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Topics - darksidessj25

Hey everyone, it's been a while. On Monday I had an incredible experience of being in my Twin Flames dream. i know who she is and things just suck right now for the both of us. I done this Meditation prior to sleep and I found my self lucid or astral projecting into her dream reality. It was made of elements I would never dream of. It was weird and I felt hella out of place. I was talking to her dream character and she asked who I was cause I was in disguise. I told her my name and she began rushing to tell the dreamer. I flew out of there and kept going cause I didn't want to confront her cause of what happened was a serious tragedy. That affected everyone. Mind my grammer please. I suck :P. Anyways, She came running twoards me and called out my name I just turned and faced her and she hugged me and told me that she loves me. Cause she really does in real life. I just was so stupid and didn't see it intell it was to late. I felt like something washed over when she hugged me. That release. Upon waking up I felt it all over my body the way she felt ext. It was the most craziest feeling and so hard to describe. Anybody got any insight to this?
Okay, I don't believe in demonic things. I believe things are the way they are and that's just how we label them but I have been having some creepy excrement happening between me an my friend. We hang out a lot like every weekend. Her and I do photography so we are pretty close. Just recently we had the same dream which involved us hanging out and taking pictures. I talked to Xanth a yesterday and I told him it was probably Empathy but I dunno now. Two nights ago I was out of body around my house and I seen something as tall as my house and it was very scary looking. I didn't make no sudden movements or act scared in any way. I just looked at it and when back inside. That was the same night i had the same dream with my friend. Last night she messaged me and told me about young girl who appeared in her dreams and looked like a demon. The same day I feel asleep and was out of body and I was walking through my door and I heard a young girl scream really load and almost blew out my ear drums upon waking up. I just felt like it was the same girl she mentioned. When I was out of body. I told her that I was going to kick that bitches butt. But obviously not.

Anybody know what's going on? ??? Need some advice.
Hey everyone, sorry I been busy with work and I still project but I don't practice it. I just do it naturally now. So last night I went to bed around 8 or 9pm and I woke up and some guy I never meet before was on the edge of my bed. I reached out to see if passed the good vibration test and he did. So I talked with him and I felt okay with adventuring off into the astral world with him. This guy was pretty cool, dunno who he was but he got me some chicks. Any ways' I opened my door and there where tons of other doors and a zigzag hall way. Other houses? Anyway we walked through it and we went through one of the doors. Then we where in a bath room with two girls. I was like ah yea what a gangsta. hookin' a brother up rofl. I started making out with one of the chicks and it felt just like the real thing. I could think while I do it and everything. It was intense! Even when we intercourse I could feel that she was ... gonna leave that one out.  You guys know.  :-o Then it ended cause I thought about my body and how long i been out. It was about a 15 min projection. I haven't had an intense one like that in a while.

After that I woke up and then went back to sleep. I then projected again and my door was locked and I said unlock now and it did. I then walked through it and down the hallway. Seen my moms room and it was pitch black witch freaks me out in the astral. Continued down the hallway and then I saw a shadow move across the walkway. I panicked cause I don't like meeting other entities. I just have a thing about it. But that one guy was cool. I guess that's a little fear i got to conquer. That's what's really stopping from venturing out into other places.
I had just the tripiest OBE or dream. I was in this weird room and my cousin was there. She has a moldavite I lent her. I thought that  this was just a dream. I told her dream charecter to COME HER NOW! I even said this is my dream I'm in control. She just laughed at me. Then I told her to call me when she wakes up. This was really weird. Why in the hell couldn't I control anything?
Well, I found my hindrance. I always meditated with binural beats and I wondered why I couldn't get out of body or get sleep paralysis. It's because the binural tones where keeping me awake. I believe they are just meant to be used as a tool to expand your awareness and help you relax.

A few days ago I decided to do it without B.T. I was able to lucid dream but not get out of body. I can't even lucid dream while listening to B.T. Falling asleep and listening to music doesn't work for me. I also found that the perfect time to get out of body is during the phase where time doesn't exist. I loose all sense of time. It's really strange but thats how I got out the first time I did it without headphones.

