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Topics - AstralDelight

I need a hand.

For the past few weeks I have been having lucid dreams a lot, and most of the time not intentionally. But what happens is usually right after I recognize that I am having a lucid dream the dream immediatly starts to escape me. I can never manage to keep the dream for more than a few split seconds after I recognize I'm dreaming. The all I see is black, and then when I "see" again, I am in a state of sleep paralysis, and eventually my body wakes up, still tingling, almost pulsing. Everytime I have a lucid dream, the tingling/vibrations I feel as I awaken are incredibly strong.

Why does my dream just fade out like that? I'd like to be able to control the dream for a while...
I have flying dreams often and am familiar with those.

Yeah, you were probably lucid when you started to fly. The mind usually cant handle flying whitout being lucid so you were most likly semi-conscious and had like clairvoiant abilities at that moment. This happens all the time with me. I start to wake up in a dream early in the morning. And my "third eye" is still quite active and I can see behind my eyelids or start to remote view something. Could have been that. It seems to me like the third eye and "dream vision" use the same nerve channel as the normal eyes do.

Sorry to hear about your problems, a few suggestions and points:

- When a thought is injected into your mind, what is important is not that thought (which is, essentially, only information), but your *reaction* to it. So, if you twist inwardly, allow yourself to be horrified, get angry etc, that is precisely what it wants. The solution is to be slightly disconnected, don't trust what you see, what you hear, or what you feel. Instead, just be warm to yourself at all times. When you see the horrific things being shown to you, just smile inwardly, mentally nod towards it, but best you don't dwell on it. This is not a try-not-do-to-this type thing, because the very act of trying to stop yourself from thinking something, just doesn't work, it only adds fuel to the fire as it were. Instead, it is simply being in a state which is not one of horror or worry, but thinking that whatever is going on right now, its OK, as long as you are warm to yourself, it doesn't matter. The mental attitude is all important - you might want to try meditating and creating this feeling, get to know it more.

-That said, it is still best to try and get rid of it! We are all human and to have absolutely no reaction, is probably not possible. You might want to try drawing all the sacred symbols on your body, especially draw a pentegram on your forehead (third eye). Ask me if you want me to go further into this. Also get some running water going under your bed. This is all in RB's PPSD, you should probably get a copy of it. If the sleep paralysis is you being attacked (not OBE in progress), drawing sacred symbols all over yourself (in the correct places), will solve this completely. It is also just a generally very healthy thing to do when you are in trouble. As are many of the countermeasures eg room cleansing etc, as per the basic psychic countermeasures article.

-Again with the anger, dissociate yourself from it. I don't know if this is possible or not. Don't try and repress or push down the anger though, let it pass through and leave you. Repressing emotions is a reeeeeaaaaaaaaally bad idea!! Just smile and nod.
This attitude was explained to me only a few weeks back, and has solved massive psychological harshness I was putting myself though. Have you studied quaballah? The way it was explained was "precisely delineating tiphareth". Think of it as being like an island of calm in the middle of stormy seas, above and untouched by surrounding turmoil.

Hope this helps!
Hi Astral Delight

To begin I certainly agree that it is important you still have a head.

Concerning the buzzing at the top of your head well this is potentially a side effect of energy work (your post suggests you do practice some form of energy work beyond relaxation?) but it's the pain that's got me leaning more towards a conventional medical cause.

So now for 20 questions - Do you have a history of sinus problems, allergies, or migraines? So the buzzing you seem to have all the time at the top of your head changes to a slight pain with buzzing when you relax? Or would you say that the pain is probably always there and its only when you start concentrating on increasing your body awareness that you pick it up?  

Kind regards
