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Topics - eeb

Having read a lot about it but never practiced OBE-ing in a structured manner, I picked up the practice. Until now I never had a (conscious) OBE, but I am convinced of the reality and possibility and decided to give it a fair try. Until now I only have been reading a lot, lurking on this forum, but never practiced in a structured manner.

I was reading here again today and was thinking that if the people here on the forum have got it, I can do it to, if I am only dedicated enough.

Since last week I do a short physical workout on the attic in my house, each day I come home after my work. After having lasted that for a week, I thought I have showed already enough discipline to start today with adding my OBE practice (according to Monroe's first book).

I will keep you updated about my progress.
I am having problems with the link buttons. If i'm in a thread, I can't reply with that buttons, only with the one in the main menu behind the subject.

Also sometimes, when the thread is longer than 1 page and I want to click page 2, I just return to thee main page.

Also, the pictures and buttons are not always how they should be; sometimes they appear as crosses and points...

Is it my computer, or more people have this?
Hi eeb,

Congratulations on your experience! There are some people who would say it was a lucid dream and others who might say an obe. However, you say you knew you were dreaming so it sounds like a lucid dream.

What's weird is sometimes I will get the sensation of lucidity in a dream, yet not be able to really nudge myself into doing anything like flying or jumping. It's almost as if it's a quasi-lucid dream.

In a full-blown lucid dream (which doesn't happen all that often for me) I make a decision to fly or jump, for example. So that differentiates it from that sort of quasi-state I mentioned. In the latter state, like I indicated, I know I'm dreaming but just can't seem to implement any dream activities. Perhaps this latter state is what you experienced as well.

Very best,
Black out =/? Maybe you actually projected for 20 minutes and you just cant remember! might of just fallen asleep...
Thanks eeb,

I remember reading a number of the Jane Roberts/Seth books back in the 1980's. I must have missed the one you recommend, so I'll have to read it. There was a period where I must have read about five of those books in a row. One that stands out for me is: The Nature of Personal Reality, which has been one of the best books that I've ever read.

Very best,
Thanks for the nice link Ebele![:)]
Aww dammit! I wish I was that far in NEW. I still need to do pileloads of work on my legs, especially my right one, and let's not even get started on my arms!! Although, I really think I should set up more time during the day. Heh. I would if I could. School work drives me insane [xx(] and I still got a book to read AND do a review on!
At the moment (3/25/03) my avatar picture is my cat, Alex. After meditation, I seem to be more likely to give him a shock when he comes over and sniffs at me. He does not like getting shocks to his nose.

Also, I seem to get shocked more often than the people around me.

We are probably just paying more attention to these things than usual. It probably happened all the time but went unnoticed.