain trance. Further to this, I do not want to use artificial methods such as hemi-sync or mind altering chemical substances.

     Any suggestions for really simple techniques?
I had a breakthrough last night, prior to my projection.

I decided that instead of getting frustrated working on trance for 40 minutes and then giving up, I would just work with conciousness shifting exercises. I also kept these exercises laughably simple. Here is the result.

(1) I just laid in bed, imagining myself on the ceiling looking down. Now, I dont know about you guys, but i can only do this for a split second at a time before my awarness is back in the body. But, I kept doing it, every split second I would imagine myself on the ceiling looking down at my body. Everytime my awareness came back in, I would send it out again. After 10 minutes, the exit sensations were acute. I was really feeling quite light, floating. I got disturbed, and stopped.

(2) During the night I had multiple projections, 3 maybe 4. But the last 2 sank into dream. I was drifting in terms of conciousness. Kept saying "clarity now!" and clapping, but it only had minimal effect. I managed to explore more of my house this time though. Perhaps next time I will try to visit astral pulse island if I remember.

Now what I think is that (1) I am questioning the necesity of trance for myself. (2) Perhaps in some way, I losened my astrality, and it led to the further projections.

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  Just finished reading about a solar storm heading our way tonight. I got to thinking how this would affect our projections.

    Spiritual science would suggest that the sun is a physical manifestation of a greater spiritual body. the sun is the manifestation of a certain group of angelic beings that work down upon humanity from a higher spiritual plane. And I think that the spirit of our age, Archangel Michael may also reside there.

   With this in mind, an abnormally large and unexpected solar storm, would perhaps have spiritual implications. The radiation from the flares (heat, which is a physical manifestation of the same spiritual substance as that which gives us our higher ego,) will have some kind of effect, definitely upon the physical world, in the form of damaging communications and radio signals etc. On a spiritual level, I wonder.

   Anybody who has any opinions, or abnormal experiences should report back here, and then we can see if there is any correlation.

                 Thanks, Joe.

  Last night, I experienced a fully concious astral projection.
    This is my second in two weeks, both being the only ones I hav experienced for about a year. I have recently been really getting back into the whole thing again, posting on this forum and commiting to the exercises etc. This is how I did it, if anybody is interested.

     I woke up at about 11 o clock in a relaxed state. I had been trying to attain trance earlier on, and fell asleep. Now I brought on the vibrations, I say brought on, it wasn't too much work from this point, I just relaxed and felt them come on. I then made a very concious effort to force my conciousness out of my body, pushing up and out. I nearly lost the vibrations because I kept swallowing, I was still half aware! Eventually I began to searate, and once I was out, I used the key that I found two weeks ago, the key that has opened up the world of conscious projection for me,


  Yes, I am afraid that it really is that simple for me. Once I am vibrating at pushing out of my body, I have to perform that act of opening my eyes, which feels exactly the same as opening my physical eyes, but then I am already out.

   The experience.

      once I got out, I went over to my computer and checked the time. I physically pressed a button, so pretty early on I entered an astral construct of the real world, the alice in wonderland effect! Then I "switched on my light" and saw myself in bed, curled up in a different blanket than usual.

    next I went out of my window, and flew up into the sky. I had the oportunity to spy on somebody I am interested in, but rejected this. Instead I flew up and began to pray to Jesus! (I am not christian.) I was praying the lords prayer very fervently. I asked for his help in my endeavors, and I what looked like a little fireworks display!

  Then I called out to see if I had a guide, asked if they could show themselves, but nobody turned up. Then i wondered whether I should quite while I was ahead, but then carried on. It was then that it descended into a nightmare.

                   Hope this is interesting, it certainly was for me.

  I recently read a post which basically said how the person just let himself get caught up in an imaginary situation. He had a fantasy, and let his mind drift.

   I have recenty become frustrated with my inability to reach trance. I gave up, and just let my mind drift, and after 10 minutes began feeling early trance like symptoms. Then I tried exiting, and darnwell nearly did it. I think if i had managed to attain a deeper level of trance then I would have exited. I dont have any real problem with exiting, once I am in a trance state. I have proved this to myself in a few situations when I wake up and am already in trance, and then I can quickly exit.

