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Topics - Aaron330

Have had about a year and a half hiatus from projecting/LDing which has been very hard for me. I've still been trying hard at my techniques as always, but literally haven't had a single experience in over a year and a half now. I've pretty much given up hope.

Then I was listening to the Joe Rogan Podcast the other day and they were talking about how they trigger Lucid Dreams by taking acetylcholine, which is a chemical the brain produces during sleep. Apparently it triggers very durable lucid dreams. One guy on the podcast even mentioned that going to sleep with a nicotine patch on which triggers LD's for him.

I did some research online and found a pill called "Galantamine" which has been called the "Lucid Dream Pill". You're supposed to take it in the middle of the night after some REM sleep, and it produces higher doses of Acetylcholine in your brain which triggers very long, durable lucid dreams. I ordered some and am going to give it a try.

Has anyone here had any experience with Galantamine, Acetylcholine or Nicotine patches to trigger lucid dreams?
Finally, SUCCESS!!

I haven't had a projection since January because of my schooling. I've been trying rigorously since the semester ended, but to no avail, until today. I laid down around noon for my Saturday projection attempt, used the Monroe Hemi-Sync 10 track as I have been doing (and I fell asleep well before I even got to the part where he says "now I am going to count to focus 10). I woke up once the track stopped, and I put my ear plugs in and eye mask on and tried to fall asleep while doing the "noticing" exercise combined with imagining myself on a roller coaster. I ended up having a dream where I became lucid, and when I became lucid I felt my body tingling everywhere and the loud astral wind noise, so I decided to try and move my arms. I felt my pillow and my bed and thought "darnit, I moved my physical arms", then I remembered that I have made this mistake before, so I just trusted it. I rolled out of body and started "flying" with outstretched arms like superman. But while flying I could not see anything but blackness. Instead of getting frustrated, I just tried imagining a city below me and it slowly started to appear! But only very slightly, and then it faded away. After that I slowly woke up.

I am VERY excited about this, being the first projection I have had since January. However, I am wondering if the way I project is a problem. I've always projected by allowing myself to fall asleep, and then become Lucid during sleep either through hearing a loud ringing noise, or becoming lucid in a dream. From there I always use the roll out method just fine. I'd like to learn phasing, but I feel like I'm far too light of a sleeper to "phase" directly into a projection. Maybe next time when I become lucid I should try using a strong sense of imagination to go somewhere instead of using the rollout method? What do you guys think?
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Physical Healing
June 15, 2015, 13:36:18
One thing my mind has been mulling over a lot lately, is the idea of supernatural physical healing. When I was an evangelical Christian, I was raised in a culture that believed strongly in praying for people to be healed physically. We believed this because we believed in the life and words of Jesus that physical healing, the way that Jesus is written of doing, is absolutely possible for us if we simply have enough faith. When I left Evangelicalism and sort of became a naturalist for a while, that whole notion seemed silly. However, I cannot explain the literally hundreds of supernatural healings I've seen take place. I've prayed for people and seen them instantly healed of things like chronic back pain, terrible eyesight being turned into 20/20, short legs growing out, sickness, migranes, even diseases such as cancer I have seen people instantly healed from. I have even seen a dead person be raised back to life. I myself have been healed of a number of things that I have no way of explaining through naturalism.

On the other hand, I have never seen a stump limb or withered hand grow out back into a normal hand, or someone with down syndrome brought back to normal health. But it seems obvious to me that physical healing is most definitely possible if someone believes it enough. However most Christians believe that people are either healed because it is "the will of God" or not, which always bothered me tremendously. Because why would God heal one person and not another? Why would God heal my headache, but not heal this poor child from leukemia? It seems to me that it has more to do with how much belief the person praying has.

My question is, how can we explain this phenomenon in relation to consciousness? If we look at Quantum physics, we know that the "Observer Effect" shows that particles take position based on how they are observed. What are your thoughts?
Just wanted to get some advice on a particular thing that keeps happening to me recently. I spend about two hours on M,W,F mornings trying to project, and 1 1/2 hours on T, Th afternoons. Lately what's been happening is that I fall asleep (sometimes this happens at night as well) and I become aware out of a dead sleep that I am phasing out. I have the hot liquid, astral wind, and strong vibrations all going together. I focus on the sensations out of habit, but it is as though they are not as strong as usual. I end up just sitting there for a minute or so with all the sensations going, and they slowly die down until I wake up. I've also tried remaining completely passive, as if I could care less if I project or not, and this has the same effect. The sensations die down and I wake up.

My question is, how can I turn these close encounters into projections? Is there any mental imagery I should try to use?
I've been thinking about this a lot recently. As a Christian, I always believed I would be in heaven forever with my parents, wife, children and other loved ones. However in recent years as my beliefs have radically shifted, I've come into quite a different understanding of how things work. In my last year or more of reading about NDE's, the Astral realms and such, I've run into a problem that I can't seem to find an answer to.

Will we ever be with or see our loved ones again after we leave this physical life? I've heard a few Tom Campbell lectures where he says that when you hear of people in NDE's meeting parents or loved ones when they die, he says "they are not really there. It's just data. The real person is already off in another life somewhere". I can't help but find this horribly depressing. I am very close with my mom in particular, and I can't imagine that when she dies, I'll never really get to be with her again. Whenever she says "I love you Aaron" I find myself almost tearing up when I reply "I love you too" because I can't stop thinking about the possibility that I might not see her again after she dies. And more recently its been happening with my wife. I can't bare the thought of losing these people forever into the realm of infinity after we pass away.

