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Topics - NightLight

I have been able to AP from a very early age but I've never really mastered it once I'm OOB. I find the initial AP process quite easy, but find staying out quite hard. I had a break from AP but I've been drawn back by it and a couple of weeks ago decided to start reading 'Mastering Astral Projection: 90 Day Guide to Out of Body Experience' to see if energy and silencing mind chatter exercises really work and see if I can take it to the next level.

Last night I was doing some extra energy work just before I was going to go to sleep and then later on I could feel that my bodies were separating, so I brought on the vibrations to help the separation and then rolled out of my body. When I was on my bedroom floor I looked up and it was dark, but I could see some people in the room. I got up and switched on bedroom light (The switch was in a different place to usual, but I didn't realise at the time). After a couple of goes the light came on and there must have been 15-20 people in my room, some sat on my bed, some stood around it. I can remember thinking is there a party going on here or something. I could see my body lying in bed, but the weird thing is that there was another copy of me sat on the side of the bed next to my body (I have never see this before and it kinda rocked me a bit because I'm not sure why another body would be there).

Anyway, usually when I get OOB I head for my bedroom window and jump out of it as soon as possible to get away from my physical body trying to pull me back in. I looked around the room for deceased relatives, but couldn't see any so I decided to head for the window. Just as I was about to jump out of the window someone grabbed my arm quite hard. I looked around and a woman said to me "Why did you leave me?" as if I had been with her a long time or I was married to her at some point, but i can't remember seeing her before. I replied "Because I was never really yours" referring to the possibility that I might have known her in a past life or something. I looked out of the window and there seemed to be quite a few people outside as well. I went to jump through the window but couldn't for some reason and then I got drawn back to my body. I woke up and my left arm was still aching.

Do any of you know why there would be so many people in my room? In all the years I have been doing this, it's rare to have anyone there and if there is it's normally just 2 or 3 people. I don't usually take much notice of them.

Does anyone know why I would have saw 2 of me, one lying in bed and one sat on the edge of the bed?

I've spoken to negatives before that want to talk to me and trick me and sometimes grab me, but usually I just tell them to leave me alone and don't have much time for them, but this woman really did seem to know me and it seemed different. Has anyone had a similar experience?
I know that this should probably be in the other section, but i'm gonna let you know the full experience so that it may help anyone who is new or has not been able to project yet and give them another experience to read (They seem to be thin on the ground). Hopefully i'll get some help on my question as well.

Last night I was having a nightmare and woke up in the middle of the night. When I woke up, i had a bad stomach (which always seems to happen before or after I have a nightmare). When I woke up, I tried for ages to go to sleep, but could not, so I watched TV for about an hour. After I watched TV, i managed to get straight back to sleep. I woke up later but didn't know whether I was in the physical or the astral. To find out, I tried to make my body vibrate and it did meaning that I was in the astral, I kept this up for about 20 seconds (it normally makes the split easier for me) and then sat up. I could feel the elastic type feeling that i usually get trying to pull my astral body back into my physical, but i dragged myself out and ended up flat on my face on my bedroom floor  :lol:. I jumped out of my bedroom window and floated to the ground outside, a gang of kids 15/16 years old were walking past and one of them saw me and said something, they looked as if they could be negative and I didn't want to be stuck talking to people, so I just said hi and continued on up the road. I noticed that there was a little bit of snow in the middle of the road (not much, but enough to make snowballs), I looked up the street and a girl was at the top of the street making a snowball, so i made one myself. I decided to fly up the rest of the street and when I was past her, I playfully threw the snowball, she smiled and then threw hers back at me. I continued around the corner and came to the crossroads in the street.

At the crossroads I started to think "Where do I want to go?", in the end i decided that I was going to visit someone. This is where I have my problem, rather than just wander the streets, I wanted to be in a different place. In the past i have tried to think of the place that I want to be but I have never been (not that I can remember) successfull, sometimes I just end up back in my body. To get some inspiration, i've started to read Robert Monroe's Journeys out of the body (The first book on AP that I have ever read, even though i've been able to do this for quite a while), in his book he says that rather than thinking of the place, you have to think of the the person that you want to visit. I started to think of the person that I wanted to visit and before I knew it I was in a different place. Rather than being in the same place as the person that i wanted to visit, i funnly enough ended up at another crossroads, but these crossroads were in a dark alley, it took me a few seconds but I recognised where I was at, I was quite near my old house. A women was walking along the alley towards me and again I just said hi and continued on my way. I was quite near a relatives house and decided to go and visit them the old fashioned way (quite a few wierd things have happened in that house, so it would have been interesting), but before I knew it, I was back in my physical body. As with most of my APs, the whole thing only seemed to last a few minutes.

Does anyone have any tips or methods that work for them?

I have actually done this before by wanting to see a person (not place). A few years ago I wanted to go and see a couple of relatives that had not long passed. After about 3 weeks of trying to go and see them without success, I eventually asked my guide to take me to them and it worked. I've heard of a lot of people saying that they can do this themselves without help and it is probably quite simple once you've done it a few times. Guides are great if you need help doing things, i've even had to ask for help getting out of my body on more than one occasion, but I'd rather be able to do things on my own.

By the way, when I looked out of my bedroom windows this morning it had been snowing a bit. Most of it had melted (not that there was much in the first place) but you could still see bits.