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Topics - newmethod

Though you may like to look.

Birth of new star captured by Chilean observatory
Happy Valentine's Day Astral Pulse Lovers.

To all the mod's and members a big thank you for making the Pulse such a great place to hang, chat and explore consciousness  :-D

Enjoy your day  :-D
Forums Bugs Reports and Questions / Tracking Threads
February 02, 2013, 00:07:46
Is there a way to track threads that we are interested in but don't comment on?

Sometimes a thread becomes interesting to me but for any number of reasons i mightn't post at the time.
It would be nice to be able to follow these threads.

Is there a way i can do it?

found that increased meditation equals:
1. More frequent memory of dreams and more awareness in dreams?
2. Increased empathy and compassion toward others?
3. Toward self?
4. Increased happiness in 'normal' :wink: waking life?
What do you think?
:wink: :wink:
The most interesting site on 2012 i have read personally is actually a blog found here: in one part it reads:

"Monument 6's text begins with the Long Count date of its associated building's initial construction (around 700 CE) followed by glyphs reading tzuhtzjoom u 13 b'aktun 4 Ajaw 3 Kank'in utoom, indicating a future calendar event at the end of the 13th b'aktun (December 21 or 23, 2012). This declaration of some event is followed by the syllable i-, an eroded glyph, and an inference that a god or collective totality of gods (Bolon Yookte') will "descend" (ye-ma) to the...? Any further details are obscured due to the fragmented nature of the text (Houston and Stuart 1996)"

It's basically the only event in our lifetime predicted by the Maya. So no wonder it has interest.
though the author says: "One way or another, there is little precedent or reason to believe the monument is talking about an event in 2012 that is of much more importance than the celebration of the construction anniversary of this particular building, located in a Classic Period Maya city of relatively little importance (Houston 2008)."

So we will see.
Looks like there are questions with the date 21st or 23rd Dec 2012?
so if nothing happens on 21st Dec don't go HaHaHaing too early just in-case.

I'm hoping it talks of a super spiritual and technologically advanced race of aliens landing openly on Earth.
The wise, friendly, benevolent kind :)

One of the Astral Pulse members wrote a book this one first read as interesting & one i wanted to check out.

I first saw it 6mths-1yr ago maybe.

The cover had a nebula on it.. Maybe Orion Nebula i think?
The author was a frequent visitor on here at least while i was on here in the past and seemed a well respected member of the Astral Pulse forums.

The author (from memory) is a psychiatrist.
Male i gather.

Can anyone help me find this book?
Hi There,

I'll set the preceeding events because i believe they contributed significantly to me having this experience..

On Friday afternoon i was fairly tired at work and my Children and Mrs were out at the kids Nana's house.. I got home about 6pm, showered and thought i might again use this as a chance to project.

I lied down to ready for projection and started with muscle relaxation. Once i found my body relaxed i thought to meditate for a bit but it wasn't long before i was asleep.

An alarm i had set woke me at 8:05pm but the kids and mrs weren't home (not unusual on Nana visits and I wasn't concerned at all).. i thought i'd skip dinner and go back to bed..

The Mrs work me up a bit after 11pm on coming home.. we stayed up together for about 1 hr after which i couldn't go back to sleep cause i'd nearly had 5hrs sleep already.. I watched some of a tv series i had on the computer and went to bed about 1:30am knowing that sleeping 5hrs and having been awake for 2.5 hrs would give me a good chance to project in the morning..

I had quite some trouble relaxing and being able to go back to sleep. At one stage I nearly got back out of bed again until i was more sleepy though while still in bed i felt a shift of relaxation in my energy and stayed in bed..

Experience starts

I become consciously aware but all i can see is blackness.. I remember that i may be in a projection experience but am having difficulties with my astral vision.. I work on this by attempting to open my astral eyes to see.. Difficulties persist.. I have the feeling that i am in a dream within a dream..

Although I can't see, i can feel walls and objects and as i feel my way around in the dark i notice some light appearing.. I continue into the light and it opened up in a scene...

