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Topics - owenp185

NLP in (Physical & Astral Planes), Creative spirit + Other Tips

- [Note]
It's important to realise that everything I have written up can be used in many situations so I adapt my examples and techniques if it will benefit. Also bare in mind some of the terminology I have made up as I don't know all the correct terms.

•   NLP Info (basics)
•   NLP technique (Detailed)
•   NLP technique (Quick)
•   Astral NLP info
•   Example of Astral NLP/ Lucid NLP
•   Creative Spirit & Dual meaning Info (+videos)
•      My experieince with creative spirit
•      Love
•   Other tips

NLP info (basics):
When I first of heard of Neuro Linguistic Programming I assumed it would be a very complicated psychological process, but as I learnt more I actually found the various NLP techniques are actually fairly easy as long as you understand what you want to achieve and the process. At my current understanding I would say NLP is like an interface which you can use to interact with your mind in ways you may find very difficult otherwise.

It can be a very effective way of accessing the brain and fine tuning and altering information and other aspects within the mind. This is useful to alter things such as emotion & memory, fairly similar to hypnosis in the way its helps access the sub-conscious. It's also important to know NLP can cause both positive and negative effects which often happen without any conscious intention and awareness you're doing so, this can result in dramatic change both physically and mentally.

There are many NLP techniques to "program" your neuro network and when using these techniques you can train your brain into changing maybe a habit, or any other issues. In addition the basics of NLP also require little expertise to gain the desired results along as theirs an understanding of what is being done and why.

To be more specific one use for NLP could be to overcome a fear of leaving your body and this is the example I will use to demonstrate a couple of NLP techniques below. Ill start with a technique I feel works very well and remember that nothing in the technique is set in stone Im just showing you some basics which I encourage you to look further into and even create your own techniques.

Although we shift states of mind like change in emotion but when you want to change that mind set intentionally it becomes easier if the mind has a guide in the form of an understanding of how and why the change is happening. This is why NLP works well because you can see the steps to why and how your mind works on certain levels which can help greatly especially when it comes to body language which I will get onto later.

The main reason I find NLP to be very effective is because humans tend to find things in physical form easier to understand and deal with as opposed to the mental aspects. For example if I was to say turn the tap and water will fall from the tap and fill the sink whilst also demonstrating, then its easy to understand because you can see it and can tell from past experience that turning the tap will result in action.

But if you mentally want change but your mind only really remembers how physical actions cause desired reactions with intent then it's not so easy for your mind to just change with and intent alone unless it has a process to follow, or if its taken over by another emotion or thought ETC. So by turning your mind mentally into some-what of physical matter helps the mind better interpret you intent into a reaction just like what how the mental mind perceive physical change.

For the techniques below you can practise with others, alone, in meditation or even while doing a handstand if you really feel comfortable that way but of course I recommend you either sit or lie down. Im going to write this up like a demonstration although I would advise you to read and understand the technique first. Maybe you could give it a try later as reading while also trying it out may influence your own perception with my examples.

So for the 1st stage "the understanding" it may help to not meditate so you're free to move, which I find works better, then for the 2nd stage "the action" start to meditate, the deeper the better so you have everything out the way for the action visualisation.

- [Note]
You may want to make sure no one will walk in the room when your practising the technique, I can imagine someone walking in and thinking your going crazy while you appear to be stroking fin air.

Detailed NLP Technique
The Understanding
As I mentioned for an example I will show you how I would use a particular technique to overcome a fear of going out of body. Make sure you are comfortable and take in the reason behind the process as opposed to following instructions. Its important you understand these processes not just remembering them. Before you get into the NLP you can just sit down and relax your body, simply doing some slow deep breathes for a couple of minutes should get you relaxed enough.

Then cold then think about the fear you may have of leaving your body, let that fear grow and amplify by focusing on it so you can actually feel it. It may make you cold or your vision slightly blur. What ever you feel, see, hear through your senses use as a basis for which you will eventually interpret into an overall representation of what you see that fear as, which is why I call this section "The understanding" and part of 1 of 2 stages.

Also remember you will not just be using your stimuli to see what the fear is represented like but you will also be looking for even deeper rooted parts of this fear such as the reason you have this fear and the reasons you want to change. As for representation, for all the parts you pick up for fear for example via touch ETC are representations which built up to your overall representation of how you perceive fear.

