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Topics - Micael

For a while I keep having the same person in my dreams. This is a girl I have some unresolved feelings with but she's no longer part of my life for quite a few months, we just parted ways in a manner too far from ideal for my liking, it was also my fault. Now that that's out of the way because of this circunstance some time ago I identified her as one of my dream signs but as it happens I haven't been as focused as I would like in my dream recall, meditation and other pratices. So much so that out of the many dreams that she was in and also some other dream signs I identified I've never really reality checked or seen through them. I'm just a little bit worried that she won't go away from my daily dreams because I can separate things but still the dreams carry powerful emotions with them that I wouldn't necessarly want in my head anymore, it's been long enough. Maybe consciousness is just using her to nudge my awareness, because she's a dream sign I identified and she's there every other night and still I haven't managed to get lucidity this way a single time. Any opinions?
Hello guys, I'm wondering how many of you have experienced this phenomenon of feeling like you are in the non-physical for hours, weeks, months and beyond while you were projecting for a regular time. If you did, does this happen often to you? Do you feel like you can induce the experience? What do you think it is all about?
My question is, what do you guys think the vibrations represent as a signpost to your moment of 'separation' or phasing? I ask this because quite a few times I've managed to get the vibrations, in fact they're relatively easy to induce for me, I can get it right now as write by doing some full body circuit energy work but I never manage to exit regardless. So should/can it be an immediate sign of 'separation' or is it just another milestone? What kinds of vibrations do we talk about also, full body vibrations, partial vibrations, strong electric ones, some mild waving or really all of the above? I do know that all this varies but I'd still like to gain your perspective. Thanks.
I guess the title says it all. I am looking to know if there's anyway to see the topics a specific member has started as I only seem to be able to find member's posts. I've tried to figure it out or find a topic explaining but didn't found a way, is it impossible or am I missing something? Thanks!
  Hello guys, how are you doing? My name is Micael and I'm a 20 year old guy from Portugal who's pretty much been very invested in anything 'spiritual' and the nature of reality since the early teens. Almost everything went through the radar but I must say AP, lucid dreams and meditation stuck the most through all these years and were practices that at the very at least I always pursued ocasionally. I've become experiencied with lucid dreams, fairly adept at meditation and managed to have 2 or 3 short obe's that I could recognize along my progress. I know that there seems to be a perspective around that dictates that they're really the same thing, mostly I agree. Where I put my disctinction is that perhaps in AP/OBE you might be in a more often shared environment as opposed to your mental construct and subconscious mass and the added level of awareness OBE carries. To me that's the only fundamental change, but I am by no means a master so just giving you my thoughts.  :-)

Recently I've become unemployed and so I have a lot of time in my hands and a renewed interest and determination in pursuing AP daily as best as I can. It's been quite a few years and I'm not even that old, I'd like to estabilish these altered states in my life experience. I just read personalreality first experience post and I think his approach and input was very valuable so I plan to follow his directions and see how it goes since normally I am slightly more active in my attemps. I hope I can give and get some help from all you guys, happy to be here. Cheers!  :wink: