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Topics - TeenageWitch22

Hi, I feel like astral projection is one of the few "psychic" phenomena that is not just hocus pocus. I am pretty skeptical when it comes to a lot of things that don't have physical proof, but I feel like astral projection is one of the few things with no evidence backing up that is worth believing, but here's the problem.

Astral projection is one of the things I want to scratch off my bucket list, since I came across it in a book in my aunt's basement when I was a mere 7 year old. Since then, I have experienced vibrations (consciously induced, of course) but never separated out of fear that they cause in the moment (i.e. a heart beat that increases by 55-65 bpm) not out of exaggerated superstitions, but because the concrete sensations vibrations cause are very unsettling. However, regardless of the fear they can induce, vibrations is one of the concrete signs (to me, at least) that what monroe wrote about wasn't just another "mind reading" trick or some similar BS.

Really, AP is a simple concept when you get down to it: From what I know it's as easy as 1. relax, 2. vibrate, 3. separate, but step 2 is so hard to accurately predict. I've only vibrated 3 times, but most importantly, I feel like if I am vibrating and also feeling it in an absolutely physical, waking way (like holding on to a jackhammer, once I heard what sounded like my neck snapping), it must be a telltale sign of something that is really bound to happen! I mean, what else could such a rare, but undeniably real and physical phenomenon be a sign of, other than something kind of mysterious and far out, like AP?

Anyways, the takeaway I hope you get from this is that, I really want to believe in AP because it sounds too good to pass up (if it is true). I just hope that someone can relate to me with their experiences and give a concise, understandable, and realistic answer to what I have explained. Anything that is related to your beliefs or experiences relating to AP is worth sharing. I just want to be sure that the vibrations I have felt are the feeling of AP, and not just some weird sensation that is completely unrelated.

Please Respond, I really want this to be more than just some psycho-babble. What if AP was scientifically backed?
Hi I am new to this forum but would not like to forget my manners. I think this is a great place to learn from others and share ideas and I can't wait to get started with that. Anyway, just PM me if you want to get to know me.

I have  experience with astral projecting and have never made it out of body, but at the same time have come pretty darn close and, believe it or not, every time, the only thing stopping me from it was fear.

I think this is a lost and sacred art that should be treated almost in a religious sense (seriously!) and taken as such. I personally have no doubt about this even though there is no scientific proof. I think all it takes is a little faith :wink:

Anyways, nice to meet you all.
Welcome to Astral Projection Experiences! / Close Call
September 18, 2013, 09:52:13
Hi I am new here, but I have known about Astral Projection for years now. Recently I have committed myself to doing this because I have come close in the past and have inner faith that it is a true phenomenon.

About a year ago, I induced the vibrations at night on three separate occasions and felt each time as if I was holding on to a jackhammer. In fact, the feelings were so powerful that my heart felt like it was going to beat right out of my chest. And as the vibrations went on, I ended up getting so scared that I didn't even move every time!

I regret this to this day because I haven't been able to achieve vibrations since then. I always feel so scared whenever I have gotten near-separation, and it always freaks me out... Any advice for not letting fear stop you in the astral?
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Vibrations Question
September 18, 2013, 02:04:53
Hi, I am new here but not new to this concept. I had intense vibrations 3 or 4 times about a year ago, and I could have separated but got scared to move and didn't separate. Since then I have not been able to get vibrations, and it makes me wonder: what is the most reliable way to get vibrations?

I think one trick that can help that I've learned is when your body is really relaxed (paralyzed) to cross your eyes and look up into your skull. You should hear a dark, pulsating vibrating sound and a tingle in your spine. Sometimes this helps me to "jump start" the vibrations like a key to a car. You can even try it now when you are fully awake and you will see what i am saying.

Anyways, despite what I've said, I haven't had much luck consistently getting vibrations. Any advice?