In addition you should also take into consideration certain things such as habits (smoking, drugs, and alcohol) tend to be harder to change. The representation you get from your stimulus will also differ from person to person, there's no universal right representation or sensations for what you are amplifying so don't just assume my examples are what you should experience.

- [Note]
It's IMPORTANT not to force anything just observe so you don't built up a false representation of your true perception. Actions like moving the sound may sound strange as it's not a physical object meaning distance shouldn't change it but it's your minds perception of (for this example) fear so you can interact with the fear as well as manipulate it which is key to this process, but I will explain this later, first get through this section.

Sensation (Physical/mental)
We will start this process by pretending you pick up on a sensation first; let's just say for example your arms begin to feel slightly cold when trying to amplify the fear of leaving your body through your senses. Now you can work from that sensation onto the other senses. I would say the more detail you gather from each sense the better you will understand the fear in terms of its representation.. If it triggers a sensation just remember it or jot it down then move to the other senses either adding to or starting fresh with the next sense.

Touch (texture & shape)
Next you may attempt to feel the fear using touch. Its possible using your physical or even energy hands may help with this; you could put your hands out and try to feel what the fear feels like. Remember for touch it won't be a physical sensory input but it's your minds perception/interpretation that senses its texture and shape; let's say you feel it has jagged edges and a rough surface.

Now try another stimuli say auditory, so now you listen to what if any sound the fear emits. You may not hear much but you could try visualising holding the fear up next to your ear to amplify the sense further which could help get a grasp on what if any sound you perceive. As you listen we'll say the noise is very loud and is a high pitched pulsating type noise.

With the above, sensation, texture, shape and sound another possible stimuli is taste. The taste may be hard to pick up so keep in mind your representation doesn't have to have taste, so don't think you have to pick up something for every stimulus. We will say for now you taste the fear as an acidic like taste and now we can move on to an additional stimulus.


So the last main stimuli would be smell. As you do with all the other stimuli try to amplify the smell, what does it smell like? Is it a familiar smell? You may have to filter out any external smells such as a bonfire which is fairly important as you don't want your interpretation to not be what you're actually trying to perceive. As you smell the fear well say it smells almost acidic like the taste with a very potent smell of petrol.

Final representation (The bigger picture)

After those five main points you would now have a good overall picture of how you perceive the fear of leaving your physical body. Remember you may want to keep notes of these perceptions especially for future use. You never know when you may find these perceptions, good or bad, useful. You may want to compare how your perception has changed since you last tried the technique. Overtime you may find the fear for an example becomes very subtle in appearance or you may not even get any stimuli (smell, sensation...) indicating the fear has gone.

Now we have gathered the overall representation of the fear of going out of body, which was:
Sensation - Coldness
Texture - Rough surface
Shape - Sharp edges
Sound -Loud high pitched pulsating noise
Taste - Acidic
Smell – Potent petrol like smell

Remember you may want to also add additional perceptions of fear which will result in a further understanding of the fear maybe you could introduce the emotional response you have aside from the obvious fear maybe a slight nervousness or also the colour, weight, aesthetics and so on. I like to think of "The understanding" above as creating a key. But as you now have a key its time to open the door, which in this example will give you the access to the fear to set it straight and show it whose boss. 

You see Im now relating to the fear as if it is now a physical object, even a conscious living being and that's what you're after. To create something mental which may seem beyond your control and very distant into an object which is now at eye level and ready to be manipulated and changed. This is the purpose of the understanding so now its time to make the desired manipulation.

The Action

Now on stage 2 "the action" its time to turn the representation/ (fear of leaving your body) you have created into an object and deal with it in a physical manner. From my point of view the fear of leaving your body is perhaps instinctive and a natural reaction to something that is out of the ordinary but from my experience this fear is not needed and as a result I think the best action would be to forget this fear.

So if you want to forget the fear then you will have to choose a physical action which is pretty much the same as forgetting but in physical terms. Now, personally for me I would say to forget in physical terms would be to lose or destroy so that is what I will use in this technique but remember If you are using NLP on a different situation other than fear match up your chosen action with what you want to achieve.

So we will use destroy to replace forget as destroy tends to be more absolute and permanent. So now we have to use the fear's representation we used our senses to interpret then destroy it. So after the understanding part you will have to keep the textures, sounds ECT in your head so you can then do the action part of the process which is why I recommended writing the various stimulus down during the understanding .

