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Topics - kampersdream

Welcome to Metaphysics! / help seeing auras
March 05, 2003, 07:34:15
Try relaxing, taking a few deep breaths, and holding the tips of two fingers together. Looking past them, let your eyes go out of focus slightly. The idea is to look at the space around what you are trying to see the aura of. Slowly pull your fingers apart and there should be a wavy line or some light or some sort of indication that something is there between your fingertips. Mood, lighting, and background can be very helpful. Repeating the experience gets easier after you have done it a few times. With some practice, you will find that the combination of mood, lighting, and background will cause you to start to see auras around people when you aren't trying to. Of course, the more you work on it the more this will happen.
Welcome to Healing discussions! / contact healing
February 28, 2003, 08:32:23
Healing yourself can be easier than healing other people. For a treatment to work best, both the healer and patient must actively participate. It is common for people who want help to expect to not have to participate, but really the patient must do most of the work. In addition to acting directly to heal, it is a good idea to teach the patient some self-healing methods to be applied between treatments. Start by collecting a list of symptoms. If you can do diagnostic methods, so much the better. If you start by taking a conclusion such as "headaches" or "general fatigue" you could end up treating the wrong thing or even make things worse. When you have an accurate idea of what the problem is it is a good idea to combine general healing methods such as balancing energy with techniques to take care of the worst of the acute symptoms. This must be on all levels. Physical relaxation and exercise, control of the breathing, awareness of emotional states, and mental concepts. All levels need to be treated. Generally people will try to take care of themselves first with sleep, fluids, medicine, and watching tv. Then the doctor will be called in. When all of this fails, then maybe someone who heals with energy will be consulted. Even if the problem is only on one level of a person by now all of the levels have been affected and must be considered. Even while the worst of the symptoms are not under control, some sort of general maintenance should be taken up for preventing further problems. While you are doing all of this, it is important to maintain your own health and strength. Before doing a chakra balancing for a patient, do one on yourself. The better your condition is and the more energy you have, the more effective the treatment will be.