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Blaaaah blaaaah - deleted my original post.  I was venting... i suppose.

So instead...
Why is it that your feelings are usually located at the solar plexus.  I.e gut feelings.
In relationships when your worried about losing someone(discomfort in the gut) or even desiring someone (butterflys in the stomach).
-Not strictly about relationships, however more along the lines of strong emotions - which you can define yourself.
What do those feelings mean? Do they really have to do with the 3rd chakra? How does this influence your life - i.e the way you act or even how you attract something towards you?
Have any story about how these feelings shaped something in your life for better or worse?

Personally, when I feel anything intense in my gut I have deep thoughts about the situation - i.e deep thoughts about being a friend.  What all that means.  What people mean and what it means to feel/be connected to them.  Why we choose certain people. How it has shaped our lives.  The beauty of expressing emotions and ideas to people so they may understand ourselves, because they care on some level about who/what we are.  If you think about it we see hundreds of random people and out of all them we have chosen each other.  How amazing all those formless people(to us) simply disappear, but as friends inside we have said "I like you...I dont want you to disappear, become a part of me".  Its interesting to see how we have created thoughts about these people and developed emotions. I honestly cried over the beauty of meeting some people.
- - -
A heavily watered down verson of what I experienced.  What I felt at the time was intense.  I could'av been overacting...still I'd have it no other way its just how it happened.
Welcome to Magic! / magical instruments
April 10, 2008, 09:33:50
 Just wondering about a few things...

What is the purpose of having something like a wand or staff, if the ability magic is in you.  Does it assist in preforming magic? How so?

Since, these are just normal objects with the belief that they are magical, does it make it reasonable to use any object as a instrument - sword, pencil, banana peels?

How do you know what materials to use in your wands or staffs? Is it even nessesary to have certain components?

 I'm doing a project for my world religion class and it can be anything you can think of, like writing a poem, creating a dance, making a short film out a story, ect.. just has to do with religion.
I want to do my project on magic, so heres some examples of what my project can be about -

- The christian view on magic - or
-  ____(insert religion) view on magic -
- How black and white magic is mentioned in the Vedas(sacred texts) from Hinduism -
- The mention of magic in multiple sacred texts from different religions -
- ect...
For my project I am supposed to use the major world religions that we go over in class, but that isnt my concern right now.

So what I would like from anyone here is to direct me to any information of magic and religion having to do anything with each other, books, sites, ect... There really isnt a limit of what you can send me. I'm just hoping you guys can broaden my ideas through more information.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / cool music video
November 15, 2007, 20:13:34
This is good :-D dont be afraid to kill like 5 minutes.

Cornelius - fit song
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Strange vision
October 24, 2007, 12:27:32
I was sleeping at my college library yesterday, probably becuase I was really tired and had to wait to get picked up at a later time, anyways I was resting or sleeping and I opened my right eye (?) at one point and I saw a tiny dot of vision and it was upside down!  The size of what I saw was probably about the size of a finger nail at arms length, what i saw was just a few computers from the library.

What I think happened was my attention was at a certain point in the vision process rather than the finish product (what we are seeing now).

Welcome to Magic! / card practice
September 17, 2007, 14:13:52
 I was wondering of ways to practice my intent, which is magic to me although its very vage, also intent may not be magic so correct me...

So if I were to play cards with others or myself and practiced for awhile on trying to get a card I want or around its area, would that actually work on making my intentions happen more often?

So im playing uh.. blackjack
I get a 6 of hearts and a 4 of diamonds, I'll be trying to get an ace to make it 21.
just want to get 21 right off the bat.

or any game for that matter, like monopoly(in that case I'd be trying to get like boardwalk)

This is just a easy way for me to practice intent, while it being much more closer to happening.
I used the "boxed nirvana" mp3 from gnomad's(sp?) site, its in energy body development forum as the first sticky I believe.

(It was short like all my others...)
   I notice that I can feel my 'body' leave my body, in a somewhat peeling fashion, I realize I'm floating towards my ceiling, a place I have never seen in this house, the attic. Instead being in the attic, I have enter my room from the ceiling going down towards my floor,my floor is no longer carpet... its dirty wood, but not only is it dirty its practically alive its moving all over the place :-o . I start getting the fear as I neared towards my floor and I felt I'd go deeper into 'wonderland', so I escaped back to my body.