Does anybody know what stage that's called when you loose all sense of time. Basically you black out for a bit and phase.   
Well, after 3 years of practice I'm finally able to do it through meditation. I realized that music was my main distraction. I let a hypnosis track place but it wasn't for OBEs, it was for mental blocks. All I did was just sit through it and my body would go to sleep. I learned that you have to enter that timelessness space. 10 minutes later the track ended my body jerked. Hypnotic jerks which I discovered a while back by doing research. I just ignored it and continued. This would be the part where I would stop meditating and quit. Then I started to see hypnotic elements. Then I found myself laying down on the ground outside by my tree. I didn't think nothing of it. I kinda slipped out of consciousness then I realized I was out of body and I did it again. Then my heart beat started pounding and chest was lifting up. I was already out but I don't know why this was happening. Maybe I was phasing?

Anybody know what this was?
Today I was using a mantra in meditation and I got so deep that I thought I been meditating for a day when only an hour has passed. I jumped up and thought man I gotta get to work. Then I realized it still the same day. I also had a short OBE during my second phase of meditation which never happens. I didn't even realize I was out of my body. My closes was slightly open and someone was talking to me. They said to put my hand half way in the closet and half way out of the closet while awake. This technique is used to see if you have a good or bad spirit lingering about. And they also said something about the shadows and how they could affect the spirit as well.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Manifestation Works!
April 13, 2015, 18:42:17
Hey guys, I just wanna share with you about what happened to me this weekend. For a while now I been practicing manifesting, but I haven't been getting any results. So I switched what I wanted to manifest and it happened within the week. It actually hit me all at once. Certain dreams I wanted to happen and certain situations I wanted to happen in life. It was just crazy. And all I had to do was step outside my comfort zone.

I also noticed every time I would look at a clock I would see 11:11 or 3:33, 1:33. Post number 33 message number 33 and so on.
Tonight i shut my lid down on the computer which I never do. I project naturally without even trying. Sometimes I don't even wanna so I leave my computer on.

1. I was out of body for several minutes felt more like an hour. Time has no meaning in the astral. I remember being in a flood and I was with this girl. I told her that she died. We where both looking at the scenery as the massive flood was whipping away all the houses. People where floating on objects. I seen dead bodies floating in the water along the shore line. I told her not to look and put my hand over her eyes. After that I told her we can just fly outta here and there's no point in staying here. We then wen't to the shore, and ran into another girl that died. She was being really mischievous and tried to take control of me. After that I said you have no control over me. I then started to chant Aum or Om. I chanted it regularly and realized it wasn't working. Then I chanted it very loud and everything began spinning and I found myself back in my room. Then there was two more girls hanging out next to my mirror. I looked in the mirror and to my surprise I was young again. But that quickly ended. After that I found myself in sleep paralysis and I heard someone laughing next to me. I concentrated really hard and chanted OMMMMMM and tried to enter a buddhic realm where none of these spirts could go. Everything began spinning at an incredible rate.  A note started to play like C for example. Then it raised pitch very, very fast. I thought that was odd.  After that I woke up :(
A few days ago I got out using the rocking method. Went outside an into my neighbors house. The decided it would e a cool idea to look for a astral girlfriend lol. After a bit I thought about how long it would take and just decided to turn into a girl. I felt my whole body collapse. My skin started shrinking and then I panicked. It was the weirdest feeling ever.   
Part 1: The Beginning

This was pretty amazing. I love Dragon Ball Z so I decided to create an alternate reality I guess. I think it actually worked. It first started like a dream where I was traveling to Hawaii to see this island. My mom was with me and while I was driving to the destination a huge title wave appeared. I then saw several people trying to climb to safety buy climbing up on a large building. No one survived. I felt the waves crash upon me an then everything went black and I woke up somewhere else. This dream was continuous, back to back and not nothing different. I woke up in a sumerland type of place where people could  live out there fantasies. I remember that everyone here liked the show DBZ and the inhabited was trying to make it so that the powers they had would be reincarnated in the real world. This time line. There seemed to be to sides. One was wanting the powers and the other one didn't.

