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Topics - vstachu

two weeks ago i came a cross Tom's videos and he basically confirmed what i was suspecting from quite some time (i needed out side confirmation) that you dont need work on chakras, you dont need vibrations, you dont need raise from body, you dont need sleep paralysis, you dont need specific amount of time to ap. Place, time, position it doesnt matter.
Everything is about what are my beliefs
This explains why Robert Bruce's 400$ program didnt work form me. I simply dont belief that i have to do all that chakras work or chanting for 24 hours ( which i did ) to proof my higher self that i really want ap ( like past 1,5 year of trying wasnt good enough proof ;p if we what to go this path ).
Unfortunately i started learning about ap from youtube videos and if you watch youtube 99% of ap videos contains all this old limiting beliefs 
So i stopped caring about vibrations, if my body is 100% relaxed. I sit in chair my head is not resting and i go much deeper than i ever been before. I didnt ap but i experience now many different levels of consciousness which i never experienced before, which is awesome.
I understand now why some people say that you dont go OUT of your body this is more inter exploration you go inwards and it actually feels for me like going more and more inside
Now i understand why Xanth said that you can ap standing on your head, i sat with cross legs on floor ( for test ) my back was straight  it wasnt comfortable i could feel my back but after some time i went deeper and deeper i wasnt aware of my back hurting any more when end and i brought back my awareness oh boy i could feel them ;p  Point is i can get to the same state on floor with my back hurting and when i sit in chair comfortably, Campbell can ap on one leg there is no reason why you couldnt ap upside down on your head. Position and physical relax is irrelevant

3 weeks ago i had ld i demanded full awareness now i immediately become much much MUCH more conscious so i knew what work i want to do i knew i need to be in my room ( doesnt matter why and what was my plan ) so i said i what to be in my room - nothing, i said when i turn around i will see my room - nothing, i found door i thought i will open doors and i will see my room - i opened doors nothing, i opened next doors and i see my body standing in front of me looking at me not moving, this scared sh* out of me it was ( then ) disgusting and creepy and i woke up.
After thinking about this amazing experience i realize ( i knew that before ) im not my body, im non physical, i dont need to be in my room its illusion anyway.

Over last 6 months im using phasing and noticing, watching hypnagogic imaginary 
Now knowing what i know i have questions.
Most of the time when you read about watching hypnagogic imaginary you see something like: watch shapes ,be passive ,then shapes become scenario and you being drawn into scenario. but why?
Tom Campbell said he is meditating then he is pure consciousness in black void and from that point he decide what he what to do healing remote viewing etc.
Why i have to be drown in to some random scene, i know now that this is illusion its pointless to appear on some random ship, its not pointless its unnecessary just like raising from body.
So perhaps this is another limiting belief because i expect something that will not appear just like vibrations
Now when i writing this its clear to me that people been drawn into scenarios because they identify themselves as body so they have to be somewhere, they cant be nowhere, just like raising from body if they expect to go out of the body they have to get out somehow or silver cord that "connect soul and body" 

I know that some people know what void im talking about 
how you recognize that you are in that void ? i assume that i never been in void so how do i know when im there
I understand that im asking about something that is hard to put into words  but if someone will take time and try i will really appreciate this

( im not making fun of or nagging people who beliefs that they need work with charkas etc if this work for you, perfect awesome )

Sometimes when i lying still in bed doesnt matter how, after 60-90 min my legs start hurt more and more and more until pain is so strong that i need get up because i cant focus any more and im fine pain disappears immediately. im perfectly healthy btw.
pain feels like crushing bones ( mostly knees ) it also happens sometimes when i wake up ( because i fell asleep during meditation attempting ap ) and i know that i want to ap so i dont move and pain occurs quickly.
again sometimes.
Any one know why this happens ? 
what are you thinking about when you watching hypnagogic imagery ?
i can easily go to that state when i start to see lights and shapes and sometimes i can "evolve" that to be able to see something that starts to looks like landscape but sometimes i start to see shapes / lights and they disappears.   now i did this soo many times but i have no clue what makes me to "evolve" that state and i have no idea why it stops instead of evolve
perhaps you have suggestion or you found some helpful trick
I was reading posts from 2003 on this forum and i found interesting exercise call Silly Little Finger Bending Exercise. I read in Bruce Moen's book  how to do it and what feeling to expect. I start to feel some physical feeling and i dont know if they are correct one because i never paid attention to how impatience or "be ready to go" ( as someone said here ) feels like. I found and other forum this :

"I've done this exercise a few times and the closest I've come to feeling intent is a tightness in my chest that gets released after I move the finger. Has anyone else experienced this?
I also feel a bit of a twitch in the back of my head "