Here i have a scene where i'm at my parents farm in the daytime.. That scene goes for a while and then i'm feeling the darkness decending again.. again i feel my way out of the darkness to another scene or work on my astral eyesight by attempting to open my eyelids.. This was the most significant astral type experience i've had in more than 2yrs.. Through this experience i was in a scene.. left the scene.. felt myself return to my body or close to my body at times and worked my way into another scene again about 5-7 times.. In one of the later ones i went to my Dad and he was laying on a bed quite unwell. He has heart problems and i was asking him if he was going to die soon.. While with him i was very aware of what was happening and thought about shifting to Late Dec 2012 or January 2013 as that is a goal i remind myself of should i get to have enough awareness of the astral process.. Though i stop this idea as i believe it is more important to stay with my father and go along with what is currently happening... It didn't feel like he was going to die real soon but it did feel like he is currently suffering in his body..

At one time i feel into the astral landscape around me (current house scene) and wonder about my physical body and where it is located.. I feel the whole scene shift and becomes more closely aligned with Real Time Physical Reality.. I wonder if i am now closer to the RTZ?

In another later scene i find myself at a kids park in a nighttime scene.. it's a fairly happy scene.. It is here i still have vivid memories of all the experiences and places i have visited thus far and begin to feel like prolonging this astral experience of going in and out of scenes is likely to come to an end..

I remember Robert Bruce's advice to keep experiences short in order to improve recall.. I shorten this scene and it comes to an end..

End of Experience

Unfortunately instead of getting up to write down the experiences in full detail i decide i feel too tired and go back to sleep.

If i had of gotten up and wrote it down i'm sure i would have had a more vivid recall of the experience. As it stands though i still had a fair memory of the experience but in less detail and can still (in waking life) feel the memory of what it was like finding my way in the darkness and returning to or close to my physical body and re-projecting..

I'd like to ensure in the future i would get up and record these experiences upon waking instead of returning to sleep to improve recall..


Hi All, long time since logging in. I've been trying to get the time but busy doing other things..

Over January & February I found a substantial part of my dream memories were of an emotional nature. Dreams that were very symbolic, communicative and sometimes directly healing. In the past month and a half I've had about three experiences I wanted to report.

The first I considered an OBE. I woke due to my 10mth old and was awake with her for somewhere around 1-2hrs. Her mother woke and said "Why don't you go back to bed?".. My Mrs. has trouble going back to sleep if she gets woken but not I :)

So I trotted off to bed and thought I would meditate lying down to help me get back to sleep & because I felt like meditating :)

After a while (maybe 20-30mins) of Anapanna meditation I felt an indescript feeling that i could only relate as a familiar pre-OBE feeling. I then shifted focus to my body and there was a general feeling of something but definately no vibrations of any strength. I then went back to Anapanna as I had no intention of projecting. Before I knew it I was asleep and found myself in the downstairs of my house. Because this happened about two weeks ago much of the detail is gone from memory but I found myself suggesting to myself that I was having an OBE. I was talking to people telling them i was having an OBE. I remember this woman I was talking to was suggesting, "No, No. You're not having an OBE you're high on Marijuana".. I use to smoke the stuff so was then a little unsure.. I KNEW absolutely I was in an altered state of reality and felt very light and free and thought "No, I'm not high I'm in an OBE".. The theme downstairs was that it was my nextdoor neighbours birthday.. The interesting thing about this is after I woke I asked my Mrs. if she knew when the neighbours birthday was, she said "I know he's a Pisces (sun sign) so it must be soon". I saw him a day or two later and asked him and it turns out it's in early March.. cool huh!! Much of the rest of the experience is in fragments except for a part where someone else was attempting to convince me I had been smoking marijuana".. I was thinking "I sort of hope not".. Then I felt what I was experiencing..and it was so much nicer than any marijuana high i have ever experienced (and thats heaps) I was convinced that I was OBE and while in OBE thought to myself "People wish they felt like I do now when they get high".. then I wondered, "Is this what people are hoping they are going to be experiencing when getting high?".. I wonder...