When I first appeared in the fantasy world. I was on the opposite side. Cause I was lost and confused on how things work around here. It seemed that the souls of this world took the bodies of the dragon ball z characters. This sounds crazy. But hella cool. Who wouldn't in a place like this. The two people that where helping me where Bulma and Vegita. I didn't know how to make things appear. Like for example KI blasts. One of them should me and they said it comes from the heart chakra area. So I focused on that and it worked. One center ball appeared and then 3 other balls of electricity appeared around it. I lost focus and it vanished. After that I learned how to fly.  I remember flying through tunnels. They said that they where there so cause they had to hide from certain people. And that when you come out. You had to fly very fast so know one would see you.

Part 2: The Battle

I don't recall switching sides but I think I remember why I switched. I was outside and there where two people fighting. Someone was Piccalo and the other was Guildo, I believe. I interrupted the fight and the people got mad at what I did. I don't recall anything else but the big fight scene that was about to take place. It seemed like I was in this dreamland for hours. It was continuous and back to back. I remember standing with a friend I made before the fight. It seemed like everyone had power levels and special moves they learned just like in the anime. I asked him what my power level was cause I was going to face Vegita. He said, 255. Which seemed to be the max around here. Kinda strange, but okay. Power levels are way higher than that I thought to myself. Then I remember having an argument with a girl that was there. She was just in her own body as I was to. She told me how would I know if someone was to be reincarnated with these powers and be evil and hurt others? I said that who ever is in charge should pick people that's good in heart. Which is defiantly not me, I thought to myself. After that I remember floating above earth and it ended. I Don't know why I was above earth.

Part 3: The Spirit who was Trying to Ask for Help.

Someone told me that the reason why they are here is that they want to look celestial. After that I had a false awakening. I woke up cause this person told me where he lived and what he did. He even tried telling me his number. It started with 303-????. I remember the location, Empire. It seemed he enjoyed taking care of farm animals and liked to sit around fantasizing all day. Here's where it got scary. I drove to the location that I was given from on the internet. The scene changed so fast and became super realistic. Like an OBE. I was outside and seen a cow. The place had a picked fence and was pretty big. Then i turned my head and the scene changed again to my room I believe it was dark. And a old man was there. Got very scary. He was trying to say something to me. I couldn't make it out and I said try again to him. It sounded like he had sand bags in his mouth. He also where glasses.

15 min later I had a short OBE. I was rocking back in forth and it was feeling like I was going to fall off of my bed. I just kept going and say if I fall off of my bed ah well. I tumbled and hit the floor. I realized I was out of body and got out successfully. I walked outside and it then it ended. It was like waking life. I thought I was literally awake. I was really cautious and didn't wonder anywhere. OBEs like these are really rare for me. I find these ones to be the real deal.
Had a pretty trippy dream last night where i went to the future and I was conscious and aware for a whole 10 minutes or more. I wanted to find out what happened in the last 10 years or so. First I tried looking it up on facebook under people's history. But that didn't work out to well. After that I gave up. I felt myself getting tired for some reason. I seen that I had coffee right next to me so I drank it and it worked. After that I went outside and it seemed we where having a party of some sorts. My uncle was in the back fixing the pool pump. I asked him what happened in the last 10 years but he was quite busy. Then I walked up to this weird girl who was also at the party which I never seen before. I got out my wallet and had a $10.00 in it. I said I'll pay you 10 bucks if you tell me what happen in the past 10 years. I really wanted information so I could use it for personal gain. I think this was an alternate reality of some sorts. Freaking Moldavite. LOL I told the girl I was was running out of time because I don't know how long I could stay in this form. I said just give me a popular band name or anything. Just anything I yelled. Then she said a band that I never heard before. I forgot what the name was called cause things started to get hazy. I held on and focused a little bit.

Then I walked back into my house and into the den. I seen another girl who was in the nude? Thought form here probably. It seemed like she was really upset about something. I told her that I was going to transform into her lol. Just to prove that I'm in spirit form or something. Forgot what I said. Anyway I thought the transformation worked and walked in my hallway but it didn't. My dad started yelling at me and telling about something that I did. He told me that 2 people we knew both committed suicide. Which I was really shocked to hear. Got a little information at least.