Can anyone answer from experience if they know whether or not this is true?
Finally, after 4 months of not having the slightest bit of success, I had a projection again this morning! What a relief...I had been depressed for months over this. It took me longer to learn how to project again than it originally took me when I started from the beginning lol. The reason for this is because I was wanting a chance to become better friends with some guys I work with, and they play this game online every night called "League of Legends" and had been trying to get me to join for a while. I finally gave in about 4 months ago, and ended up getting pretty addicted to it, staying up late every night playing so that I was too sleepy to project the next morning. This was obviously a huge mistake because it derailed my projection experience for 4 months until I finally was able to get it back again.

I actually got extremely close yesterday and was on the cusp of exiting for what seemed like minutes, but I was too excited and it scudded the attempt. This morning I repeated the same exact routine as yesterday knowing that I'd need to remain totally passive until the full shift was made. After about an hour the trance was starting to wear off and although I'd been having hypnagogic sensations the whole time, I felt myself waking up. So I used my "last ditch attempt" method of rolling onto my stomach in my sleep position and trying to just nose-dive to sleep, hoping that I would awake to a projection. Well, this time it worked! I heard the high pitch ringing noise and just focused on it out of habit even though I was very much asleep. It escalated quickly and I felt myself phase into the NP.

The strange thing was that I thought, for some reason, that I had moved to my couch out in the living room. So I thought "alright I need to roll out to my left now that I'm on the couch". So I flopped onto the floor and started demanding my vision. Slowly it came into focus and I was sitting in my living room from the house I lived in as a child, only it was a greyish and gloomy version. I noticed that the clarity of my vision was actually better than ever and I could see the house in much better detail. I thought to myself "I never get to see my sleeping body when I go OBE, so I'll have a look!" and when I looked at the couch there was no body there, only a blanket and a bright yellow pillow, which I thought was strange. I walked into the kitchen and remembered what I wanted to do during my next projection, which was to experience my higher self as Robert Bruce encourages you to do in Astral Dynamics. So I shouted "I EXPERIENCE MY HIGHER SELF" 2-3 times with a strong intent, and then I heard the ringing noise again and felt myself phasing somewhere else. But instead of going somewhere else, I simply woke up. Once I woke up I couldn't figure out why I thought I was out on my couch, and I suppose that's just a sign that I didn't have my full and complete level of awareness with me yet to remember that I was sleeping in my bed.

Not sure that I have enough experience yet with projection to do something like go to my higher self, but I'm sure that will come in time. I also know that I'm not actually "rolling out" of my body when I project, evidenced by the fact that I actually just rolled off of a couch I was laying on in the Astral lol. However I haven't learned how to phase straight away yet and this method works for me for now, so I'll continue to use it until I learn how to phase directly. Just happy that the 4 month drought is over!
Not sure if anyone has tried this already, or something similar, but I came up with an idea while editing a night-time projection alarm I'm working on. What if you went to sleep with earbuds in, and made a track that would repeat every 30 minutes or so throughout the night, softly enough to where you wouldn't wake up from it, but it would be going in your subconscious. You could make it say "I realize I am dreaming" or "this is a dream" or whatever. It would repeat softly twice an hour in your ears so that it would hopefully catch you while actually in a dream, or at the very least sort of gear your subconscious up to become lucid.

Does anyone think this could work?
I've been trying not to make too big deal a deal about this, since I've read other threads like this on here before. But I haven't had any success at all since the 6th of July when I had my last projection. Without going into too much detail, some things came into my life that took my focus away from projection for a while, and as a result I haven't even gotten close to a projection since. I practice for an hour every day for the past two months, right after I eat breakfast. I've managed to feel some vibrations, but that's it. I am doing a long 45 min Kundalini meditation about 4-5 nights a week to get my energy up, practicing in the middle of the night when I wake up at every opportunity, etc. But its like there's a brick wall there now. I had better luck when I was learning from scratch.

What advice do you have for long, miserable periods of time where you can't seem to have any luck at all? How did you break through your plateau? I'm trying not to get discouraged but I've been do depressed for months over this because projecting is and has been one of the most important things to me.
Came across this video on youtube and was intrigued. The stuff he says here goes against mostly everything I've read on these forums, so I didn't give it much weight. But this guy seems pretty convinced there are real dangers to projection. The lower 4th dimension, evil etheric thought forms in the RTZ, etc. I know these are all real things we can "experience" if we believe it, but I am certain they aren't any kind of real danger. However this Bob Sanders guy says these evil beings can attach to you and you can bring them back to the physical and be tormented by them.

I am interested to hear what you guys have to say about his opinions. I have always been intrigued by "demonic possession" in this sense because I've seen many "demonic deliverances" in my evangelical Christian days that were pretty flabbergasting. Older women speaking with the voice of a large man, super-strength of throwing grown men off them with one arm, etc. I wonder if any of this "attachment" business is true. What do you guys think?
Very happy to have had my first projection in almost two months now! My last projections were the ones I posted back in May or early June where I had two on back to back days, and the second one was extremely long. I think I'm on the right track in how I'm understanding these experiences. I'm trying not to let too many books or other sources influence how I interpret them, but rather let the experiences speak for themselves.

9:22am- Went back to bed to nap playing binaural beats for 20 minutes. My dog jumped up on the bed and laid next to me which meant I knew I wasn't going to project because I'm far too light a sleeper and she would probably wake me up from scratching herself or snoring or something. So I just decided to nap, although I really strongly wanted to project. Eventually she jumped off the bed and about an hour later I "became aware" through the usual loud ringing noise. I focused on it, and I was surprised at how much quicker things progressed and how easily I "got out of body". Usually it feels like I'm trying to roll out of a bed of quick sand or something. Today I popped right out with almost no resistance.

