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Topics - Daece

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Just a simple Thanks
April 16, 2016, 05:10:53
Xanth- I've been reading Astral Pulse for a few years now.  I haven't posted much, instead, reading topics that benefit my needs with AP/lucid dreaming as I come to need them.  I just wanted to thank you for the energy you put into replying to every last person's question about the topic (with whatever label they put on it).  It takes incredible devotion and interest to put forth the effort you do to help people.  Instead of selling a product like Robert Bruce, you strive to teach people to think of their experience subjectively and learn to make decisions based on learning; you don't teach people to use these skills for their own personal benefit.  I wouldn't be in the place I am today without your selfless labor to the subject
Welcome to Dreams! / Passed a test
October 15, 2014, 23:12:06
I've been having a lot of tests in dreams lately about temptation, usually with women, and usually not passing  :wink:.  Last night I became lucid and just then, a beautiful girl I know walked up the stairs with some problems she wanted to talk about.  I started undressing her to then realize, "Geez man don't you think this might be a test?" I sat with her for about 15 minutes talking over what was bugging her. When we were finished, I decided to wake up since I had passed the test, as I couldn't think of anything else to do and I didn't want to stay too long and lose the memory.  That resulted in a false awakening where I ended up losing lucidity but either way, I'm happy to pass a test! 
Welcome to Dreams! / Lucid Dream Biofeedback
September 29, 2014, 13:41:10
I have been trying to lucid dream for about a year now with about 10 successful DILDs and WILDs over that period.  I recently started using the accelerometer in my android to predict REM and heard about various headbands and masks that use EEG machines to predict them more accurately.  Popular headbands are the Aurora Dreamer, Remee, and the NovaDreamer 1 and 2.  Has anyone bought these headbands/masks and found them to increase success?  I'm looking for training wheels and plan on ditching it when it becomes a crutch or need-basis to lucid dream!  If anyone has bought any (even those not listed above), was it helpful or a waste of money?
Has anyone ever been able to maintain successful communication with a negative entity?  So something like a controlled environment where this would be possible.  If so, what was the outcome?  I figure many, once realizing you have no fear, would flee or cease to exist. 
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Awareness Question
September 18, 2014, 19:10:38
A lot of people talk about awareness during a lucid dream for example.  How are aware you are being how lucid you are in terms of acknowledging you're in the "non-physical," clarity of mind, and so on.  When people talk about awareness in the our reality, the "physical," what does that mean?  We're all consciously aware of what's happening and going on so what's the difference?  How can you be more aware in the "physical" than other times? 
Tom Campbell gives a theory that, much like a simulated computer game, what we don't see is not rendered to us.  For instance, a place in the arctic with no consciousness to observe it (humans, animals, birds, etc) will not truly be "there".  As, in a simulation, why would a computer uselessly display graphics to no one?  After giving it some thought I wondered about our brains.  If no consciousness is there to "see" your brain, it technically isn't there, or being rendered in Campbell's theory.  In this case, what would fill in this gap?  It cant just empty space...  I'm approaching it with open minded skepticism so anyone's feedback is greatly appreciated.