After that it ended and I woke up around 4:00.
So lately I have been having these weird hallucinations while awake but with my eyes closed. After I would watch a movie for example I would see the people doing movements. I am also able to change the way they look which is pretty cool. The images are in gray and only appear for a couple seconds at the most. I just developed another technique to make the images last longer. I just make them move a body part. For example a arm up and down. I also watch a lot of weightlifting vids on youtube and then if I lay down an close my eyes I would see them doing it. I think this is a photographic memory. I know I don't have one but maybe I'm developing one cause of my intense meditations I do. I am also able to put people in there to. It's actually really cool.
So lately I have been getting a lot of dreams about being someone else an being aware of this reality at the same time Basically being someone else. I where a 20 gram piece of moldavite constantly around my neck. Since it left my house to get turned into a necklace I haven't been getting these types of projections.

Weird phenomena:

My body would be lying flat on my back and I sleep on my side.
My computer lid would be shut. I leave it on at night. Sometimes my computer is even shut off! Man, I really need to record this excrement.
I been having fast travel experiences while meditating for example I would pop in an out of my body and see whoever I thought about at that time. Like I thought about a teacher and then I was in front of a black board watching him erasing it and I also heard it. It usually occurs between thoughts. I would have my mind quite for 10 or more minutes then it would happen. I literally can see people running outside and playing. It's a really cool ability.
I know what you guys are going to say, but I was literally rapped in the astral world last night. It hurt like bonk. Yes, it was a female, but I helped the succubus see the light. Here's what happened. I found myself in my car outside and thought it was kind of odd. I got outside the car and realized I was out of body. For some reason your astral body does what your physical body would normally do when you would wake up. I remember looking at the moon and saying I invoke good things to happen in my life. After that I seen my cat near a car. Then I walked back in my house and through the door. I got to my room an laid on my bed. Out of know where my closet flew open and there was a presence in my room. I couldn't see who or what it was. But my freakin' bed sheets started to be pulled off and then my under wear. It was pretty scary at first, but I said to myself lets just see what happens. Then I seen the succubus it literally looks like a vampire but they have two separate molars. They aren't pointy but different. After the whole sex scene the succubus said it needed help. I don't know how I did it but I basically just touched her and said something like may the white light surround you. And then a bunch of light surrounded her and she vanished. Before that I remember saying you owe me and don't forget to tell the other 3 people I helped owe me as well.

Lesson's learned: Don't be scared of astral entities some might need help regardless how evil they are. Just face your fears you know never know what's going to happen.

Prior to the experience: I had a 30-45 min lucid dream where I didn't think I was going to wake up. I forced myself  to wake up because I thought I was going to wake up in the hospital lol. 
Hey guys well, I've been busy working out and trying to get myself a six pack and I discovered that eating healthy and lifting weights helps you project longer. Last night was amazing! I only meditated 40 minutes after working out and it was really relaxing. I used a couple of mantras to help me achieve what I want. Around 9:00 I went to bed and woke up about 2:00pm then went back to sleep. I found myself out of body constantly. It felt like a I had 3 or 4 OBEs. I had a real long one as well I walked into my den and it was dark and I didn't like it so I walked back into my room where the light was on. Then I wanted to have astral sex but I thought to myself what a waste of energy so then I walked outside an to the driveway. While I was in my driveway I used AWARENESS NOW and everything began to shift. I began to feel the weight of my legs and arms ect. Normal stuff you would feel in the physical. I felt the ground beneath my feet as well. Then I said NEXT LEVEL now and I began falling a million miles an hour into a beautiful landscape. It basically was an island and really beautiful oak trees. It was a very neat place. Everything was so vibrant in color. After that I thought about my physical body cause I was worried about how this kind of experience affect the body. I was completely aware. I would have to say that my awareness was 95%.
I don't know if this was a dream or a projection but it had more dream like qualities to me but it was very, very scary. I was in this weird town which seemed abandoned and there where to entities one to the left of me and the other to the right. The one to the left was black like black as night not skin tone and young girl. Sort of evil looking. The other to the right had no top body just legs. I didn't know what he was all I knew is that I had to face these things. The young girl on the left ran at me screaming really load and all I could think of was using a kamehameha to blow her away lamo. Dream qualities here. Then the other ran at me 2. Then I said what 2 kamehameha's in both hands will work but it didn't. The girl got really really close then I woke up terrified. I think those where demons.?? I don't believe in demons, I believe that people or things are just the way they are cause they choose to be that way.
So here i was in some weird place with a bunch of people. The place was outdoors and I became lucid right when I seen one of my dream signs.
Then this lady said come here and I'll cleanse you of your issues. Then She said that this is probably going to make you break down and cry and probably see past lives. Everything started to fade to black just like in other projection when you get scared. I went through with it and looked her directly in the face. She was of african american descent and looked kinda old. She touched my third eye and I literally feel to pieces and apologized for everything I done at her feet. I was literally crying. What the hell was this guys? This was some powerful mojo indeed.
Hey guys, I'm preparing myself for a 7 day day OBE challenge where I have OBEs for 7 days in a row. I am on day 4 now and have had great success. For crystals I am using Moldavite, and Herkimer Diamond. And for binural beats steve g. jones's advanced astral projection track.