I started walking to the bathroom, still with no sight at all, feeling dizzy. As I clung to the bathroom door frame looking towards the direction of the mirror, I knew my sight was going to come in, and sure enough it did without me even having to say anything this time (usually I have to scream VISION NOW! Like 20 times). I looked at myself in the mirror, impressed with the detail of my non-physical body and how it looked perfectly like my physical body in the mirror. Suddenly I saw a person walk into the bathroom behind me in the reflection of the mirror. I knew from reading not to be freaked out but to have a mild curiosity. I turned around and nobody was there, but when I looked back in the mirror, I could see her standing there. It was my wife, wearing nothing but a T-shirt as she does when she sleeps at night. I immediately turned back around and wrapped my arms around her. We kissed and I held her head in my hands as I looked down on her with love. She said "Aaron, I've done something..." and I said "what's that sweetheart?" I knew in the back of my head that this wasn't really my wife of course, and I wanted to move on to go somewhere in the Astral, but I was very emotionally caught up in this moment and couldn't seem to get myself away.

Just as she was about to answer my dog was snoring loudly and it woke me up.

So from what I understand, the version of my wife that I met was probably just my own emotional interplay which created her there? The only other option as I understand things, would be that it was a real astral entity who took the form of my wife to fool me. I don't think that was the case though. My clarity and awareness still made this feel like a Lucid Dream, although I know it was indeed an OBE because of the exit methods I used. Clarity and awareness is slowly improving each time though, which is great!

Any input is much appreciated!
Went through a phase about 6 months ago where I looked up every NDE account there was on youtube, read every book I could find from Nanci Danison, Eben Alexander and many more. If anyone has watched an NDE video such as on this youtube account or on then you know very well that just about 98% of them talk about meeting "The Light" which is similar to what we would call "God". They always talk about this "Light" being overwhelmingly loving and completely non-judgmental. This was very comforting to me as I have grown up Christian but was starting to doubt if there was any kind of "God" or deeper meaning to the universe at all.

So anyway, I'd just like to hear your opinions on what you think this Light is? Many NDE'rs describe it also as "Prime Creator" or "The Source". Nanci Danison refers to it as "Source" and gives the idea that it is basically the total collective consciousness of everything, which is able to simultaneously appear as One great entity and split itself up into a "bajillion" different pieces in which to experience this vast multiverse it (we) has created. I guess I believe that we are all apart of this "Source" who is experiencing reality in and through us, while remaning One at the same time. I'd like to hear some dialogue on this so I can get my thoughts straight on it. Has anyone experienced anything in the Astral that could help answer this question perhaps?
I'd especially like to hear from the "veteran projectors" who've been doing this for a long time, but newbie's (like myself) are welcome too.

How often do you go intentionally project into the non-physical? Once a week? Twice a week? Every day? A few times a month?
I posted this in my thread yesterday about having my first OBE, but decided I should just put it in a new thread so I can get some insight here. This was actually a very long experience and a lot of stuff happened (much of which I can't remember), so I will condense it as much as possible.

Last night I woke up at 3:30 am and could not fall back asleep until 6:30 due to a thunderstorm. Once my wife got up at 7:15, I put my eye-cover on and tried to get maybe another hour of sleep. As I had drifted into REM, the loud ringing came in my ears to my surprise, and I focused on it. It immediately got jet-engine loud and I felt myself phase out and my astral limbs started moving. I rolled out of my bed and started crawling. I thought I would try to stand up, so I did and I was fumbling about everywhere, couldn't see at all. I would hear the ringing come back and feel myself laying down again, to which I would pop out of my body again. Each time I heard it I simply focused on it again to keep my awareness in the astral. The third time, I walked out into the kitchen, still not being able to see very well. I demanded eye sight and suddenly I could see! Everything looked different than in real life, and my wife was out there making breakfast or something. I started putting my hands through her and it was almost as if she noticed. Then I started floating around up on the ceiling and saying "look i'm flying!". But I couldn't stay up in the air very long. Our kitchen looked very different and I knew it wasn't the RTZ for some reason. My wife was complaining about trying to open something or whatever and couldn't. I tried to remember this so I could tell her later to see if it was an RTZ projection or not, but once I woke up later I realized it definitely was not. 

After messing around for a few minutes, I tried to wake back up in my body, but I was paralyzed and couldn't wake up! I said out loud "I want to wake up!" but nothing happened. I tried to kick and jolt about on my bed almost like throwing a temper tantrum, and I thought for a minute I was awake but it was only my astral body which was flailing about. I laid there for a minute frustrated and not knowing what to do. The ringing came again very loud and so I said "what the heck lets go again!" and I phased again.