(I had some dream after that, or before that?)
  About me dancing really bad with a pretty girl as well as around some pretty girls, in LA( :? :lol:)  and seeing a friend that is pretty reclusive now, dancing as well and actually not to bad either.

(I'm not sure if I woke up again and played the mp3, but I projected again.)
  This time I decided to prepare myself, I was thinking of something nice, I came up with 'Love', I held on to that as I began to project(but honestly I'm not to sure of the process there, but 'Love' is correct), but this time instead of peeling out completely I only felt my torso leave, I found that I was over my body, not to far, something was strange out me, my torso was replaced by a fairly ornate door...(well some torso here and there... :-o) the door had writting on it, in somewhat grey-ish fancy lettering, was written God and Faith, not sure of the order, the door wasnt completely uncovered either. I found that my parents were with me, I cant remember what they said I believe it basically was 'dont go in' or something I felt like they held me back, I was also feeling pretty crazy or everything seemed crazy at that point, I then woke up.

That was my most interesting so far! Any thoughts?

*By the way I havent projected that fast since my first successful time.*

Edit: Thinking back to the Door message, it might have been "Faith [in] God" rather than the 2 words seperate.
Weird title...dont know what to lable it as  :? .
A few months ago, I was sleeping face down on my bed... while I was sleeping, I felt like "someone/something" go on there knees on the outside of my legs (which were together) and then hands go between my armpits(which my arms where touching my sides), which infact tickled me. I woke up right after the tickling, and no one was there. What do you guys make of it?  I believe my sister was home, Im sure I mentioned it and she got worried, its also something she wouldn't do.

edit: I was thinking it would be like my astral body, but I dont remember actually projecting, not even sure if I even projected by then.
Welcome to Dreams! / Not dreaming
July 30, 2007, 13:15:27
Well I'm pretty sure you dream like always but just don't remember them...
I haven't been remembering dreams for like a super long time, with some here and there but I'm starting to get frusterated...
Okay my questions are:

Does getting good sleep help in dreaming?(Am I joking...why am I asking this...anyways... :-P)

-Excerise?I hear helps you sleep easier, but when I was young I would rarely remember dreams but I was like outside all the time.
-sleeping longer?I haven't been sleeping very long, If I go to bed ill tend to wake up like -6+ hours later, I think I was unintentionally training myself to wake up like that (like stay up to late then waking up for school)
-sleeping earlier? Like I said I tend to go to bed much later, but even If i go to bed early I wake up like at 3 or something crazy, then usually end up being unable sleep and lying there for sometime.(well, I guess I can benefit from that actually)
-Feels like I'm missing something?

Dream journal?
I think that would be nice... If I would even dream :lol:

This actually worked for me, but I dont want to have to rely on a weed(I think it is,but not that its a problem) to dream, unless It will actually help me later with out it.
(I know there are other things to be used with it)

If I sleep in the afternoon I tend to dream more often, but that makes my sleep schedule too weird for me, I will mostly sleep for about 3 hours, and rarely less and more often more, about up to like 5 hours.
I guess it depends on the night before...and probably effects the next night too lol.

Suggest things for me, I miss my dreams!(and the girls that could be in them  :cry:. I know they are waiting!)
?.) I was curious on the things some of you guys have moved.
-along with your limit, meaning you stuck at "blah blah".
-your opinion on difficulty for each thing, but not important to answer(im sure it'll vary greatly).

1.) ... edit: lol... nevermind the balloon thing  :lol: ... it tricked me  :cry: , Ill work on the psi wheel thing and then move up from there.
Welcome to Dreams! / Death
June 09, 2007, 18:45:44
My sister tells me she has dreams of me dying all the time, its not recent either she's been dreaming that for a long time, some are pretty graphic(gore and lots of blood) range from dying by cars to my own dad killing me, :-o .
She also mentioned my brother has dreamed of some as well.