There was one time in this OBE that I considered shifting back to my body to prove to myself that i was OBE.. Just the mere thought of doing that produced a feeling in my astral body that made me aware that my physical body was indeed asleep in bed with strong vibes .. I knew I was OBE by this feeling and decided to stay.. I believe by going back to my body consciously I would have retained better memories but it was so nice to be out and i could feel i could sustain it so i played the staying out game :)


One other thing that happened was fairly unusual for me.. I had an alien come to me in what i describe as a vsion (while sleeping) and it said "We are coming"... This alien was reptilian to look at (though never seen one before, not even a drawing) with green skin and scales. It (he) was short.. Maybe 5'2" tall and had very broad shoulders very little neck... It's manner was urgent though friendly, it seemed like it was warning me so I'm not so surprised or fearful when they come. It felt like it (they) almost HAD to come to Earth,like they (it) had very little choice... Although I believe Alien beings most very likely exist (due mainly to the masive expanse of galaxy & universe out there) - I have never spent much time thinking that they would be coming to Earth and even less time that they would come in a form/manner that would allow them the be visible to us... Over December/January I was reading an e-book by Tayesin from Astral Pulse which speaks a lot about UFO's Aliens and the like, so not sure how much this influenced this encounter.. Maybe it just allowed me to open up to allow this being to contact me, but who knows?


The last experience I consider a very Lucid Dream.. the main theme in it was me practicing my flying skills.. Couple of interesting things to note here.. 1. Spent most of this flying lesson in the car driving position (like sitting in the car seat).. It was quite fun :)

More importantly I note that 2. This experience (considered an LD) was much more colourful and vivid than the experience I called an OBE earlier.. The main differences & why I categorise them differently is I had much more awareness in the OBE.. In the OBE I believed that I was OBE.. I'm sure from the feeling I got, if I did try to move back to my physical body I am SURE I would have ended up in my bed with vibes all over my body.. In the LD I felt like I was dreaming.. I was aware I was dreaming but had no awareness of my physical body or any desire to go back and no desire to do anything else but fly... :)

I hope something here may help someone in some way,

Thank you,

Dean K
I was having quite a pleasant lucid dream that I was totally content in.. I could fly, I had pretty close to full waking consciousness at times, but I didn't feel like moving to an AP which is now often my goal when becoming lucid…

I was in a scene on the road of my primary school.. I felt like I was in my twenties or later..

Where this becomes interesting is when I get tired of the dream and decide to take some more control..

My current AP target has been Dec 2012 – Jan 2013… Every now and then in the day I recount that this is my target..  So when leaving the Lucid Dream it was natural that this is where I wanted to go.. Though I forgot to get ready for an AP (ie. aim for physical body back in bed -> project etc)..

I actually seemed to move forward (in time) within the lucid dream.. My desire to go forward in the future caused me to spin around (I actually believe that the scene around me was spinning and was I still)..

Whichever way it was, I found myself in what I took for 2012 (though no way to tell other than this is what i was aiming for) – (nothing much had happened by the looks of it!)…  I then thought I should actually aim for Jan 2013..

When I landed, I was in the same location.. things look the same as they do in reality though compared to my earlier lucid dream the scene has now changed to night..

I’m in Australia.. same locale.. nighttime.. behind me is the service station just as per reality.. I stand underneath it's cover and close to me are a few people.. There is quite a large storm off into the distance... with substantial amounts of lightning.. The ground feels as though it is trembling off into the distance (but i can't be sure about this)..

I look to the storm and lightning and ask someone next to me “What is that?”..

“That”, they said.. “Is Krakatoa”..


So I'm not sure where I landed, but if it was Jan 2013, part of me on some level must think that in Jan 2013, Krakatoa has recently erupted or been erupting???

In waking life I have wondered if there will be an increase in volcanic activity while moving to 2012..  though I've never consciously thought about Krakatoa particularly (though i know of it)..... so I'm not sure how much this influenced what I saw,

I've had a few minor events lately but nothing worthy of mention till now..