As I was phasing to the ringing noise, I was looking at some cartoon looking mobster/gangster guy from the 20's or something (suit and top hat on, smoking a cigar tommy gun in hand), so I focused on him and suddenly I knew I was in a huge room because I could hear all these people talking and things happening. I was fumbling around in total darkness and I couldn't see a thing. I demanded sight now probably twice and things started looking clearer. A third time I pounded the ground with my fists in frustration (i was on my knees again) and said "I WANT MY EYE SIGHT NOW!" and suddenly I could see! I was in a huge rectangular room with a low ceiling where all these Pixar cartoon looking people were watching a movie (with the gangster guy on the screen), sitting at round tables and such like some sort of company awards ceremony set up...but they were all pixar cartoon versions of people! I realized I had been standing here front and center for a while probably looking like an idiot screaming about not being able to see. I didn't care that much everyone was staring at me because I was finally freaking projecting and it was so cool!! I walked to the back of room thinking "wow I must be somewhere in focus 3 of the astral!" and I remembered reading about how there are infinite dimensions with strange things, people and characters in the astral, and I must be at one of these places. So I made my way to the back of the room while everyone nervously stared at me, and I waited there for a second, until everyone looked away, trying to contain my sheer excitement. There was a really ugly bald guy sitting closest to me, and I remembered Robert Monroe saying he can stretch his arm, so I wanted to try it out. I stretched my arm out and grabbed the top of his bald head and pulled him towards me sitting in his chair. He looked at me, obviously pretty scared and so I pushed him back with my stretch arm. When I pushed him back his whole face was jumbled up like happens on cartoons sometimes! Then the whole room was staring at me again and talking like "what is going on here? Who is this person?" so I thought I'd better get the hell out of there. I phased out to somewhere else (can't really remember at this point because it was so long, but I was trying to fly again) and as soon as I did my wife came in the room with my dog and it woke up my physical finally.

This was definitely another notch up on the awareness scale from yesterday's OBE. Remembering it, it just feels like an extremely Lucid Dream, but I know it had to be a projection because of the way I kept phasing with the ringing noise. Based on my little knowledge of Astral Projection thus far, I think I was definitely in Focus 2 when I projected into what I thought was the RTZ. This was clearly some sort of imagined double of my house and my wife. I am not sure if the second experience was somewhere actually in the Astral (focus 3) or if it was focus 2 again. Please let me know what you think about this.

Worth noting, when I told my wife about this experience, she told me that while she was getting ready she heard me whisper her name, and it startled her and she turned around to see if I was there, but I wasn't. I remember calling her name a few times when I was fumbling around in the dark, and again when I projected into what I thought was our kitchen. I called her name to see if she could hear me. Any ideas if this may have been real?
I believe I finally did it! I've had about a dozen very close projections where I've just been stuck in my physical body, but I've never been able to fully get out and move around.

Just now during my morning projection attempt, I woke up about an hour into it with the high pitched ringing noise. The constant ringing in my ears has actually been a huge blessing because it has made projection 10x easier. All I have to do is focus on the ringing noise when I hear it and it immediately becomes jet-engine loud and I then hear the star-trek beeping sounds and boom...I phase into my astral body. This is what happened today as usual, the only difference is I waited before trying to roll out, until I felt my astral limbs rising up. Sure enough I felt my leg start to float up, so I went with it (I was laying face down) and heel-kicked my way out, grabbed the side of my bed and pulled myself onto the floor! I immediately looked at my astral hands and noticed they were white and dimly sparkling, like ghost hands. I was beside myself excited so I just kept crawling towards the door knowing I would go right through it. Sure enough I did and it was the coolest feeling! I continued to crawl down my hallway, still having very low awareness and feeling like I was drugged up. I passed my bathroom door and decided not to look at myself in the mirror cuz I've heard people say not to. I really wanted to make it outside so I could fly. I crawled all the way into my living room and as soon as I crawled out the front door everything went bright, and my physical eyes opened.

I am only wondering if this was real because it felt very dream like. Pretty much just like a lucid dream. Probably one small notch above an LD on the "awareness" scale but not by much. Either way it was the most exhilarating experience and I can't wait to do it again!
I've been having alot of success again this past week, every day I've been inches away from an OBE. Finally today I believe I did it, although just briefly. It took me three times to get it right. The first time I started to hear the high pitch "tuning fork" sounding ring and so I knew it was time to start imagining myself in motion. As soon as I did the ringing sound got extremely loud (as usual) and I felt myself strongly phasing somewhere. I was staring at an empty room with a table and a chair on the other side facing me (sort of like a police interrogation). It never came fully into focus but for a minute I was there and I could see it pretty clearly! But I thought "I hope i don't think of the physical and ruin this!" which of course I did.

The second time I was just laying there asleep but sort of conscious, and all the sudden it felt like I hit my head against something! Either that or like someone gently bonked me on the head with a 2x4. I can't say that it "hurt" necessarily but it was just as real as the physical and it startled me, even though I couldn't see anything still. I screamed out "what the hell?!" and opened my physical eyes. Perhaps my astral body hit its head on something? lol

The third time I finally was able to flop out onto the floor, and I actually had some vision this time! Although it was very dream like, and my vision looked like a klidescope. Anyways, super excited about the progress!
I haven't been able to practice projecting at all in the last 3 weeks (which has been very depressing to say the least) as I have gone through a big move and got a new puppy, which demands constant attention right now and for the foreseeable future. I have been doing energy work each night before I sleep to sort of try and maintain any progress I've made. I have been noticing something that's been happening quite consistently for a while now.

I've read Journeys out of the body, far journeys, and adventures beyond the body, and they all have the same pre-projection descriptions. It always goes something like this: "Went to bed for the night, started my counting sequence and the vibrations came on strong immediately..." and it has sort of gotten me curious as to whether or not I'm doing something wrong, or if it is just different for everyone? Because when I project, I hardly ever feel vibrations, maybe 1/10 times. But what I always feel, without exception, is a very powerful liquid heat feeling go through my body. It's as if my body becomes filled with radiating heat (and it feels very good actually). This happens just minutes into my projection attempt and remains throughout, sometimes getting extremely strong.

