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Let me share what I presumed to be my first and only OOBE experience so far. It was Feb 18th at 4:30am. I wanna share this so you can comment and eventually mention similar experience. Guide me through relevant post from this form. Please excuse me in advance if this post is somewhat redundant with others.

First I have to say that I never read previously any of the literature affiliated with the subject. I consider myself somewhat unbiased. Since then, I learn a lot from reading, especially from Monroe and others but here is the raw experience

So it all started with this sleep paralysis thing, unable to move thing in the night. The experience was really vivid and life had never seemed SO real than at this moment. I felt very conscious of everything that was happening. There were 3 different sequences but very strangely, I cannot say in which order they occurred, I guess the first I described here though, because I "woke up" at the end of it:
The first one was characterized as if I was entering in a very strong flow of vibration, at the level of the head, hands (very strong feeling in the hands), knees and feet. It seemed like I was crossing a door, or like I was entering an ocean of boiling oil, but without the pain feeling. I wanted to shake the hand of my wife in order to wake her up but was unable to do so. Unable to move. And I found it so silly because she was sleeping next to me, snoring, and I found it stupid that she couldn't witness this weird event. I then clearly felt myself, the head and the top of the torso, leaving my body, slowly but gently.My heart was pounding, I thought it was going to explode out of my chest.  I realized that I had to stay in my body otherwise I took the risk never to see my daughters and wife again. I was able to control the vibrations, to tune them down, and slowly move back in the body. The heart rate went down and I was able to move and sit on the bed.

The second one was characterized by me being the observer and the one being observed. Let me explain : I was seing myself getting of my body. My eyes (I don't know which eyes). I was seeing myself, as a kind of "transparent shadow" composed of multiple little lights, tiny glowing stars, forming the shape of my body, that was getting out of my body. The view was lateral.

The last and the most "dramatic" was me as an observer, but now, I was seeing the same body (mine?, I guess so) but this time from the back. It was transparent, in the dark and still composed with those little lights, except that this time, I was able to see a glowing globe, 1cm of diameter and red colored,  that was pulsating very slowly (like twice every three second or something). I identified this in restrospect as the third eye (I haven't heard of this before reading about the subject afterwards)

Anyway, that was the most transcendental experience of my life

I must add that when I carefully analyse my life in retrospect, I happened to have as a teenager some weird experiences that I disregarded at the time such as been struck by the infinity of the universe (at the verge of becoming obsessed and unsane about it), and having some vivid dreams.
Recently, these obsessions with views of the universe came back again.

Since this recent OOBE I feel surges of energy flowing in my body, just like when having an orgasm, especially from the back to the tip of the head.I have read a lot since then and I feel it has something to do with kundalini and or chakra activation.
Any Thoughts?
Thanks for reading me!