For the action, an example of what you could choose to do is first visualise a box which would fit the shape and size of the object (fear). Then imagine or visualise placing that fear into the box and close the lid tight. Now to strengthen this action you could maybe padlock the box and reinforce the box as much as you feel necessary so the fear is secure inside which will hopefully add more mental reinforcement also.

With this all done you could simply imagine putting on an explosive charge onto the box then simply blow it up. It will help if you put as much visualisation into the actual destruction using all your senses. Smell the explosion, hear the loud bang, ETC and at the end visualise nothing left, put as mush intent behind this maybe aided with repeating something along the lines of "it has gone" and that's the technique complete.

Remember you can use NLP to find things within in the subconscious or even become more aware of certain situations, for example if you was lacking happiness and wanted to become happier then you interpret the understanding of when you was once very happy, then you could think of an action similar to attraction, maybe a hug or pulling, you see where Im going here? For an action or manipulation you want to replace a mental action (forget, remember, find) with your physical interpretation of the mental action (lose, bump into, stumble upon).

-  [Note] more advanced additional action
For a more advanced ending to the above process I guess you could also add to it. When you visualise the explosion, you could also gather all the stimulus you visualised while destroying the fear such as the smell of the explosion and then replace those stimuli with the previous fear.

You may also want to create a new action, using my example you could visualise a new box and label it "fear of leaving the body" and then visualise the stimulus you gathered from the destruction and placing it in the box. Theoretically I believe this will not only forget the fear but will also replace it with the intent of getting rid of the fear.

Quick NLP Technique
I also remember a quick technique I found somewhere which I think may also be useful. Let's say you have some confidence issues and want to become more confident for maybe a speech or to meet a girl/guy. Well start of by thinking of a time when you were very confident maybe the time you one a motocross race or you just felt really confident in yourself.

Now hold onto that feeling, let your body absorb that feeling from your past experience, once you have a good connection with what it felt like then do a simple action about 3 times such as a simple touch to the back of your neck. While doing this remember that whenever doing this action again the same confidence will come back instantly.

Obviously you don't really want to an over elaborate or embarrassing action which you wouldn't want to perform when the time comes like a moon walk, but hopefully your desired feeling will comeback. It's likely a little conditioning I.e. practise will bring better results and keep the process fresh.

- [Note]
Also another interesting point is as you read the above NLP methods its likely as you read you was also visualising doing the various actions which helps you understand the process of the technique which is actually doing NLP but you probably didn't realise you was doing it. This is how NLP can happen without you even realising so you may want to bare in mind when reading make sure you realise you could be picking up bad messages just form reading negative worded texts in certain circumstances.

Advanced Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) - Astral NLP
Astral Projection + Neuro Linguistic Programming = Perfect combination

Now I consider NLP in the Astral Plane an advanced version of the normal NLP in the physical, the reason? Well the reason I believe it's a more advanced form of NLP is because you can create instant manifestations of the representations of say anger, love, or even a representation of an event. But (and this is a big but) you will be immersed very literally in the process. Instead of visualising you will actually be directly interacting with your mind primarily the sub conscious. Almost like cutting out the middle man, the process of visualising each stimuli response being the middle man.

From what I gather most people who study and practise Astral Projection and/or Lucid Dreaming know that you have the ability to manifest thought forms at will, you can manifest random objects, a memory and all this is very useful for NLP. Also remember sometimes a thought form/representation can be very literal say a thought of spiders could manifest a spider but it could also manifest as a playing card falling from the sky with a picture of a spider on it so it may require a good level of awareness and look out for your manifestation which may not be obvious.

The example below I believe points out how doing various NLP techniques in the astral planes can have a more direct control on your mind and could actually help many people with loss of memory, going through a traumatic event or even someone who just forgot where they left their keys. It's possible that people already do this when there dreaming, lucid or not, or in astral travel and often without the knowledge of doing so. Maybe people sometimes get over the mourning of loved ones by confronting the negativity while they are dreaming or the opposite and attracting relief and acceptance. In addition don't expect miracle results in terms of what you desire, like most things these things take practise, the more the better.

Example of Astral NLP/ Lucid NLP:
For this Astral NLP example as I call it we will create a situation which could be sorted out or at least helped using Astral NLP. Imagine a woman called Jane, she recently had a car crash and has been mentally traumatised by the events and she's having a hard time dealing with both the memory of the event and the negative emotions.