So I am wondering, could this liquid heat sensation be my personal version of the "vibrations" that so many people get?
The last 3 or 4 projection attempts I've had, the same exact thing has happened. I go through my routine as I lay on my couch, and after 30-60 minutes the sensations start. Warm liquid surges through my body, it tingles sharply all over, sometimes I'll feel vibrations in my head, etc. Eventually as I drift in and out of sleep, I'll feel a strong surge of floating motion upwards, along with a strong "astral wind sound" in my pineal gland. I have learned through many failures that I need to just relax and let the process happen, not get excited or too happy in the least. This has been working marvelously as I feel the sensation of being shot through space or something (much like Frank used to describe) and eventually it stops. I arrive in what I believe is the 3D blackness. Today however was different as it was more intense than ever, and instead of just hearing the astral wind sound, I heard an extremely loud beeping sound, which immediately reminded of a sound you'd hear on Star Trek  when they are about to teleport through space. It was so loud it actually hurt my ears. Yet I remained calm and ended up in the 3D blackness. It feels so good. So I remained calm for a minute or two, enjoying the warm feeling and free floating sensation. Then I decided "I'll try an exit technique". So I tried the roll out. Yet it felt like I couldn't move. I was barely able to move my astral body at all. I thought about trying to grab a rope, yet couldn't move my astral arm. It felt heavy and paralyzed. So I relaxed for a few more minutes and thought, "I'll try and demand for vision or clarity and see what happens". So I said "Vision now!" Nothing but blackness..."Clarity now!" nothing...I did see some sparkling lights go by in the distance. But that was all. Then I relaxed for a minute again and thought "I'll direct my focused point of awareness somewhere and try to end up there". I thought about seeing my living room as intently as I could. Still nothing but blackness. Then some dumbass plane decided to fly over my house which woke me up. So rude.

This has happened 3-4 times. What can I do to get out of this blackness and start exploring? I don't care where I go. RTZ or somewhere in the Astral. I just want to get out of the blackness and start having fun!
Curious if anyone else here is watching "The Cosmos" on Fox and becoming as intrigued to explore deep space as I am? I feel like I'm pretty close to having my first legitimate Astral Projection, but one of the first things I'd like to do is have a guide give me a tour of deep space. I'd like to see the Pleiades star cluster, many of the gorgeous gassy nebula's, other planets with intelligent life, other galaxies, and maybe even supernova  :-D

I know some of the more experienced projectors here have said that exploring space is boring (if you're just floating staring at mars or the sun), but I think asking a guide for a real tour similar to the kind you get from watching The Cosmos would be an amazing experience. Anyone else think so?

(you can check the latest episode on Stars here)
Been reading through Franks posts pdf, I'm about 300 some odd pages in. I am intrigued by a lot of what he talks about in his experiences in the Astral. Particularly the beings he describes as "Scamps" who apparently exist just to play tricks on you. He says they each have some sort of "party trick" that they will play on you to get a reaction, usually fear I'd imagine. So my question is, are these real beings? Or are they simply energy beings that are projections from someone's mind? How can you recognize them before they try to "scamp" you? I still am trying to understand much of the dynamics of life in the Astral.
Since coming out of Christianity last year, I've thought alot about things that have happened spiritually that I cannot sometimes explain adequately. I've always been a critically thinking person, so I find myself mulling over past events that have happened in church "revivals" and such, and I was wondering if anyone here had some good explanations for these things. As a disclaimer, I'll just say that even as a Christian I knew that 95% of the time these things happened they were faked by people. But almost everything that's abused and overdone in Christianity has its root in something real that happened. I'll list them below.

1. When I was young we had a "healing revival" and multiple times I saw someone get hands laid on them and fly backwards over 2-3 rows of chairs. I also saw someone stuck to the wall once with their feet out 8 inches off the ground.
2. Being "slain in the spirit". I've had it genuinely happen one time where I was prayed for and felt a surge of power come through me, and I wasn't able to stand and needed someone to catch me. 95% of the time I've seen this (just about every Sunday most of my life) I know it is fake, a-la Benny Hinn, and people are just pretending so they can feel holy or something. But it really does happen sometimes.
3. Feeling "the anointing" or "the glory". I've known a few men who carried such a strong "anointing" or "presence of God" as we call it, that when they walk into the room you can feel the atmosphere shift even if you aren't looking. One time I was in a meeting where "the glory" fell so hard that everybody was down under its power. Nobody could stand or get up for about 10 minutes as it felt so "thick". I remember feeling powerless and overwhelmed by it, although it was a phenomenal feeling of course.
4. Speaking in tongues. Against 95% of the time I've hard it, its just mumbo jumbo people are making up. But on one occasion when I was about 13 my dad spoke in tongues and about 10 Spanish speaking people in our congregation heard him in what they called "perfect Spanish" prophesying to them. I have no way of explaining how or why this happened.
5. One time the "anointing" was so heavy during worship that what looked like a literal bolt of lightening flashed across the front of the auditorium. I still remember it vividly, and its still crazy to think about.
6. Demonic possession. I sort of understand this better from reading about the astral, but I still need more of an explanation of it. When casting demons out, usually what we would do is speak in tongues, or say the name "Jesus" to the spirit, both of which would cause the person to cover their ears and scream saying "Stop doing that!! AAHH". Then we would command it to leave in Jesus' name and the person would throw up, and then roll over with this glossy-eyed look and say "what happened? where am I?"

