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Topics - Squeek

Wow, my first post here...  

Anyways... since I probably started the animated avatar fad (hehe) I have noticed plenty more animated GIF's being used for an avatar... And, strangely enough, all of them slow down near the end of their cycle!  Once it reaches the end, It goes back to normal speed, then slows down again, over and over again... This happens to every moving avatar BUT mine.

Is this my browser or something...  I can't tell. Hopefully someone can resolve this :)

Welcome to Metaphysics! / TV Shows
April 25, 2003, 20:03:48
How accurate are the shows that have information on energy work, such as tonight's John Doe? (If you saw it, you know what I'm talking bout)  Please feel free to post your opinions on it

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Fun "game" this is!
February 20, 2004, 02:49:17
That is a really odd "game" but it is strangely relaxing and lots of fun [:D]

Thanxz for the heads up!
Wow...I started getting motion sickness..[:P]

Was there any picture?  I just heard the music and whole screen was vibrating like crazy.

Nay [;)]
Welcome to Astral Chat! / A Geek's Paradise
November 15, 2003, 13:26:02
Holy crap.. my Christmas wishlist is about to be amended..

Ambient orb device!! bwahahaha!!

I love you, Squeek!
U speak as if humans were capable off agreeing on a standard rational language (which english is n0t). If evrybudy nos wut it meens, wy duz it n33d 2 b changd?
I think we can not do that on this format of forums.
"...or I'll stab you with a Q-tip!"

Man, Homer Simpson rocks...
Welcome to Astral Chat! / It's Opposite Day!
October 13, 2003, 19:08:51
If it was opposite day then we all would be dead. Think about it.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / For the Programmer in you
October 04, 2003, 15:38:36
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Squeek = Awesome
September 27, 2003, 18:33:55

So, uh... How's it feel about having so many posts?

They should really help people. After all, quality over quantity. Unless it's like money.
Maybe its not necisarrily a memory problem, maybe its how you remember things. I have a photographic memory, but I remember things incorrectly, I have bad "organizational skills" when it comes to remembering things (according to the Woodcock Johnston tests, etc..)
Maybe you just have bad organization when it comes to remembering things, thats my two cents.

I was an avid Catholic for 16 full years of my life.  I read some books.  Books are fun.

Anyway it was a good book, and it convinced me that religion is useless.  So now that's what I think.  Eh...there's alot more to it, but I'm just a lazy bum.

Here's mine

I don't know what they are really but I am under the impression that they are just states of mind.  F27 is the state of mind you need to be in to project, I think F27 is it anyway.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / 1337...hehehe...
September 05, 2003, 12:57:42
Nobody else gets the humor?!?!  WOW!

h4x0r 1337 741k pwn5 j00. 17 r0x0r5 j00r b0x0r5.

Hacker elite talk owns you. It rocks your boxes.

It makes no sense out of its context.

NOBODY else here is a geek like me?

+h475 |\|07 p()5$18l3 j0.

Squeek, as a Recruiting Officer I say go to college and get a 4 year degree.  A masters is ok midcareer, but once you get a PhD you're unemployable [;)]

Computer Science is fine, but Computer Scientists are a dime a dozen.  From the influx of resumes I'm receiving every day, half of them are out of work right now.

With your IQ I think you should think of engineering or physics.  Pick a phenomenon that fascinates you (electromagnetics? metaphysics? astronomy?) and go for it.

Also, get a well-rounded education.  Learn a foreign language. Most scientific types can't write worth a d*&%.  You express yourself very well, so you will have an advantage and go far.
Ok... sorry in advance for the double post... But I went ahead and figured it out on my own.

SO if anyone else needs to know how to do this, it's an item in your profile that you would need to change.  It says "Show on active users?" then a little drop down for yes or no.  Mine said no :P

kakkarot left because of that demon thread where people kinda got tired of hearing how he kicked their butts.

Who's at 1,000?  I dont like having as many posts as I have.  People act as if it means I should be saying something more intelligent or I should suddenly be full of wisdom.  Most days it comes from a day off or being restless.

You thinking of going once you finally hit that mark.  (way after me I might add)[;)]
I wondered that a lot as I was flying back home a few weeks ago after seeing some family. I tried to do it but got too scared about the possible results. I bet your astral body would be able to float around within the cabin of the plane, or maybe it would be sucked right out of the back and then you would just see the jet zoom off, ultimately becoming a spirit astral water skier. Who knows....
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Signatures!!!
August 27, 2003, 17:18:53
Heh. I don't have a signature but....... i do have a joke and a comic strip that are pretty funny.[:P]

First, here is the joke:

A blonde, a brunette, and a redhead, all working for NASA, were trying to figure out where to go on the next trip.

The brunette said, "We should go to Mars."
The redhead said, "We should go to the Moon."

The brunette and the redhead sat there arguing for a while. Suddenly, the blonde shouts,
"Stop arguing! I know where the next expedition
should be to ... the Sun!"

The brunette and the redhead looked at each other and started laughing.
The brunette finally said, "You can't go to the Sun. You would melt or burn up before you even got close!"

The blonde said, "DUH... Not if you go at night!"

And here's the comic strip:

HEHE. These are funny.

Ps. Sorry about the joke, not meant to make fun of anyone. It's just for fun.[:I][:D]  
Ohh and Squeek, that funny bunny sig. is funny.[:)]

I believe ANYTHING is possible, but I cannot even begin to see any practical way of doing this.  You can see people in their dreams (I believe normal dreams happen in the Astral planes too but just lack consciousness), but unless they remember the dream they will not remember having seen you.  Unless they believe in Astral travel, even if they DO remember the dream, they will usually just think they dreamed about you and not consider that you were actually "there" with them consciously.