An hours worth of continuous projections you ask? I think I did experience this, and I'll tell you why later. I believe I could have probably kept going longer if not for needing to remember the experience and therefore choosing to wake up before projecting when close to awake at the last stage.

This is not all fun and was a little scary at a few points but I survived and learned much about controlling the experience and how to switch environments when in a projection!!

Firstly how this occurred.. I have finished most of my university degree, only a few weeks clinic and a few weeks external hours left.. My Mrs and I decided it was time to eliminate our 6 1/2 months child's nighttime breastfeed.. Other than she's old enough to not need it, it's just making us - particularly my Mrs too tired as there may be more than one feed... Anyway.. tonight/this morning was the first day we eliminated the feed.. so my Mrs tried to put her to sleep when she woke around 3am, then me, then both of us (while we chatted with the light on) then the Mrs again. After about 1 1/2hrs (she's quite stubborn) she fell asleep then us.. basically we were up for quite a while, which I believe helped bring on this experience.

It felt like moments.. soon after laying down (though I must have been asleep so can't be sure - but) after what felt like a continuous stream of consciousness - I began to feel vibrations then felt and heard my ears popping (which I'd never experienced before).. I knew what was happening so went with it.. My astral body almost moved itself out of my physical - I didn't even have to try - I just went with it. The aim was to roll out of bed, out and onto the floor...

When I landed on the floor I couldn't move - the room was dark and my vision poor - Then I could feel someone on top of me. "Great!" I thought as I thought it may be my Mrs. on top of me and she was in the mood for some astral sex - i like that!  :-D

I still couldn't see well and aimed for some more vision.. I could see as if through a small slit - it could be my Mrs. but not sure.. Then my mind questioned "What if it is not my Mrs. and its something more sinister?"... I had some minor fear... I asked to see who it REALLY was... I was now enjoying the experience less as not only could I NOT MOVE.. it may not really be my Mrs. on top of me!!

I wondered about dark entities I had read about and wondered if when I looked that I would see a vampire or similar just about to bite down on my neck instead of my Mrs..

When I got more clarity it was still dark (it was mid-morning) and who I saw was the Gene Simmons character from the 70's band KISS though with a tiny body and big (but not full sized, head). After just now looking on the net it shows that his character was "the demon" so not sure what that says... anyway I started to feel fear again but instead of panicking I thought "I do not want this to be happening" and tried my best to send this being some love and light and I was free!!

The scene changed and I felt like I was projecting again.. I will say here that for almost every time except one (later) - each time the scene changes I either do it deliberately by spinning/twisting turning or similar or I feel like I'm back in my body and doing the last part of the projection again with stepping my legs out etc...

As said I had multiple experiences.. the first few were projecting into the room I was sleeping in.. after the idea from the first experience - having sex with my Mrs was the best thing I could think of now, which IS very nice, and that became my goal as she was in the first few projections.. strange alterations in the scene etc ie. Her character changing into other characters, which I even tried to stop, meant I never got very far with that goal. (The character changed shape but the rest of the scene was stable which was interesting - different than in my dreams).

Sometimes I projected into the room and it was dark, sometimes a light would be on.. one time I turned the light on (and it worked)... - usually if I projected or spun and altered the scene and it was very dark I projected/spun again as I didn't want to project into the dark after my experience with the KISS character..

Often I was flying.. In the most interesting group of events I projected into the bedroom, flew outside and it was daytime... I figured I was in the area where I lived.. I thought about validating the projection experience so looked around closely for markers and areas I could recognise later... In one particular direction I noted I flew higher over a little hill and almost on the top of this rise nested amongst the houses was a frangipani tree (I view this our Mine/Mrs. flower - another story) and just past that another plant which I though I would recognise in it's location/proximity to the frangipani but can't remember the type now... just past those to the right was a house with a large flag hung over it's brown painted wooden fence...  the flag was on it's side, blue and with a half moon crescent (laying on it's back) and some other symbols (all in white) .. most which I can't remember now.