Well Jane has the ability to Astral project or /become lucid in a dream and use NLP to help her grief and deal with the memory and the emotions from the crash in a level of realness which probably isn't likely to happen while just doing normal NLP in the physical.  This means that the representation of the memory and emotions has a better quality of solidness which as a result makes any interaction more effective and even more direct to the mental counterpart of the representation which is what you are ultimately trying to change.

So Jane learns how to Astral Project or even Lucid dream which I believe also works and decides she wants to overcome what has happened so she can get on with living life. She then manages to project and she conjures up the manifestation of the event and emotions. Bare in mind the astral can be very unpredictable, maybe Jane creating this manifestation will cause the environment around her to change into the location of the accident for example. Or she sees a bus pull up and it drives Jane to the scene, there's many possibilities so you may want to have a thought out method of creating this thought form. We will just say she ends up at the scene of the accident and sees a shadow in an odd form that is very negative looking.

Being in the situation you will most likely know what represents what and Jane would probably understand what the shadow represents and we will say the shadow represents all her negative emotions. The shadow could have manifested in many forms maybe even the same appearance as if she was to visualise what her negative emotion would look like doing NLP physically.

Well now Jane has created the representation of the event (environment) and emotions (shadow) and has control of the situation. It is now important for Jane to stay in control and not let the fear or other emotions take control. Not to waste time Jane goes straight to the dark negative shadow and touches it with the intent of the shadow being set on fire and it does as she intends.

As the shadow being the representation of all the emotion she's being trying to get rid of, now she destroyed the representation hopefully the emotion will now be gone or less painful. But the memory of the event may still be present and being in the location of the accident in astral may just be the manifestation of the event still in her memory.

So now Jane has to deal with this additional manifestation.  As before you could use any action in the astral planes what you consider related to its mental likeness. For example to (overpower=crush with foot) (forget=destroy) (remember=find in pocket) and so on.

So Jane could blow up the environment but for a less destructive outcome she could also start to fly into the sky and keep going until she cant even see the planet anymore and maybe even get so far away she wouldn't even be able to find the planet again therefore the action of losing the accident scene results in forgetting the memory. After Jane fly's away and looses the accident scene that's about it and the techniques done.

- [Note] The example above is just so you get the understanding of the process and a simple look at how NLP can be utilized in an Astral or Lucid situation. Also remember NLP Manifestations for future use, as before you should try and keep note of the manifestations, one year later Jane could have a dream of being back in the environment of the accident which may be an indication that those once accepted and forgotten memories are starting to creep back which may require another dose of NLP if needed.
This is deffinatly one of the most vivid dreams ive ever had and been able to remember also it was followed by me being Lucid. If you dont want to read the vivid dream part i had scroll down and ive marked the part i became lucid with an smiley.

I was in a large hall and my older brother was getting married again (he got married for real recently). I was in some changing room and got changed but into my suit but couldnt find my tie. Iwalked into the hall and the bishop was already starting and said here we go so everyone walked in and i left the tie. I noticied that there where a though people from my school i have now left and they were sitting as if they were part of the familys which they were not. After all this for entertainment there was a man ive seen on tv and he was doin lots of flips and jumping on this long plank of wood high up against two poles (like a tight rope). After that he jumped all the way down and then stood on a rope ladder. He then pressed a button then all of a sudden the ladder started to go up on what seemed to be a building inside the hall i was in which started to get to hight it hurt my head just looking up. At the bottom there was a small what looked like one of them pools which ive seen cartoons on tv where people will jump into them. He started saying stuff like i cant beleive im doing this and i cant remember if he jumped or not. After i think we left and i ended up with a few of my mates still in suits and that a a few girls. we was walking out and we were all talking until we got into some dinor. We all sat down but for some reason i decided to sit on my own. I cant remeber what happend after this i may think i was woken up. Im not sure if it was before or after that but i ended up with one of my older brothers in a room with what apeared to be his mates and we were all smokin weed cant remeber much from that maybe i got to stoned in the dream and fell asleep which woke me into the physical lol.

...Woke up for about 45mins having breakfast and stuff then thought i could have an obe just by going bak to sleep so i gave it a try but not very commited just wanted to sleep. I feel like i was laying in bed for ages which is normal for me until i must have went back to sleep...