   So what did I gain from this experience? I decided that until I found a surefire way to quickly attain trance, I will use the above method for my intentional projections. I will lie down at night or during the day when trying to nap. I will drift off until I feel sensations, then quickly take back hold of my conscious mind and take it from there. I guess I will keep you posted.

   In the meantime, I guess I will experiment with different methods of gaining trance. read up on the various approaches and try to work out the common elements from each one, and create my own.

According to the spiritual system that I am studying under now, the human being can be divided into a number of different bodies;

   1. Physical body. Everything mineral , that is subject to decay. Shared with mineral kingdom i.e. rocks.
   2.Etheric Body. The animating principle, life body, without it, the physical body would die. Plants have a Mineral body and an etheric body.
   3. Astral body. The bearer or sentience, we wouldnt be aware without it. Animals have a physical, etheric and astral body.
   4. I. the individual person, what makes us different from every other human being. We as humans are all seperate spiritual genus'

There are further more spiritual aspects that are really seen as potentials for future incarnartions of the Earth.

    This is like a basic outline of the human being in the view of anthroposophy. With this in mind, it is necesary to mention that under this belief system, during sleep, the astral body and the ego, separate entirely from the other two bodies. The remaining two bodies stay together, obviously, as if the etheric body would leave, you would be dead already!

    With this in mind, we can now speculate that astral projection occurs in the higher members. In a normal nights dreaming, there is only a dim awareness, much like the awareness that those in the animal kingdom have in waking life. To have a concious projection, the projector needs to have waking conciousness in the astral realm. Their I needs to fully take hold during sleep, Then we have what is seen as an astral projection.

How to achieve this?
     The separation between ether-physical and Astral-ego needs to occur. So, we must be able to bring our physical body down to the level of activity that is required for the astra/ego to leave. So we relax, and control our breathing (safely!) and slip hopefully into hypnogogic trance. This is the state the body is in during normal sleep, except our conciousness is still permeating the etheric-physical state. This feels at first frightening, but after a few attempts, it can be overcome by the projectors I, with strength of will and bravery.
     Next, with our focus away from the physical, we have the etheric to deal with. the only necesary thing here (he says like its the simplist thing in the world!) is now to bring your sentience (astral body) out of the etheric. I have found that by focusing on a point in my room, outside of my physical, and hanging on there for dear life, is the best way to do this. Imagine you are hanging on to your smoke detector, or your window sill. Dont let go, dont go back into your body. This, I guess, causes some kind of confusion (sorry not so scientific.) and your conciousness leaves the etheric-physical set-up and hey presto.

   To be able to remove your conciousness out to the periphery for long enough (i speculate at about 20-30 seconds) is really the key that unlocks projection for me. This is evident in most techniques I have ever read, Mr. Bruces most excellent rope technique being one, as it requires constant conciousness on the task at hand. But, entering a painting on your wall, or walking through the house would serve just as well. I like hanging onto the fire alarm personally, but, whatever floats your boat.

    I really feel that this explanation sheds a lot of light onto the phenomenon of projection for me, and i urge you to at least consider it. But please, if it ends up helping you achieve a projection, be careful, make sure you have protected yourself, ask for Archangel Michael in particular, as he is the main man right now. Even a banishing ritual or whatever would help you out.

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Chladni Plate
November 30, 2006, 12:27:05
 Hi guys,

    I am currently teaching a physics lesson to a sixth Grade class. I finished off my week of acoustics study with the demonstration of thr chladni plate. This is a metal sheet that you pour salt onto, then stimulate by "playing it" with a cello bow. The salt then forms into a variety of shapes, reflecting presumably the vibrations of the sheet on one level, but on another, reflecting the beautiful nature of the Sound/Chemical ether. The form on its own, with the square Chladni plate was a six pointed star, when I had one of the kids touch the corner of the plate with their finger, I bowed it again and it turned onto an eight pointed star, and with two fingers it began to form into something else, but I couldnt get it exact, I would have needed a bigger plate.
    This is what science lessons are all about, experiencing the wonder of these forms, and then next week, once they have really slept on it, I will introduce some concepts into it, why did it form, what was the underlying cause.


does anybody know of any scientific explanation for the vibrational state. I ask because I know it is real, i have experienced this very intensly, I wonder if science sees it as physiological of pshycological. Any ideas?
i had a projection last night, I opened my eyes and saw God because I made a choice of purity Chose the path of purity.