And this is exactly what im feeling, tightness in chest and twitch in the back of my head
Im surprise that there is not much information about this exercise

So perhaps 12 years later there is some here who knows how it feels and where it feels

For those who dont know about this exercise,  here is quote from Ginny

Quote from: Ginny on December 17, 2002, 19:58:07's the Intent post:

In using the TMI Gateway tapes over 13 years ago, if I had known then what I know now about the placing of intent, I never would have spent so many hours hanging out in that inner 3D blackness--while using a tape---waiting for something to happen. I would get to a focus level and then just wait for someone or something to happen, having no idea that all I had to do was mentally state my desire---where I wanted to go, what I wanted to do. Now I know that placing intent is a simple thing to do. Actually we do it constantly and really never give it much thought.
What Bruce calls, The Little Finger Exercise: this is where I am now going to FEEL that place within where we actually place the intent for anything. I use this everytime I want to place the intent to explore because it works. As I remain relaxed, knowing I'm going to move, say, my index finger in a few seconds, as I approach that moment of actually moving my finger I first just feel and become acquainted with that area within where we make things happen. Some people 'see' color or perhaps an image, some just feel that inner place. At Bruce's workshop I 'saw' a soft orange color (why I don't know)...but most importantly, I became acquainted with what that area of consciousness *felt like*. And when you're there, move your finger. And then do it again but instead of moving your finger, place your intent (desire) on where you want to go in the afterlife, who you want to meet, etc. I must say here that I don't feel I'm explaining this step well....but I hope you guys can get the drift. There are times in the afterlife when I just relax and send out a mental my intent.

Have fun with this. It's only been around 10 days since we heard about this new travel method so I'm learning as I go...but as is true with everything in the afterlife, all of it is ours...available to all, at any time. And Adrian, Bruce has posted several messages at his conversation board regarding this, so you may want to pay a visit and read as I'm sure I've only given a rough idea here.

Much love...and I enjoy very much being a part of this forum. Thank you again.


Hi everyone
Few days ago i realize that, (in past) when i was charging my chakras ( base on what robert bruce talk ) i often start to have random movies/thoughts but without inner voice without talking to myself. I didnt know why i cant achieve that state when i try to project, later i realize that charging charkas was nothing more (in this case) than strong focus on deep breathing and visualization of energy. I did that few days ago (deep breading for about 40 min) and i start to visualize that im in my room ( i tried image this as much realistic i can so i brought back image of piano from memory ) i took a flashlight that is on my piano (which is true ) i turn on it and it became lightsaber from star wars ( and that part wasnt my i didnt think ohh and it will become lightsaber ) and i look at this lightsaber and i thought "umm what" and i snap back, im pretty sure that i project and i became conscious for a split of second
In past i have few experience with light, I was visualize that im walking on the street and at some point i randomly look at sun or car's headlight and they were oddly bight, blinding, realistic and i snap back in a second,
that why i choose to pickup flashlight.
*Any one know how to overcome this snapping back ?

I looked on forum but i didnt find answer


Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Noticing
May 15, 2015, 06:36:48
Im playing with phasing method and i feel that this method gave me the most "success" and information about me that any other method i tried in last 12 months
i can easily see something every time i do attempt which is awesome  im doing progress so yay

during noticing i start to see shapes and i watch them and watch and they slowly disappear i know about eye problem but i didnt notice that i change my focus, the shapes just fade
Any one know other reasons why shapes could stop ?
Hi everyone,
long time since i posted something ,
its 10th month when im trying AP,
month ago i started to think that im clearly doing something wrong and i decide to do things which i didnt believed that are required to AP ( clearing chakras, doing mantras for opening 3rd eye, now i started sun gazing and drink special vegetable-fruit juice [blehh] to clean pineal gland )

since i started clearing chakras and doing mantra especially after mantra i started to see easily random color light patterns when i have close eyes 
anyway since that time i started to experienced something that i dont know what it is and what to do with that

i relax, clear my thoughts and after ~20min i start to get this random "movies" of random things. During this movies im not aware of any thing i just see them in my mind its like imagination but more realish because you are not aware of anything until i "wake up" like a short vivid dreams ( these movies are short like few seconds and they are random )   sometime i gain awareness and start to see my hands but this is second and i wake up (also its rare) and after that im suck again in to this movies for few seconds and again and again. In this movies when i see source of light like a sun or car headlight or reflection of light on building this light is always very bight and im instantly wake up when i notice it

What are this flashes of movies ? is there any name for it
what can i do with them, is there any AP technique that use them to project ?

Thanks !