I think the dream may of sort of continued neway i can remember getting over this road im familiar with and saw 3 different people agian from my school. I asked them where my mates were and one said i dont know and gave me a deck of cards o_0. I then ran up the path until i got to some traffic lights. I quickly tried to run but was almost hit by a lorry so I waited then a car driving really dodgy drove past then stopped just a head of us. A tall man started goin on about how dangerous and stuff so i replied to him then he said not you her. Iooked behind me and saw a big group of people behind me some from school some dont know. After a while there was a group of adults all goin mad and telling people to pick up rubbish and it reminded me like teachers i thought long this so me and a mate just walked past. The man started moaning and i just ignored him. At this point i saw my friend but ended up doing some cool art work on the path i can still remeber what i done. I then went over to my proper mates im usaully with and started talking.

:-D ...This is the lucid part of my dream...  :-D

I cant remeber much else but i remeber saying something with the word real. I then ended up at home in bed and at first i had trouble moving felt like a mix between paralysis and slow motion. I struggled to do anything then all of a suddent i reset to the begining position on my bed and could move freely. It was unlike an obe and the Tv was in a different position. I decided to test my power so i tapped my fingers to make the tv turn on and it did. I probably could have done it without but i found it cool. I then started to change channels with my fingers. I looked to see what was on but cant reme,ber it was like rugby. I then started to do the same with the radio moving my hands which would make the dials visibly move and changed. It was very dark (also throughout the house) so i tried to click the light on but i didnt work. I got out of bed and tried the actual switch didnt work either. I then at the door remembered to check my hands and when i looked at them they were all disfiguered like ive heard people mention. I walked out the room the stairs are and there is a mirror which goes to floor to above head hight so i decided to look into it. It was still dark and i coud roughtly see myself and it seemed to have a life of its own moving around. I tried the switch but the light wouldnt turn on so i could see into the mirror clearly. I then deteremined to make it light up kept trying to will it to go on. Eventually i got to go on on but i barely made a difference and light a really dim orange. I then decided to go downstair into the livingroom and still the light wouldnt worked. As there was nothing to do i then just went into the kitchen where there was a whole load food and suits and dresses which people were wearing from the wedding  also the food is the typical food that my parents would bring back from events with my family. It seemed the dream before carried on to when i became lucid. I began to eat a wierd looking cake what looked like it had chocolate inside. I dont know where it came from but i could hear like a tv show or radio show in my head and they were talking about the cakes saying stuff like. If you forget the taster then hey eat another one. I then began to laugh thinking this werid. The food was nice and i for some reason thougt i wonder if this is gonna make me physically fat eating this. I then woke up.
be prepared for alot of reading last night i got very drunk and i always wake up very early the next day to get a drink then go back to sleep. I done this then woke up again and did the same thing unaware of the time but still very early. I fell asleep and woke up with full vibrations. I think i had my physical eyes open but it could have been astral my astral eyes anyway i tried to leave my body with some trouble more than usual as if i was already out, all of a sudden looking from what i think was my physical eyes i saw myself above me but translucent and upside down and the lower part of my body was out of my vision. As i was looking at the see translucent me above i was also looking from the perspective of being the see translucent me looking at my physical. When I moved my physical the translucent would mirror me exactly just like looking in a weird mirror. (This probably sound confusing im trying my best). I may as well say now that this whole experience was beyond looking real everything was perfect as i've seen many describe the higher astral plane everything was peaceful and anything i wanted to happen did.

Anyway after that trippin session i then looked to my side where there was a tv mounted sideways high up on a wall. I sleep on a bunk bed and i was laying down sideways so i imagined the tv to turn on and i did with some cowboy movie playing. After a while of entertaining astral tv imagined the tv to just fall the floor and it did exactly that. I didn't see if it hit the floor but heard a crash. I then looked out my window and i saw what looked like an army of people my garden and i immediately though it was the police about to raid the house or something. My dad then walked past the room and said just ignore them but how could i so i looked out of the window and like a human microscope i zoomed in and saw they all had the word missionary(maybe spelt wrong) on the jackets. They all had this on there dark blue jackets all different ages. They then got some very old style brooms and began to sweep my garden sweeping all the stones and leaves and that i think tidying my garden. It was my garden but it was tottaly different to the real one but i wasn't to surprised at this point. I dont know if the word has a  meaning apart from the position if it was spelt the same.

