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Topics - Ginny

Hi everyone,

The following is an excerpt of the 12-5-02 Exploring The 3D Blackness Chat by  Bruce Moen...describing what the 3D Blackness is, how to get to it and how to use it to be anywhere you intend, instantaneously.


Much love,


There are some interesting "places" to explore and one of the most interesting I ran across
early on was an area of consciousness I call the 3D Blackness.  That stands for 3 dimensional Blackness.
I accidently :d) stumbled into this place several times early on.
If you close your eyes
and it's easier to do this in a darkened room,
and focus your attention on looking at what your closed eyes are seeing,
you would probably say you're seeing a sort of flat, two dimensional blackness, 2D Blackness.
Kind of like looking at a flat screen image of blackness before your eyes.
I'm not sure exactly how to describe how to shift your focus of attention to
the 3D Blackness, other than placing intent to do so, but
when you shift your focus of attention to 3D Blackness
it's unmistakable that you are there.
There is a definite shift in the feeling quality you are experiencing and
instead of a flat, 2D Blackness you realize that you are peering into
blackness that has depth.
It's like you can change the depth you are looking into it, sort of like the feeling of
looking at a scene with your eyes open, but
changing between focusing on an object that is near or far away,
there is a definite feeling of being able to look deeply into this 3D Blackness, or looking closely into it, or anywhere in between.
There is also a "velvet" quality to this 3D Blackness, like it's both smooth and grainy at
the same time.
Moving your eyes from side to side it's like you can see the velvety graininess going by.
This 3D Blackness is, in my view, a specific, individual area of consciousness and
it's one that can be quite useful for exploring other realities.

The many times I managed to shift my focus of attention to the 3D Blackness I was only there for very short periods of time.
I'd get there and think, Oh WOW! I'm there!  And in the next moment I'd be back in 2D blackness.

I had to learn to relax and just let myself be there once I arrived.

My first experiments with this area of consciousness happened accidently :d) too.
I'd been intending to try to visit some deceased person before I began my relaxing breaths
and then found myself peering into the depths of the 3D Blackness.  I'd learned how to just sort of
relax and allow myself to be there, so I didn't pull myself out of there.
As I peered into the 3D Blackness I could see that it was all very uniform,
the same shade of black if you will, then, as I moved my eyes looking from side to side and up and down,
I noticed there was a small area that was darker than the surrounding blackness.
This caught my attention and I wondered why this little area was darker.  I focused my attention on this spot, it looked like a sort of dark swirl,
I was trying to see it's shape and movement and thought, If I got closer to it maybe I'd
be able to see it better, so
I thought about moving toward it.
 started to feel myself move,

I was suddenly somewhere else.
As I looked around I realized I was near the deceased person I had originally intended to visit with.
Big surprise!
At first I didn't get any connection between these two events.
But, as I continued exploring our afterlife, intending to find a certain person, or visit some area like the Education Center, or other Center,

sometimes I'd find myself in the 3D Blackness, peering into its depth, and looking it over intently,
Then I notice a small area that was different than the surrounding blackness.  Sometimes
this would be a darker swirl, sometimes a small area that was a little lighter,
sometimes just a small area that appeared to be very active, like the blackness in that area was jittering.

or jiggling.
I'd focus my attention on the spot, think about moving toward it, and
suddenly I'd be in the place I'd originally intended to go.
Eventually I realized that this 3D Blackness was sort of like a Hub or central location for "portals" or "gateways"
I imagined it was a place that had tubes running from it to any other area of consciousness that existed.
Something or someone kept helping me shift my focus of attention to this 3D Blackness, or I was just becoming more aware of the process of "going" to the people and places I wanted to visit.
Eventually, I realized that if there was any person or place or thing I wanted to visit or explore all
  You can learn the Art of Retrieval using Bruce's workshop tapes.Order at
I had to do was to intentionally shift my focus of attention to the 3D Blackness,
then I'd say the name of the person I wanted to visit, in my mind, or the name of the place I wanted to go,
then I'd just start looking for one of those 'discontinuities' in the 3D Blackness.
As soon as I found one I'd just focus attention on it and in the next moment I'd BE THERE
Some here tonight have already found this area of consciousness called the 3D Blackness and
by some of the posts on the Conversation Board it's pretty obvious some have learned to use it in the way I've just described.
I wish it was easier for me to describe how one finds the 3D Blackness, describe the feeling quality of it, give better clues that other folks could use to shift there focus of attention there.  Because,