   While projecting, I frantically tried to get some proof that I was out, tried a couple of things, but in the end I dont need the proof.

Welcome to Writers Corner! / comic travel journal
November 27, 2006, 20:16:45
The title says most of it. I went on a road trip a couple of years back, and this is the fruits of my writing. I would really appreciate some people reading it and commenting. I really need some feedback (honest feedback.) Its only a few short chapters, i would be grateful. Anyway, thanks in advance,    Joe.
I would just like to draw everybodies attention to the works of Austrian philosopher Rudolph Steiner. Some of you may have heard about his work, but many I am sure have not. He was prominent at the begining of the 20th century. An ex-member of the theosophical society, he eventually broke away from this group and formed his own anthroposophical society, now based in Dornach, Switzerland.

 His approach to life covers vast areas, from the more esoteric elements, to practical applications. His ideas manifest in the Waldorf schools, Bio-dynamic farming, the art form of Eurythmy, and the Camphill villages.

 He even talks about concious experiences in the spiritual world at night.

I would urge anybody interested in Astral projection to at least read his book theosophy. And then if still interested, you should consider A philosophy of freedom, knowledge of higher worlds, and esoteric science.

I cannot express enough, how important this mans writings are to everybody.


the above is a link to an essay I was reading today on the nautre of infinity. I found it very interesting and it challenged my beliefs in a variety of ways and made me think in an entrely different way about life.

please write to say what you think.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / In hindsight
March 18, 2003, 08:42:11
As a historian I understand the benefits of hindight as a tool. It is not fair to judge people for actions based on our own ideals. For example, slavery in colonial and ante-bellum America (and 20th century for that matter!) was a product of a necesity and belief system at the time which was key to society. important figures in history have had or have used slaves, George Washington, Stonewall Jackson etc.

With this in mind, isn't it strange to think about how we will be judged in 200 years time or even 100? We cant even begin to comprehend this! Their may be a complete upheaval of society and the world could be living under a totally different set of ideals! (maybe like in Starship troopers!) A good way to understand this is to compare modern industrial capitalism with agrarian feudalism of the middle ages, the lords and peasant system was all they knew, and this was what the people of the time would have been comfortable with, but I wouldn't like the idea of being subservient to anyone in my lifetime.

Will we be pitied? revered? condemned? I would love to be there when historians decide on this. Who knows, in 50 years time I could be the historian who's work becomes the dominant paradigm on the era.

Anyway, this is just a topic that really interests me, as I believe that not enough people are aware of ideas outside of their comfortable worlds. (refer to previous topic by myself on literal structualism.) What does everyone else think? do you care or am I just rabbiting on about a whole load of nothing?
Hi, i tried to post a song as an attachment, but as i expected it didnt work which brings me to my idea. Adrian, how about a seperate section in the file library where people can post their own compositions? just an idea, if it is not practical then I understand.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Mary star of the sea
March 02, 2003, 05:20:24
What does everyone think of the new Zwan album? I have just put it on and so far so good. Its no pumpkins, but theres definitly potential
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / cough! splutter!
January 13, 2003, 11:58:52
Just a delicate question, as i am student I find it hard to purchase such marvelous programs as bwgen. I was just curious as to whether anyone on here has any ideas on where the program can be gotten for less than the marked price?
dont know if this has been mentioned before, although it probably has in some way but I have been developing a technique recently, outside of my training with the bwgen and it involves imaginging yourself getting up out of your body and walking around. Imagine all the details of your house, what you know is there and get totally emersed in it. This is great because your getting something to concentrate on while gaining good practice at shiftling your point of focus. This is dead easy and I believe if practiced in conjunction with relaxation or sleep deprivation could be a promising method.

on another note I may try it with my bwgen program tonight too mixing the two could be good. i will tell you how I got on tomorow.


hi I wrote a few weeks back about my heavily buzzing head and stuff, well something equally important has happened to me! i will start at the begining (as is the best way!)
I was dreaming and obviously my mantra is paying off about wanting to have a projection because In my dream I woke up and i felt what i could only describe as my astral body returning, I then decided to try and get back out again and try it. i then came out of my body and was facing the wrong way, my astral head was at my feet and i was face down. I then swung my legs round and came off my bed and wandered into the living room and tried to do a simple lesser banishing of the pentagrams ritual (i am a novice magician). I couldnt do it or more precisely I couldnt move my right arm properly. Next i decided to go back into my body because I remember reading some advice not to stay out too long on the first attempt! I thought to my self to get back in and i did. I was expecting slight pain but instead got a feeling of being very hot and again the buzzing.