Techniques i just imagine myself getting outta body and feeling everything around my house. I make it real. And it seems 2 work! I have had great results with this so far. I wasn't able to meditate yesterday. I had a cool experience where someone was going to change apart of my room and make it have higher vibrations. My room started 2 change a little and I woke up panicking. I immediately went to tell my sister that my room was gonna change. I think I was outta body then because I couldn't really tell.  Upon falling asleep I seen lots of beautiful colors and i felt as though someone was holding my hand.
Almost got out of body again through meditation but I took a nap right after I had a lucid dream lol. Here's how it started. I was lying on the right side of the bed and I everything became kind of black after a dream. Then things began to shake really bad. I thought I was having a seizure but I wasn't. My body felt like it was on a washing machine vibrating. I tried to feel my heart beat but that's when I panicked an woke up. I should just stayed with it. Awe well. I usually get out of body through dreams but not while I'm awake so that's why I don't feel any symptoms.
Hey guys check it out if you get a chance. Dunno if any of you guys like crystals or tektites but the two that seem to do really well for OBEs are Moldavite and Libyan Desert Glass. I also like Amethyst as well.

What crystals do you guys?
Full moon
Places all my crystals outside to cleanse (something kept me grounded)
Didn't take my medicine
Ate chicken
Raised energy through the chakras for 15 min followed by an 1:30 min meditation.

I had a very powerful out of body experience last night. I couldn't tell the difference between it or reality. I was literally mind blown. I had a series of dreams that followed the experience The first one involved my Moldavite and these two women try to get it. They thought it was some sacred stone or something.  After that I woke up with some weird head pain I get when I sleep to long, but when I turned over it went away. Feel back asleep and had a dream about this chick I follow on youtube about out of body experiences. She was giving me a piece of Moldavite as a gift. Then I woke up and my legs where in a sex position! My palms where face up and I was on my back. I hate sleeping on my back. My first three chakras where hella tingly. I seen a big blob of energy for a secound right when I woke up. I laid there a minute kinda freaked out then everything started to feel real tingly especially down there. And no I wasn't out of body. I was able to mess with my computer and what not. It probably was the beginning of an OBE though.

After that experience I woke up from I had another weird headache again from over sleeping. I then turned over and it went away. Then I really found my self out of body. Got up, thought I was literally awake. Walked/went past the door and sent white light down the hall way just in case I was in an OBE. I thought I was cause my legs where all weird like I was drunk. I walked down the hall and seen my parents. I didn't know what to do cause I didn't wanna scare them and think I'm insane. I didn't know if this was real or an OBE so I played it like it was real and wen't back to my room. I then went to my sisters door and knocked on it. Then the door just opened. Then I realized that this was indeed a OBE. My sisters door is usually locked. I said Hey, are you asleep. She actually replied back and said what lol. Then it ended.

That excrement was crazy real.
Today I was meditating and chanting kleem in my mind for each chakra. I must have been really deep into it cause I seen myself.  Man I look different from what I perceive in the mirror. I need a hair cut bad.  I can have OBEs easy after I fall asleep but during meditation is hard.
This may seem absolutely bizarre  on what I'm about to post but I have to share this. The first time I obtained Moldavite I had a experience with a sol . She also had red hair and green eyes and was very, very pretty. I merged energy bodies with her and it felt so incredible. She looked like Arial from the little mermaid lol. When she was leaving she laughed and said my name. I also seen hallucinations of Atlantis for some reason.

