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Topics - ThE_MaStEr_Of_PuPpEtS

Welcome to Astral Chat! / AP Noise
June 18, 2004, 09:03:53

When I have vibrations, than it's more a noise from inside. Those feel like some energetic erruptions that I can't compare to the usual acustic noise. Can't really share my OBE, coz haven't had a good one yet (although trying hard) but eager to hear some from others :-)))

I believe no one can say whit certainty that the bible is the word of god, for the simple reason there is no proof of that, it could have been written by a few intelligent men. Still it could be partly true or who knows maybe it was inspired by a "god", there is enough between heaven and earth for the possibility that it was influenced by an outside source.

I think there is a real possibly Jesus existed, but I doubt it was the person who died on the cross described in the bible, I think he was a wise person trying to help others. I think your right to think the story of Jesus the person is probable changed a lot and used by Church for their own benefit.

I think a god could exist, it hasn't god anything to do whit the bible, Christianity doesn't have monopoly on god, but I think the term god has been misused a lot. Would you call life force (the driving force behind all life) god or is god the being who created the universe, should these two have the same name?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Astral Pulse Talkshow
January 13, 2004, 10:17:09
Yea ok, just post when it will be up and I will tune in.
I believe you will find some good information at our Welcome to Permanent Astral Topics!

Lots of good stuff there, enjoy! [:D]

Nay [^]
Welcome to Astral Chat! / The Answer
November 17, 2003, 17:37:53
Post other quotes if you want.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Mysteries of the Mind
November 17, 2003, 16:55:42
Mind-over-matter only works to a certain extent.  I was stung in the back by a wasp and felt it right away!  Pure, physiological response.

Pain is nature's way of alterting you to the fact that something is wrong, so don't treat it like a bad thing.  It's better to go on a seek-and-destroy mission than to try to use "mind over matter" to ignore it.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Ku Klux Klan
June 20, 2003, 17:46:14
You do mean the real KKK?  The whole bed sheets and pointy hats KKK?

It is idiotic.  For an individual to believe that they are supirior just because of thier skin color and background is ludicris.

To simply hate a person you don't know because they are a different color, or they are shorter, taller, wider, thinner, dark haired, white haired, no haired, Jewish, Catholic, Buddist, younger, older, smarter, dumber, geekier, weirder, more or less insane is just that...INSANE.  

You know what?  I don't hate people how think like this.  I feel sorry for them.  I have had many friends who were or are racists and biggots, but they are not extreamists so I have been able to look past it.  But if they were just to pick a fight with some one walking down the street because of any of the above listed then I would most likely side with the person being attacked and not the one who was my friend.
Well I've only been using the NEW for a week but for me it seems beneficial even though I only do it in my idle time. My 'idle time' is before going to sleep and in transport (and after waking if it's early).

It seems to have a slightly energizing effect while leaving me relaxed and focused. I may have increased the clarity of my dreams but I'm not sure about that.
Welcome to Dreams! / I had a weird dream
May 01, 2003, 10:45:42
A man coming to you in a dream may mean someone may be approaching you in the near future. There is a comparison made between a fly and a moth. The two may be characteristics like yourself about something. Potato chip suggests a food or snack. This could be about something your hiding behind, something such as food, or a situation you are hiding behind about feeding yourself in learning something. Look at the behavior of the fly and the moth,a fly is out during the day, the moth at night(drawn to light),and other such things as these. Night usually means hidden issue. Potato is grown from the ground, probably about a daily matter in your life. Watch for any of these things to pop up in your life. It's easier to catch something mid-air than catch (discover) something hidden. Hope this gives you a few clues. [:)]
hm.. tough one.. I'll say... maybe.
bush all he wants is the oil and i think he is the third anti-cris
i found out about ki was 4 months ago well scrolling some chick

j/k about the scroling part