You can see how these kinds of experiences would strongly reinforce your religion in your mind. These kinds of things happening routinely to Pastors and Christians around the world only solidify the fact that everything they believe is true. My dad for example, would never even give me the time of day to listen to what I believe now. He gives me this concerned look and cuts me off at the very beginning and says "You need to be careful son, you're worrying me" As if to say "there's no chance I'm wrong about what I believe, so clearly you've lost your way, and that worries me". And that is only when I talk to him about Christian theology I disagree with...If I told him what I really believe about spirituality, he would start an all night prayer-vigil for me and have people across the globe reaching out to "Bring me back into the Kingdom of God". So needless to say, I'm never going to have that conversation with him.

My explanation for some of this is simply the fact that thought is primary energy, and when you get a room full of people that believe strongly in something, some crazy cool $#!7 can happen. The other explanation I have is that these "men of God" who carry such a strong "anointing" with them really, really love God with all their heart, and they are very good people. Love is the highest vibration, and some sects of Christianity are all about Loving God and Loving people, which is a great way to live your life. Science has discovered that we all emit an energy field based on our emotional state. Carrying this high vibration of Love can probably lead to an aura of energy that others can feel around you. I can remember times in my life where my heart would be so full of love for everyone and every thing that I would feel like I was about to burst open. I would pray for healing for people randomly on the streets and it was wonderful. So I'm sure this can cause people to feel an energy around you that they would call "the presence of God". Which I suppose, is an accurate term for it.

So ex-Christians, non-Christians, and current Christians please feel free to weigh in with your opinions. Obviously there isn't going to be just 1 right answer to anything, so it'd be nice to hear what other people think, and other experiences you've had as well.
I've been listening to a lot of Robert Bruce interviews, and I find myself a little bit annoyed with the fact that he seems to think the hardest part of Astral Projection is remembering it. He spends the entire interviews talking about how to remember your AP. Here are some direct quotes from him:

1."Astral Projection itself is childs play. It's very easy to learn. The real difficulty is in remembering your Astral Projection"
2."Your first 5 out of body experiences or so, don't stay out longer than 10 seconds. Just look at your hands, they will melt. Then savagely, passionately jump back into your body screaming MY HANDS MELTED! Then write down these key words, then write down the entire experience. If you don't, you will definitely forget it"
3."20% of the work is getting out of your body, 80% of the work is simply remembering your experience"

So I understand that writing down every AP experience is definitely necessary, it's a smart idea to shout key words as you re-enter, and that remembering your experiences is probably a challenge for sure. But 80% of the work of AP is just not to forget it all immediately? That can't be accurate.

I've read and listened to A LOT of expert projectors talk about AP, and never once have I heard anyone talk about this issue. Which leads me to believe that Robert Bruce's opinion on this may be a bit over the top. I remember most of my dreams, I can remember my 1 Lucid Dream like it happened yesterday, in great detail. You can't tell me that if I consciously project out of my body and go visit Mt. Everest or something, that I will immediately forget all about it when I get back into my body. Especially if OBE's are just as real and vivid as waking reality, like everyone says.

It makes me wonder if Robert Bruce's advice here applies more to people in their old age, like 60's and up. Because I can't possibly imagine an experience as amazing as being in the Astral Realms and meeting spirit beings and such being difficult to remember. I'd imagine it would be impossible to forget.
Well I've been working hard every day for a couple of months now, reading AP material a few hours a day and practicing projecting a few times a day. I've made some great progress but I have a ways to go still. I think a problem I have that most people here probably don't is that I'm an incredibly light sleeper. It usually takes me forever to fall asleep. At least 1 night a week I'll lay awake for a few hours or longer before falling to sleep, just thinking. I wake up extremely easily as well. Because of this, it is incredibly difficult for me to enter the mind awake, body asleep state. What I have to do is basically just go through my affirmations and get as relaxed as possible, and just allow myself to nose dive into sleep. Because I'm such a light sleeper I always end up waking up as soon as the vibrations kick in, and when I wake up my body pumps the adrenaline right away and I become very alert, which kills the SP right away. The other thing that happens is as soon as I fall asleep I feel like a hot liquid rush through my body and a very strong floating sensation, which also wakes me up immediately. I'll find a way to overcome this in time I'm sure. I am having a huge increase in my hypnagogic sensations now as I always hear loud noises or screams of lost souls or my name being called by my parents when I'm projecting. So I take that as a sign that I'm making progress at least.

My question is regarding my third eye vision. I've been using Frank's method of letting my awareness shift up to my third eye/crown area and doing the "noticing" method from there. This has been so effective that over the past week I've actually kept waking up looking out through my third eye as if I'm having an OBE, either staring at my ceiling or at my wall if I'm sleeping on my side. It surprises me and then I wake up. Does this happen to anyone else? I'm still in my body, but my third eye keeps getting activated and I wonder why I can get that to activate, but I can't get my energy body to leave? I haven't read anything about this particular thing happening yet so it just seems strange.
Have any of you guys read this book or seen interviews? I've read hundreds of NDE's, and this one is particularly interesting to me. It sounds like he basically had a typical NDE, went out of body and went to his version of "heaven" seeing "Jesus" and "God the Father", as well as some relatives like his grandfather and miscarriaged sister that he didn't know existed. So its safe to say that the "Jesus" he walked and talked with was a projection of his own idea of Jesus? Or could it have been a spirit guide who was posing as Jesus to make him feel comfortable?

The part that confuses me is that he was barely 4 years old when this happened, so he couldn't have had that many beliefs formulated by then, right? I remember believing in Jesus at that age, but I didn't know much about him besides that I was to "believe in him" and that he loved me. Is it also safe to say that the family members he saw were real family members who were there to greet him and such?