Fast forward. i lost my moldavite and bought a new one from innervision crystals. 19.52 grams one of the big ones. I didn't expect anything the first night but I got an OBE and about 7 dreams. In this OBE I seen a woman at the edge of my bed when I propped up. She said I get one wish. I was like okay? I don't think that will work because you can't make things appear in the material world. I asked if I could have 100,000,000 appear on my bed when I wake up. Then I said what I stated in the previous sentence. Then she said you have to trust your fathers health in my hands. Sounds iffy, so I said no. She then started to walk away and I said Wanna have sex? Lol, I was really in the mood. Then she said no I'm married. : ( Darn it!

I then asked her if she could help me find this one person I soul merged with I mentioned in the first paragraph. She said to look through your third eye and face the right side of your room. I did and I ended up in a weird bizarre place.  I was underwater near sand. I seen her just sleeping. I noticed somthing odd. She had a tail. I hope this doesn't sound crazy. But omg so freaky. I touched her tail or whatever it was and rubbed my hand down it. Not sexually. It was so weird. It felt so real. The texture and feeling the fish scales. I still feel it on my hand just thinking about it.

What is going on with my projections???? I don't even think of mermaids or none of that bs. Maybe wishes or wanting something really badly.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / What does this mean?
December 17, 2014, 19:34:09
"A Final Balance of Karma". I'm not quite sure exactly. I did a relationhip spread on a girl that I'm talking with. We both send huge essays to each other cause we both are into astral travel, and metaphysical stuff big time. She is perfect and gorgeous as hell.

Had a pretty cool experience after meditation today turned over and tried to take a nap then I realized I was snapping in an out of my body.
Saw a person sitting on a bed then another head pressure symptom and seen a beautiful city in the distance. There was a path way that was made of floating circular stones. The city was way in the back where I was floating. Next time I see a city I'm going to try and open my physical eyes to see if I can get a full blown OBE. 

What I've noticed when these kind of projections occur:

1. Head pressure and followed by the projection.
Hey there guys. I had a weird OBE that involved someone else telling me about their OBEs lol.
I woke up to find myself in a big house. I was a girl named Tara or Tarra. I don't know how it was spelled. Luckily I was able to hold on to the projection in time to figure it out. Anyways, I was there with my mother and I guess betrayed her trust or something and she got really angry and lit the house on fire.   Here's how the fire started, she was on the phone with my older sister who lived in new york. she started yelling saying I trusted...her. Then she slammed the phone down and lit the place on fire. After that the scene changed to me and the other girl said run Tarra. But everything went black and I heard all these weird winning noises. Very high pitched by the way. I held on after that as well to see if I could uncover anymore information but I woke up :(.
I had a crystal grid setup to bring someone in the astral world to me. Then last night someone attacked me out of body saying to leave her alone. These things where going threw me and they where slowing me down. I don't know what they where. I thought they where trying to get on me or something. After I woke up I destroyed the crystal grid and put the crystals away. Maybe I should just stick with lucid dreaming.  I had a very cool LD after that but I ended up getting excited by climbing up a wall and ruining it. I hate that. In the lucid dream I kept with the flow but I would ask girls to show me their tits and they would. When I became lucid I debated weather to do it or not. There was this kid in my class and he said he couldn't believe she did that. After that I asked every girl to do it lol. I didn't try to change the scene or anything. I just went with the flow and kept awareness that I was dreaming.
On Saturday I got a new crystal in the mail called Azeztulite. It really is remarkable and the energies from this stone are crazy. I had my doubts when purchasing the stone. It came with a certificate of authenticity. That night I put the crystal to the test and I had 7 or more lucid dreams. I never had so many. It was like every dream I had I was aware I was dreaming. I even had one dream where I was aware of my physical body in bed while in the dream state. This morning I found my self in an unusual place. It kind of looked like my house but it wasn't. There was a Buddha statue in the corner of the yard broken in half. I have no idea what that represents. Then there was a sign that had the word "Free" on it in one section. I walked down to this tree where red flowers where falling off it kind of like a Japanese sakura tree. There was these two men there that where making fun/ talking about siddhis. Which means a special power. Then they asked why haven't you been two school in the past 2 days? I said I've been trying to find my lifes purpose and maybe I'll find it in the next. Then I realized I had a female voice lol. After that the 2 guys asked if I wanted to come to the farm and work. The car that they drove looked like a old ford. There where 3 kids in the back seat. 2 boys and 1 girl. They looked about 5-6 years old. I remember the girl smiling at me for some reason. Then I turned away and thought about walking over to the buddha statue and reading what the rest of the sign said. Then it ended when I tried to do that.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Azeztulite
December 05, 2014, 01:20:30
Two days ago I bought a Azeztulight crystal from a shop online from: I was having my doubts about it and thought I'd see if I can channel the beings myself and I did. Well at least I think I did lol. I did my normal meditation that I do to get out of body which ejects me out really fast. I have to say sexual energy is probably the quickest way get get out of body. After I turend over I asked to channel the Azez beings. Then I heard this puling noise like Riiiing, Riiing. Possibly vibrations of some sort. I kept going with it and then I seen a bunch of stars like I was falling into the sky. Then a being appeared. I don't know if it was a man or woman but the being was made of pure white light. It was really cool. They said where coming. Be prepared. Then after that I started falling again or traveling really fast. That's probably why I see a lot of darkness all the time. I seen some strange faces as well. One really vivid image of a monk with his balled head lol.