it's such a great navigational tool for getting from point A to point B.
For those of you interested in exploring for the 3D Blackness and exploring it directly,
I'd suggest you begin in a darkened room.
The reason I suggest this is because
there will be less physical light stimulating your retina,
not that it can't be found any where but a darkened room, it's just that
it's a little easier to start that way.
With your eyes closed, take in some deep relaxing breaths, *** Notice
Remember the feeling of being relaxed,
Let memory of that feeling help you relax a little more deeply as
you continue taking in relaxing breaths.
When you can feel a difference in your level of relaxation that's a good start,

for this 3D Blackness exercise it's worth spending a little more time than usual
to allow yourself to relax deeply.
with your eyes still closed look closely at the blackness before your eyes,

examine it.  describe it, feel it,
at first it will probably appear to be flat, two dimensional blackness,
Then, say in your mind,

I desire to explore the 3D Blackness, place intent.
 For information regarding Bruce's workshops, visit Bruce's website: or you may email Bruce at

Then, continue to look into that flat blackness,
move your physical eyes a little from time to time, as if you
are looking at 'things' within this blackness.
At some point you may feel a shift in the feeling quality of that blackness,
for me it's a feeling like being drawn into a scene I'm looking at,
you know how you can just look at a scene and not be drawn into to it, or
you can 'look into a scene' in a way that your attention is drawn to details within the scene?
the feeling is similar.  Wish I could describe it better, but that doesn't matter,
if you place your intent to explore the 3D Blackness and peer into the flat blackness

before your eyes, at some point you'll feel the shift and then realize you are peering into a different kind of blackness, a velvety, blackness with depth.
  You can learn the Art of Retrieval using Bruce's workshop tapes.Order at
When you notice you can peer into its depth you'll know you've made the shift of your focus of attention to the 3D Blackness.
Fascinating place.

As I said earlier,
the first several times I arrived there I pulled myself right back out moments after arriving because
BruceMoen> I began thinking about having arrived.  The area of consciousness I'm in when I'm thinking that way is a different area than the 3D Blackness.
BruceMoen> it's okay.  Just relax and intend to shift to 3D Blackness again, look closely at the
BruceMoen> flat blackness, and at some point you'll make that shift again.
BruceMoen> EAch time you make that shift take note of the feeling quality of that shift,
BruceMoen> Then, as you're doing the exercise remember the feeling quality of that shift.
If you remember it to the point of re-experiencing that feeling quality you'll probably find that
you can begin to make the shift to 3D Blackness pretty much at will.  For me
BruceMoen> "at will" didn't necessarily mean "immediately" but when I could remember the feeling quality of the shift to the point of re-experiencing it, "at will" meant I was definitely going to be there shortly.
As you learn to make that shift and let yourself just be in the 3D Blackness,
And learn to look around within it, when you can see/detect a small area that looks a little
different than the surrounding blackness, just focus your attention on that spot.
In other words, be in the frame of mind that you are looking at it and looking at if from a little closer position would be better.
Don't be surprised if you suddenly find yourself within some entirely different reality, or, reality space.
With practice, you'll be able to intend to visit with a nonphysical person, human or otherwise, go to the
3D Blackness,
find that spot that looks different,
intend to move toward it,
and suddenly find yourself where you wanted to be,
the place is almost like magic :d)
About time for me to take a short break.  Hopefully, this chat about the 3D Blackness has stimulated your curiosity and you've got some questions about it.
So, let's take five


My one word response: WOW! That is simply an amazing adventure you had!  Thanks for sharing.  BTW: What do these Golden Beings refer to themselves as?  Do they have a name?  Thanks!
thanks Ginny !

hope you are well,

Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / A Woman in Focus 23
September 07, 2003, 21:41:44
As always, a very interesting account.  Thanks Ginny!  :)


Ginny, thank you for sharing this tale.  I didn't understand the technical terms for the various constructions and realities.  Didn't know these places had been named. LOL.