Watch this recent interview with Sean Hannity and tell me what you guys make of this story.
Yesterday I did reality checks throughout the day for the first time. I went to sleep repeating my intentions to become aware I am dreaming. I had a normal dream, woke up, wrote it down, went back to sleep and woke up at my 5:30am alarm which is when I attempt to project. Well I ended up falling asleep instead and I had the most amazing dream of my life. I dreamt I was on this summer camp type of resort with some friends, and I was talking to my buddies about projecting. They said they had been doing it for years and I was like "what? Man it feels like everybody can do this but me!" Then I noticed that the writing graphics on my friend's t-shirt kept changing. I grabbed him and said "dude your t-shirt keeps changing" then I paused and said...I must be in a projection! And I immediately flew up into the sky. My mistake was thinking I was in a projection instead of a dream.

This happened I believe because I fell asleep attempting to project, not lucid dream. But I almost don't care because this was the most amazing dream of my life! I flew all around and was literally screaming for joy while I was doing it. It felt so real! I was convinced I was in the astral because of the clarity of the dream. I landed in a forest area and called for my spirit guide, who appeared in the form of the caterpillar from Alice and Wonderland. He taught me alot of things about how to control things with your thoughts in the astral. Long story short, I woke up to my wife sitting up in bed to her alarm and saying she needed to shower. I told her I had my first projection and was so elated! She said "what happened??" and I said "you wouldn't believe me if I told you". All of the sudden I woke up AGAIN and I was actually physically awake and my wife was still asleep. This was when I realized it was just a dream and not a projection. But I know it was Lucid because I have never been so aware of my train of thought in a dream and I was processing through all the things I want to do in a projection. I was really in control of my body, just didn't realize it was a dream.

My question is, how do you guys project from a lucid dream? Basically once you realize you're dreaming do you say, "I want to go out of body"? And is this a more effective way of projecting than the sleep paralysis method?
I've read many methods people use to achieve projection, but I've ran into some confusion. There are very different methods for accomplishing this, such as the sleep paralysis/exit techniques and the "phasing in" type of methods. My questions are:

1. Is there any difference between using the "phasing in" method and sleep paralysis? Some people will focus on a picture of where they wanna go and then close their eyes until they see it and then step into it. Is this different than a conscious exit from the physical body and floating around in your room?

2. Which method do most of you veterans find easier? Phasing or SP? Would you recommend a beginner start by learning one or the other?

3. Many of the vet's here claim that they can project without being in SP or being unconsciously asleep at all. I've even heard some people can project in like 3 seconds. What happens if you project when the physical body and mind is simply relaxed but not asleep? just curious lol.
I was wondering what some of you experienced projectors would have to say about an idea I had. I have been reading through "The Complete Works of Robert Bruce", and after reading through the section about the Akashic records, I had a few thoughts. I've read about the Akashic records a few other times and I asked somebody about this in another thread once. Would it be possible for some of you guys who are very experienced to look something up in the Akashic records for me during your next projection? The "experiment" factor would come into play if more than one person was interested in participating.

Like many people here, I grew up Christian and fully came out of that religion last year. But like so many people I have always been fascinated with the historical person of Jesus. I've heard so many theories on who he really was, what is true of him in the gospel accounts and what isn't true. Scholars can see that much of what has been said of Jesus (son of God, resurrected, ascended, is coming again, etc) was attributed to him by his Jewish following who were attempting to start a new religion based on him. But here's what I do know about him: He was a brilliant Jewish man who was deeply centered in God, who somehow became extremely enlightened far beyond his time, and was a radical revolutionary on social justice, equality, and re-shaping the beliefs of an extremely fundamentalist culture.

I read an NDE account on once who said that when he was in Focus3 with "The Source", he like so many other people describe, had Universal Knowledge. He could know the answers to anything just by thinking about it. He claims he saw the life of Jesus. Here is a direct quote from his account: "I had the 1st person experience of the one called "Jesus." I had his entire life (remember, time does not exist). His name was not Jesus, something more like Josephus. He had regular mom and dad, no God intervention. He had a difficult birth and an NDE during birth. He had a difficult childhood because of his near death experience, he knew too much. As he got older he began to tell people about his experience. He told people not to fear death because they would live forever. He told people that after death there was perfect peace and a perfect state of love. He told people that everyone was exactly the same and everyone could know who they really were and awaken to their spiritual self. He drew a small crowd of followers. After a time some of his followers wanted to form a religion and replace the Jewish priests because of the money and power. He cast the power mongers out of his following. Five of them conspired against him. At his trial there were three witnesses against him, all were his followers. He was hanged (not crucified, he was just a petty criminal to the Romans). Being in a hurry the Romans cut him down a little early and his loyal followers carried his body off. He revived having had a second near death experience (his "second coming" so to speak). He lived for awhile hiding from his 5 traitorous former friends (the anti-Christ?) but died after a bit from his injuries."

So I'm admittedly not sure how this works, but I thought I would throw the idea out there. I would like to do this myself but I know it will probably be a long time before I am experienced enough to know how to find the Akashic records and how to properly use them. So I was just wondering if anyone here would be interested in going there during a projection and looking up the file of Jesus of Nazareth's life (or whatever his name was) and posting here about what information they find/see about his real life? I'm sure I'm not the only one interested in knowing as he is quite a major historical figure to say the least. If more than 1 person is interested we could turn it more into an experiment about how the information gathered lines up with each other or not. Let me know what you guys think!
Wow! I had my first real experience of an AP this morning! I listened to some binaural beats for 30 minutes, then eventually started going in and out of partial SP. I decided I just better go ahead and fall asleep and see what happened, as this is how I got close last time two weeks ago. So I eventually fell asleep and dreamed I was a cowboy on this small island in the Caribbean. I was stuck on the shore of this steep sand slope that I couldn't climb up, so I got out my rope and Lasso'd onto this giant rock up on top. In the dream, as soon as I lasso'd the rock and pulled it tight all the sudden I felt this extremely strong falling/floating sensation out of my body, and I was immediately looking at my room and holding onto a white glowing rope.

