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Topics - Panthau

Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Enlightenq
October 25, 2010, 03:28:41

Weird kind of marketing. But what could it be?

The creator of this is Michael Mackenzie, which also created "Lifeflow". Those are binaural beats,
which help a lot of people (including me) to get more in to the now. I can say that these work great,
but of course this is something new. Im curious and wanted to share it.
Anyone tried that? Please leave a response if so, im curios.
This meditation technique is also called "Red Phoenix Meditation", btw.

Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Subliminals
April 30, 2010, 13:35:50

Hi there,

I came across this neat little tool, which flashes prebuild or own build text on your screen in 1sec intervals,
lasting 10ms. Its so fast, you cant see it but your subconscious recognices it.

Im using it since yesterday with a sentence like "Im having positive lucid dreams and i remember them", gonna tell you if it works for me :)

Hi there,

Has anyone ever made a connection between the "now" (Eckhart Tolle) and the experiences
when you visit your higher self? If we believe what Eckhart tells us, we are already the higher self,
we just forgot about it (also here on earth in our physical form).

Why i am telling you this is, because i experienced the "now" for a few seconds. I never visited
my higher self in an OBE, but from all experiences ive been reading so far, it seems to be very similar.

I think going out of body and connect to your higher self is the same, as shutting up the mind and
reconnect this way to your higher self in the physical form. If we bring this to our daily life, OBE´s
might lose their fascination because we have heaven on earth.

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Fluoride
October 14, 2009, 04:59:50
Hi there,

I´ve been reading some nasty things about this stuff. Its in our toothpaste and americans have
it even in their drinkwater! Seems like this stuff weakens our will (its in about 60 antipsychotic drugs)
and is responsible for a lot of of deseases.

I wonder if this could also be a barrier for projecting.

Oh, quite the wrong subforum... whoops :-|
...alimentation and ap?
I´ve read that eating animals is bad for ap?! and chi?
I got the feeling that computers suck out my energy.
When i dont touch my pc for a few days, my sexual energy raises
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / iDoser
June 17, 2009, 04:19:30

Anyone tried it or uses it?

I tried "Astral" last night and i had a lot of vibrations (which i normaly
not have when trying) and a few times i felt like upfloating. This showed
me that it works, it just depends on how much one can relax.
Theres also one dose called "OBE", didnt tried it yet.

Hi there,

Im trying to AP since 7 months, without much success.
A ,,channel" told me a few days ago, that theres a ,,barrier"
that hinders me (protects me), but i am still able to project, its just harder for me.

Now tonight i dreamed that i met William Buhlman (! lol), with 3 dogs, and
all of his dogs pulled in one direction (i was with my dog too).  I then woke
up from the dream in another dream, where i was at a party (my mum was there!)
and Buhlman was also there, but without dogs. I told him about my dream and he then
came to me and said thats interesting, because that means im now ready to AP.
Because my whole physical situation and my relationship to my girlfriend are included
in this decision, and they are now stable enough.

What a weird dream, i hope its not just a brain fantasy product :-))
What do you think?