Yet, as I read the words, I resonated deeply with it.  I have always known that we create many things in our afterlife if we are stuck in certain beliefs. Now, through your words, I have experienced it.  So thank you.

Love always.
wow!  amazing story.  i have often met up with discarnates while out of the body and would like to know how to learn to deal with them like you did.  a few times i told them that they were dead and they start yelling and cursing at me telling me that they are not...
do you know where i can learn how to deal with these people who don't know that they are dead and can't accept it?
Once again I am in awe of your travels..!!

Do you feel that perhaps this is your last life on this Earth?  Seeing how they said it was a place where "People, whether still inhabiting a physical body or not, were usually drawn to this place for the simple fact that they were coming to the end of experiencing lives in the physical".

Wow, so exciting..take me with you next

Nay. [;)]

So...can you tell us what happened when you two went to see this friend? Or perhaps it's too personal?.. I just love reading your post's about your retrievals!  Thanks a bunch for sharing [:D]

Nay. [;)]
Hey Ginny.

I just LOVE your posts, they are sooooo me chills (the good ones [:D])
Perhaps I find them interesting because in 98% of my dreams, involve helping or saving people..Sometimes very large groups or just one person...I would like to make it a goal to do what you do.. Have no idea where to begin, but if it is meant to be, I trust the path will show itself.

Thanks again for your lovely posts.!!

Nay. [;)]
Hi Ginny !

Can you tell us a bit more about he old or young ? how often have you met him?

best wishes,
Awsome and beautiful, and you mentioned my mother-in-law too!!LOL

"the mother's anger and fears which dominated the family."

Looking forward to learning to do what you do.
Thanks heaps Ginny[:D]

After reading about your retrievals here and in the other post (a Focus 23 retrieval) it made me want to read something by Bruce Moen, so I bought his first book which I've just started. I clicked on the link you posted and have been exploring his website as well.

How long have you been doing retrievals? How did you learn?
Wow, you seem to be really good at this retrieval thing.

It's very kind of you to help people you don't know.

I'm sure you get this often,but, I was just wondering... I've heard that people with mind disorders and stuff can get cought in their own little F23 world, or something...

Well, my grandmother had a stroke, and she wasn't in her right mind for years, and then she had a traumatic death. Could you see if she's ok for me? I don't want her to be caught in a loop of horriblenessity.

If you want her name, just PM me. If not, I understand. You probably have people asking you to do things for them all time.

(Part 2)

I leaned back in the chaise longue and waited. Within a few seconds I felt movement and we were in a huge, whitish tunnel swirling counter clockwise. I said to Om, who was still to my immediate right, "Are we suppose to be in a tunnel?" I got back a yes and watched as it seemed to bend slightly to the right, portions of its rounded walls appearing tranparent. It seemed flexible, gently curving through what I guess was just immense blackness. I saw a brighter area approaching and could then feel we had arrived somewhere as the tunnel disappeared and the sensation of movement stopped.

We were then in what at first felt like a flat blackness but I began detecting a 'substance' to it. There wasn't a three dimensional look or feel to it, but it held a density that I find even now difficult to describe.

Before I could wonder more I was suddenly looking at a transparent sphere or large bubble, and from its center a thick bundle of countless lines or rods made up of what appeared to be light sprang forth, expanding outward to the its surface. These rods of light then seemed to disappear as the sphere returned to being transparent. My interpreter started going nuts and I was processing the data as fast as I could: okay, this is some kind of creature in another world ocean somewhere?---it feels as if I'm in something like water and am floating, next to this sphere? I let the image go asking for better understanding...felt a slight pause and then had the same image and incoming feelings.

