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Topics - ICWiz

Take one step at a time, and you will do fine :)
that could be true... but why does breathing too slow have to feel like suffocating?  i've had a couple of times where i reached that state and it just felt like i wasn't getting enough air, and it felt like i couldn't get my lungs to expand all the way.  it was hard not to worry that i was gonna die.  when i'm in a normal state and breathing real slow, it feels fine... i feel like i'm getting enough oxygen.  but in that state, it feels like i'm breathing my last breaths.
If You mean what I think you mean then maybe I can offer a bit of advice. Long before I read anything on the idea, I decided that, rather than picture a body outside of your own and then transfer your conciousness into that, you should imagine yourself in that body. Let me clarify, Walk around then room in your imagination, a room your familiar with, perhaps your bedroom. Do things you would usually do in your room, turn on your P.C or play your guitar or whatever, but do it in your mind. Use every sense! smell what you'd smell, feel the texture of your guitar, the taste of your dinner or whatever. Make it as real as possible. When I do this for about 20 mins I find that I begin to experience exit sensations.

Now as I mentioned, I decided that this was a good technique before I read anything on it, Through personal experience (which is a rarity on such forums as this as people tend to regurgitate what they've been told in an attempt to be helpful!) Then lo and behold I read something 3 days ago that backs up this idea on some hermetics website.

SO in answer to your question, in my experience, it is not as effective to be aware of your "astral double" as a seperate entity as this is incredibly difficult to hold for more than a few minutes, instead imagine yourself walking around.

Hope this is helpful.
Great Experience!
Please tell me, what exactly do you do to get the vibrations so quickly?