 I have had the day to think and have since decided it was a dream. What I wish to ask is does anyone think this was a kind of semi-unconcious projection? if anyone has had a similar experience I would love to hear it!

Sorry this is so long winded! i just needed to get it all out!
  Thanks for reading    from Lysear

I have found his ideas very interesting too.

Also of interest is his legacy in education.  He formulated many of the methods used to teach in modern schools.  He is also the genius behind the Steiner and Waldorf schools.

I believe there is still an active Theosophy society.
What is it?
Hi Lysear,

I was born and raised in Philadelphia and of course know South Street quite well. Have a great time visiting and enjoy the great restaurants. The next time I visit family there, I'll be sure to look up that occult shop.

Very best,
Greetings Lysear,

I hope your journey to the USA goes smoothly and you settle in well.

I am sure there are plenty of Internet connections with browsers over there, so you can always call by the Astral Pulse to tell us how you are doing [:)]

It has been a pleasure having you here, and thanks for all of your contributions, I am sure there will be many more of them.

Good luck!

With best regards,

You are exactly correct, lysear, I have found no reason to perform any protection rituals before I meditate.  In my opinion the only thing that it does is condition the mind into thinking that you are susceptible to attacks, and when you condition your mind into think that you are, you become susceptible.

Links Shadow
Hi Lysear,

Thanks for posting that link. The site is developed nicely. Very easy to get around. Good information too.

Very best,
Welcome to Magic! / spells, selfish?
July 05, 2003, 10:10:23
I think if you have a way to help yourself, and other use it - as long as it does not hurt anyone.
Welcome to Magic! / Throbbing in 3rd eye
June 29, 2003, 08:45:50
Although I personally wouldn't recommend using the middle pillar ritual due to the fact it only serves to strengthen your Guardian de Seuil (gate keeper) I refer you to a topic posted by Mattias Jonsson that describe the phenomena of this entity that carries ones present incarnation and its desire to attack when it feels threatened.

Apart from this advice I would consciously work on your third eye chakra to unblock it before doing the MPR as this is whats causing the throbbing. You have only a partially open third eye and it can't cope with the energy being forced through it. be carefull or you could do serious damage.

take care

do you no speaka Engalish? No, but my friend does.
Hi Lysear,

The book is called The Projection of the Astral Body by Sylvan Muldoon & Hereward Carrington. It was first published in 1929 and is a classic. I agree, this is one of the best books on the subject.

The book states: "Sylvan Muldoon began projecting involuntarily at the age of twelve. He was fascinated by his experiences and began to experiment with the phenomenom. This book is the result of those experiments."

Hereward Carrington was a famous psychic researcher who did the editing of Sylvan Muldoon's account.

Very worthwhile reading and quite a lot of information on "...the astral cord...types of flying dreams-the fundamental laws and sensations of the astral world and its inhabitants-are all recorded in abundant detail"(from the book back cover).

Very best,
Greetings Lysear,

I have been vegetarian for some time, and for much the same reasons as you. I also do not drink alcohol or caffeine of any sort.

I believe we reach a stage when we realise that all life is one, a part of "The All", that eating any meat is akin to cannibalism [:)]

Notwithstanding that, we must respect all life as our equal, and the way in which meat is farmed and processed is largely disgraceful. Consider if another species was dominant, and they farmed, processed and ate humans in the same way as humans treat other animals today.

I realise of course that plant life is also Spirit,and that arguments can and will be made that is wrong to eat plants, but plants do not suffer in the same way as animals, and I believe that we are intended to be vegetarian anyway.

Also for those aspiring to project and pursue other spiritual activities - meat, alcohol and caffeine are very negative indeed, and take months of detoxification to remove them from the system.

With best regards,

I like UFC somewhat.  It is the best technical fighters in the world, usually Thai boxing or jiujitsu.  It shows how great the Gracie family's system of Brazilian JiuJitsu is.