So what do you guys think?
-If you want some detail of myself, ask, if it will help you give a answer.
 In the distant past...8-9th grade somewhere in dreamland.
                            *This wasnt a in control dream but quite vivid.*
This seems to be the living room, I find myself sitting on a couch I began to look forward... There was a T.v placed on a T.v cabnet directly in front of me,videos litering the floor, seemed to have been spewed from a smaller cabnet with a glass door. In the reflection of the T.v I noticed I wasnt alone.
There was a boy and a girl as well, they seemed to be connected, perhaps...lovers.
Soon after looking around this crazy rooms' decorations of lizards, dolls, toys and mixtures of both lizards and dolls(doll heads on lizard bodies), the pair eventually left somewhere to the right while I sit alone... I was, just simply abandoned, merely tossed aside.
I got lonely and began to explore, I moved out to the room on my left.  It was wide and full of windows, I could see stairs leading down, to another floor, but I have no desire to go down. After another scan around the room and walking around, the boy is in the room as well.  We exchange words, I hear nothing... Just the voice of silence (pun lol)

So later in the year, I visit my girlfriends house for the first time, I happened to have a friend with me for some reason. :? . Anyways we come in the house its on the second floor, we walk through this room full of windows on one side, and enter the into the livingroom, we sit on the couch.  I notice the bazaar decorations... I feel some sort of deja vu(sp?). I dont quite grasp it, I put it in the back of my mind, she invites me to her room.(nothing nasty!)

Anyways rather than keep writing the same story again in another perpective I think you have the idea, lol. I dont know when I actually full on remembered, I think after I left or the day after, delayed realizations happen to me like that.  :-(

-My internet name, for short is "nonames", but whatever suits you.  I'm 17, I'm dual enrolling(highschool and college) at my community college  8-), just finished my junior year, although I decided to take summer A and B, school is good anyways  :-). By the way not a nerd type.
-I'm pretty shy, hoping to build my explanation/talking skills abit here(as well as talk about what your suppost to talk about on here). I have a debate type class in summer B.
-I'm highly interested in learning to Astral Project better, answering peoples questions as well as me learning how to get people to answer my posts,haha, I'll work on writing better.
-I have had 2 Projections, all very recent, one thru the Rope method as well as one by rolling out. Have yet to stay out long enough to move...
- A little to much writting but I like to ramble.

hello kodemaster  :lol:
Edit: seeing that you reply to most of these and hello other moderators.
I was wondering, I think some people can notice there chakras, without really putting much work into it(or just natural)...
As for me when I started to do energy work, I felt my 3rd eye pretty fast.  Its there a reason why I felt that one rather than say, any/all (of) the others. 
My dad has/had pretty strong "abilities", I guess  psychic ones, and then some weird ones (which I ponder there truth, I'll share stories sometime I guess, entertaining regardless.)
So me feeling my 3rd eye, does it mean I have more energy there?,
Does it depend on what I do during my days?
Or am I just ramling(I am..kind of bored and probably should'av done a search...)

By the way, the sensation removes headaches(for me),  :lol: .
 I managed to exit once(and exit fast). I do believe it was a real AP, a few seconds though, I saw my body, room, woke up facing the way I saw myself, and blah blah ect...
*Tech: The rope(worked first time), other times, mix between rope and simply trying to throw myself out.*
But now, everytime I get into the sleeping body, awake mind, I have trouble on what to do next now, my first time I had a incredible vibration feeling, each time after Its been not as strong. I have been doing energy work, but I always feel I "can" just exit no problem, but I actually cant.

Exiting problem: First I start hearing the crazy noises, my body feels strapped down(paralys thing I guess) then I'm like ok Im ready leave, and what follows is I start feeling vibrations then try to leave, but it feels like(sometimes sounds like) I'm going really fast but not getting anywhere.I'm in total darkness.
I think I've read somewhere that someone had trouble exiting, but could see, I was wondering.. why cant I see. Is there anyway I can develop that, so I can help myself exit, I.E see something then, grab and pull myself out?
I'm totally motivated, as in I dont even have to think once about AP, to get in to the "zone" for it. But I think I have gotten discouraged from the "darkness highway" thing...any one else get that feeling?

So far out of all my recent attempted APs, its been in the afternoon, all failures, my closest exit I got stuck in my 3rd chakra, and actually hurt pretty bad, the memory caused me to fail on atleast 1 other attempt(fear), and now all attempts are failing from being discourage I guess.
Any idea on what do, maybe some "hang in there" s ?