I do believe that it is possible to help someone who is attempting a conscious projection of their own free will by feeding them energy, as I feel I was "helped" in sone of my earliest attempts.  I think entities who do this are typically non-physical in nature and have more conscious knowledge of the finer points of astral techniques than most physically incarnate people are likely to have access to.  It might also be possible to wake someone who is dreaming into lucidness, but that is very unlikely unless they have learned to awaken their critical faculties and check for "reality" in their dreams.  Even then, the odds of getting "through" to them so that they realize they are dreaming and become conscious are probably not very favorable to say the least.

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Gone for a while...
August 13, 2003, 22:31:31
have fun [:D]
I oughta take a 2 week break from the internet. I might actually do something productive :|
Welcome to Astral Chat! / The thrill is gone....
August 02, 2003, 14:44:47
Squeek, what did you do, are you grounded?

As for me, if I were 17, I'd be writing in my journal, organizing my memorabilia, re-folding my sweaters, making lists, experimenting with makeup and hair, and meditating.  Of course, I'm big now and my solitary moments are taken up with housework and yardwork.  

But if I didn't have to do that, and I was sick of meditating, I'd read the classics.  They're mindblowingly good!  Try it, you'll love it.  Henry James is a favorite of mine, but there are many others: Edith Wharton, C.S. Lewis, I could go on and on.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Manners Mmkay?
July 24, 2003, 16:14:09
There's nothing wrong with posting several messages in a short period of time. But they have to have some real and intelligent questions or input to the forum.

2cents & L&L
Greetings Squeek,

This has not been reported before, and it certainly does not happen to me with version (6) of Internet Explorer either.

May I suggest that you check your browser settings?

With best regards,

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Nostalgia!!
July 15, 2003, 03:17:51
I remember when I first started posting (which wasnt really that long ago, only about a year!) I would just keep starting new posts and answering everything I could! even though I had nothing constructive to say about them! I remember starting such posts as "how do you project" I think this is pretty much a norm for everyone.

I barely ever post now compared to then ,and people who started after me have all taken over me in the number of posts!! ah well, not to worry.

Well done, Mr Pothead. :)

>>>Back then, there was no animosity towards any other at all. Nobody was yelling, nobody was fighting. It was great. Finally, I had found a place online where I could help others, and others could help me.<<<

That's exactly what the Astral Pulse stands for and don't you ever believe different.


You should look for the videos if you like the music.

Almost like some of the stuff you see during exit [8D]
Firestarter and Breathe come to mind.

2cents & L&L
Welcome to Quantum Physics! / The Amygdala
June 16, 2003, 09:01:49
I smell a scam. I looked at the site and got article after article of how great "popping the frontal lobe" is but the only hint at activating it is to "imagine a feather tickling the amygdala" Now if that doesn't work then perhaps the book won't either.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Whoa...Success?
June 14, 2003, 11:32:51
Replying would be so very very cool.

Note - think I enabled it again for a bit.  Shouldn't have done it on the highway though...

lol.. thats a good point
ive done that before. it is kind of tricky.. it seems like you'd have to be a pretty spatial person to be able to really get a good idea of what things look like from an angle you can't see.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Who To Tell?
May 14, 2003, 14:44:18
yeah, i hear ya, i got the same treatmeant to, but hey, each to there own eh? i just keep it to my self and share it only with like minded people, what else can ya do.
I don't think they can be downloaded.

Check there'll be a link to the hemisync web store.

2cents & L&L

Hi Squeek,

OBE's are a lot of fun for me! I generally don't have scary experiences and I've never encountered a neg.

Most commonly, I float out of my body and fly around the house. I sometimes have distortions, especially after passing through solid matter. Lately, I seem to have had the most trouble with windows, as I alsways seem to end up in an alternate version of my yard.

I've been to the astral proper a few times, and it hasn't been as fun as the RT Zone. I tend to feel more challenged there, as it is just so complex and surreal. It still can be a lot of fun, though.

The morning/rest of the day after having an OBE, I tend to feel happier than usual, unless everything goes wrong and kills my happiness to begin with. Usually I feel like bouncing off the walls, more so as the day goes on. This effect seems to be less intense after trips to the astral proper, as opposed to the real time zone. However, I still have those feelings.

My favourite part is the flying. I always wanted to fly as a kid, and now I can. :-)

Hi Squeek
 Can you ask your doctor give you a referral to an eye specialist--Opthamologist? 5 different drops doesn't sound like she's getting to the problem.

Once I had iritis in one eye and it was light sensitive too. I noticed that the pupil was more dilated in that eye which was why the light bothered me. Same deal happened to me until I got to an eye specialist & he prescribed the correct drops to take down an inflamation.

 In case you wear contacts I'd stick to glasses til they feel better. I will gladly send you some Reiki.

yeah, it's kinda like intuition. except it gives you a mental response rather than a spiritual response. although some people call it the "higher self", or a spirit guide, or any number of other things.

when i'm going to the c-train each day i'll get a sense of whether i'll be able to get to the station in time to catch it, or if i'll have to run to be able to make it in time, or if i just can't make it in time no matter how fast i run. helps me out a lot. [:D]

Welcome to Metaphysics! / Knowing the future?!
March 09, 2003, 18:55:29
Go for the lottery!
*L* I dont know if 4 years ago people came to chat just to chat.  Since i've been online people have used this medium enjoying the anonymity of it for sexual reasons.  Or just having fun..

whoops i didnt see the school thing.. i think that is very different for sure.  kids being able to be disrespectful and the teachers getting used to it.  Thats a big deal and says a lot about the changes.

The women not being able to show their ankles.. well in some way lots of women would argue being free to control their own sexuality is a good thing.  since society was dictating to them they couldnt show more or they were slutty.  so that might be one of the more positive advances.  though nudity everywhere and sexual content everywhere is overdoing it