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Topics - bennypr2002

Welcome to Metaphysics! / Dowsing & Telepathy
October 14, 2003, 18:28:03
I'm right where you are, these are questions I've been trying to find the answers for for a while, but have been unable to find the answers so far.
I agree with Pod3...Another way to see it is that since sexual activity is a large part physical with physical ramifications (changes in the entire body), it takes the Focus away from the 2nd Thought form of the Lucid Dream...

Since the Mind has trouble processing both lines of thought, it will usually take one-side...However, since the close relationship between Body and Mind is so Intimate, if You Focus more on the Lucid Dream, You will not be taken away from the Body's Thoughts, which is why it is harder to sustain a Lucid Dream in such a situation...

One thing, for Training purposes, try to Muli-Task (not necessarily switching back and forth between activities either, doing 2+ activitis that require Active use of the Mind at the same time)...I feel that the Mind CAN Process Both Though patterns, even though they occupy the same time and contradict that...Just takes some Training...

I Hope this Helped...Good Luck Training...Until we meet again...
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Knowlege of the future?
August 12, 2003, 00:46:48
There are many futures. You can choose to go to a different one or make your own.
Hi Benny,
I doubt, that you can actually heal hemroids by any method. They are a final stage of extension of veins, so there is no way back, like with a rubber string that has been overextended.
If they are real bad and return very often, only some chirurgical intervention may help.
However  you can try to ease the symptoms and heal the inflamation with NEW. I learned a method of easing hemroids by using acupuncture massage. First you massage the frontline of the body from the edge of the anus all the way up to the lower lip. Then you massage the back line from the anus up to the top of the head and down to the upper lip. It is the pathways of the microcosmic orbit, but in different direction (I once had a Qi Gong master, that told me this was also the only correct way to practise the microcosmic orbit).
If you use NEW to do the massage on front and backside up to the lips, you may sure ease the symptoms.
Also do a lot of walking. Sitting is too much is bad. If youre overweight, also look for that. The same is for obstipation.
Have a nice day
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Seeing Auras
May 13, 2003, 15:49:23
One more thing, can you learn about a person by looking at there auro. For example tell if a person is happy or sad frustrated or sick, judging on the color or the intesity? If so can sobody give an explanation on what signs people or their Aura give off?? Thanx