After that the head pulses started to get worse and worse so I decided to end it and ?wake up? When I woke up I seen a bunch of static electricity buzzing everywhere.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Need Answers
November 24, 2014, 12:57:52
This morning I had a very cool experience. I don't know if this was real telepathy but before I experienced this I heard really beautiful music and two people where talking 2 me. One person said that I had to learn 1 thing per year to be a master. I couldn't see anything but my I could here them. All I seen was purple and weird electricity tentacles coming from my third eye. After that something interesting happened involving telepathy which sounds ridicules but I connect with my ex and I could really feel her. It was so freaky. I wasn't able to see anything but I could feel it.

If anyone knows about this path of the masters I am really interested in it. I don't know who these people are but every time they come to me really beautiful music plays.
Some past life's are not meant to be seen. Last night, I woke up screaming. You'll go to Hell if you commit suicide. I don't believe in Hell at all, because you make your own hell and your own heaven. I found my self own a slave trade ship back in the American Civil War. They had this one lady on her knees. I think she was my wife or something. She was of african american. I think I might have been to but I didn't get to see because there was no mirrors around. She had a knife in her right hand and the soldiers on the ship shot her once in the knee. Then she took the knife and put it to her throat and that's when I yelled that sentence I mentioned above. I heard myself say it aloud while I was projecting. She then cut her throat and after that I jumped off the ship into the ocean. I could feel the waves and myself tumble against the ship. Everything went black after that. 

Be careful exploring past life's. The feelings could come rushing back.
Why are you someone else when ever you look in a mirror via lucid dream or OBE? I had a lucid dream this morning and I looked into my mirror in the bathroom which seemed real as hell and I was a girl. And yes of course I checked myself out. I was of latin/americac descent and was around 5"1 or 5"3. I had long brown hair and was skinny. I even lifted up my shirt and my cup size was at least a b or c.  Everything always feels so real when you look in mirrors and things project back at you. I think mirrors might reveal past lives when you gaze into them. After that I opened my door and there was this girl in my room and I gave her a high five lol. Then I stepped out side and the scene changed to me being chased in the woods. I was with this guy who I trusted and he also got chased by another guy. The other guy had a golf club and stuck him in the head. There was another club next to me. It was old and rusted. It looks like he killed people here with golf clubs and burred the bodies in the woods around the vicinity.  After he hit the guy I picked up the rust club to defend myself and then he rushed toward me and then everything went black.