Then I remember projecting here again later (so I think this exists somewhere).. I took the same flight path past the same plants and eventually found my way into a house/barn/room. There were animals.. pigs (small ones).. geese or similar and others.. I had floated in here and a few in this room weren't too happy.. I wasn't supposed to be here.. The person most bothered by my presence looked like a man but had a face that resembled a pig (in ways without the pig nose) - I took this as the person in control of these animals - I noted a few other 'people' that had faces like animals - they didn't seem like good people .. I didn't want to bother anyone too much so decided to leave through a different entrance. I flew past a few beings that did the old "wooo.." ghost noise but I didn't take too much notice and kept going...

In one other scene I wanted to visit my parents (they live 7hrs drive away)...  one time earlier I had seen some of my family (my Mum with my son and Mrs. etc) but not my Dad, and he was the main one I wanted to see.. I projected again and when outside my current house I saw the same things.. The rise of a small hill with houses, the frangipani etc.. I figured I needed to travel in the general direction of north to find my parents and once I'd established that direction I flew off - actually this is were I ran into the pig man house I think..-

Anyway the way I appeared at my parent's house was different. The conscious stream was not as strong.. It was sort of like I was seeing dark then opened my eyes, and I saw myself flying towards my parent's house.. My daughter (6 1/2 mths) eventually appears there and I'm carrying her while standing at the top of the stairs. I want to give her an experience of flying so I jump off the stairs (hopefully I'm in the astral), fall for a little (which was a bit scary) and then manage to fly while carrying her...  she rolls over while in my arms and we can again see the outside of my parent's house.. I fly over and land on the steps and my Dad is there.. it now seems that I somehow hit my daughters head on something - maybe while flying - (though i didn't) - and she had a little bruise on her head that my Dad helped me attend to..

That's about the main bits. It was much more amazing than it reads. The feelings. The realness. The people. The flying:)... The continuous projections and the spinning was also fantastic.. It was truly awesome.. The only real scary bit was with the Gene Simmons character at the start.. otherwise this was the most cool projection experience I have had to date...

I believe most of 4:30-5:30am this morning was spent projecting..

The mentioned area outside my house I was visiting might be like what I experienced on some level as it was repeatable... Lets see if anything can be used for validation.. Pity I won't be flying around my neighborhood in real life anytime soon to find out!!


I've just woken from this so it's an exciting start to the day to say the least..

I was dreaming.. it was a lengthy, vivid colourful dream one NEARLY worth telling.. eventually it progresses and I notice the scene in the dream has changed.. It's still vivid and colourful and because it has been so vivid I wonder how I got to this scene.. Plus I'm naked and no one else is.. I'm sort of sitting/lying on the grass in this scene.. a quick question to myself suggests this is a bit weird and likely a dream! Here I become lucid.. My Mrs is sitting beside me on the grass.. I'm super excited by this point.. I pat her on the back a few times with love and excitement and shout a feeling like "Yes! OBE?" :)

The plan was clear.. just sit up in bed! As the scene moved from the dream to the back of my eyelids I felt quick but most pleasant quite unusual vibrations (different than i'd ever felt doing vipassana) throughout my body.. AND i simply sat up...

I could see a little in the bedroom but it didn't last long.. I then found myself in my body again and tried to sit up again... I felt the vibrations again but this experience also didn't last long.. I remember something happening on this exit but after waking I couldn't remember this exit aside from the actual exit sensations and then sitting up... I then found myself in my body (again with vibrations) but now i had difficulty sitting straight up.. I moved around a bit in an attempt to get out and at one stage had no idea of my orientation with regard to my physical body. I was completely confused...

I remembered one of the Lucidology videos and decided the way I was facing was possibly the same as my physical body so I decided to switch ends and hopefully have my astral feet up the end of my physical bodies head (Phew :) !).. Anyway this felt more loose and I found that a bit of rolling loosened me up and I simply rolled out onto the floor.. I could feel the floor underneath me.. I then crawled as I couldn't stand and crawled to the end of the bed..