Welcome to Dreams! / looped command and LD
October 01, 2014, 11:48:02
tell me if something like this would work, please. ( some one probably asked about this but i cant find this )
if i create 8h mp3 with looped command : do a reality check, and  go to sleep while playing this whole night,
would i hear this command in my dream ?
or brain will considers it as background noise and will ignore it

i know that remee mask work similarly but instead of hearing you see flash of red light in your dream 


Im practicing noticing in my free time during day and sometime i see some stuff mostly flashes
Today i spend half day on practice ( with breaks ) and sometimes  i start to "see" after about 15 min and sometime i sit 40 min and see nothing

Obviously this is working because i see stuff but im missing the key that make me to see
So i read again in your book part about noticing

"(...) You can't just sit/lie there and "look" at the blackness, because that will do absolutely nothing (...) Simply
put, you won't phase using the noticing exercise unless you actually notice!"

I sit down close my eyes I notice a noise ( like camera noise ) and i stare in to that but nothing build-up and sometime i start see flashes

1. what key im missing ?
2. why this "stuff" fades away after a while  ? its because im looking to much ? im not passively observe ?
3. that flashes (or weird small shapes) is that hypnagogic imagery ?

Hi  :-D
So i been practicing and practicing and i achieve nothing  :-P so i thought it is time to change something 
So now im mainly spinning around :
*Bedeekin's method - for SP after nap ( no luck  )
*Visualization/Mental Rundown technique 
*Im always listen to music for ambient noise just to some random sound didnt scare me
*im now going to bed at 1am waking up at 3am i do my attempt, after that back to bed, waking up at 6am doing attempt, i stay all day till 7pm then nap after nap wait hour and attempt at 9pm and last attempt at midnight without nap
* and im back with reality check for LD ( i had LD in past so i will have ap anyway soon Finally :-P but in the long term i dont want to induce ap from dream )

so i went back and i started searching what i was missing, there is no secret that sleep paralysis is helpful to achieve ap for some people and most people are saying that time after sleep is the best time for attempt
thats why i changed everything

Obviously im much more tired  but im able to fall asleep at 7pm now
I never had sleep paralysis consciously , i never wake up with SP
Bedeekin's method and waking in the middle of night did not help
( i understand that SP is not required to project and some of you think that it even interfere with projecting but i will go with the majority that says that sp helps alot )
First Question
Is everyone able to "consciously induce" sleep paralysis ? or some people just cant do that ?

So when im doing my attempts (im tired) i listen to music ( 1h mp3 ) and i visualize and i fall asleep ( what is new to me ) before i changed my attempt routine i could visualize for 1-2 hours easily
and time pass very quickly now 40 min attempt seems like 2 hour.  What is weird and when i say weird i mean really really weird is that im waking up ALWAYS after 40-49 min from beginning of attempt ,
i dont know when i fall asleep maybe 10 min after start or maybe 25 min but i always get my conscious back after 40-49 min never 39min or 51min or 50min or 37min and
i can tell because when i wake up i get up turn off music and i see on clock  43:00 /1:00:00 
Today i get my conscious back but i didnt get up and turn off music i decide to stay and see what will happen because when i get my conscious back i always stay still anyway.
So i sit still and quite quickly my body parts start to jump. I never had hypnic jerks like that ( btw Xanth stretching didnt help me ).
after that i get up turn of music and i see on music clock/timeline  40:00, wtf
Second Question
That "nap" when I fall asleep during attempt is this something that can prevent me from projection ?
Im asking because i use to get up immediately after i become conscious again and i thought well i f* up again ( dont ask why i dont know why i was thinking that )
Third Question
Do you meet someone with 45 min sleep cycles ?
Im asking because i read that average sleep cycle is 1.5 hour and when im doing Bedeekin's method i go to sleep at 7pm I set the alarm to wake up hour later and i wake up after 40-45 min
I saw that Bedeekin's method work for people and i dont know why it dont work for me
Fourth Question
What is with these numbers 40... ?  :-P
I literally thought right now: i will look on my watch and i will see probably 40 something, its 1:45pm
Fifth Question
Why my perception of time has changed ?
"...before i changed my attempt routine i could visualize for 1-2 hours easily and time pass very quickly now 40 min attempt seems like 2 hour "

I thought that i will write everything down maybe someone has some cleaver suggestion  :-D


Just want to let you know that Michael Raduga just release Fairy Tales about nightmares  but generally they will be about oobe  i assume

personally i dont like him but idea is great in my opinion

Hi again everyone

Im trying now phasing methods from Xanth's book ( great book btw I highly recommend ) and I have problem (?) with hypnic jerk.

I have two types
first will randomly occurs like finger micro jump in the middle of session - i dont care about this one it comes and it goes
second one is the one that bother me and it almost always happens when im doing " Noticing " after i dont know 20min of staring into blackness  and seeing few random white flashes im drifting away and then boom my head or leg or arm jump ( i don feel falling sensation )

now i dont know :
Is my body doing me a favor because i would fall asleep ( like normal sleep )
it prevents me from projection for some reason  ? if it is, how can i overcome this  ? or how use this for my advantage ?

