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Topics - Marker

I've been doing NEW for about 5 months now.  About a month ago I started to finally work on the primary circuit.  When I first started this I could only get the base an navel primary centers, then I started feeling drained.  Now I can easily get energy up to the throat center.  This week I was having a particularly energetic day, so I decided to try to raise energy up to my brow center for the first time.  This went alright at the time.  However, the next day and the day following I had a splitting headache; it gradually faded.  Being one not prone to headaches that often, I'm a little worried that I either tried to raise energy too soon, or maybe fed too much energy up the first time.  I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this and whether I should be worried about it.  Any advice would be helpful.

Hello, when I log in like at the top of the forum and stay logged in, whenever I try to click on anything IE freezes.  I can read forums and post by logging in for each pot I want to make, but I can't access pm or login overall without it freezing.  I was wondering what all my security settings should be, or anything ele that could be cauing this.

I don't know too many websites off hand but one thing I could suggest is trying running and audio search in kazaa or winmx for keywords like 'yoga' 'meditation' etc.  There are actually a few lessons 'on tape' in there that are really interesting and fun.  Give it a try. :)
lucky you. so what do you do with your "new" time[;)]?

i don't practice new, and i have very little energy right now so i can't really go around practicing with it (and therefore usually wasting it) much. even on internal things. but i found that when i did have lots of energy, i could go up to two days before needing to sleep. i loved it. but i was bored when i did it with nothing to really spend my time on [:P].
