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Two nights ago, I was unable to sleep. I had been up with my girlfriend until about two in the morning when she decided to go to bed. Not feeling tired at all, I attempted to sleep none the less. Thirty minutes into my honest attempt at slumber I finally gave up the notion to sleep and thought I would practice my relaxation technique. I turned on my back, as I usually do when meditating, and started a full body relaxation progression from my feet upwards. After repeating this two or three times I felt everything below my chest completely relax to where I couldn't feel anymore. This is an unusual experience as I am usually only able to achieve this state with my arms and feet. Feeling confident, I focused on small areas that were not already 'numb' to relax them as much a I could. I did this until only the very top of my head was left. The moment I went to relax the very top of my head I felt an intense 'shift' of consciousness and energy all throughout my body. My heart rate shot up and my entire body wanted to tense itself. Attempting to suppress the muscle tension I tried to 'ride the wave' of energy. The energy died down and I found myself focused back on my body. With nothing else to do at the time and no hope to sleep I continued to relax my entire body over and over again, each time experiencing the intense rush of energy and symptoms associated with AP yet never reaching astral projection. I must have done this for more than three hours because when I finally called it good it was nearly six thirty in the morning.

Note: my original intention wasn't to achieve astral projection but to practice relaxing my body. It was only after the first cycle that any inkling of astral projection entered my train of thought.

Some feedback would be great, especially on ways to get past the symptoms (e.g. increased heart rate, and energy) and achieve astral projection.
About a week ago my avatar image will not show. I only see the small replacement image. I have tried to change it with different images, both from a url and from a file stored on my hard drive, every time resulting in the small replacement image as before.
In preparation for astral projection I am relaxing myself fully and trying to quiet my mind so that I may enter the trance state. I stretch and relax all my muscles once or twice through. I then just try to quiet my mind by using breath awareness and other similar techniques. Once my mind is successfully calmed and a deep relaxation is all over my body I find that I enter a state where I am no longer conscious of my thoughts in real time. It's like my thoughts start to wander tremendously but I am not aware of them at the moment they come up. I can only say that they were in my head after I come out the state that I am in. I am also not aware of this state while I am in it. When I get any inkling that I have been in this state I come out of it. This has been troubling me since it happens every time that I mediate. I am sure someone has had this similar experience. Anyone know what this state is or how I might deal (or not deal) with it?

Thank you for your time,

Nathan Gaul
Hello everyone,

Being a book lover, I want to get an overview of what everyone has in their collection that is related to Astral Projection.
To start off, the books that I have are below.

Astral Dynamics by Robert Bruce
Journeys Out of the Body by Robert A. Monroe
The Projection of the Astral Body by Sylvan Muldoon and Hereward Carrington

Thanks for sharing,