At the end of the bed I felt lighter and stood up and at the same time as I was just about to look for my physical body in bed I was so excited that I screamed my partners name with excitement saying "look i'm out"... My two children were there and came running up to me (though my youngest is only 5months and sort of floated/ran to me).. I heard them giggling and laughing and obviously happy with their Dads transition to this state.. but then I noticed my physical body wasn't asleep in bed and the sheets on my side of the bed were even pulled back :( I thought I was actually awake and the rolling onto the floor and everything else after that was experienced in my physical body..

At this point my attention wavered and I slipped out of consciousness... A very short time later I then noticed I was still lying in bed.. damn! I tricked myself! I could feel vibrations again and started to remember the experience and got so excited about remembering and writing it down that I couldn't exit again as I was becoming too awake!

Two interesting things:
1. I believe this was my first OBE as exit sensations were present and I feel like I had the same/similar consciousness in the short OBE as I do while awake although I was definitely not in the RTZ (Real Time Zone)
2. Interesting how I/we devalue the waking state enough to be happy to loose and consciously aim to loose consciousness in it at times - Thinking I was awake in physical and devaluing the awake state is why I lost consciousness in this OBE experience.

I posted this on my blog this morning, any other help would be appreciated.. thx in advance

"I was in deep trance twice in the last two days in an attempt to project and both times I felt the desire to open my eyes and found I had what I assume is sleep paralysis over my entire body, except I could move my eyes, and later my mouth. I knew the paralysis was part way along my goal to projecting and as a result had no fear at anytime in the experience (which lasted 3-5mins).

I watched closely for a few minutes to make sure I wasn't partially projected or something similar but I was definately watching through my physical eyes but the rest of me from neck down was in paralysis... I attempted a few things to try to turn this into a projection but was unsuccessful..

In order to use similar future experiences and turn them into a projection I did a little research on the internet and found this:

The OBE & Lucid Dream Quickstart version 1.0a available here

In the Lucidology quickstart guide I read this:
Here is very simple exit method by a forum poster named tsunaH which works surprisingly well. Once you’re in 100% stone cold sleep paralysis you’ll find that you can control:
1.) Your breathing
2.) Your eyes
3.) Your face
When you reach 100% sleep paralysis your breathing is physical but your eyes and face have shifted into nonphysical focus.
What you do is shift your focus in to your face which draws you in to nonphysical focus completely. To do that, simply open your mouth and continue breathing in the slow sleep-breathing rhythm your body will already be in.
This will initiate the separation process and you’ll probably begin to hear rushing noises and vibrations which are both effects we’ll talk about more in Lucidology 101. Once things have quieted down again you’ll be in an OBE and can just get up out of your body in the nonphysical version of your bedroom.
from The OBE & Lucid Dream Quickstart version 1.0a p.9 - Craking the safe: The "Open Mouth" Exit Initiator

I believe that I will find myself in this sleep paralysis situation in the future and I hope this method may allow me my first full conscious projection experience."

Hi guys,

Not sure if you care but...

After inspiration from our friend dbmathis in a thread posted here i have decided to record my astral experiences and insights on a new blog..

Thought it may be handy for a number of reasons:

  • It's a cool place for me to record my experiences
  • It would save me posting some of my experiences here .... comments & insight about experiences either mine or related to mine are welcome on my blog
  • My blog, being mine, will naturally differ from db's "The Malleable Light" blog and other blogs out there & therefore may assist a different segment of the community
These are the main reasons i have chosen to proceed with the idea :)

I come from an Astral Dynamics/Robert Bruce school of AP. I have read virtually no information of Robert Monroe's  :-o Though i have used Hemi-sync products in the past and am re-experimenting with them again..

I am a person who has had years of meditation & lucid dreaming experience though have not achieved a conscious OBE from the awake state. My blog will reflect the insights, patience, difficulties & solutions i discover as i learn to consciously project. Due to this i envisage it will be of most value to those who are at a similar stage in learing Astral Projection as myself.

Care to check it out visit:

I am not knowledgeable on html code etc... so as i learn some, expect the site to undergo changes in the way it looks and feels...