I then got of my bed and the tv wasnt on the floor where i thought it landed instead there was leaves scattered across the floor and an old fan. I sat on the floor taking in how real everything looked and how peaceful then i faced my brother who sleeps in the same room as me and thought i could see if he would remember the experience. He was asleep so i woke him up. He was wearing the smoothest white silk top sort of like a robe but more modern. It seemed to be glowing gold it was very spiritual looking. When he woke i said "Listen to me im gonna to do something and you have to remember it when you wake up" I then clapped my hands three time and again told him to remember. I then told him he was dreaming and he looked around and didnt seem to realise so i held out the silky top he was wearing and said look these are not your clothes. He then got the biggest smile ive ever seen as if he had just realised what was going on the he went back to sleep.

I forgot what happend after this until i ended up downstairs in my dinning room. My dad was putting up a ridiculous amount of shelves up and he gave me some weird tool and told me to use it. I thought to myself if im in an obe im not doing any work but if i some how was awake and walked off i would be in deep trouble. I was still perfectly concious and everything was still blissful and clear. I closed my eyes for a brief few second and tried to imagine being somewhere else but i was interrupted by my dad(still as annoying as the real one). I then noticed a large peach like fruit on the table so i took it and was surprised it was made up of thin sheets like plastic. I started to eat it and it was the best taste ive ever had i can still taste it now. my dad then placed some plastic cogs in front of me and told me to fix them but i couldnt be bothered and just told myself to wake up and i did.

The whole experience felt as if it had been at least a good hour and i was fully conscious without once feeling like being pulled back to physical. There's alot more i want to talk about but im tired and i feel like ive just written a book. I could of shortened this but i myself like reading long in depth experiences. This was easily the best moment of my life so far and being my 5th obe i feel pretty privileged for this to happen.

I cant stop thinking that there is some hidden meanings behind this so if anyone has any thoughts or ideas ill be glad to hear them. I posted this in 2 other forums so you might have seen it already.
Im just wondering because this has been happening since the first time i started meditation. Im not sure if its normal or not but i dont see much/anything about it.  After about `4minz onwards i can move not my physical body but some type of body  in any direction i like. Its not like obe or lucid movement but it feels very real. I can start to move sideways fast and slow and in any direction i want to go but not change shape. It doesnt feel like im actualy leaving my body but more like its my surroundings are moving with me.

I can make it like a rollercoaster almost making me feel a bit sik. Also i think that when i go really fast i begin to hear a quite noise giving me the impresion im goin fast. Im not entirely shore whether its my imagination or not but it feels realy real. I also dont seem to get into a deeper into a trance doing it and i always start making my body rise upwards without trouble and it just goes up and up without stoping until i chose to.

I cant do it while my eyes open or not relaxed.
Can anyone else do this? Does anyone know what it is?
Ok I just had my first lucid dream and it was plannig it thought i was having great trouble sleeping. I woke in the morning early and stayed in bed for an 45minz reading stuff about lucid before i put a audio saying things to get youy to realize your lucid + doing affirmations. After a long time i realized i wasnt going to get asleep with it on so i just put saltcube on and tried to fall asleep.

I didnt get asleep on the first few intervals on nap 6 thought that is useual but i did get to sleep. I remember then thinking about being somewhere and imagining it and imagining just being there im finding it difficult to remeber but at this i point i think i was consious because i think i was activly thinking about the place neway.

I had a thought of London at night looking at skyscrapers then all of a sudden the vision just appeared extremley clear but not the sort of OBE clear and i was in the air looking at the image i had breifly pictured. It was amazing how the thought just materialized in that split second extremely clear thought at first there seemt to be a haze u know when looking into the blackness its kinda rectangle well when looking at the skyscraper it was sort cirlce with the haze circling my vision.

Once the image of the skyscrapers materialized i started flying forwards near the buildings. I then started turning and it was incredible the experience was totally unlike an OBE and im even more convinced OBE's and Lucid dreams might be related but not the same. Neway staying calm i flyed around for a short time looking at all the beautiful lights.

I then looked at a helicopter pad on top of a skyscraper then all of a sudden i think i saw half of a mans face like if you were at a cinema it just appeared half of his head at the side but im not quite shore i just imagined it. After that i think started to get over exited or paniced then i remebr having my physical eyes sorta open looking at the ceiling while still flying so i thought i may aswell wake up.

