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Topics - rygoody

So you all know that technique where you put a card on a high shelf without looking at it. Then you astrally project and go look at it to try and verify your actually remote viewing.

I'm just curious, has there ever been any research done in an institution on this experiment, or another experiment like it, that has proven it actually is real?

I'm not asking because of personal doubts, I am just curious if any such research has come out of any institutions.
I dont know if its always done this, or if Im just aware enough to now notice it, but cannabis seems to put me into a full vibratory state. As in, im sitting there and can feel the full vibrations going through my body, very typical in feeing to when I attempt to leave my body.

The weird thing though is... in this state, my ability to feel the astral becomes very apparent. Like I can travel to differet astral places and feel the change. But I don't see it. It's like I'm projecting, but, I'm still firmly held in the body and the 5 senses are still turned on full. Like, I see the walls of my room, but I don't spatially feel them, I spatially feel another place in the astral.

does cannabis do this to anyone else?

another question though, if it does, do you find you can actually get out of your body easier in this state? Because despite being in a full vibratory state, I find I can never get out while high, it has to wear off a bit...
Welcome to Astral Chat! / UFO functionality
April 10, 2008, 22:26:02
So I just felt the need to type this somewhere. I don't know if anyone will really care or whatnot. But have you ever heard stories of people who see ancient structures or technology like the pyramids and then have an innate understanding of it's functionality?

Well I came across this diagram of the various saucer shapes and like, I know how these work.

The UFO saucer is to the spiritual energy flow of the body as a trumpet is to the air flow of the body. The saucer is made of a special type of metal, of special properties, it is embedded with special types of crystals or stones to essentially route and utilize the flow of the human spiritual energy system to produce an end result. Such as bending some sub-quantum principle of energetic reaction to produce a bubble of gravity-less reality for flying, or dimensionally boundary-less reality for hyper spatial teleportation. There is no engine in these saucers, the human, the pilot is the energy source. There is no advanced circuitry or electronics in these saucers, they are merely like wind instruments only instead of routing air, they route a hyperdimensional or spiritual energy. The entire technology and functionality of the saucer is depedent on the shape, curvature and density of the metals to properly attune the energy flowing through it, just how a trumpet or any wind instruments entire functionality is dependent on the shape and routing of the air flow. Thats all the saucer is. It's merely a tool to aid in the routing and perhaps amplification of naturally produced human spiritual energy.

It seems to me right now everyone is developing the energetic circulation and chakra flow to just maintain peace of mind and tranquility and health. But it seems to me it's possible to find metals, stones, crystals that harmonize with the frequency of this energetic system. Then by playing around with various shapes, structures, arrangements of crystal or stone or metal, you could produce a material object that will respond to the psychic spiritual energy system. Perhaps even construct a whole saucer out of this stuff to route the energetic flow to rip a tear in the earthbound flow of the gravitron and actually make a flying saucer. And when you did this, it would just fly around with a high pitched buzz and nothing more, because it literally would be nothing more then an extremely high vibration of non-physical energy running along the entire surface of the thing.
So I have this formula of thought where I identify something actual, immediate, 100% and then try to apply it to greater bigger things.

Now magnets, can this explain gravity? Can the functions of it explain all underlying workings of every non-physical force? Perhaps it's the underlying force behind even physical force?

Like currently quantum mechanics supposes the 'graviton' that gravity is a flow of particles. But for that to function, the particles must be flowing from one place, big bang? To another, center of each planet. But I wonder if these flowing of particles, the flowing isn't so much dictated by just the once accidental setup of the perpetual flow from the Big Bang. But rather, if they are still being guided by mere magnetism. That possibly, all things that are run under some magnet force, some pull from negative to positive, then the inherent recycling of that back through the magnet to positive again.

I want you guys to help me ponder this formula for thought. Apply it to some things and explain it if you would like.

When doing so, also keep in mind the human body produces magnetic fields by focused will
Back when I registered here in February of this year, reading everything, getting all the language into my brain. I think of it in Robert Anton Wilson style, change the language, change your brain physically and thus perception and ability.

I had two very notable projection experiences the following months. Where I literally got out so to say, the full magnetic feeling of pulling, the sense of immediacy and real to it all. Then a dozen or so of the ones where you are literally there, zoned into it. But your not out walking around. But you can see things there. This all gradually began to fade off for some reason after the months. Since then I only ever once felt the magnetic pull and leaving sensation again, but I didn't get out fully.

I no longer even so much get that 'feeling somewhere else' entirely anymore.

I believe it may have a degree to do with, in terms of Franks modified Monroe model of conscious. I am intristically aware of all the focus's at all time from meditation I practice, in a sort of Buddhist enlightenment sense. Focus 4 being the clearlight, from my interpretation. That is something that in the past months I have improved incredibly. My intuitional connection to these focus's, my ability to sense, comprehend and be creative have increased incredibly in that time, beyond what I could have even comprehended as possible last year. But with that, came no more AP control.

My meditation now is largely just, focusing on controlling my feeling, abilities, thoughts, coming up with new thoughts, concepts, designing things visually... basically working on myself, sort of using that 'intuitional connection' to the focus's as a guide. Cause I mean, they are in your brain? So that is where that greater intuition and connection to 'it all' would come from. I still every now and then get the few marked AP guides I once used, pulsating white light, body really light... but I just can't seem to carry them very far anymore.