Thank you for your time,
Newmethod  :-)

Personally I believe my greatest challenge in having conscious OBE experiences is:
i'm such a good sleeper....
if were to go to bed to sleep... i would generally fall asleep in about two minutes or less (seriously..) and not wake till morning...

To learn OBE i am having to keep myself awake longer and change my habit... This often creates an uncomfortable feeling in my body as i keep myself awake now for up to an hour... I normally start to feel uncomfortable in my body after 30min-1hr of doing this...I usually choose to give up and go to sleep...

Anyone else feel uncomfortable after a while of keeping their mind awake while body falls asleep?
Will this feeling subside as i get use to keeping myself awake?

Is it worth pushing through it, or is it best to rest when feeling uncomfortable?
If you do push through it what is on the other side?
At the moment the energy that presents itself and makes me uncomfortable feels like it could give me insomnia or at least force me out of bed for a while before i could go back to bed for sleep

Thank you,
Wasn't sure what section to put this in.... figured it would get more looks here:

A phone rang on planet Earth.... i could hear a noise on the other end but i couldn't understand what was being related to me at first i put the phone down.... then the answering machine picked it up.....the machine spoke - the message was being translated for me!!!

The message went: "Yeah.. Hi there.. it's just me god.. i was trying to leave you a let you know where i am..... but it was so long ago that we started this journey.... i wasn't sure you'd remember where to look, or even if i still existed... so i decided to leave you the Earth to remind you...."

hee.. hee .. heee....:)  Orrrhhh..  sweet... 8-) :lol: :-o :-) :-D :-o :-( :x :lol: 8-) :? :-( :-) :-D :-D :-D :-D :-) :-) :-) :-D :-D left with nice warm fuzzy....

The phone hung up and i just stood there in silence.....  :-o :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

My desire.. through my practice of AP is to prove to myself that i am not limited to my physical body & that my consciousness will continue to exist after the death of this physical body...

I can get myself to the vibrational state and feel i am progressing fairly well..
I am an experienced lucid dreamer..

Question: How different is an AP/OBE from a lucid dream? ... because the more i read from this site the more similar they sound...  :|

Will my main goal of Astral Projection (should i reach it) help me understand that my consciousness can reside outside of a phsical body?
If AP's are so similar to Lucid Dreams then i doubt i will reach my main goal & may be wasting some of my time...

Thank you,
I've re-entered the world of OBE, Astral Travel etc a few weeks back after being away (focussing on other things) for a few years..

About two weeks ago i read:
07-16-2007 - Tim W.doc from

Since then i am having numerous coincidences appear in my life all around me. I haven't been looking for them but they have become quite noticeable coincidences that can't be ignored & for some reason i hadn't been seeing in my life over my OBE absence..

I also notice i have become more focussed in other areas of my life... maybe OBE is for me...

I wonder if the coincidences were there and i hadn't been noticing them or that somehow i have more recently aligned myself with spirit and the coincidences are following me as i'm back on some sort of "right track".  :-D

Thank you tvos, you continue to inspire the community  8-)
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Kriya Yoga
January 21, 2009, 00:26:44
Anyone know more about Kriya Yoga..

i have tried a few times unsuccessfully to find information on the technique itself..

Anyone know of anything on the web i can access for free??
Lately i figure i must be fairly sensitive to energy.

As if i am to put a herb in my mouth - ie tribulus, brahmi, ginkgo biloba, Liquorice (amoung other things) i can feel some amount of (possibly) energetic effect upon my body and mind (and experience some of the sensations or feelings that happen after eating the herb for a week or longer or a few hours of digesting or drinking - depending upon which herb and how prepared).

Anyone else sensitive like this? or is it actually a level of sensitivity i should use?

I figure it is from sensitivity of energy body and awareness rather than any physical action becasue it is happening too fast to have any effect up any organ i know of, through any mechanism i am aware of.

PS. i'm a Naturopathic student so could be handy in future. i suppose it may not be that hard of a task to experience it by putting the herb on the tongue as one smell of an essential oil can create almost instant resluts (though this can - i think - be explained through physical actions) - it there more going on in the body at a quantum level than we know??