Note: I arrived to the scene by car in a old pickup truck.
Welcome to Dreams! / Dual Awareness Journal
November 17, 2014, 15:34:11
Date: 11-17-14
How this lucid dream experience started: Woke up during REM and laid still.
Time: 5:30 am
Type: Sexual


After laying still for about a minute or so I began to see things. I then fell asleep and realized I was dreaming. At the time I was aware of my physical body lying in bed and my dream body. I tried to make my physical body have an orgasm which seems impossible but it isn't. I tried many things: having intercourse, filling the room with love juice. Didn't work. Having intercourse with my ex-girl friend. Didn't work. I don't know why I wasn't able to do it? I now figured out how to control my dream characters by SHOUTING out loud commands. I used to say it all up in my head. But apparently you have to say it with your voice. When I first attempted this in another lucid dream I thought I was sleep talking because I had dual awareness in that exp. as well.   
This morning I had a wonderful experience. I literally met one of my dream characters in a lucid dream. I wasat standing on a corner of road next to a market watching this car go by. I then said to MYSELF tire pop now! Kinda evil I know. Then I wondered why that didn't work. Then after that I went around the corner and saw this girl walking with her mom. I said come her now but it didn't work. After that I said it aloud Come here now. Then she did. I then said What's your name? She said, Arcaya. I never heard that name before and I really liked it lol. Then I shook her hand and said nice to meet you. I then asked where do you come from? She said your mind and laughed. I said do you like it there? She said something about my mind being very musical. I like music a lot and play guitar and make my own techno music.

Thoughts on this guys? This was a wonderful experience. Plus if you know what Arcaya means please let me know. I tried to google it but it just came up with some a old spanish family name.
Last night around 1:37 I had a person from a dream tell me that I was going to have an OBE when the the light touched me. The light then hovered over me and I shoot up like I did in my very first OBE. When I soared to the sky, I heard a bunch of noises/vibrations. I could also see white light and darkness. I was kind of scared because I didn't want to project to a low level plain. These experiences that I have with the intense vibrations and the sound are the scariest ones because I become awake while upon hearing the noises. I got out before using the noises and vibrations but it's always in the real time zone. When I would successfully exit I just use all my will to push my consciousness out side my body and it works. I don't use any methods because they never worked for me.

It's just those sounds and vibrations it feels like my head is having a fit.
Turned over and found myself looking at earth from outer space. I couldn't see it really clear but there was this bright little light that was shinning. It looked like a warm whole or something. There was someone with me a girl who said she was going to show me around the universe. I don't know if I was asleep or in a meditative state. I then went through the tiny whole and then I saw a bunch of weird clouds. Like nebula clouds for example. I also seen asteroids floating around. Then a really weird spaceship. I could literally hear the person speak to me in my ear while in my physical body.
This morning I had pretty unusually OBE. I was in another room in my house and on the floor with this thing. I didn't know what it was but I kept my eyes closed. I tried to feel it, it felt really small and weird. After a while I looked down but I close my eyes again lol. I just don't want any thing to scare me haha. I'm such a chicken. It felt so real, it was unbelievable. That's what I love about OBEs there just real as hell and your lucid 100%.
Do you any of you use stones for projection? Moldavite is my favorite but I lost my little one I had so I bought a huge one lol. Kinda expensive stone 182.50 it cost me. I bought it for my bday. I had some crazy e.t. contact when I had the little piece. Let's see what this big boy brings.
Last night around 12:30 I started to lie down to go to sleep. I had my computer on to the left of me so I know for a fact that it wasn't my computer. Outta know where I heard a voice of a girl say I'm Dead and it felt like someone was touching me! I even saw a visual image of her which was even freakier. After that I jumped up from my bed and thought someone was there. Turned a movie on from my computer and went to sleep.

The girl looked about 16-17 years old and was in High School. Other than that I don't know anything else.

Some of my dreams as follows: Weird astral projection experience that was in my kitchen. I remember shouting that this wasn't real to someone. After that I found my self in someone's house. This woman said she could help me stop projecting. She said in order to stop projecting I have to see what's going on or something along those lines. After that I lied down started to project again wtf? Just a dream though.

Higher plane?: I was in this weird city where these angels where. There where these bridges with clouds below them. Someone said you can watch people from there but once you cross the bridge... Then it ended. This place seemed kind of magical in a way like some kids fantasy land. I only seen one angel before in a legitimate astral experience. She was standing next to a small child.