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Topics - rezaf

Today when I was out of body I intended to meet God. I looked above and a red sun appeared. I decided to ascend but it was a long way and I was suddenly stopped in the middle  and couldn't fly higher. I found myself in a city with amazing architecture, a place I had been to before. I walked around for a while and since there was nothing more to do I woke up. Has anyone ever tried this before?
I just don't understand why there isn't any solid research on AP. I don't think that AP is now limited to just a few secretive shamans and the number books written about it as well as the number of posts on forums shows clearly that many ordinary people can do it. So why isn't there any scientific group working on it? My own remote viewing experiments have proved it to me that at least sometimes it shows the exact things that are happening in the physical world and therefore it can be experimented on. If a scientific group works on it they can easily solve many of the spiritual questions of the human beings and win a nobel prize. Even if let's say it is not real and just our own mind tricks it is still a very important psychological phenomenon and if they can figure out how it works maybe they can create drugs that can cause and prolong this experience and make lots of money.
I don't know much about science and I need some help to answer this question. I wonder if kirlian photography is actually about what we see as auras. I understand that it is somehow related to bioelectric energy but if what we see as auras is electromagnetic fields then why is it that I don't feel much difference(I mean not the same feeling that I have by touching human auras but there is something about them) by touching the area around magnets or electrical devices. And if it was something as explainable as bio-electricity then how can they explain that humans can see them even better than scientific instruments?
I just had an amazing experience in another realm. My OBEs usually take place in real time zone and so far I have had very few fancy long experiences in other worlds. My previous long experiences were all in underground tunnels but this experience was above the ground and somewhere in the sky. My guides took me to an amazing city over there and told me  not to draw any attention, so I just walked around the city and tried to act normal. It was a very modern city with people who looked like us. The whole journey was one hour in the physical world and seemed to be longer when I was over there. At the end my guide and I were walking up some stairs in a very big hall. Trying to act like walking drained all my energy and as I knew the experience would finish very soon I decided to fly up the stairs like a normal astral body. The moment I began to float all the people close to me started staring at me and they somehow willed me out of that place. My astral body fell down and I got to my physical body in a few seconds. 
Usually after mediation or after waking up from an OBE I can have a better view at the auras around things and the colorful energy clouds that are everywhere. I have noticed that these auras are made of small particles and are formed exactly like electromagnetic fields. I wonder about the nature of these energy fields. Are these particles unexplainable in today's science or is it possible that they are somehow related to electromagnetic fields and that humans can also see them like some other animals?
Personally I have been called crazy by many of my relatives who know about my interest in astral projection and qigong. I try to avoid the topic but today it came up again and I had a long argument with one of them. It actually got me thinking if it's possible to prove OBE and if it has been done before. In theory it should be a simple experiment: Someone writes something and hangs it on the wall, I go out of my body in another room and then project myself to that room and read the note. However I haven't practiced for a few years and my skills are a bit rusty. So I'd like to know if anyone has done this before and if there are difficulties to do such a thing in the so called real time zone.
I can astral travel but something horrible happened to me a few years ago and have not practiced ever since. A few years ago an astral being came out of no where and attacked my solar plexus in sleep paralysis, it caused a very bad appendicitis the next day. After the operation  I felt a scar in my aura exactly on the operation scar which got better after sometime but I was afraid that the scar would open in the process of astral projection, therefore I stopped practicing. Since three years ago I see two astral beings behind me. I feel their hands on my shoulders and they always follow me everywhere. They both look similar. They are female, they have a human body and the head of something like a horse with only one eye in the middle. Since I can't speak with them in this world yesterday I decided to astral project and finally ask them who they are and what they want.  I tried to astral project a few times but every time I ended up in sleep paralysis because they wouldn't let me fly out of my body. I asked them but couldn't understand what they said so I told them if they were my friends, then push me towards my physical body which they did and they laughed loudly together. Then they did something to my crown chakra and the chakra in the back of the neck and I couldn't astral project anymore and fell asleep. Today I tried again but again I ended up in sleep paralysis and saw those two beings struggling to keep me inside my body. I asked God to send an angel. A being came but it was dark in my room and I couldn't see his(?) face but he(?) moved like a snake on my body. The being cleansed some of my chakras and said some prayers also wished me guidance from God. I asked the being to heal the scar from the operation which he(?) did. When the being was healing my scar another being came to my room. He looked like a strong man with white beard. He also only had one eye in his forehead. He grabbed my feet and pushed me inside my physical body then told me angrily not to come out again. I wasn't scared but couldn't move either so I prayed to God and Woke up. Do you have any idea who they are and what they want?