It was a brief experience but it was more than i expected. As soon as i woke up the timer bleeped it must if been atleast at the middle interval say it may not have been caused by the timer and i noticed no noise during the lucid. p.s. aswell as here has helped me achive practicaly all my expeirenices so begginers like me i highly recomend you tru it out.
I had my fourth projection today, so here it is.....>

I tried the technique on this the site astral society (I altered some points and people feel free to try this also im sure this can work using different times its the interval that counts) where i went to sleep at about 2am and I woke up at 6:12am using the alarm on my phone. I stayed awake laying in bed reading an ebook about astral. I also took brakes closing my eyes but NOT FALLING ASLEEP. I did this until 7am then on my side the way i woke up (this maybe a good way to saty comfortable by staying in the position) I closed my eyes and started saying affirmations like " I Will wake in a dream and be aware im not dreaming" (I was intending to have a lucid dream) Neway i soon fell asleep and had a very vivid dream about some asian girl where i usualy go each friday.
Neway after that cool dream i then woke looking at the room i was in but it was a bit lighter. I felt the usual sensations but toned down all of a suden i had some vision sorta like a dream where i was looking on youtube and saw something about ghosts ( this may have been a lucid dream) I thought to myself o crap im about to project and i thinking of ghosts the thing is i could see my room while the vision was happening in my head!!. I then felt paralysis and it was very much the sleep paralysis again and still thinking about ghosts i heard a weird laugh then a i had some pulsating sensation like a whommm whommm. lol i thought i was being haunted or somethiong as i hav had apparitons visible in front of my during paralysis. I realised i could hear the well know rushing noise so i tuned into it until i left my body backwards not visible. I hit the wall and reset similar to my 1st projection back to where i started so i tried a great deal to move neway i could but i was only moving little then ide move my physical. I then woke up.
Thanks for reading and take note that ive found that using existing techniques and customizing them to suit you works best for me anyway. Ive also found out in all the 4 projections ive had they have all been on a friday morning dunno why. Im looking 2nite to see if i see that asian girl tonight because im goin da same place today. This is a big lotta  details as i find the more detail the better.
This is the theard OBE ive ever had and it was incredible not sure if it happend straight after goin to bed or during night. The whole experience was is very weird and thats only the part i can remember, I didnt wake after the experience so i couldn record it till the morning. Ive posted this in saltcube and astral soceity so you may have already seen it but here it is:

I remeber a click during the nite and to my surpirise i had A spontaneous projection. Its was dark in the room and i kept trying to move but i dont know what else happend until all of a sudden i was in a large very spiritual and technological looking room where 2 bright white beings in with sort of human outlines where standing there with beams of light surrounding them looking in front of them somewhere.

I was in the corner high up at the ceiling like the position a cctv camera would go looking over them from a slight distance.

I didnt feel like an OBE but it felt more like an OBE than a dream. I know in my mind it wasnt a dream. Anyway I knew though the 2 beings were totaly still that the knew i was behind them watching them. The 2 simultaneously turnt their heads as i noticed the outline round the head face me. At that moment i got the best feeling ive ever felt in my life.

Words seriously cant describe it. You know when you get that tingling feeling it was the times about 1000!! It was in know way scary the total opposite it felt like i knew who they were and i still have the feeling they were spirit guides of some sort though not mine.

When I got that incredible sensation i felt like i was shruged up in warmth, peice love every positive feeling deeper than any meditation ive had. It was totaly white and i felt i was rotating to the right for about 10secs. All of a sudden i had a false awakening facing the other side i was rotating. I cannot rememeber what happend next.

I dont understand how i can acheive these sort of expereince on my 3rd ever OBE so i cant wait to see what happens next. When i woke i was in a very weird state everything felt perfect but i feel im back to normal now. I wish i remember more and i could put it into words.
I thought it would be a good idea for people to post the oddest and strangest experience in any of the planes (obviously excluding physical).Im sure all you advanced projectors will have stories to talk about. I know alot of people will have no words to describe there experience so i just ask to share what is possible.

Ive only had two OBE's but I supose i should start with my weirdest experience so here it is:

The first time I tried a technique wake up in the morning and go back to sleep. Using the saltcube dream timer I just guessed and put the sleep nap at the preset 6 because I have great trouble sleeping.

