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Topics - DraregElder

I'll get to that in a second. First, let me say, I've been both surprised and impressed with much of what I've read and learned from some here. Seems a few have advanced in technique and realms light-years more than I in my fifty years of astral travels. Still, I have learned a little.

Hepatocarcinoma is the diagnosis, liver cancer, with eight separate tumors. The fact that I've had "Hep C" for over forty years, (from tainted blood transfusions), rules out the possibility of the operation where I could borrow a piece of liver from my adult son or daughter. Neither doctors or the insurance company will chance such a difficult procedure unless the chances are good it will work, they ain't.

Oh well sucks to be me, right? LOL. Seriously, I never thought that I'd live to this age. I had always kinda  hope to go out in a bit more of a blaze of glory tho. I've been shot twice, stabbed a bunch and even run over by a truck, so just wasting away seems lame. "You can't always get what you want" it's been said.

Now, about me losing ground. I'm not talking about the physical crap with me. My concern is in my control in the astral. I'm trying to learn as much as I can about the death transition, newly dead, the rainbow bridge or river styxx if either exist and suddenly I'm stumbling around, getting pushed around, like I haven't in a long, long time. I wont waste any more of your time with details but I will say this. I have had the 'ever loving snot' beat out of me by some low realm-punks, as well as getting stuck half way up in a simple flight to a balcony, neither of those things have happened in years.

This is a very bad time for me to falter indeed. As Szaxx once said "failure is not an option" So y'all, a little help if you plezzzz.   Sorry about the length of this post...
I don't remember ever not having AP's, along with "normal" dreaming of course. I assumed everyone did, but by 13yrs I had begun to realize that wasn't the case. Sinc4me, I had been working summers at a Smokey Mount resort and camp for kids, as a stable boy. The differences between dreams and nite-flights were explained to me in the most sensitive and profound way by Running Stone. He was the Cherokee blacksmith and story teller, who saw after us 11-12-13yr old boys that summered and WORKED there for 8 weeks of every year.

After much water had flowed and several years at 19 is when I had my NDE. So that's my motivation for asking...
Been visiting here for eight or ten years and though I don't post often, I do feel that you senior members are both knowing and honest. It is to you that I pose this question. 

Are any of you doing, or have done, personal comparative study between the five human senses, in respect to the astral vs 3D reality? Touching, seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting?  I have recently and would very much like to compare info, especially where smell and taste are concerned.