I'm thinking it may have something to do with the fact that. AP is actually just an incredibly accurate Focus 2 of consciousness, correct? In essence, a really accurate lucid dream. I feel once I started thinking this, it made the experience of AP seem less valuable. Unnecessary. Which then lowered my underlying will to do it or just accidentally experience it. That I almost see it as a form of entertainment.

Another thing to note tho, in the past months, the degree to which my dreams are more vivid and more varied has increased significantly. Just that whole 'accuracy' and 'lucid' aspect of it, I've seemed to of lost some of.

So I am wondering, has anyone had a similar experience, or similar thoughts? How'd it go for you?
I'm reading Christopher Hyatt - Undoing yourself with energized meditation, it's a very interesting book I'd recommend if not for more than the entertainment value and analyzing the way he writes, it's very peculiar.

But in it, he describes the chakra system.


Sahasrara — Beyond the Chakra Centers. Above the head.
Technically not a Chakra, although many call it one. Might be
considered Kether, mixing with Ain Soph. This center is beyond

Ajna Chakra — #6 Located between the eyebrows. Relates to the
region of the Mind-Ether. The color is white. Beyond the notion
of dimensions. The pure Mind. Divine Union of personal self
with the Collective Self. Power to leave the body at will. The
ability of the True Seer.

Visuddha Chakra — #5 Location, the throat region. Relates to
Sound and Ether. Color is smoky purple. Power; freedom from
possession by worldly activities, complete knowledge is
obtained, of the past, present and future. Mandala is a circle.
Animal is elephant. The organ is the mouth.

Anahata Chakra — #4 Location, the heart region. Relates to the
Air. The sense of touch and feelings. Color of the petals is blood
red. Power of hearing with the inner ear of OM. Power to protect
and destroy the three worlds. Mandala is hexagram. Animal is
the antelope. Organ is the penis.

Manipuraka Chakra — #3 Location, the diaphragm-navel region.
Relates to Fire. The Sense is sight and "emotions." The color of
heavy rain clouds, dark blue. Power to create and destroy worlds
and the wealth of personal knowledge. Mandala is triangle.
Animal is the ram. Organ is the anus.

Svadhisthana Chakra — #2 Located slightly above the genital
region. The Sense is taste. Color on the petals is vermilion.
Relates to Water. Power of well reasoned discourse, or verse,
imagination. Freedom from enemies. Mandala is the crescent.
Animal is the alligator. Organ is the hand.

Muladhara Chakra — #1 Location, the anal area. Relates to the
earth. The sense is smell. Color is crimson. Power of Speech
and eternal knowledge. Mandala is the square. The animal is the
elephant. The organ is the feet.

Note: The locations given above reflect spheres of psycho/
bio/spiritual energy, which in fact are more sublime than the
physical regions mentioned. However, by focusing on these
areas you will achieve proper results.

The thing to note about Hyatt is he also utilizes the tree of life in his practice. Which is why the association of kether is said. Which may attribute to this odd chakra model. It could be his own fabrication of mixing the tree of life and chakra models. He also has occult history, is this a model from occult past?

But anyways, I'm wondering. Can anyone of you give me some more understanding on chakra in general? I've read alot of things online and used alot of them. But this one is different, most notably the colors and the notions it has to bodily connects.

What exactly is this model hyatt describe coming from? And are there other models of the chakra systems out there? Do you guys have any links to other types of descriptions?

So when doing any sort of mental work I would always lay in exactly the same spot, the same direction, the same posture. For months I did my meditations in this exact same posture everytime. I just got into the habit because it worked. But then the other day by the off chance I pointed the other direction. Which may seem no biggie, but the thing that was notable about it was as soon as I began to be even mildly focused and lose notions of body and space, it instantly felt like I was laying in the typical spot and direction I always do. Except physically I wasn't, my physical body was pointing the other direction. Seemed my astral body automatically manifested in my typical habitual posture, position and direction when it was really supposed to manifest the other direction. This allowed me to become aware of the two being separated at a speed and efficiency I never experienced before. So I think this could be a valuable method in some way. Has anyone tried doing this?

If anyone is willing to experiment, for the next month or so do all meditative and astral work in exactly the same position, posture and direction, every time. Then after a few months, maintain that exact same position and position, only point the opposite direction. See if your astral body will automatically manifest the other way because of habit and if it helps in becoming aware of the separation.
So I've been trying at astral projection a little over a year now. I still haven't managed to actually have the full experience. I have gotten very adept at focusing and calming thoughts, I can sit for hours without a single thought in my mind. I've gotten to the point where I've seen the astral plane, all the static fuzz and random shapes that appear behind my eyelids just will kind of stretch into 3D to resemble the area I am in, I believe that is the astral plane isn't it? I've also, very very rarely, at times seen things moving in it, mainly things that sort of look like shadows. I believe I have scene my astral body, it appears sort of blue, right? I've felt like I was moving my astral arms at times. I have had my whole body feel like it's been somewhere else. I am good at getting my body to be numb, primarily my limbs, I have trouble getting my head or spine to feel numb. I've seen the vibrations behind my eyelids, a pulsing white light that pulses at what seems to feel like the proper rate. I have however never felt the vibrations. The more I relax, I tend to fall into a feeling of numbness, I never get a sense of energy through me or vibrations that I hear is essential to feel. I think this may be one of my primary problems with getting the full experience.

If anyone could give me some tips specific to me with all that in mind it'd be greatly appreciated. What should I try focusing on in order to get further? I am at a loss ideas of how to further progress this.