It woke me up and I was sleeping on my side totally paralyzed. I was pretty scared because the roaring noise was incredibly loud and the sensations felt like getting sleep paralysis. I thought to myself its time to OOBE so I pushed my self out. I felt like bouncing in and out my body then I blinked and all of a sudden, I was laying next to my body on the bed and I think I was even under the covers.

I had definitely projected and when I moved a little every time I blinked I would reset in the same position on the bed what I thought was weird coz didn't think you can blink in astral. Any way after what seemed to be along time all of a sudden 3 other people were on my bed which is impossible because there was my astral body, physical body, some random person on the bunk bed and the other 2 laying in the air of the bed. They knew I was there but they were laughing and joking about something I didn't remember. I tried to imagine any random hot woman in front of me and nothing happened. I was still going back to original OOBE position when I blinked so I held my eyes open letting one blink at a time so I could see and it wouldn't reset and it worked. I then poked the man and I said "Who is my spiritual guide?" The other 2 people vanished and the man floated down from the air and stood next my TV.

He then started presenting my guides description on the TV. It happened quite fast and I only remember dark hair and 5 foot something.

It felt like a long time especially for the 1st time if I was to compare it to physical time which is incredibly hard it felt like 20 mins. Once the man showed me the spirit guides details I thought I've been projecting to long I better get back to physical and record my results. I hugged my physical body and went back and recorded what happened.
Ive used a saltcube timer to wake my up during morning and ive projected twice. Im still having trouble reaching a projection through meditating. I easily get fully paralysed after about 20minz and i get slight vibrations along with the feeling of moving/floating. I can control the movement any way i like but what ever i do i seem to stay there. e.g i make myself float up and i can go on steadily upwards and nothing happens. Its the same with roll technique etc.. I get the same sendsations as the last to OBE's when i was paralysed but not the rushing noise. I know this is a pretty common question but it seems im in the perfect state to project apart from the rushing noise.
- Also i can stay with these sensations as long as i like ive timed myself for 2hours meditating i never seem to get tired i do have intense insomnia.
Hi im not a total beginer to the Astral world as recently ive had my first 2 Projections and i thought as ive just discovered this site i should post them and here they are my 1st one was 2 good. These are from the journal entries i put into saltcube:

The first time I tried a technique wake up in the morning and go back to sleep. Using the saltcube dream timer I just guessed and put the sleep nap at the preset 6 because I have great trouble sleeping.

It woke me up and I was sleeping on my side totally paralyzed. I was pretty scared because the roaring noise was incredibly loud and the sensations felt like getting sleep paralysis. I thought to myself its time to OOBE so I pushed my self out. I felt like bouncing in and out my body then I blinked and all of a sudden, I was laying next to my body on the bed and I think I was even under the covers.

I had definitely projected and when I moved a little every time I blinked I would reset in the same position on the bed what I thought was weird coz didn't think you can blink in astral. Any way after what seemed to be along time all of a sudden 3 other people were on my bed which is impossible because there was my astral body, physical body, some random person on the bunk bed and the other 2 laying in the air of the bed.

They knew I was there but they were laughing and joking about something I didn't remember.

I tried to imagine any random hot woman in front of me and nothing happened. I was still going back to original OOBE position when I blinked so I held my eyes open letting one blink at a time so I could see and it wouldn't reset and it worked. I then poked the man and I said "Who is my spiritual guide?" The other 2 people vanished and the man floated down from the air and stood next my TV.

He then started presenting my guides description on the TV. It happened quite fast and I only remember dark hair and 5 foot something.

It felt like a long time especially for the 1st time if I was to compare it to physical time which is incredibly hard it felt like 20 mins. Once the man showed me the spirit guides details I thought I've been projecting to long I better get back to physical and record my results. I hugged my physical body and went back and recorded what happened.

I had the timer to go off about every hour in the night. Once it woke me up i cant remeber what position i was in. I heard the rushing noise again along with the feeling of floating over my body. I was facing the ceiling then i slowly began to move upwared still horizontal to the end of the bed where my pilliow was. I could not control my body but i was in control where i looked.

I sleep on a bunkbed and once my body wasnt over the bed my whole body just fell down the side. I then woke up. I should have recorded what happend because i probably forgot alot but it was early in morning and i was to tired. I also had an extrememly vivid dream i should have recorded that aswell which i foolishly didnt i cant even remeber it now.