I dont have these jerks when im going to sleep only ap attempt
And what is interesting [for me] is that this happens only with " Noticing " , when im using "Mental Rundown" (visualization / imagining your self in some scenario to project ) i have only first type of hypnic jerk

( i read lots of posts about these jerks but i didnt find any useful information,i understand that it is natural
someone said that this is happening because of irregular sleep schedules but i dont agree with this one
please dont post wiki link ;p ) 

Hi everyone
I hope someone will tell me what i experienced because i cant put label on this 

[First it wasnt ap attempt and i never had conscious ap however im trying for past 5 months ]

Few days ago i was siting in my chair listening to music  and i start visualize ( law of attraction, im doing this over a year ) and this time i decided to not move, dont scratch noting. My body went numb quickly and after about hour ( i was visualize that i was im my room with stuff i want ) i suddenly start to see my room ( imagine one ) much much more vivid i mean extremely vivid not as vivid as physical room but it was sooo much more clear than just simple sit down and image something i was feeling like i was there . THE thing is that i was conscious of that im siting in my chair and im visualizing this right now i was thinking in my chair woow this is awesome: i will now look at my computer and i looked at my computer in this visualization, it was like "remote control image",  I ( in physical ) was controlling myself in this "vivid imagine room" and i said controlling myself because i saw almost as vivid as in physical it wasn't in my head i mean it was in my head but it was like i was deciding ( here ) what i will see and i saw it (there) and it looked real .

I spend over 400 hours on visualization this was soo much more different it wasnt ap it wasnt dream
Anyone know what this is  ?

I just read few times post about BEDEEKIN'S METHOD and I watched youtube video about this method and my question is:

What is so "magical" about non-dream nap and waiting 1-4 hour to attempt AP ?
What is so "magical" about taking nap after 6pm ? why not around 2pm ?

I just wanna understand because it sound to pretty for me after 5 months of trying AP and failing
Im not pessimist or skeptic , I just want to understand that

[Bedeekin's Method post is closed thats why i create new one] 

Hi, every one
Im Stan

I been trying AP for past 4 months  mostly between 3-6 attempt per day everyday ( between 9 am - 23 pm )

I experienced some things
- Third day after i started i felt like my head went through pillow ( only head 3am i didnt slept at all ) ( i experienced this only twice )
- i felt like I was floating in my body 
- i felt like i was slowly sliding from my body to right side ( only once, 2 months ago )
( I never had sleep paralysis because i could move every time when i want )
- After 15 min laying still i always feel tingling sensation in my fingers sometime in my lips
- Twice i felt like my bed is shaking but very very gently
( When im going sleep im hearing loud very high pitch sound so i started using this )
- Twice i saw my ceiling through my close eyelids (3 months ago )
- Weeks ago after 1,5h of focusing on high pitch sound i felt like i was sinking in warm honey i didnt felt my body but i focus on that feeling and it was gone in a second ( i know dont focus just allow to be )
- I had one day ONE amazing day when I always felt powerful vibration after about 30min i did 6 attempts that day and always felt them ( it was 5 weeks ago, since then i had once vibrations The Most frustrating thing in the world is that i dont know what i did then that i had that many and that easily vibrations ;/ )
- i feel often rapid heart beat
- sometime i feel like i dont have enough air sometime i start " panic " ( probably body is jumping in to sleep mode breathing )
- rarely i see strips of light
I dont see progress  its more like  one step forward and two steps back

any way
my problem is that now im using method when i listen that high pitch sound and after about 40 min im always feeling like my body is very very numb to the point i dont know 1 in what position my arms are right now 2 i have hard time define where are borders between my arms and torso at that point  i have hard time focus on sound, images are popping some rubbish thoughts i always maintain to click and come back to listening high pitch sound then after sitting still for about 70 min automatically im start thinking that im siting for a very long time then i become aware of my surroundings i still dont feel my body even when i open my eyes and decide to not move i still dont feel my body or it s in that heavy feeling  numbness state

1.Can some one tell me what is that state that i described ? name or how "far" am i from ap ( i know that you cant tell me really how far becouse its up to me,  but am i close, very far, complettly begining ? ) maybe some timeline or graph
2. The images that are popping ( its no a light or shapes  its more like for example very old memories ) is this hypnagogic state or is it my incompetence maintain focus ?

One thing for sure i will not give up on this one but
Its extremely frustrating it really is that one day i feel vibrations or some movement and next day im doing exactly the same thing and i feel nothing

Please Help