I was then aware that I too seemed to be a sphere (I saw around me what looked like a ball of transparent film) and that I was starting to enter in to the other sphere's reality by moving over to the left, as it did, intent on something it was doing. I felt for Om--he was still present but not much help (lately these guys seldom tell me anything, they prefer me figuring things out through popping into and out of experiences!). I focused in on the sphere again, wondering what it was doing and got that it was in the process of creating something. It was busy, intent, focused on something I couldn't perceive...and I had the impression it was either unaware of me or not interested in my presence. I sensed movement. I was somehow involved for a moment in feeling a vigorous action or movement of some kind that the sphere was generating. It felt as if my bubble was then merged with its bubble and for a few seconds I was busy right along with it, assisting in creating something I could neither 'see' or understand in any way. I let the image go again, asking for better undertsanding (kinda sent out a begging to understand Received the same image but I then got or could feel there was something over in the area the sphere was busy with, but I still had no clue what it was: just a black area that felt as if it had mass but I really have no idea if that was correct. It was frustrating because I could feel that something was there in the funny blackness, something with substance (it had a smooth property to it opposed to the rest of the blackness) but I remained utterly mystified.

It then ceased it's work and floated a bit of a distance away and stopped. I moved with it and decided to try to communicate by sending PUL. As I brought the feeling of love, respect and loving acceptance to me and saw/felt it then go to the sphere I watched as a pink area spread out along its' surface and I think then be absorbed into it (I don't think of the color 'pink', or any color for that matter, when I expand my awareness with love energy--so this was interesting). And I immediately got back quite a joyous, loving reply as I was momentarily engulfed in a ball of pink stuff too, a spontaneous, excited rote that said, in essence (my wording), "Hello and I am in complete agreement when it comes to this energy and here's some back at ya!". And while I was experiencing its message it then seemed to turn its attention away, back to whatever it had been doing.

I watched as what appeared to be long, thing cords, each sporting a bulbous end, reached out into the blackness in the opposite direction from where Om and I were. I was starting to wonder if I was witnessing some kind of other planet jellyfish when I felt Om laugh and say no. I asked if the sphere was searching for food and Om again indicated no, saying that it was searching...but it did not need to find sustenance or energy in any form to remain alive. This got my attention. He communicated that we were not on another planet, this was not a 'creature' from another dimension ('creature' meaning other wordly, unknown animal species), and we were not immersed in anything resembling water. A state of confusion started clouding my perception a little. Feeling a bit defensive I reminded Om that we were suppose to be either visiting places of consciousness beyond the ELS that fellow disk members had either experienced and/or were experiencing, and of course he gave me a look that suggested he was in complete agreement with that. A funny feeling hit me and I looked back at the sphere and asked, "This is a disk member?" I sensed Om smiling, his eyes twinkling at my confusion.

The sphere began moving slowly away and Om stated, "He's (he/she/it) unaware of himself. He's unaware of who or what he is". I stared at Om, asking what he was talking about. "He's unaware because he has no concept that he should be aware." I thought about this and said, "He doesn't possess the kind of awareness of self that, say, humans have?" He said that was correct and lovingly watched as the sphere continued to move off into the blackness. I didn't completely understand what Om was getting at but I had the feeling that the sphere was operating at a high level of creativity, curiosity...and that it wasn't thinking out the 'why' of its searchings (???).

It wasn't too long before I felt the need to return to C1 and I thanked Om for, once again, more questions than answers. Once back and when I finally sat up and looked at the clock I realized I'd been gone for over an hour. And then, as is quite often the case, information started flooding into my mind and I wondered about the sphere and what it really was: something about its features, what I witnessed it doing, felt familiar.

Thanks for listening and much love,


Thanks Ginny for sharing your experience!  I love to read your retrieval posts.  I hope in the future I will be "astrally-advanced" enough to take part in one as well. [8)]

Hiya Ginny!