My astral body was at a 45 degree angle and it felt as though I was standing on my bed, but still attached to my physical body from shin area down. I was pulling on this rope and trying to climb as hard as I could but it felt like I was too weak! I literally could not pull myself all the way out. I was so frustrated because I was so excited to finally be out of my body and I wanted to get the full experience. I noticed that I had 360 degree vision all at once, and I noticed that a few things about my room were different, most notably the curtains were a different color. Well after about 60 seconds of tugging and tugging on that rope to get out, I laid back in my body and tried the "roll out" technique, but with the same result. My upper body rolled out and halfway off my bed, but my feet were still attached so I only rolled at an angle and couldn't get free! I was so frustrated. Immediately I opened my physical eyes and I was laying in the exact same position I fell asleep in.

So while very exciting that I got to experience it for a moment, also wondering why I can't seem to get my feet free. Might be a mental block I'm creating? Have any of you guys heard of this happening before, and what is your advice for next time?
So I've been having a lot of success getting into sleep paralysis for the past week. Pretty much every time I try I doze off, wake up, and feel the "hot liquid" feeling shoot through my whole body and the heavy lead blanket, etc. Vibrations will start and then I will drift back out of it. This happens about 5-10 times in a row, but I haven't been able to get into a full blown SP yet. Not sure why, I think I get excited everytime I feel myself entering a small SP which snaps me out of it again.

My questions though are for when I am able to get back into that full SP, because I think it will be very soon as I'm getting much better at it.

1. When you talk about exit methods like the "roll over" or "grab the rope", etc. (I've heard two different things here) Do I want to ACTUALLY attempt to roll over or grap a rope as if I was using my physical body, but assuming this will be my astral body moving since my physical will be in SP? Or do I simply imagine myself rolling over and try to feel what it feels like to roll or grab the rope?

2. When is the right time to execute an exit technique? Once the sensations of wind noise and vibrations die down and you get into the "still zone"?? I'm assuming once you get to that place you are free to execute whichever exit method you see fit? Or can you do it earlier when the SP sensations are still happening?

So I've been practicing projecting 1 or 2 times a day for a couple weeks (every morning at 4 am, sometimes in the afternoon when tired), and I am definitely getting more comfortable with the initial stages as almost every time I can induce some slight vibrations and usually falling sensation. I am one of those people who always has a really hard time falling asleep at night, so I think projecting will be a little more difficult for me. I wake up extremely easily so sleep paralysis is difficult.

Today in the afternoon I was able to fall asleep for 30 minutes, wake up, and try and induce SP. Executed it perfectly. I got very close to sleep paralysis and felt a very high level of dizziness and felt like the room was spinning. My consciousness definitely shifted and I felt a slight tingling. I eventually reached above me to "grab the rope" and it was just my physical hand. I wasnt in full SP yet.

My question is this: I've heard alot of ppl say they don't even need to get into SP to have an AP. What is your method then if you don't try and get into SP?

My other question is when is the right time to try and exit? Once all the symptoms subside and you get into that deep calm trance state?
I haven't had an OBE yet although I'm pretty close. I was wondering, for those of you who are experienced in having these, how real do they seem? When you leave your body and look around your room, fly to other dimensions etc, is it just as real as waking reality? Is it just as real and vivid as "real life", or is it more dream like?

Hey guys, been lurking on these forums for a while. Two days ago I attempted to project for the 3rd time ever (I've had no success yet).

I was laying in my bed using my "Ananda" meditation app which releases binaural frequencies that help induce higher vibration. After about 30 minutes I experienced the sensation I had the first time I ever tried to AP, which is the feeling of vibrations within my body and feeling dizzy, along with my vision starting to go white. It freaked me out and I snapped out of it. I was upset at myself for ruining the experience, so I decided to try again. 30 minutes later I had the same sensations again but MUCH more intense! My vision went completely white, as it looked like I was speeding through a white tunnel with colors, and I heard a very loud wind noise. My body was vibrating extremely fast and once again I got freaked out by the sensations and snapped out of it.

Being upset at myself again, I decided to try one more time before I gave up, since I was so close. 30 minutes later I woke up in sleep paralysis again and the sensations returned just as intense. This time I did not hesitate, but I "pushed" my head forward into the tunnel, attempting to lean out of my body. After a minute this subsided, and then a minute later it started again! This sequence happened about 10 times, and each time I tried to push even harder out of my body and forwards into the white tunnel. Yet I could not seem to get out of my body. I could feel myself "sitting up" in bed, where my waist up felt like it was out, but I was still attached from the waist down. I even tried to open my eyes and noticed no difference when they felt open or closed. After the 10th sequence everything went black and still, and as my vision panned out i saw what looked to be like a massive orange galaxy, but it was more dream-like than realistic. As soon as it came into view I snapped back and woke up in my bed.

Can anyone tell me exactly what happened? Did I try to come out of my body too soon, and should I have waited until the intense tunnel experience had passed? Would this experience be considered an AP?
