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Topics - KI Aura

The human mind is full of mystery and wonder, but to me, the greatest is love. How in the world can our "hearts" know so much that our minds do not? Why is it when you meet that one special person, there is more than a connection, there is an actual bond? I know some may say it's chemicals in the brain, or that it's a mental connection, or so on and so forth, but it's more than that don't you think. From the first time I've laid eyes on my love, I knew she was the one. I know what she's thinking even before she knows it. I can look within her eyes and see life. Why is this? Why is it that true love will actually blind you in a lot of ways, but also open your eyes to a completely new world? You see every flaw in a person, yet to you they aren't there, they just make the one that much more, Perfect.

Have any of you all found that one true love? The one even after they leave or have broken your heart, you know they were that person for you; the other puzzle piece that fist perfectly in your life,heart, your everything? If so what kind of experiences did you have? Could through text messages you know when they were hurt, could you close your eyes when they were hundreds of miles away and be next to them, and know every emotion? Could you smile and hear her/his thoughts in your mind? Would you randomly think of a song and she's singing it miles away..Tell me. I'm very interested!!!

I've found my love, I know I have, there is no mistaking this feeling. I've had "love" before, but what I share with her, is more than love, it's more than the word love can comprehend, it's true love. We can spend hours on the phone ever day and it only seems like a minute has gone by. Why? Please share.
Last night I went to "bed" fairly early because I wanted to practice some energy work, and then attempt to project again. I relaxed my body, felt a trance coming on and I purposefully let it take me away. I started dreaming (falling asleep on the verge of sleep), and I snapped out of it and was completely aware of my "numb" body. I felt as if i were in a shell. I didnt feel vibrations nor did i feel noises (which is normal to some), and the amazing thing, I felt my astral hands and arms for the first time in a LONG time! I could move them! I could feel them! Then as most would..I got excited and was like WOAH! and woke up  :x. Just keeping you all up to date with it all. My mind is finally coming to an ease with life and I'm approaching my target!
I've seen the movie quite a few times, BUT each time I watch it, I feel enlightened. It's very strange and very odd. I recall posting in a topic not too long ago that dealt with astral projection, time, and changing of the past. Now, in the movie, he reads from a journal and/or watches a clip from his past and his mind "takes him back" and he is in his youthful body and is in control and can alter things.

This is highly interesting to me. I know that the brain is a very very powerful thing, and I've always heard we only use 10% of our entire brain; is it possible that somehow, someway, in other portions of the brain there are hidden triggers that could cause such events? It's very far-fetched and is based off the movie, but, it's an interesting topic none the less. Could the brain really hold the key to secret "powers".

I'm not talking shooting webs, or laser eye vision, or ice breath. I'm talking "real" "powers". Telepathy, Telekinesis, levitation, "memory travel", things such as what happend in the movie.
I'm not a drug user, nor am I in to that kind of thing. I mean I used to drink a long time ago, but hey I grew up. Lately I've been hearing a lot about the herb Salvia. It's legal, and it's supposed to be used for "opening the mind" or "spiritual awakening". I honestly don't know, but it seems interesting. I've sen the videos on youtube of younger people doing it and tripping and laughing and freaking and going crazy, but what if you did it and were in a "strong state of mind", will wise to use the experience to feel your body, inside and out, and obe from it? Do you think this is possible? To me it seems very plausible.  I'm not saying, go get stoned, it'll cause an obe, i'm asking do you think this herb will help? Like i've said in posts before, I used to obe but the ways of the world just have me completely stressed out. Maybe this will "unlock" me  :-D what do you think?
The last few nights I have been getting many vibrations, but they aren't throughout my body; the vibes are mostly in my mind,head,behind my eyes, is this a common phenomenon? I used to AP when I was a younger boy (13 years old), I didn't have a care in the world. I'm 20 now, and I just seem to be too stressed and I guess I can't detach myself from thought. I want so badly to walk around "free" again, but I just can't seem to "unleash" into the AP.

When I was younger, things were much easier, and APing seemed almost easy, why is it so hard now?  :? :-(
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Hello to all..
December 09, 2008, 20:19:30
Hello all! I haven't been to the astral plane in years. I was an old poster on the poc forum long ago. I've been trying to live my life in this cruel world; hence, I'm looking for a new start. So I hope to become a part of the Astral Pule family. Anyone know any pointers on getting started again?