Yet another great retrieval. I just love reading about these. Im still working on getting the "feel" for things when trying to phase, but Ive definately had some very interesting developments. (now if I can just stay awake and actually recall more of the events!)[:P]

Good to hear from ya,

Im a little confused, so who or what do you believe these tricksters were that she could only see in the dark and that taught her to fly? and they cant have beem friendly if she was so afraid of them.

Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / A Fireside Chat
December 28, 2002, 23:27:59
Originally posted by

( continuation of Fireside Chat post)

Okay. I decided I was gonna have to figure this out on my own...and it was weird because it felt as if this information was already known to me, sitting out there at the edge of recall, beckoning me---teasing me, to remember.

I then knew it was time to pack it in so I offered a quick, "see you", knowing such grand hellos and goodbyes weren't necessary anymore...and moved outside to the deck. Blue sky, a soft breeze and air that felt to be so alive and refreshing engulfed me. I felt wonderful.....and then returned to C1 within an instant.

Thanks for listening and a Happy New Year to all,


Excellent report!



Ginny: a fascinating read and (again) a great account of how it should be done!


What a wonderful account! Thank you for sharing.

So you get a feeling of what is around and then form an image to fit the feeling rather than seeing an image and then forming feelings?

I've been hitting a wall trying to get to higher focus levels and asking for help but it seems that I'm supposed to figure out the puzzle by myself. It's reassuring to hear accounts of people who have ovecome the hurdle.

2cents & L&L

Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Page 2
November 27, 2002, 04:13:34


I had no idea how much time had passed but wasn't in a big hurry to return to C1. As a matter of fact I felt such a warm, soothing peacefulness that I decided to just recline and float. Haven't felt that good in a long time.

Now you are getting like me, in the sense that soon you won't want to come back. I tell you, it makes a big difference having your own place There. Nowadays, I keep myself emotionally closed pretty much all the time but I cannot help feeling a tinge of sadness every now and again when I read people's posts about devils and demons and all kinds of other such (so called) Astral dangers. If only these people could become open to what a joyful and harmonious place the Astral can be. It'd make planet Earth a more harmonious place too I'm sure.


QuoteOriginally posted by Ginny:

I forgot to mention that in feeling Armanda's mix of curiosity and fear about the cell phone in my hand, after telling her it was a telephone, I then said it was a new kind of walkie talkie. This was something she could accept and it got her attention away from something more to be anxious about.


Greetings Ginny!

Thank you so much for your excellent account of phasing!" border=0>
It really is most useful.

I hope people can see a pettern forming here when they compare your experiences with those of Frank and others, it is extremely clear that imagination is the key that unlocks the door to full Astral interaction! This is also clear in reading through the TMI information.

It is also clear that phasing provides for the possibility of much more rewarding and enduring experiences than classic OBE.

Creating a scenario by means of the imagination  - which is very much a spiritual faculty - invokes its Astral counterpart like a lock and key. This can be a self-created scenario, or it could be a known gateway symbol to another realm. All that is required is a necessary pre-phasing procedure.

Ginny: could I ask you - what is your level of perception like in the Astral while you are there? Is it a real 3D, full colour, holographic "I am here" type experience, or is it more vague than that. I take it that there is no doubt anyway.

How vivid and active does your imagination need to be to trigger the Astral projection? Does it have to be very clear. I know this is a concern to some people, because powers of creative imagination do vary.

How do you contact your guide and/or helpers and get involved with retrievals once you have arrived at your Astral place?

I am locking this topic in place for ongoing discussions.

Thanks again.

With best regards,


Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Doing retreivals
November 14, 2002, 21:23:54
Hi Ginny,

Thank-you so much for this post. I'm sure most of us here will be putting this to use someday soon.

Originally posted by Ginny:
If anyone wants to know how I, in an awake and fully conscious state of mind,  tune my Focus of Attention away from the physical in order to explore the nonphysical and help in retrievals, just give me a holler.

HOLLER! Maybe this subject deserves it's own seperate post.



It's good to see you posting here!  I hope you stick around.  I don't have time to read your account right now, but I just wanted to drop you this quick line and say "Welcome to the forum!"

Keep smiling,

Jeff Mash - Jokes and Humor